Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

562 Yotsuya Miko: I Didn't Set Fire To The Mountain, Sir, I Am A Good Person!

On the street full of feasting and feasting, a man in a black suit and glasses at night was walking among the crowd with a suitcase.

The man directly ignored the weird eyes that happened to look around.

Right now is the time when many people get off work at night, most of the men are drunk, walking with a wine bottle, occasionally talking nonsense, cursing the boss for being inhuman, to die or something .

There are even young men and women passing by, talking and laughing, holding a bunch of car keys in their hands. I don’t know where they will be talking tonight.

The man was stopped by a young woman who was standing on the side of the road handing out leaflets, and directly stuffed a leaflet into his hand.

The man looked down at the leaflet in his hand, then looked at the bar with colorful lights behind the woman, and stopped involuntarily.


The woman handing out the leaflet also had a bright smile on her face when she saw this, and was about to lead her in to enjoy it, but the man took out his wallet and opened it, poured out a five-yuan coin from it, and immediately let the handout The smile on the leaflet woman's face froze instantly.

The man pressed the hat on his head, looked at the five-yuan coin in his hand, then at the heaven and earth over there, finally put the five-yuan coin in his pocket, turned and left.

The woman murmured "poor ghost" silently, then watched the other party leave, and then distributed leaflets to the potential stocks passing by to solicit customers.

The man was walking, and suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction, "What a big scene, I didn't expect such a master to exist in such a small place." It seems that I won't be lonely in the future

The place where the man looked in 20 directions was the OX Mountain where the Sanhu Valley Shrine was located. Anyone who was not blind could see the soaring black air. Of course, most ordinary people in this world are blind.

At the same time, Takeda Sane and Rom were playing support, and Zhang Qing was fighting the huge monster back and forth. Unexpectedly, the other party could take off a fox skin, revealing that his chest was full of bells, and even his eyes were bells. Distorted and weird appearance.

It makes Zhang Qing feel disgusted every time he touches the other party, so he shouldn't be playing with fists. It is conceivable how important it is to learn a weapon skill.

In fact, if it wasn't for the presence of Takeda Sane and Rom, Zhang Qing would not have chosen to use fists, but the ability of "door".

Obviously, the ability to affect reality is not possessed by ordinary psychics. At least this ability has not been seen from Takeda Saneda and Roma so far, so Zhang Qing simply hid it to avoid getting into trouble.

After all, both Roma and Takeda Sane are just strangers, and they don't have a deep friendship. If they see too much, they may become the cause of a series of troubles at any time. Zhang Qing didn't want to cause trouble for himself, so he didn't Going to expose too much.

But even so, Takeda Sane and Rom almost dropped their jaws when they saw that Zhang Qing was able to fight back and forth with that big monster.

On the other side, Yoshitani Miko, who stayed in the defensive formation with peace of mind, looked worriedly at Zhang Qing, who was fighting the monster, for fear that the opponent would be injured. At this time, two fox girls had already come to her side.

Just when Takeda Saneda was about to shout, "Be careful."

One of the fox girls suddenly ran into difficulty and killed the other fox girl, and turned around and rushed towards the big monster, as if wanting to take the opportunity to catch the other by surprise.

Seeing the corpse of the fox girl who suddenly fell beside her, Yoshitani Miko also took a breath after recovering anyway, she didn't notice the other party approaching, she was really careless.

But why did that fox girl suddenly rebel!?

Takeda Saneda and Roma looked at the rebellious fox girl rushing towards the big monster with gloomy eyes, and looked at the familiar exorcism gesture of the other party, "It really is her..."

"If you take the bell, you will become a new fox girl, succeeding the old one!?" Rom withdrew his eyes from the opponent, and landed on the chest of the big monster, which was surrounded by several arms and acted as ribs. The countless bells being protected, I recalled that it was the woman who snatched the bells before him and then disappeared.

Roma also understood one of the rules, but it was too late.

That woman who is also the master and the ancestor of the master has become an ugly fox girl monster.

"Girl over there, let's go inside now, it must be the weak point of that thing, it doesn't want us to get close, it's because that side is very important, now we can only rely on you

"Rom, you!" Takeda Saneda looked at Rom angrily when he heard the words, "Do you know what you are talking about!?"

Rom didn't look at her, but looked at Yotsuya Miko, "Of course I know, but she is the only one who can do something now, that boy is powerful, but that thing doesn't seem to be able to kill him, Perhaps this is the special feature of being a 'god', if we fight for a long time, we will lose."

Don't look, the so-called "Mountain God" is now being beaten by Zhang Qing, but the opponent has not lost, and human beings have limits, and the balance will always be in favor of the monster in the end.

Rom thought so, and obviously Takeda Saneda thought so too, so she didn't stop her again, but she still took out something from her body and threw it to Yotsuya Miko

"Take it. If you encounter danger, at least it can buy you some reaction time. Whether you escape or set up an formation to protect yourself, it is enough. Be careful!"

Yotsuya Miko took the doll and Buddhist bead bracelet thrown by the other party, nodded, "I will."

She is not reconciled to just being a spectator, this is the first time that she finally has the opportunity and ability to do something, Yotsuya Miko is very excited at the moment.

Maybe after this time, she doesn't need to be afraid of those things again.

She is no lamb!

Zhang Qing glanced at the fox girl who suddenly joined in and knocked off half of the monster's head with one blow, raised her eyebrows, and was a little surprised that the other party's sudden betrayal.

In fact, even if the other party doesn't join, Zhang Qing can still deal with this big monster, it's just that Zhang Qing wants to lure out the hidden and more terrifying guy, so he keeps releasing water.

I didn't expect this kind of accident to happen.

Takeda Mitsue shouted to Zhang Qing in the distance, "Trust her, she is my master Oka Towako [you can trust her.

The fox girl seemed to have heard what Takeda Sane said, and she smiled slightly, but instead of looking at her, she looked at Zhang Qing.

After Zhang Qing took a deep look at the other party, he nodded.

I also know that I can't continue to let the water go down, not to mention that the silly girl Yoshitani Jianzi has already run over there, there is an extra helper here, and the result is still the same as before, Zhang Qing probably has to see the problem personally up.

"It seems that we can only talk about it later, I hope the other party doesn't run away..."

Zhang Qing has a hunch that the guy who led Yotsuya Miko to this shrine is the guy who is hiding now. That guy is the culprit of everything, and this monster is just an appearance.

Seeing that the big guy wanted to turn around to prevent Yotsuya Miko from entering the temple, Zhang Qing simply dodged and punched the opponent flying into the woods, crushing many trees.

"Your opponent is us, don't be distracted, or it will be very painful."

The "*%ER(OUN" monster uttered a series of words, which seemed to be swearing, but unfortunately, even Yotsuya Miko couldn't hear what the other party said, let alone Zhang Qing and the others.

On the contrary, the fox girl seemed to hear clearly, and then looked at Zhang Qing with a strange face, but did not speak.

Yotsuya Miko glanced at the situation behind him, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the monster being beaten into the air by Zhang Qing, then came to the gate sealed by the talisman paper, took a deep breath, and without hesitation, pulled his hands away .

Under the moonlight, the inside couldn't be seen very clearly, but the room full of ropes and talisman papers was very strange no matter how you looked at it.

There is nothing else in the room except those exorcising things. There is only a small wooden table in the middle of the room. There seems to be something on it. There are several hemp ropes connected to the corners of my brother. Full of white Wugou 413 Baijing.

Yotsuya Miko turned her eyes around the room, and finally landed on the things on the wooden table in the middle, she walked slowly inside, and slowly approached.

She could hear her violently beating heartbeat, as well as her heavy breathing.

She slowly picked up the thing, and suddenly a gust of wind came from nowhere and blew up the cloth covering it. Looking at the faint moonlight, Yotsuya Miko was startled and loosened on the ground. opened.

Because it turned out to be a human head with only bones left.

The dark eye sockets aroused the fear deep in Yotsuya Miko's heart, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


When the head fell to the ground, it shattered like a ceramic vase.

The talisman paper in the room was blown away, and then spontaneously ignited. In an instant, the room was on fire, and as time went by, it became bigger and bigger.

After Yoshitani came back to her senses, she ran out of the door without even thinking about it. Just as she ran out of the temple, the temple behind her collapsed instantly, and a raging fire broke out.

Outside, Zhang Qing and the others looked at Yoshitani Miko who ran out anxiously, panting heavily, and then looked at the burning temple. In the end, Zhang Qing came over and helped her up, saying

"You set fire!?"

Yoshitani shook his head, with tears still in the corner of his eyes, and said, "There is only a skeleton human head inside, I was shocked and smashed it, and then it caught fire, right, that weird $!?"

Zhang Qing shook his head, "Suddenly shattered and burned, turned into green smoke and disappeared..."

"Okay, don't think too much, it's getting late, if you don't go back, your mother will call and scold me why I haven't brought you back."

[The author has something to say: let’s stop here for the time being. I misremembered it and thought it was very short, but it turned out to be a bit too long. Even if it is over here, if I write it later, the author will also consider adding new elements to expand the world. It can be regarded as a linkage !].

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