Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

596 Ni Hao: I Will Eventually Become The King Of This World, Hahaha!

Accompanied by Murongli who is the owner of the shop, Zhang Qing's three people and one robot kept their wallets, and they didn't have to worry about being chased away by the shop assistants. up.

Most of the purposes are actually the same as Murongli's, wanting to attract newcomers to join their forces.

In fact, this kind of force, known as the "firm" in the outside world, is also responsible for handling some supernatural events. Of course, compared with rigid official organizations, the firm will also accept the employment of ordinary people to solve some problems. Money is fine, but because of official supervision, it is not really possible to do it unscrupulously.

It's just that compared to entering the army, the fact that it is quite "free" is the biggest advantage, but the pressure of competition is also high, and it may close down or be dissolved at any time

After all, practitioners or awakened people are not necessarily good at management. If they can't even pay wages to their employees, it's only natural that they will run away.

Therefore, compared with "freedom", the financial need to find a way to solve it is the biggest shortcoming of the firm. This is not an iron rice bowl, and there is no country to give you a foundation.

But even so, there are still many new graduates from "013" who enter this industry every year and create new firms. At the same time, many old firms disappear from the public eye due to various reasons.

There is no way to do this. Although the Dragon Kingdom is large, basically all resources are in the hands of the state. It is impossible for the firm to rely on a little bit of resources leaked from the state's fingers to live. It has to go abroad, and the natural risk index will leap forward. At this time, practitioners in the firm can actually become adventurers.

As the rookie king, Zhang Qing has the qualification to enter the king realm even if his talent level is only C-level. Therefore, Murong Li, the future director of the Murong Office, is naturally very eager for this kind of talent to join her team.

Murongli valued Zhang Qing's mind more than her natural ability. The team she currently has lacks this role. The closer she is to graduation, the more anxious she will be.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here to watch this freshman class.

The time soon came to around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Several flying boats can already be seen in the sky, Zhang Qing and the others are somewhat nostalgic when they see these flying boats again, "They came to Tianjian Academy on one of the flying boats here more than a year ago.

One year passed in the blink of an eye, and it was my turn to wait for others to sit here and watch the freshmen come with all kinds of emotions, such as excitement, tension, and excitement, and I naturally felt a lot of emotion.

Ni Yuehua had already stood up, looking outside excitedly.

She seemed to really, really want to see what her brother was like.

"Don't be like this. If you run out now, you will cause trouble for the guide." Murong Li held Ni Yuehua's hand. This "one-hundred-year-old" genius not only has a soft personality, but also hasn't learned to calm down. She was very helpless.

The advantage is that it is easy to talk, but the disadvantage is that it is also easy to talk, and it is too easy to talk.

I hope that the past few years in the school can change a lot!?

Thinking of this, Murongli couldn't help but look at Zhang Qing and Zhuge Gou, and immediately felt even more headache, because these two guys are obviously also problem children, so it goes without saying that [King Kong Body], even if Zhuge Gou is soft and harmless The little girl is useless, this kind of violent talent is destined to give people the impression that she is like a poached egg, not to mention that she is not.

As for Zhang Qing, this taciturn, withdrawn man who stays up all night cultivating immortals and dies suddenly at any time, is naturally a problem child.

Not to mention that he seems to care more about self-disciplined robots than other living people. Even the two beauties live together, and there is no gossip about what happened. It can be imagined.

But even if something happens, it's impossible to think about it. If you dare to give birth to someone who shouldn't be interested in a woman with a [King Kong body], I'm afraid you haven't lived enough, and you want to deal with a [one hundred years at a glance] who has the ability to predict the future. 】It is very difficult for the owner to make a move, because there is no way to lie.

Sure enough, only a perfect normal woman like her is the ideal type of man.

.." Although Zhang Qing didn't know why Murongli was staring at her suddenly, but from her rippling expression, it could be seen that she definitely wasn't serious about it.

Zhuge Gou also persuaded, "We can just say hello later. If we pass by, it will affect the school. You don't expect your brother to ask you about the King's House. If the challenge is known in advance If you don't, it will not only harm your brother, but also implicate yourself."

In Zhuge Gou's view, since Ni Yuehua's younger brother is an S-level talent, he will naturally challenge the newcomer king's assessment.

Like a certain Hogwarts sorting hat, new students cannot be known in advance.

Therefore, try not to have too much contact between the old students and the new students. Although the school does not have a mandatory requirement, the students will still follow it as an unspoken rule.

Now that Ni Yuehua is overly excited, it is really possible that Ni Hao will answer everything he asks, and this is what needs to be worried the most.

After Ni Hao finished the challenge, he naturally had no such scruples.

Ni Yuehua took a deep breath, calmed down a bit, nodded, and said, "I know, I'm sorry, because of some relationship, Xiaohao and I haven't seen each other for a long time. When I left home, we There was also a little conflict, so..."

Little conflict...

Zhang Qing, Murongli and Zhuge Gou are not stupid, although Ni Yuehua is unwilling to elaborate, but from the other party's reaction, they can guess why.

The three of them feel somewhat uneasy about Ni Yuehua's younger brother. They may not see him for many years, and even after becoming an awakened person, they will be unable to avoid those dangerous things. Maybe this farewell will be an eternal sister. , to be able to have a conflict with her when she was about to leave home, one can imagine how bad it is.

But this is Ni Yuehua's family matter, so it's not easy for the three of them to talk about it.

Perhaps there is no need to be jealous now that they are all awakened, and they are all S-level talents. Ni Yuehua's younger brother, Ni Hao, is also a double-talented person.

The three can only hope that the other party will change after entering the school, otherwise Ni Jingjing will be very sad in the future.

Ni Hao, who had no idea that he was already a negative first impression in the minds of his "sister" friends, was walking off the flying boat with the crowd at the moment, looking at the Tianfu where he was going to spend several years.. 0

Ni Hao put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at the huge giant sword in the distance. He didn't chirp like a bumpkin like everyone else and marvel at the magnificence and beauty of Tianjian Academy.

In fact, his heart was quite shocked. After all, the world in his previous life was inferior to this world in terms of technology and individual strength. Even though he had traveled here for more than a month, he was still shocked by the advanced level of this world.

It's a pity that the Ni family seems to be a little poor, and many high-tech products are not available at home. Ni Hao really has nothing to say about this. Obviously, there is already a child who has become a noble awakener, or an S-level talent awakener. Logically speaking, the family should not be living in a very tight situation, but the result seems to have not changed at all from the memory of the original body.

Ni Hao can only come up with the answer that the parents of the Ni family are stingy Grandet. Maybe it is still the same as what Yuanshen thought, because it is his sister's money, so he doesn't want his younger brother to enjoy the benefits. When Yuanshen's elder sister left the house, the Ni family's parents might be chic outside when Yuanshen and he didn't know about it!

Ni Hao has seen the original body's memory. A year ago, the original body's sister slapped the original body, turned around and left with her luggage, because the original body wanted to use her scholarship to buy a Xunniao 21 (luxury car) .

At that time, Yuanchen's parents were also on the side of his sister Ni Yuehua, glaring at Yuanchen with a chilling snobbery.

So this time, as an S-level awakened person, Ni Hao didn't hand over the scholarship to his family members, but held it in his own hands. He didn't have any feelings for those parents, and he was still that kind of person, so naturally he wouldn't give away his own money. Let the other party take it.

He who has a golden finger, and these people and his cheap genius sister, will not be a world person in the end. If they are willing to kneel down and lick themselves, it is not impossible to give them a bite to eat 3.1, but if more, It depends on his mood.

He will eventually become the king of this world!

"Is that brother of yours mentally ill!?" Standing in front of the drink shop, Zhuge Gou folded his arms and looked at Ni Hao, who suddenly opened his arms and raised his head to laugh wildly, curling his lips and said.

Ni Yuehua was also a little embarrassed, although because Ni Hao wanted to take away her scholarship before, regardless of the money her father needed for medical treatment, she was very angry and couldn't help hitting him for the first time, but Ni Yuehua still had some affection for this younger brother , and very deep, after all, the elder sister is like a mother, Ni Yuehua takes care of Ni Hao when her parents are busy with work, so this younger brother is only more than one year younger than her.

Originally, he wanted to wave his hand to make Ni Hao notice her, but looking at it now, Ni Yuehua didn't have the guts to do so, and he didn't even want to be known as the other party's sister, it's too embarrassing

Zhang Qing pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "This is a second-degree disease, and there is no cure."

[The author has something to say: Which one should I write next!? How about a new world, "High School of the Devil"!? "Fairy Tail"!? Or the original demon, Gu Aotian!?].

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