Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

602 The Twilight Fallen Angel Delivered To Your Door!

I don't know what's going on, but in his previous life, he wasn't very enthusiastic about magical girls, but in this life Zhang Qing seems to be very fascinated by them.

Although he didn't intend to hide it, but so far not many people know about his hobby, but he managed to keep his glorious image like a big boss of Aizen, otherwise many fans would be wailing.

Of course, it may also make this town more young and beautiful girls of COS magical girls.

At that time, the only cute point of a certain Leviathan Great Demon King will also be lost, because the street is rotten.

Walking out of the bookstore empty-handed, Zhang Qing was unusually silent probably because he didn't buy the work he wanted. The Red Dragon Emperor Draig talked a lot, talking about some past events with Zhang Qing. It can be seen that these During the years, he was very lonely.

The hosts of previous dynasties have never thought about communicating with him, and most of them ended up dying because they were lost in their power, changing hosts again and again, which made this strongest dragon a little unbearable.

To make matters worse, the host of this term is a good-for-nothing with very special hobbies.

The Red Dragon Emperor Draig almost wondered if he had offended a certain Goddess who was in charge of fate or luck, otherwise why would he be so sad when he came here!?

"Don't be like this, let a female demon who is probably the devil king kiss, this is something that even the dragon dare not think about, you don't need to care about it, and there will be no curses or the like."

Thinking that Zhang Qing's silence was caused by Serafulu's sneak attack, Chiryuutei Draig began to persuade him and started working as a spiritual mentor.

20 Zhang Qing ignored this guy, of course he wasn't thinking about Serafulu, he was just thinking about how to change the god-killing tool [Chiryuutei's cage hand] into a female transforming tool, the early release is relatively difficult It's easy, it only needs to be made into a magic wand, or simply copy the one that Sera Yelu held just now.

The only thing that needs to be considered is [Forbidden Hand], that is, the dress of the magical girl after transformation. For Zhang Qing, who is a genius in this life but the only one who is hard at clothing design, this is very difficult. It is very awkward to wear, not to mention that because of the consciousness or soul of Chiryuutei Draig, the magical girl servant is still biased towards red, and it can even be said that it is almost red, which makes it even more difficult.

So Zhang Qing was thinking about whether he should go to the study to look for the magical girl works he bought before when he went back. It would be best if he could copy them again.

It's just that his thinking was misunderstood by a stupid dragon who didn't know it was going to be unlucky, but Zhang Qing naturally didn't intend to explain, for fear that this guy would resist and resist at that time. Although he can easily subdue him, there is one more thing It's better to do one thing less, in order not to cause more trouble, Zhang Qing still intends to do a good job of keeping it secret before doing it.

At this time, the sky was dim and yellow, as if everything in the whole world was covered with a layer of gold.

At the entrance of the small park, a black-haired girl wearing an unfamiliar high school uniform was staring at Zhang Qing with big watery eyes dyed with peach blossoms in the setting sun, and when she saw Zhang Qing appearing When he was there, his face showed a look of joy, and his face was instantly rosy.

After hesitating for a long time, she came out from the shadow under the tree, stopped in front of Zhang Qing, lowered her head, and peeked up.

" are Zhang Qing from Juwang Academy, right? dating you!?"

"I've liked you for a long time, really!"

The girl who had finished tilting her words was already blushing, and even the roots of her ears were like cooked shrimps. She was unconsciously stirring her hands together, as if she was very nervous

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes behind the square-frame glasses, looked at the shy girl who suddenly jumped out to confess to him, and raised his lips slightly, "Of course".

"Really!?" The girl seemed to be in disbelief that she succeeded so easily, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhang Qing in both shyness and surprise.

"Of course, how could I refuse a fallen angel maid who threw herself into the trap!?" Zhang Qing smiled and leaned into the other party's ear and said softly, his tone as gentle as he wanted.

However, what she said made the shy girl freeze instantly.

She turned her head in amazement and looked at the human boy who was gently rubbing her head in front of her. The gentle and jade-like book temperament was still there, and she seemed to be a good gentleman who had read poetry and books. But at this moment, the girl seemed to see an indifferent sitting It is like a demon king looking down on all living beings from the high heavenly throne.

She took a step back pretending to be calm, and after escaping her little head from the other party's clutches, she put on an already extremely unnatural smile and asked, "What are you talking about, Zhang Qing, what are you talking about?" Angel, you love to joke, hahahaha..."

There was cold sweat on her face.

Zhang Qing shrugged, "Well, just take it as a joke."

"By the way, I don't know your name yet!?"

The girl breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, thinking that maybe Zhang Qing was really joking just now, and she was a little angry that she was teased by a human being, and she still lost her composure. Said, "My name is Amano Yuma, Mr. Zhang Qing, if you don't mind, you can call me Yuma."

"What a cute name, Xiaobaima." Zhang Qing commented with a smile.

"It's very ordinary, and it's not as good as Mr. Zhang Qing said." Yuma Amano said shyly, covering her face with her hands.

"Then, can you go home with me now!?" Zhang Qing still smiled gently, as if he also admired the other party's shy beauty.


"Wait, that, Mr. Zhang Qing, are we moving too fast? I'm not unwilling to do that, but, but we can date first, and then..." Amano Yuma was numb, and her heart was full Scolding Zhang Qing as the reincarnation of a pervert, how could anyone make such unreasonable and excessive demands on a girl who just confessed her love so directly and confidently!?

This human being is too hypocritical, I really want those girls from Juwang Academy to see how unbearable, dirty and ugly their object of worship is behind their backs.

"That kind of thing is fine, as long as I'm hungry, as a girlfriend, shouldn't you show off your cooking skills!? What do you think Xima Jiang!?" Zhang Qing didn't seem to see the other party's gnashing of teeth generally.

"Of course, it shouldn't be enough to do some housework by the way!?"

"I don't want to do it anymore, what's not too much!? It's too much, this guy just wants a free nanny!? It must be like this!?

"Uh...that... I'm not very good at cooking, and the same goes for housework...

Before Amano Xi finished Mahjong, Zhang Qing interrupted, "That's really useless, but you can learn if you are not good at it, I can afford to wait."

Amano Yuuma clenched her fists, trying to suppress her anger, squeezed out an unnatural smile and said, "If Mr. Zhang Qing strongly requests, I will try hard..."

"Very well, let's go shopping first, I'll wait for you at home, you know where my home is." Zhang Qing nodded, expressing his satisfaction, then waved his hand, and planned to leave directly to go home.

Yuma Amano tried hard to convince herself not to be angry and not to spoil the plan, watching Zhang's disappearing figure with an ugly smile, "I said I don't know, do you believe it.

Bastard, look back anyway, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I can't take it anymore, go to die, go to die..."

After being incompetent and furious for a while, Yuma Amano also had to buy ingredients.

But when she was going to restore the body of a fallen angel, she found that she couldn't change out her wings, and the power belonging to the fallen angel in her body seemed to disappear inexplicably, and she turned into an ordinary person now.

"Why, how... how could this happen!?"

It's unbelievable, it's too unbelievable, Amano Yuma or Li Nali is still trying to mobilize the power of the fallen angel in her body, but she can't find the source of the power, it seems that she has never had it, as time goes by, Her face turned pale involuntarily.

"Why!? Why is it gone!?" All the fallen angels are actually purebred angels who have fallen. Angels can only become fewer and fewer, it is impossible to increase.

In other words, it is absolutely impossible to become a human being or something.

But now Lina Li feels that she seems to have completely turned into an ordinary human girl named "Amano Yuma", but how is this possible!? It is obviously her forged name

The pseudonym "Yuma" originated from the plan to kill Ise in the sunset, but because Hyoudou Ise was inexplicably taken away from the artifact, now the target is Zhang Qing, but the result is the same.

This is just a forged identity, there has never been such a human girl.

After the panic, she was afraid, because as a fallen angel, she realized that most of the fallen angels are a group of villains, even worse than demons. Once other fallen angels know that she has lost power, Lina Li will not Dare to imagine it.

As for the admiration for his boss, Asachel, how can he control it now!?

In the final analysis, the so-called admiration and longing are just because of the desire to be strong.

"What did you do just now!?" After walking a long distance, Chiryuutei Draig spoke again. He sensed it the moment Yuma Amano lost the power of the fallen angel, but at that time he pretended to be dead to suppress the curiosity in his heart That's all.

Zhang Qing raised his glasses, "It's nothing, just confiscating the little maid's minions."

Red Dragon Emperor Draig: "The little fallen angel probably won't think it's just 'just', you really have a bad personality."

"You are wrong, I am a good person, you see that the other party came with killing intent, I did not kill the other party, but let her live well, am I not good enough!?"

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