Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

608 Asia: Mr. Zhang Qing Is A Kind Man!


"Excuse me, how can I get to the church near here!?"

Zhang Qing, who was suddenly blocked by someone, looked at the petite blond girl in a white turban and a gray-black nun's outfit, and frowned. A few days later, Lina Li and the others cleaned it up, drove away the fallen angels and stray priests gathered there, and knocked down and rebuilt an ancient temple of Xia Guofeng by the way.

I didn't expect a nun to come to the door here. Could it be that they want to take back that piece of land!?

"Church, although I really want to help you, but there is no such thing in this small town!"

Zhang Qing smiled gently.

"Ah!?" The blond nun was stunned for a moment, "But, obviously, I was invited to see this before..."

As she spoke, the little blond nun put down her suitcase and rummaged through her body to find an invitation letter.

Zhang Qing glanced at it, and there was something like an invitation to come to Yinghua Guoju King Town written on it, and looked at the date, which seemed to be more than a month ago.

Zhang Qing smiled, pointed to an antique building on the hill over there, and said, "Well, you may be late, there was indeed a church there before, but it collapsed before it fell into disrepair, so it is now being rebuilt built a temple.

The blond nun looked in the direction Zhang Qing pointed, and indeed saw a strange building with a red body. It had an ancient and solemn feel, but it was very well integrated into the mountains and forests, forming a whole without any sense of disobedience.

The little nun who had never seen this style of building wanted to go and have a look, but after realizing that she lost her belonging again, she couldn't help but fell into a low mood in an instant.

She stood on the street at a loss, looking around blankly.

After being expelled from the church, she managed to find a foothold, but when she arrived, she was told that there was no longer there, and she was standing alone in this unfamiliar country with no relatives. Asia Argento Suddenly, she felt as if she was standing outside the world, and the people and things coming and going around her had nothing to do with her, and she was not accepted by the world.

Suddenly her head sank, and Asia felt a very warm feeling from her head, which dispelled the coldness and desolation in her body, and brought her back to reality from the silent world of lonely people.

"Are you okay!?" Zhang Qing reached out and patted the other person's head with concern.

"Ah! That, I, I... I'm fine, thank you..." Asia, who was awakened, felt the warm and generous palm above her head, and couldn't help but feel a little hot, and said in a panic.

"I'm Zhang Qing, you can call me Zhang Qing or Ah Qing." Zhang Qing retracted his hand and introduced himself.

Asia looked at Zhang Qing's palm away from her with some reluctance, but still squeezed out a smile and said, "My name is Asia Argento, and I was a nun before...

"Before!.||?" Zhang Qing caught a certain keyword in the other party's mouth and asked.

Asia smiled bitterly and nodded, "For some reason, I was expelled from the church where I was, and then I received an invitation from the local church here. the clergy of the Church, so..."

It was said that Zhang Qing's eyes under the glasses flashed a light, and he said in a voice as sincere as possible without strong personal emotions, "Although I really want to comfort you, but in a sense, you are a blessing in disguise, and you are lucky!"

Seeing Asia wiping her tears and looking up at herself in doubt, Zhang Qing beckoned her to find a place to sit with him, and explained:

"I say this because, because the church was abandoned for a long time, there were only some vicious hooligans and hooligans who used it as their stronghold on weekdays. Many people in the town suffered from it on weekdays. Run some bad business"

When the word "business" was mentioned, I took a deep look at Asia, and I could clearly see that this little nun, who was not experienced in the world, flinched a little. It seemed that she didn't really understand the world Silly and sweet.

"So, you should be glad it's gone, otherwise..."

Asia swallowed her saliva, as if imagining some terrible pictures, but a certain long-standing belief in her heart still made Asia question, "But, but that is the place where the light of the Lord shines, how can it be possible? it possible to allow that kind of thing to happen!?"

"Well, I don't doubt your words, but, just, sorry..."

Zhang Qing was not angry either, "It's okay, after all, I'm a stranger, and it's really hard for people to believe me when I say this to you suddenly, I understand.

"I didn't mean that, I just..." Asia bit her lower lip and didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

"It's okay, it's okay, although I'm an atheist, it's not that I can't understand you, but if everyone in this world is unwilling to work hard, and if they encounter difficulties, they will pray to the gods or heaven for help, then I don't think such a person is alive. What do you mean, sorry, did I say something inappropriate!?"

The silent Red Dragon Emperor Draig groaned in his heart: Sure enough, it hasn't changed at all, you are a villain in your bones! Do you still know that you said something you shouldn't say!?

Zhang Qing seemed to have heard a certain dragon's grievance in his heart, and the beast patted his pocket to signal him to be quiet.

"No, it's just the first time I heard such words, and I was a little shocked." However, Asia shook her head. She was willing to treat even demons. In fact, she was a very tolerant person at heart. She believed in God, but But it doesn't mean that you can't tolerate other people's ideas.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this tolerant heart that the artifact [Smiling Virgin] was chosen.

Seeing this, Zhang Qing raised her eyebrows secretly. She didn't expect to meet this kind of person. I'm afraid it's difficult for ordinary words to shake the other party's belief.

"By the way, since you were expelled by the church, why don't you try to be a priest in that temple!? Don't you have nowhere to go!? Then go to the temple over there.

"Huh!? But I don't know the people there, and..." Asia was a little moved, but she didn't have any friendship with the people there, not to mention that the gods she believed in were all different. In the past, she would be chased away as a provocation. She still has common sense about this.

"Don't worry, that was built by me. There are no people in it now, but it's not right for you to live in such a remote place by yourself. Do you want to live in my house temporarily first!?" Zhang Qing didn't intend to let go of a person with a divine weapon, and it seemed very interesting to make a firm believer give up his original belief.

"Huh!?" Asia looked at Zhang Qing in surprise, as if asking if he was joking.

"What's the matter, don't you want to!?"

"No, no, it's just a little sudden. I was still worrying about what to do by myself!? It's great that you can take me in, but will it cause you trouble!?" Asia asked worriedly.

Zhang Qing looked at the other party again, "Oh!? Are you afraid that I'm a bad person, and I'll do something to you!? Going home with a strange man whom I met for the first time is a very dangerous thing!"

`Well. Aisia shook her head when she heard the words, "I can feel that Mr. Zhang Qing, you are a very gentle and kind person. "

The blond nun sitting on a park bench smiled sincerely at the moment, and the warm sunlight fell on her, as if she was shining.

"Heh, of course I'm a good person." Zhang Qing chuckled, and suddenly felt that the other party was not without the slightest merit, at least honest, able to discern his essence, Zhang Qing reached out and rubbed the other party's cunt again He stood up and said, "Then come with me. Don't worry, there are three kind-hearted, gentle, kind and easy-going young ladies in my family. You don't have to worry too much, you will definitely get along well."

Asia followed happily and got up, not forgetting to pick up her suitcase.

"Wooooow..." At this moment, the whimpering and crying of a child came from the park.

Asia was stunned for a moment, then stopped Zhang Qing, and said apologetically, "Well, can you wait!? Something seems to have happened over there!"

Zhang Qing nodded gently. After getting the approval, Asia breathed a sigh of relief, and then trotted towards the direction of the voice.

Of course Zhang Qing also followed, as for a certain Chiryuutei who was complaining, he didn't bother to pay attention.

In the park, a little kid fell down on his knee and scratched his skin, bleeding a little. The wound was actually not that big. Asia went straight to squat down to heal him. Zhang Qing stepped forward and held down the opponent's hand. hands, under the puzzled and anxious eyes of Asia (Winning the King), Zhang Qing said with a little indifference, "If you help him now, you will hurt him."

"However, he is in great pain and needs help..." Asia didn't understand why Zhang Qing said that.

Zhang Qing didn't answer Asia's question right away. He took out a small medicine box from his schoolbag, took out cotton swabs, liquid medicine, and a few band-aids, squatted down to treat the wound on the little ghost head on the ground who was only busy wiping his tears, and after finishing these Then I looked at Asia, "People only remember the lesson when they are in pain. You can just pass by to help him this time, but what about the next time!? Are you going to follow him and help him heal for the rest of your life!?"

"Perhaps you can indeed heal the other party in an instant, and it's just a matter of effort, but you let him miss a chance to learn a lesson. This is just a small lesson. He still has a chance to correct and learn and never make the same mistake again. But with your small effort, he lost this opportunity, and the next time he encounters greater difficulties and pain, it will kill him."

Asia was stunned. She never thought that it would be a mistake for her to just want to help others and heal others. This is different from what the people in the church said. Except that she should not treat demons, she should not treat anyone. That's right.

However, someone told her now that saving people is like killing people, which made Asia suddenly feel a little confused.

Who is right!?.

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