After Akeno Himejima and the others were exhausted and kicked out, Zhang Qing took Asia and left. As for Rias's psychological problems, it is obviously not something that a person he just met can solve. Medicine and medicine are needed, not to mention that this problem can only be overcome by Rias herself.

Zhang Qing was just pointing it out, and what he did was to make Rias unable to continue deceiving herself and continue to escape.

As for why he did this, I have said it before, at least for now the demons like Rias and Chitori Sona give him pretty good senses, and humans, as a disadvantaged group, are divided by various gods, not to mention Large and small countries are independent and self-governing.

Although he is not the kind of saint who has the righteousness to protect all human beings, at least the people of his own country, Zhang Qing still wants his land to be safe enough.

At the same time, it is impossible for Zhang Qing to keep sheltering, there will always be a day that he can't take care of.

Therefore, it is necessary to attract allies, but Zhang Qing has to judge for himself which of the ten choices is the most suitable, whether it is a family or just a few foreign friends.

Before knowing the entire demon group, Zhang Qing will not make a judgment lightly.

As for the angels, they were no longer within the scope of Zhang Qing's consideration of "eight three three" at the beginning, because that would allow the church to enter the territory of the Xia Kingdom, which was already filled with smog from the light bulbs, and could not stand the second. The devastation of a foreign god sect.

Especially the Church and the Baboon Sect are best at demagoguery.

At present, it seems that the devil can barely think about it.

In fact, the best way is to let the human race have their own power, but Zhang Qing has it in his hand, but there are various problems, such as the internal strength of the martial arts world, in this world where magic and other powers exist, it may be more difficult than It is much easier to practice in the world of martial arts, and even everyone can be a cultivation wizard in the world of martial arts, but for Xia Guo, who has a serious fault in ancient culture and even treats many things of his ancestors as dross, even giving them magical secrets is useless , It is useless to understand.

In fact, it’s not that there are qigong master practitioners in Xia’s country, but there are too few of them. People in this era will not practice at all, because it’s too hard, and even because of many fake programs, they no longer believe in this, thinking that this is The melons that the ancestors boasted about and sold were just melons.

The same is true for cultivating immortals, and the flaws are even greater. Because the cultivation of immortals is strong, but the requirements for aptitude are higher. into self-destructive infighting.

Magic is possible, but if it is done in this way, once it spreads to foreign countries, then Xia Guo, which is not the country with the strongest technology, will fall behind again in terms of extraordinary power, and then its international status will drop again and again. Borders are the ones who have the most say. This is tantamount to harming one's own country and enriching those countries that are not friendly to one's own country. Zhang Qing is naturally unwilling.

In fact, even if there is a suitable cultivation system, it is useless. Unless they can become strong in an instant, other foreign races, especially the gods, absolutely do not want to see humans have the power to strengthen themselves, otherwise, how can they harvest all kinds of things from humans! ?

There is Buddhism in Xia Kingdom, and there are churches abroad, and they are all attacking those practitioners such as magicians, calling them heresy, etc., and there are even big bald people behind many anti-fake programs in Xia Kingdom, so there is almost no It is possible to make Xia Guo make changes without moving anyone.

Of course, Zhang Qing thinks that he is very strong now, but he doesn't know how strong he is, whether he is the strongest in the world, and he is also worried that if he does it rashly, someone will not be able to help but attack, and it may not only deal with him , and will directly take action to erase Xia Guo, which Zhang Qing does not want to see.

So what he needs now is to spy on the face of this world a little bit, to see if there is an invincible opponent, and he must be careful.

The demons like Rias are his bridges, and with them, he can enter that mysterious world.

So when Zhang Qing is helping Lias and the others, he is actually using them. Of course, Zhang Qing will not tell them, nor will he let them know. The world knows nothing.

You say Red Dragon Emperor Draig, that is an old antique, and the soul consciousness has been imprisoned in the artifact, what he knows is basically outdated, and as a dragon, he seems to have a very simple mind, and he is actually not good at many things. Shang Xin knew that fighting the White Dragon Emperor, besides bragging about how strong he was, was just mentioning that there were two dragon gods

Zhang Qing couldn't get too much information from this kind of cheating at all.

As for the so-called Dragon God, is it the ceiling of the current world, who knows!? Just like the world of Dragon Ball, everyone on Earth thought Piccolo was the ceiling in the early days, and Frieza after that, but again and again I was told that there are stronger ones behind, even Shenlong is stronger, do you dare to believe it!?

So if you count on a stupid dragon, you feel that you can see the whole picture of the whole world, that's really overthinking.

On the way home, suddenly the phone in Zhang Qing's pocket vibrated.

Zhang Qing took it out and looked at it, and found that it was a string of garbled characters, but he still answered, "What's the matter!? If you ask that, you also know that there is no progress on my side

Yes, this is the boss, or the person in charge, who is responsible for contacting Zhang Qing, the secret police.

The other party didn't seem to care about Zhang Qing's attitude, and said, "It's not like this, you should just take it as a vacation. Anyway, at your age, you should focus on your studies."

It is precisely because the possibility of catching "Thousand Faces" is very unlikely that Zhang Qing was sent here. It can be regarded as giving him a vacation so that he can live a normal school life, otherwise he can just send an older one. No, there is no need to send a high school student here, even if he can become an undercover policeman, Zhang Qing cannot be an ordinary person.

"Really, boring conscience!" Zhang Qing spit, these guys regard them as potentially dangerous people and the best tools, but at the same time they have a disturbed conscience, always thinking about making up for them, giving them the best, providing All kinds of needs are really annoying and not annoying.

"Well, even a soldier has a soft heart. You are still a child, so don't be so old when you talk. You will not find a girlfriend in the future. By the way, why do you have so many girls living together? , let me tell you, don't mess with the relationship between men and women, this is a big problem...."

Zhang Qing rolled his eyes, saying that he couldn't find a girlfriend, and at the same time told himself not to be the king of the sea, is this old guy too busy with work and now he has a mental problem!?

"Tell me, what's the matter!? It's okay, I hang up..0"

Glancing at Asia who seemed to be planning to eavesdrop with her ears pricked up, Zhang Qing pressed her head to prevent her from approaching, and then threatened to hang up the phone if she didn't talk about business.

"Ahem, don't, really, I'm your patriarch and guardian anyway, you guys don't take me seriously, can you respect me a little bit!?"

"I'm afraid of you. I'm contacting you this time to inform you of one thing, that is, another secret police [Baiwei] is coming to your side. Take care of her!"

Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows, "Why do you come here? I don't need two secret police here at all, and don't we have a rule that the secret police should not have too much overlap!?"

The person on the opposite side sighed, "That's because you remembered wrongly. We don't have that kind of regulation here. You don't know each other and haven't met each other. It's just because you are all weirdos. If you think other people don't know each other, don't ask for it." , are just cumbersome, in short, you are all problem children, I want you to get to know each other but you can't do it, it's not my fault."

"For the other party, this time it's because there was some big commotion not long ago. During this time, I need to avoid the limelight and find a place to hide for a while. After I gave her a few options, she decided to go to your side and said Get up, you really didn’t know each other before!? Why? I always think she looks impatient and nervous, as if she is going to meet her lover!?”

"Girl!?" Zhang Qing asked, grasping the point.

"Yeah, otherwise, how could he still be a man!?" The person opposite said in a daze.

"Oh! Then I don't know!" Zhang Qing said confidently.

"You, how many times have I told you to keep your mouth shut in front of girls? It's because of your extra mouth that those girls avoid you like a snake." The person on the other side seemed a little crazy.

"I'm just a more honest person." Zhang Qing said indifferently.

"In short, things are like this 2.9, after [Baiwei] comes to your side, don't say things that shouldn't be said. Her talent is not in IQ, and her heart is not strong enough to be afraid of any blow. If she collapses, You have to heal me when the time comes, you know!?" The person opposite warned.

For a super dangerous guy whose psychological attainment is even as good as mind reading, the person opposite obviously knows how dangerous Zhang Qing is. In fact, Zhang Qing didn't meet other members of the dark police before. Just don't want to see him.

"I'm a good person, you guys have misunderstood me a little too much." Zhang Qing frowned.

"Hehe, I know you are a good person, you don't need to emphasize it." The person opposite said very perfunctorily.

"In short, that's all, I won't bother you anymore, remember not to bully the other party, I'll hang up!"

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Zhang Qing also turned it off and put it away.

Looking at Asia with puffed cheeks, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It's useless for you to be angry, if you can't listen, you can't listen."

"Obviously I told you everything about myself, it's not fair!"

"But I didn't ask you to tell me!"

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