Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

618 Zhang Qing: Did You Go Through The Back Door? ? Unqualified!

"The Heavenly King Gedihu.


"Heavenly King Gedihu!"

Zhang Qing looked at this colleague code-named [Baiwei] with an idiot's gaze, and the other party yelled inexplicable words at him as soon as he came back, even Asia was too scared to go forward to say hello.

Mo Li bit her lower lip, looked at Zhang Qing who didn't say a word, but also looked at her with a mentally retarded look, and felt a little bit drummed in her heart.

What's the situation with the other party!? Why didn't he speak? Could it be that he doesn't know how to answer passwords!?

"Did you get sent here for training because of a mental problem!?" Zhang Qing looked him up and down. He looked pretty good, but there seemed to be something wrong with his brain.

Seeing Zhang Qing looking over, the three daughters of Lina Li quickly waved their hands, expressing that they and the others had not done anything secretly to the other party, and that the other party's mental illness was there before, and it had nothing to do with them.

"Odds change and even stay the same." Mo Li didn't care about Zhang Qing's poisonous tongue, she said another code word, and she felt that Zhang Qing must have never heard of that before.

However, in return, Zhang Qing pretended to make a call, intending to explain to the person in charge that he had received it, but his brain seemed to malfunction during the process.

Mo Li hurriedly stopped, "I'm in a normal mind, I'm just checking the code with you."

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes, "Signal!?"

"What code!?"

Mo Li blinked and said, "Prevent you from being a fake, after all, didn't you come here to find that guy!?"

"Heh, you're pretty smart, but is the password you made up temporarily useful!?" Of course Zhang Qing knew who the guy the other party was talking about, but Zhang Qing knew that the other party was lying, but he didn't bother to expose it.

Mo Li smiled and said, "It's a fake answer, it must be useful."

Fortunately, this girl is witty.

Seeing this, Asia stepped forward and said hello, "Hello, I am Asia Argento, please give me your advice!"

"Just call me Mo Li, and please teach Asia a lot." Mo Li looked at the blond girl in front of her and became more and more restless, but she still resisted the urge to look back at Zhang Qing

Trying to be calm and smiling.

A strange color flashed in Zhang Qing's eyes, and he raised his eyebrows.

As for the other party who seems to know Asia, it is not accurate to say that he only knew Asia after hearing Asia's self-introduction, but it seems that he knew that there was such a person a long time ago.


In fact, Mo Li panicked a lot at this moment. She didn't expect that even Asia was here. Could it be that her colleague really killed the protagonist with cruelty like in some fan novels!? Otherwise, why would the heroine die? One of them will appear here!?

If he is revealed to be a time traveler, will he also be cleaned up!?

"What's wrong with you, why are you sweating so much on your face!?" Asia asked with some concern.

"No, it's nothing, it's just a little hot." "." Mo Li said with a guilty conscience.

"Is it hot!?" Asia looked at the air conditioner that was on, and her expression was a little weird.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm more afraid of heat.

Zhang Qing raised his glasses and stopped looking at the other party, "Don't pay attention to her, she will get used to it.

Asia looked at Zhang Qing who said this speechlessly, "But now she has no blood on her face."

"Then you can heal her!" Seeing Asia's disbelief, Zhang Qing signaled Asia to release the healing ability of the artifact.

Facts have proved that a person who is not sick can't be cured even by an artifact.

But maybe he finally calmed down a bit, and Mo Li's complexion improved a lot.

She told Asia, who was still worried, that she was just a little anemic, and Asia believed it.

After the meal, the two entered the bathroom. Taking advantage of being the only two of them left together, Mo Li asked, "Aisia, how did you know Zhang...I mean I'm showing off!?"

Asia was rubbing her hair full of soap bubbles, and she didn't open her eyes. When she heard Mo Li's question, she didn't hide it, and told what happened back then.

"I feel very lucky now that I happened to meet Mr. Zhang Qing at that time, otherwise, I don't know where I would be now!?"

Asia had a happy smile on her face.

"That's it..." The expression on Mo Li's face became more and more weird, because the very important abandoned church in Asia's words was gone, and it was the so-called one of his compatriots.

Thinking that it used to be the site of the fallen angels, and now the three female fallen angels in it were working as Zhang Qing's maids, Mo Li was terrified, because it meant that Zhang Qing was getting more and more difficult.

Why didn't I, a time traveler, open it!?

Otherwise, why would she come here to find opportunities!?

Sighing the weather, Mo Li tentatively asked, "Aisia, do you like him!?"

Asia, who was washing her hair with the shower, suddenly blushed, "Oh, no, that... um..."

Looking at the other party's appearance, Mo Li couldn't understand why, so she couldn't help but smiled and said, "I see, then I hope you are happy."

To be honest, she liked the role of Asia very much before, and she even felt that the male protagonist Issei Hyouto was not good enough for him more than once, because of his poor qualifications, he was unwilling to work hard or the direction of hard work was wrong. Or the other heroines died early.

After all, Hyoudou Issei is the kind of guy who is still obsessed with yellow waste when his companions are killed. He is also unable to protect the people around him every time, and he also develops obscene moves to let his female companions disappear to other men. Look, a pretty bad guy.

All the plots where the hero saves the beauty, in fact, if you look back and re-read it, you will find that it was all avoidable from the beginning, and it was all directly and indirectly caused by Hyoudou Issei, but the heroines fell in love with each other single-mindedly. I didn't care that the reason why I was injured was because of the other party's carelessness.

Maybe the other party did come back and rescued them in the end, but it cannot be denied that the other party was making it harder.

Mo Li hates the protagonist, and the protagonists in various works hate it.

Asia blushed and nodded, "That....I will."

At night, there was a knock on the door of Zhang Qing's room.

Zhang Qing opened the door and saw Mo Li in pajamas, "Is there something wrong!?"

Mo Li took a deep breath and said, "I have something to tell you.

"Come in!" Zhang Qing stepped aside and didn't expect the other party to come in.

Mo Li didn't shirk and walked in directly, then sat on Zhang Qing's bed, and asked straight to the point, "Are you also a time traveler!?"

She thought about hiding it, but finally found that it was meaningless, unless she left directly, otherwise it would always be exposed.

Zhang Qing looked indifferently at the girl who was pretending to be calm. At this moment, the girl no longer had two buns on her head, and her black hair fell naturally, making her look very weak.


Mo Li almost vomited blood, do you believe me!? Look at what you have done!?

"I think we should face each other frankly."

"Oh!" Zhang Qing replied extremely perfunctorily, and had no more words.

Mo Li is a little crazy, I want to say that I am also a time traveler, I will not interfere with what you want to do, but I also have my purpose, I want to obtain extraordinary power, we can coexist friendly. "

Zhang Qing looked at Mo Li who started to explode, his eyes were full of smiles, "Then what if I refuse!?"

Mo Li gritted her teeth, "Then we'll die, don't think I'm easy to bully, I also have cards!"

Zhang Qing leaned against the door, looked at Mo Li who was still bluffing, and asked, "When you came here, didn't that guy tell you what kind of person I am!?"

"No! Why are you asking this!?" Mo Li said suspiciously.

Zhang Qing walked over, leaned into Mo Li's ear and whispered, "I'm a monster with 'mind reading skills'. I thought I was already very famous, but I didn't expect you to have never heard of it. It seems that I am a little I think too highly of myself.

Mo Li's heart trembled, and she couldn't help but back away, "Reading... mind reading skills!?"

"That's right, it's like now you are yelling in your heart why someone has such a perverted ability, and you just met me', is that what you think in your heart now!?" Zhang Qing seemed not to see Mo Li's face As frightened as he was, he said with a gentle smile.


Mo Li didn't expect that the other party really knew what she was thinking in her heart, and her face suddenly changed between red and white.

Are you kidding me!?

"I'm not joking, and I rarely joke!" Zhang Qing said again (Qian Dehao).

Mo Li couldn't help hugging her head, trying to let her mind go blank, "What on earth do you want to do!?"

Zhang Qing shrugged, "It's nothing, I just want to see if you're really stupid. It seems that you are really stupid. Now I'm a little curious about how you are valued as a secret police!?"

I easily believe what other people say, and it is easy to think wildly and scare myself. Sometimes I do things impulsively and recklessly. It seems that it does not meet the standards of this industry. I will not be released just because I am a woman, or simply go through the back door!?

"Who do you think is stupid!?" Mo Li suddenly couldn't care less about being afraid, and looked angrily at Zhang Qing who belittled his IQ, as if he cared about it very much.

Zhang Qing didn't answer this nonsensical question, but the meaning is already obvious.

"Leave this kind of triviality aside, I am very interested in the time traveler you mentioned, don't you mind explaining it in detail!? Miss time traveler!?"

"Aren't you good at reading minds!?" Mo Li gritted her teeth and asked.

Zhang Qing held up an index finger and said, "First, I don't have any mind-reading skills, I just predict your psychology based on your micro-expressions, and mind-reading skills don't mean you can see a person's memory, you have to understand this a little."

Then he raised his second finger, and continued, "Second, I'm serious when I say you're stupid."

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