"Xiao Qingqing, you should know that demons are creatures that are very loyal to their desires. On the contrary, gods prefer those who have no desires and desires. Well, generally speaking, it is nothing to be associated with demons. Bad guys, but they all have some kind of greed in their hearts."

At night, a group of people went out for a walk after eating to digest food.

Juwang Town is a bit quiet at night, probably because it is not a big city, so after nightfall, there will be very few vehicles on the road, without the noisy atmosphere of a big city.

Walking in the park, it is rare that no one disturbs you, it is completely your own world, it is like renting out the entire lake park.

Serafulu suddenly jumped forward, walking backwards with her hands behind her back, facing Zhang Qing, with a smile on her face.

The night wind blew her hair, and at this moment, Serafulu seemed to have the entire starry sky in her eyes, bright and dazzling, even under the cover of night, she still couldn't stop her light

The breeze carried her unique fragrance.

After Zhang Qing and her stared at each other for a few seconds, he said, "Although I don't know what you want to say suddenly, please turn off your glowing props."

Yes, at this moment, Serafluu is like a big light bulb, so dazzling that it hurts the eyes.

Asia and the others have covered their eyes with their hands.

"Hey, I turned on the switch by accident, so I said why the surrounding area suddenly became so bright!?" Serafulu stuck out her tongue, and then pressed a certain button on her chest. button, the surroundings suddenly returned to darkness, T's dim yellow light.

Mo Li put down her hands and complained, "Your clothes are quite advanced..."

Lina Li's three fallen angels were also speechless, and there was a demon playing with them, what kind of weirdness is this!?

"Whether it's a human being or a demon, even an angel can't truly be desireless, but demons rarely hide it. Perhaps this is a natural characteristic, so once reincarnated as a demon, some of their own This kind of desire will grow rashly, if you are determined, it’s fine, you will master this power sooner or later, but there are also people who get lost in the sudden growth of desire, and thus become ugly both physically and mentally.”

"Just as angels fall to heaven and become fallen angels because of evil thoughts in their hearts, demons also become monsters because of out-of-control desires."

Serafru ignored everyone's doubts and continued, "So don't believe in any strange demons just because I am a magical girl who is the embodiment of love and beauty.

While saying this, Serafulu looked towards Asia, "I'm afraid that the demon you treated back then was uneasy and kind from the beginning, you have to be prepared!"


"That...... Excuse me, what do you mean by what you said just now!?" Asia asked, looking at Serafluu with some puzzlement.

Serafulu shook her head, "Thanks to Xiao Qingqing, Lias and the others thought that other competitors were making trouble in their territory, and they happened to have a suspicious target who shouldn't be here, so they submitted the matter to to us, and then we will investigate."

Seeing Asia still bewildered, Seraflu scratched her face and said, "Um, is it hard to understand!? I've made it clear enough!?"

"It means that the demon that caused you to be expelled from the church happened to appear in Juwang Town. The other party is also an outstanding demon of the younger generation, and is a very promising player in the ranking game (cada), so Rias and Xiao Cang Then I was worried about whether the other party wanted to engage in some off-the-market tricks, so I reported the matter. Suzeks and I launched an investigation, and found out about your matter, and at the same time found that the other party has some problems. , can you understand!? Now you are being targeted by the other party! Little Asia.

"Huh!? This!? That's sorry, I can't remember what the other person looks like..." After thinking about it for a while, Asia said with a little guilt that she had forgotten what the other person looked like.

"Aren't you angry!? The other party caused you to be expelled from the church, otherwise you would still be a beloved saint!" Seraflu said in surprise.

Although she intended to let Zhang Qing and them, especially Asia, who was too naive, be on guard and make them nervous, she never expected that even if Asia was not angry, she should not have such a flat attitude.

The reason Serafulu had to live in Zhang Qing's house was not because she was really homeless, and it was not entirely because she had a good impression of Zhang Qing, but more because of protecting Asia. After all, for some reason, they It is not yet possible to arrest the traitor Diodora, and the other party may come to contact Asia at some point.

After hearing the words, Asia secretly looked at Zhang Qing beside her, and said with a blushing face, "In that case, I'm a little angry, but I'm more grateful..."

Although Asia's words are as fine as a mosquito, but the people present are all people with excellent ears, so they can hear clearly. Looking at the other party's expression, it doesn't seem like a fake. If Diodora appears in front of the other party now, she will Maybe she would really thank her face to face, Seraflu was also a little speechless.

That guy will cry, he will cry.

Zhang Qing looked at the demon hiding in the woods with his hands behind his back, and asked, "So so many stray demons here recently are related to that guy!?"

Of course, it is impossible for him not to notice that someone is hiding nearby, and it is difficult to ignore the stench and malice that emanates. Zhang Qing is very sensitive to other people's emotions in this life, and his natural perception is also keen.

He found out as early as when Seraphro began to say inexplicable words.

Serafulu took her gaze away from Asia, then looked at the grove over there, and shook her head, "I don't know, I've arrested quite a few, but I haven't been able to find out anything, in fact These stray demons don't seem to know why they came to Juwang Town."

"After all, he is a guy dominated by desire, and he doesn't think too much!"

Mo Li thought of something and said, "I remembered. Recently, it seems that there have been reports that several couples disappeared in a nearby park. I said that it shouldn't be so quiet here at night. It turned out to be because of this incident." Influenced, I dare not come here for a date."

"By the way, are demons eating people!?"

Seraflu spread her hands, "You can ask those human-eating humans this question. I think you simply think that demons cannibalize humans is a problem."

Lina Li's three daughters ignored the others who were still chatting. They looked at Zhang Qing and asked, "Dear master, do you need us to solve it!?"

They seemed to be looking forward to it.

Although it was just dealing with a low-level stray demon, the third daughter Lina Li, who hadn't moved her body for a long time, was already impatient.

Sure enough, they prefer to fight!

The feeling of venting violence and power is unstoppable.

Zhang Qing didn't answer right away, he looked at Serafulu, intending to listen to the other party's opinion.

Serafulu looked at Lina Li's third daughter and nodded, "Yes, but it's best to hold your breath, although we know that the possibility is very small, but we still have to conduct a routine interrogation.

"Then, you guys go, be careful not to make too much noise." Zhang Qing then nodded in agreement with the three girls' challenge.

"It feels very hard." Mo Li actually felt a little itchy. She had been practicing for a while, and she hadn't fought anyone yet. Of course, the ones in the virtual space were not counted. There was too much grass there, and she was completely targeted. , It was all conspiracy and trickery, Mo Li felt that Zhang Qing must have played the trick, otherwise how could she be in a completely different situation!?

"Well, he is the devil king after all." Serafulu also sighed a little tiredly.

Ever since she became the Demon King, she has been busy with work. To be honest, she also wants to retire. Serafru suspects that the reason why Cang Na has such a relationship with herself now must be because she can’t be with her all day long like before. The reason she sticks together.

Zhang Qing didn't pay much attention to the battle between Lina Li and the others. He took off his glasses, took out a handkerchief to wipe the lenses, and said without raising his head, "You should also pay attention, the governor of the fallen angels, that one is called Asaxie The guy from Er should also be hiding in this small town, you should be hostile."

"Hee hee, Xiao Qingqing, do you care about her!? Why don't you close the door tonight, let's have a good chat!?" Serafulu seemed to be very surprised and jumped up, hanging on Zhang Qing.

As for Asachel Zhang Qing mentioned, Serafulu already knew the existence of the other party, and also knew where the other party was hiding, maybe the other party had no intention of hiding at all

This is related to the third mission of Serafulu's coming to the human world this time, which is to monitor what kind of plans Azachel, the leader of the fallen angels, is planning, and by the way, protect Rias and Zhichi Cang when necessary. The safety of that.

At the level of Asachel, without the Demon King participating in the battle, Rias and the others are absolutely unable to be hostile, and they may be captured and become a threat.

This is definitely not what they want to see, so even if the underworld will lose a demon king, they must come here.

The current situation has already made them unable to understand.

Therefore, we must be careful and careful in everything, and we must not let go of some details.

Zhang Qing pushed the "octopus monster" away, and said, "You're thinking of peaches."

"Really, there's no reason why the beautiful girl who delivered it to your door wouldn't eat it. Little Qingqing, something's wrong with you, you don't like men, do you!?" Seraph pouted dissatisfiedly after falling to the ground. .

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