Just as Luo Tianyi and the others were trying to pass the time and make preparations in the abandoned playground.

On Blue Star Xia Guo's network, there was a post that went viral.

The title of this post is: What did you find in Qiyun Skynet!?

Host: "Today I tried to use Qiyun Skynet to check one of my teachers. To be honest, I hated her very much before, because the host was a scumbag, and I felt that she always treated me differently and looked down on me, but no Thinking of me checking it out, I found out that the other party's luck value is in the thousands, and I am a scumbag with only two digits, dozens of 1 more,..."

"Honestly, I am amazed by the good things she has done that no one knows about. I think I misunderstood her, so I apologize here!"

Yes, Qiyun Tianwang can check how many luck points a person has, and at the same time, it will also list some reasons why they get luck points, but it does not mean that good deeds have luck points, because this luck What can be queried on the Internet is the luck value of an individual in the national fortune, which is only available after doing good things that contribute to the country.

Therefore, although the Xia people also want a secret place like John Bull Country, they are not very envious because if the individual consumes the luck value, then the country's luck value will also decrease accordingly. This is a hand A double-edged sword, if used well, is naturally good, but if it is wrong, it is likely to accelerate the country's subjugation.

Especially in Western countries where capital is paramount, if there is no guarantee, it will definitely develop in a good direction. Customers are God, what can’t be sold!? It can’t be stopped at all, and capitalists will sell tickets Yes, think about it, if you don't stop them and go in one by one, I'm afraid John Niu will have to dive into the water.

And Xia Guo's Qi Luck Skynet 20 does not need to consume Qi Luck at all. Although there is only one query function, it is actually what is most needed for a country like Xia Guo, secret magic or something, Ever since I saw the charter woman, I know that my country has always had martial arts, why should I envy this!?

Instead, more and more people saw this post, and then more and more people joined in, sharing their discoveries and interesting stories one after another.

"The landlord is still a good boy, and he can correct his mistakes. I think your teacher will forgive you, and you can also follow your teacher's example. She will take care of you. "It proves that she hasn't given up on you, doesn't it!?"

"But I have also tried this function. Alas, I am not as lucky as the landlord. I am inquiring about my wife, but can you imagine!? I am now at the police station with my wife, and we have to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau later gone."

Then this man shared that he inquired about his wife's luck value out of curiosity, and found that it was zero. After checking, he found that he had been cuckolded, and that old man was actually a black man. He was a university professor. She is a foreign spy, and my wife's luck value was cleared because of the other party. That stupid woman actually gave a guarantee to that black brother behind her back. Otherwise, how could that black man become a university professor!?

He also said that the other party QJed me, and then I was threatened, I don’t want to do this, hehe, the first time was forced, the second time, the third time!?

This man was about to collapse, but he was still grateful for the appearance of Qiyun Skynet, because it allowed him to discover it in advance, so that he would not be used by that stupid woman to indirectly do things that harmed the interests of the country.

It seems that this man is still a big man with some weight.

Then there are some star (brother) fans who broke down and despaired, because they found that the people they follow are not only scumbags, but also constantly harming the interests of the country. Tax evasion is still small, drug abuse , The trafficking of women and the trafficking of human organs are all involved, which almost collapses the faith of these inexperienced children.

But these are relatively sober, and there are still some obsessed with it, and they have collectively marched and protested, saying that the Qiyun Skynet is fake, untrustworthy, and should be destroyed, and Luo Tian, ​​who caused all this, executed the death penalty at their request. .

In short, brother is right, Oppa is right!

Then, they were thrown into the prison to reunite with their good brother. As for their parents, I’m sorry if they dare to make trouble, they will also be thrown in. You don’t know how to teach children. Aren't you ashamed to be Xia people!? Just let your foreign father teach you.

What should I do if the child is gone!? Let’s have another one. If the big one is useless, just practice a small one again.

Of course, there are also people who are bored or intentionally inquire about the situation of some officials, and then find that they are arrested before they can do anything, and the country acts faster than they imagined.

Especially those officials who approved the construction of such-and-such foot basin chicken country style street, every exception, all were arrested, no interrogation is needed, because unless someone proves that Qiyun Skynet is unfair, there is no more powerful evidence than the above records up.

But what really made this post popular was because someone on one of the floors posted a content about him querying the luck value of Luo Tianyi and the five of them in the secret realm, which made this post go viral.

In itself, this is to win glory for the country. Naturally, the luck value of the five people is not low, and none of them is lower than three digits. , I can't justify it.

And I never thought that these five people did a lot of good things before entering the secret realm, which is still beneficial to the country.

Although many of them are caused by accident, for example, because I accidentally picked up a wallet and handed it to the police. To a person who endangers the country.

What is really shocking is Luo Tianyi's luck value, because that number is simply unbelievable, 9999??? are followed by question marks, and most of the reasons show that there is insufficient authority to query it. It can be said that her luck is almost It's already very outrageous. Although it is impossible to check the overall luck value of Xia Kingdom, no matter how much it is, Luo Tianyi said that the value occupied is already very scary.

Everyone couldn't help but guess what she did!?

Of course, it also represents one thing, that is, once Luo Tianyi dies, Xia Guo will also suffer heavy losses. The officials who realize this matter are also in trouble, because even if this post is blocked now, it is useless. Those who know also know.

I had no choice but to send a message to the five people in the secret realm: Be careful of people from other countries.

It didn't specify that they had to protect Luo Tianyi, because it would only divide the others. The most important thing for a team is unity. It's good for Huang Yuan and the others to do so now.

Presumably, if Luo Tianyi is in danger, they will also take action. There is no need to add more variables to the situation.

And the friend who posted this content already wanted to cry, because after posting it, he found that his luck value was constantly decreasing. If he hadn't been clever enough to delete the post, he might become a traitor.

But what he didn't know was that the reason why he didn't clear it to zero or even directly turned it into a negative number was entirely because he didn't take the initiative to harm Xia Guo's interests. This matter has little impact on Xia Guo, because it is transparent and open, foreign countries will know sooner or later, his actions are just ahead of time.

This also makes many people a lot more cautious online, because the influence of words and deeds on the Internet will be infinitely magnified.

Luo Tianyi, who summoned the slime to clean up the weeds in the secret realm, and Le Zhengling, who was practicing the fireball technique, had nothing to do with it, and looked at the message from the country inexplicably.

Be careful what people from other countries are doing!? Can they still have a way to get in!?

"Uncle Huang Yuan, what do you think!?"

Huang Yuan has a black line, how do you look at it, can you use your feet to see it!? "How do I know this, or maybe those countries have gone crazy again, I'm tired of hearing about Xia Guo's threats, and I don't know how those people So persistent!?"

After complaining about those foreigners, Huang Yuan felt like complaining about Luo Tianyi again. Damn, why is the form of the question just so familiar!?


Le Zhengling fired a few fireballs and burned the ground, wiped off his sweat, turned to persuade Huang Yuan, "Don't drink any more, or you'll be in trouble if you get drunk...

Le Zhengling never thought that there was not only cigarettes but also beer in Huang Yuan's backpack, and she didn't know when it was secretly put in it!? She didn't even notice it before.

Huang Yuan waved his hand, "Oh, don't worry, I won't get drunk no matter how much I drink this kind of beer. After so many years, I just miss this taste a little bit. Isn't this far from dark!? Do not worry!"

Le Zhengling rolled her eyes, "But Sister Baoer is already blushing..."

Yes, not only Huang Yuan was drinking, but all three adults were drinking, Le Zhengling felt tired, these three adults were really unreliable at all.

Heart tired.

"Tianyi, aren't you tired of summoning so many slimes out!?" Le Zhengling 460 said that he couldn't agree with Huang Yuan and the others, and he didn't care about them, since they said they knew it well.

Turning around, I found that the slimes summoned by Luo Tianyi almost covered the entire field of vision, the number is beyond count, and there are all kinds of slimes, some are particularly big, and some are very powerful .

Le Zhengling was a little puzzled, could it be that the skill of summoning slime consumes so little!?

"Ah, this one, it doesn't consume much! I just want to see what kind of slimes I can summon!" Luo Tianyi said a little bit with a smile, but such a little consumption is too much for her. Not much really. But she also found that it seems that more advanced slimes can be summoned. This summoning magic seems to be enough for slimes, but the higher the level of powerful slimes, the more consumption is required to summon them.

Seeing Le Zhengling looking a bit disappointed, Luo Tianyi comforted, "It's okay, Ah Ling, as long as you keep wearing this close to your body, you will also become stronger and stronger! You can set as many fireballs as you want at that time." !"

Luo Tianyi pointed to his microphone and said.

The spirit of sound after the magic transformation is indeed becoming stronger all the time, and by the way, it is also strengthening the owner.

It seems that this is absorbing the emotions of fans and turning it into its own strength.

As for where the fans come from!? Don't forget that it's live broadcast now, and everyone in Xia Kingdom is watching.

I and others can be regarded as the heroes of the Xia Kingdom, isn't it normal to have fans!? It saves the long process of singing and attracting fans.

Of course Le Zhengling knew this, and she did feel the change in herself, but it was too slow, she couldn't forget the huge beholder in the last level, the level of enemies

With her current situation, she didn't know how long it would take to be qualified to deal with it, and soon they would have to face an enemy that might be similar to that.

Le Zhengling was naturally a little urgent and nervous.

"Cheer up, Ah Ling!" Luo Tianyi encouraged Le Zhengling.

Le Zhengling felt a little funny, touched Luo Tianyi's head, and said, "I'm sorry for making you worry, Tianyi! I won't get depressed, even for Tianyi's sake, "I will work hard!"

Luo Tianyi jumped up happily and hugged Le Zhengling, "Aling, I like you so much..."

"Don't be like this, Tianyi...".

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