"When your husband is not at home, you have to take care of yourself. I will come back immediately after my business trip. It won't take more than a week.

"Understood, don't worry, my son will be fine with me, and you don't have to work so hard. When my son grows up a bit, I can work together."

The loving couple was sitting and saying goodbye, but the baby sitting in the crib looked coldly at the two foul-smelling guys.

One is to accompany the male boss on vacation, and what he will do is self-evident.

A younger sister who wished his wife would go on business for a few more days because he fell in love with his wife.

The evil thoughts mixed with joy make people sick.

"Why was he sent to the orphanage at such a young age, where are his parents!?"

"Don't talk about it, I heard that the promiscuous relationship was exposed. As a result, one accidentally slipped and fell to death while being torn up by the boss's wife, and the other was found by the old father-in-law chasing him with a cane and was hit by a car. I heard that The child's parents and husband and wife had a great time!"

"Really!? What kind of parents are these, what a crime!"

The little boy who was dragged into the orphanage looked back at the onlookers on the side of the road who showed pity and sympathy, their eyes were cold and emotionless.

Because these people's so-called "sympathy" is all pretentious, and a parent who is scolding him for having such a shameless "083" in his heart will definitely not do well in the future.

One is excited about his "jack-of-all-trades" business, trying to sing about his misfortune.

There are more people who are talking about it with gusto, pricking up their ears in order to have a conversation after dinner.

But these are none of his business, the little boy watched and pulled himself inside, kept telling how good the orphanage was, and sneered in his heart.

This is just a livestock farm that provides living organs for the rich.

When someone needs a certain organ transplant, the orphans here are the best source.

There is no father or mother, and people in the society treat them indifferently. Ordinarily, it is not surprising that orphanages that do not even pay attention to them are used by caring people for profit.

Love, how much is it worth!?

In this world, how many people are really willing to help others for free!? What’s more, they don’t even take care of their own parents. How could they take care of some unaccompanied children, especially those with physical defects?

Maybe, but definitely not many.

Human beings are really disgusting because of their ugly hearts...

No one can be the same on the outside and the inside, and no one can guarantee that they are always the same, so the so-called love, the so-called liking, is actually just a momentary thought.

In the morning, just as the alarm clock rang, one hand turned it off.

Zhang Qing got up, opened the curtains and looked at the rising sun outside, and the street that was dispelled by darkness.

"People are subject to change, even demons are no exception..."

On the other side, Rias also got up early because Kiba Yuto lost contact.

This makes Rias very disturbed, because this situation is like Kiba Yuto betrayed him and left to become a stray demon. After all, Kiba Yuto, as her family member, Rias knows that the other party is still alive.

And in the case of being alive, actively refusing to get in touch with his own side, and if he went to a place where he could not communicate with the outside world, it could only be that Yuto Kiba really rebelled and left.

"How is this possible!? Kiba-senpai will never betray President Rias!" Tacheng Kitty refused to believe the news.

Kiba Yuuto, who strictly demands himself with chivalry and always remembers Rias's life-saving grace, has received Rias's favor just like Kitten "will never betray.

This can be seen from his usual eyes.

If it wasn't for Rias's youthful appearance, similar to that of a human girl in her teens, Kiba Yuuto might have called Rias who gave him a second life "Mother-sama".

This is why in the original novel, when Rias planned to abandon herself because of Raisa's marriage contract, she directly chose Hyoudou Issei instead of Kiba Yuto, not only because Kiba Yuto would definitely refuse, but also warned her This is wrong.

It's also because Rias didn't dare to face Kiba Yuuto's disappointed gaze, and showed her weak and incompetent side in front of the child, Rias couldn't do it.

In fact, not only Kiba Yuto regards Rias as "sister" or "mother", but the reverse is also true. After all, when Rias meets Kiba Yuto, the other party is just a child.

In fact, other people are similar, they all met Rias when they were very young, so the relationship between them is not so much about superiority and inferiority as it is more like a "family".

"Rias, Kitty is right. I can't make a judgment lightly now. I also believe that Kiba will not betray. Something must have happened last night." Himejima Akeno was not in the mood to act like a demon. There is trouble, she said solemnly.

"Yes, yesterday Kiba-senpai felt weird that he would take the initiative to ask for leave." Seeing Zhu Nai speaking for her, Kitty immediately strengthened her opinion.

"Wait! You two, when did I say I don't believe in Yuuto!?" Rias looked at the two helplessly, "Do you see anger on my face now!? I'm also worried That kid Yuto, because it's so weird, it's not like him..."

At this time, Rebelle who was woken up was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "What are you doing looking at me, I don't seem to have spoken from the beginning to the end!?"

Don't blame her, she's still a little sleepy!

"No, isn't that what you said just now, Rias!?" Himejima Akeno looked away and smiled awkwardly.

Rias sighed, "I mean, if Yuto continues like this, even with my guarantee, the underworld will define her as an 'outlier demon', it's not that I think she is, at least you can hear it clearly ah."

Rias cast a reproachful glance at the two of them, and continued, "The most important thing now is to find Yuuto right away, after all, there is a dark tide surging in Juwang Town right now..."

Speaking of which, Rias came to the window and looked out from a high place. There were still many shadows in Juwang Town under the morning light, and there might be some people hiding inside.

She and Jitori Sona had limited abilities and were unable to deal with this strange situation at all.

Just because the sudden increase of stray demons all came to Juwang Town at the same time, they were already devastated, because it seriously affected their daily business.

Not to mention that fallen angels are really so easy to be expelled!? If you lose face, you will definitely get it back.


Rias let out a long sigh.

When it was time to go to school, Zhang Qing was on duty again with Matsushita Reina from the next class.

Seeing that the class bell was about to ring, Reina asked a little strangely, "What's going on!? Why didn't Kiba-san come today!? We didn't receive a notice from the Academic Affairs Office, and the other party probably didn't ask for leave in advance.

Also as a reincarnated demon, Reina is very aware of how good a demon's body is. Although the attributes will be weakened during the day, it is not easy to get sick, so it is generally impossible to ask for sick leave, unless you have a lazy disease .0

As the two most popular men in the academy, both Zhang Qing and Kiba Yuto are undoubtedly at least three good students. This is not wrong, because if there is a problem with conduct

It is useless to get the approval of so many students, no matter how handsome the face is.

"What should I do!? Chairman, do you want to remember it!?"

Zhang Qing raised his eyes, "Does this need to be said!? When you wear the armband, no matter who the other party is or how good your relationship is with you, you can't bend the law for personal gain. What you should do is follow the procedure."

Reina smiled helplessly, "Sure enough, this is what you would say, Chairman."

Speaking of Reina, he will record the absence of Kiba Yuto, and the head teacher will call him later. Of course, after it is recorded, not only will he be deducted from credits, but he will also be punished accordingly. At least the review letter is inevitable. of.

This is probably a blow to Prince Charming's popularity.

Because there is a stain.

However, just when Reina was about to record, Kiba Yuto's homeroom teacher hurried over and said to the two, "Kiba-san has been asked for leave by Rias-san, because of some things, he will probably be absent for a while , It should be some sudden reason, so there is no time to notify the school in advance."

Li Nai stopped and looked at Zhang Qing. Seeing Zhang Qing nodding, she smiled and said, "Teacher, you came in time. If you were later, even if we cooperated, we would have to go through a process.

"That's really great!" Kiba Yuto's class teacher wiped the sweat from his head and said.

You must know that once you enter the process, it may be a bit troublesome. Not only the problems of the discipline department, but also the student union and the board of directors will be alarmed together, and there will be quite a big disturbance.

After the homeroom teacher left, Reina put away the attendance sheet, looked at Zhang Qing, and asked, "Chairman, did something happen to Kiba-san? It's strange that there is no time limit for asking for leave!"

Although the person Reina likes is Zhang Qing, but because she belongs to the same faction as Yuuto Kiba and is Rias' subordinate, the relationship is also very good, so it is inevitable to worry, not to mention that she still knows a lot of things, naturally Lenovo 5.6 has more.

Zhang Qing watched the guard push the door shut, then turned his head and walked inside, and said calmly, "It's okay, Rias can take care of it."

Although Zhang Qing's words were very cold, they were extremely reassuring, at least the uneasiness in Li Nai's heart dissipated.

When Zhang Qing walked into the teaching building, he turned around and glanced at the town outside the college.

Looks like the fallen angels are still here.

From Mo Li, Zhang Qing learned a lot of things, such as Kiba Yuto and the others. After all, as an important role, the past mental journey and so on will be mentioned emphatically.

It is only possible that Kiba Yuto can pay attention to it, and even lose the rationality and propriety it should have.

Zhang Qing can guess without having to check it himself. After all, there is a holy sword in this town, and he was met by Yuto Kiba. The only one who can do this is the fallen angel, otherwise it depends on a group of people The expelled clergymen are completely unable to do so. The chasing and killing of the church alone is beyond their ability to cope.

And among the three major races, demons are the most unlikely, because the existence of the holy sword is a restraining weapon for them, they are eager to destroy it, how can they let it wander outside!?

[The author has something to say: Speechless, the Bluetooth keyboard is not equipped!].

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