Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

639 Hyoudou Makoto: Absolutely Do Not Allow Such Third-Rate Plots As Beautiful Girls Crying!

"It's weird, it's absolutely weird!"

Under the shady curtain, a bicycle was galloping in Juwang Town. A girl with long brown hair and wearing the uniform of Juwang Academy was gritting her teeth and pedaling desperately. Her forehead and neck were already covered with a lot of fine sweat. up.

She looked around from time to time, as if looking for someone.

This girl is the original male protagonist Houto Issei of this world, but now she is called Hyoto Makoto. After saying goodbye to Wisteria Irina, she has been restless. After dinner, she couldn't bear it. I lived and rode my bicycle all over the street looking for someone.

When it was time to part, Wisteria Ilya's tone was too weird.

Just like the terminally ill heroine in the TV series, the expression and tone of the heroine before the farewell are almost the same, plus the fact that Wisteria Irina's return this time revealed everywhere


First, if she remembered correctly, her childhood playmate left Sakura Country with her parents at that time, and she didn't actually have any relatives here.

So it's very strange that she didn't follow her parents when she came back. After all, don't forget that Wisteria Irina and her are the same age, they haven't even reached adulthood, and they are girls. Another girl of the same age goes to another country together!?

Second, as mentioned above, because Wisteria Irina's family has no relatives in this small town, and because of their family's occupation and blood, Wisteria Irina was here in those days except for her friend. Besides, there are no other friends!?

She came back suddenly, what is she planning!? It can’t be revisiting the old place, recalling the past, then this is not a suitable time!? You must know that this time period is not the day of the students’ winter and summer vacations, even if it is, Irina and the others That outfit doesn't look like someone who came to 223 for a tour.

The third is the so-called "friends". Why did the "nuns" in the church settle here before? It's too coincidental that they live there. And why so many places don't choose this famous place? , a small town with nothing special!?

In an instant, Hyoudou Makoto flashed a lot of restrictive images in his mind, such as "Tohsaka's family affairs" and similar plots. Is it because something happened to Irina's family in these years? She is now desperate and plans to agree to the bad guys What are you asking for!?

Or is she really terminally ill!?

Many, many ideas came up, making Hyoudou Makoto unable to act as if nothing had happened. Now she just wants to find Irina and ask her. If she can, she also wants to help her out of the predicament, even if she is in her heart. Understand that she probably can't do anything, and in the end it's just an extra audience who feels powerless.

"Are you kidding!? How could it be possible for a beautiful girl to show a weeping face? This is absolutely not allowed...!"

She shouted in her heart, as if she wanted to dispel the anxiety in her heart, as well as the current exhaustion.

Unknowingly, Makoto Hyoudou arrived near the forest on the outskirts of Juwang Town on her bicycle. She pressed the handbrake with both hands, and finally the fast-moving car stopped slowly under the ear-piercing sound of friction.

Hyoudou Makoto panted heavily, but his eyes couldn't help looking into the dark forest, "It was Irina's voice just now..."

Although it was a little faint and unreal, she still recognized it.

What makes Hyoudou Makoto uneasy is that Irina seems to be making pain (caeh) sounds, and there are also men screaming madly.

Hyoudou Makoto clenched her fists, and after hesitating for a long time, when she heard Irina's screams inside again, she gritted her teeth and ran directly into the dark forest.

Time back to an hour ago.

Wisteria Ilya and Xenovia, who left the Houdou house, of course returned directly to their residences. After all, they also needed to eat. Irina did not lie to Sanki Houdou about this. Food was indeed cooked at home, and Asia A "friend" in her mouth does help to cook together.

Of course, they had tasks to do, and of course it was impossible for them to curl up in the room and fall asleep after eating.

So after eating, they also went outside to investigate the situation. If they could find the white-haired priest Fried Seltzer that Kiba Yuto said, that would be the best, because from Kiba Yuto's mouth, They also learned that at least one of the three holy swords stolen from the church is in the hands of the other party.

Although the holy sword has no bonus or special attack on the opponent and the fallen angel, who are also human beings, but there are two of them, and even if the opponent is a famous genius exorcist, they will not be their combined opponents.

I don't know if they were lucky, or if the other party heard their voices, they actually met Fried who was alone.

However, what Fried held was [Sacred Sword of Sky Flash]. In terms of speed alone, other holy swords could only eat dust.

The two chased after Fried all the way, but perhaps because they fought too easily before, they seemed to be a little swollen unconsciously, forgetting that they should not be careless at any time.

It also ignores who is the hunter and who is the prey.

When they saw Fried stop again, they found that they had been lured to a certain deserted observatory in the suburbs. Fried was standing on it, looking down at them, and there was another one of them who definitely had an impression fat old man.

It is the cause of everything - Barupa Galileo, the former archbishop who has been possessed by demons.

"This is your confidence!?" Xenovia and the others looked around and found that there was no other ambush as expected, and it was really just the old and the young. Looking at these two guys exuding strong malice.

Truth be told, neither demon is as repulsive as either of these guys.

"Yahoo, I really like to talk big. I just lured you here according to the plan. After all, if we fought there, those shit demons might disturb us." Holding the holy sword in his hand on his shoulder, Fried picked his nostrils with his other free hand, and flicked his fingers mockingly.

And Barupa Galileo also looked at Xenovia and the others with a smile, "It's really hard for you, we are still worrying about how to take the remaining two holy swords from the church, so you sent them to our door, It's all right now, add these two other holy swords in your hands and you'll be all together haha.

"Those guys are still so stupid, they actually let you two little girls come to die, no, maybe their original purpose is to send all the holy swords to me!? After all, only I can give the once The King's Sword is back again!"

Xenovia ignored the other party's complacency, she frowned and looked at the two solemnly, just now the other party seemed to say that besides the holy sword in her and Irina's hands, where are the other five swords? How can it be!?

But even if Xenovia didn't want to believe it, she knew that the other party didn't need to deceive herself about this matter.

However, it stands to reason that even if the other party finds the holy sword strayed outside, apart from the [Holy Sword of Destruction] and [Holy Sword of Mimicry] in their hands, there should still be a holy sword in the church. How did it fall into the opponent's hands!?

This information made Xenovia's heart sink. Whether it was Asia's experience or Balupa Galileo's [Holy Sword Project], whether she admitted it or not, it undoubtedly revealed the dark side of the church. Whether she became a victim or not, even Xenovia was a little shaken at this time.

Trust in any world is not achieved overnight, it needs countless proofs and facts to build, but the disintegration of trust may only need one or two mistakes and accidents is enough

Undoubtedly, even Xenovia, who was adopted by the church since she was a child, cannot trust the church she belongs to 100% in her heart at the moment. A wavering heart may still believe in God, but it may not be true for the church.

Unlike Irina, who is loved by her parents and has never witnessed the deep side of the church, the more she knows and the more she is exposed to certain aspects, the less she can maintain her pure whiteness.

"Tsk, Uncle Balupa! Didn't you say it's all right!? Why are those shit demons here too!?"

Just as Fried was about to get rid of Xenovia and the others, he suddenly looked in a certain direction uncomfortably, where the stench that only belonged to demons was getting closer and closer, "I can't even ignore it.

As a former exorcist, how could Fried admit his mistake? I'm afraid those troublesome guys will arrive soon.

Thinking of the male demon who possessed [Magic Sword Creation] last time, although Fried didn't want to admit it, the other party was indeed very difficult to deal with. In the situation where he didn't want to reveal that the holy sword in his hand didn't have only one ability, he was almost suppressed. fight.

Now facing two holy sword users and many demons at once, Fried is not arrogant enough to win.

Balupa Galileo's face was also a bit ugly, "How could it be!? They probably wouldn't cooperate with the priests of the church, or did you do something superfluous!?"

"Retreat! Go and report to Kabil boss!" Fried ignored Barupa's questioning, he reached into his arms and took out a ball of light, which seemed to be a tool for escaping.

Seeing this, Wisteria Irina directly raised her sword and rushed over, not wanting the other party to leave easily. After all, if she missed this opportunity and the other party became vigilant, it would be difficult to catch the other party's orders.

Xenovia's complexion changed drastically, and she wanted to hold back the impulsive Irina, but she was still a step behind.

After a burst of glaring white light, where are the figures of Fried and the others!?

Of course, Wisteria Ilya also disappeared. Looking at Lias and the others who finally arrived at this time, Xenovia's face was very ugly. .

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