Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

641 Cocabil: You Have To Upgrade Your Mocking Skills To Go Back!

Realizing that she blew herself up in shock, Rebelle suddenly wanted to die.

However, Makoto Hyoudou, who slowly realized that she didn't seem to be dead, was a little skeptical of life at this time. First, she ran into her childhood sweetheart and was almost killed by a white-haired priest who held a sword and could play with disappearing and avatars. In the end, Irina It's okay, I'll take the lunch first.

Then the influential figures in the school suddenly descended from the sky, and they seemed to have weird wings behind them.

Is this a dream!?

It must be a dream!?

Hyoudou Makoto touched the position of his heart, and found that not to mention the wound, even the clothes were not torn. The only thing that could prove that something happened before was that there was a pool of blood under his body, which was still sticky and warm.

"Let's have a good talk when we go back later..."

Rias and Shitori Sona suddenly looked up at the sky, indicating that Rebelle, who wanted to explain something, and Makoto Hyoudou, who wanted to ask something, can now be quiet for a while.

Both Makoto Hyoudou and Rebelle Phoenix were taken aback for a moment, then looked at Rias, seeing the other party's actions, they also looked up into the sky.

At this moment, with the golden moon as the background, there seemed to be someone floating there, and there were many black wings growing behind him, Makoto Hyoudou subconsciously counted them. "Eight Nine Zero"

Two, three... Hei Cheng has ten coins!?

The feminine young male Fallen Angels, surrounded by black aura like decorations, seemed to be smiling at them. It was the kind of contemptuous smile that big people don't care about when they see small people.

And Rias and Chitori Sona both showed wry smiles at the same moment.

"This is the first meeting, the daughter of the Gremory family and the daughter of the Sidi family. Seeing you, I can't help but remind me of your hateful brother and elder sister. Ah, if I say I feel like vomiting, will it be a bit uncomfortable? Polite, but I'm so sorry, this is what I really think.

As soon as the other party came up, he directly provoked, ignored the obvious frost on the faces of Lias and Zhiqicang, and even made an exaggerated gesture of vomiting.

"Guy'an, the cadre of the Fallen Angels—Kabil. Also, my name is Rias Gremory. You must remember it well. I want to tell you something, the Gremory family and Sidi Our home and our Demon King are the closest and the most distant existence, if you come to negotiate with us for political purposes, it will be useless." Although Rias looked cold, she didn't act impulsively or yell, but still Maintaining a calm and demeanor like a warning seems to be normal and should be said so.

Hyoudou Makoto's eyes widened at this moment, but unfortunately no one answered her.

Because she was taken to church by her parents from time to time when she was a child, she naturally knew something about the Bible. If she remembered correctly, the name Kabil was recorded in it.

So now I have seen the deity recorded in the Bible!?

What is going on in this world!?

Also, did Rias-senpai mention the "devil king" before!?

"I wouldn't do such a stupid thing as negotiating with the Demon King. But, if the Demon King's younger sister invaded and killed her, maybe those two guys would rush to me excitedly, eh. , This looks good too, should I do it!?" Kabile looked playfully at Rias and the girls.

That look was unscrupulous and very rude.

And the kind of indifference that made them so determined was very irritating.

Rias suppressed her annoyance, and asked in a colder voice, "Then... what is the purpose of contacting us!?"

Kabil seemed to be very happy to answer this question. He opened his arms and said loudly, "Of course I want to make a big fuss in this city centered on Juwang Academy, which is your stronghold. I'm here to inform you to witness this It’s a celebration, so that bastard Suzeks will show up too!?”

"But it's a pity, when he appears, his sister may not be able to recover.

Rias clenched her fists, suppressed her violent anger, and continued, "If you do this, the war between fallen angels, gods, and demons will start again, are you sure you want to do this again!? If If it's just trash talk, I can forgive your rudeness."


"This is exactly what I wanted. I thought that if I stole Excalibur (the sword of the king), I would be able to fight Michael, tsk! But what I didn't expect was just a miscellaneous fish exorcist and two holy swordsmen. It's so boring!"

"It's so boring that I can't help but change my plan. In order to make me more happy, I'm going to make a big fuss in the devil's stronghold of Sister Suzeks. Don't you think it's more interesting this way!?"

Rias clicked her tongue, obviously she had reached the limit of her patience.

She cursed, "...Damn war maniac!"

However, Rias seemed to please the other party with her appearance, but this fellow Kabile clapped his hands and laughed loudly:

"That's right. I'm a war freak! I'm bored to death after the three-way war! However, Azazel and Shemhasa are quite negative about the next war. What's even more annoying is that they started collecting what A boring artifact to do incomprehensible research, tsk, how could that kind of rubbish become our decisive weapon!?"

...Well, it’s a different matter if it’s a god-killing tool, but I haven’t been able to find that kind of thing!”

"Anyway, I'm going to start a battle around the holy sword in your stronghold, Rias Gremory and Canna Sidi. For the sake of fighting! Choose Sazex's sister and Leviathan's Sister, the academy they are in. It would be fun to release the magic power and cause chaos! This is the most suitable place to release Excalibur's original power! It can be used as a battlefield!"

It's too messy! This guy is really crazy!

At this moment, not only Rias thinks so, Wisteria Irina and the others also think so, this is an out-and-out lunatic for the sake of war.

"Hahaha, isn't this amazing!? My BOSS, you are simply a genius, and I am also excited."

At this time, Fried Seltzer, who had been sent flying by Zhang Qing, came back with Barupa Galileo who had escaped earlier.

However, Fried's face seemed to be swollen, and his gaze passed Rias and the others rather unkindly, and landed on Zhang Qing, who was leaned on by Wisteria Ilya.

It seemed that Zhang Qing had quite a problem with Zhang Qing's sudden attack just now, and he felt a grudge.

And Kiba Yuto, who has been silent all this time, is also staring fiercely at the fat old man standing side by side with Fried at this moment, squeezing out the other's name from between his teeth, "Barupa Damn it!"

"Great gaze! If you want to stop us, just come! I will wait for you there first, hahaha!" Kabil appreciates Kiba Yuto's strong hatred and killing intent very much, but he I didn't intend to continue chatting with Lias and the others. With a flash of ten black wings, the figures of the two fallen angels disappeared in front of everyone..0

Compared to Lias and the others who were gnashing their teeth, Zhang Qing watched the other party leave with cold eyes at this moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

And in a place where Rias and the others couldn't see or feel, Seraflu and Asachel were also coldly looking at Cocabil and the others who had escaped through the space shift.

Asachel, the fallen angel governor, retracted his gaze, and joked, "Ah, I was very nervous just now, I thought you could take the shot if you couldn't help it, but it seems that you are much more rational than I imagined, obviously Outsiders say that Leviathan is a super sister-in-law who won't allow anyone to hurt his sister, so are the rumors wrong!?"

Seraful folded her arms and said flatly, "Because I am Leviathan."

"It's a very good answer, but it would be better if you didn't clenched your fists so tightly and your eyes weren't so fierce." Asachel shrugged.

He was really ready to take action at any time just now to stop the Demon King Serafulu from taking action. You must know that Kabile can't wait for them to show up at this time. As long as one of the three parties comes out of the fallen angel, the boss who despises, the purpose of the other party will be achieved.

It was precisely because he knew the opponent's plan that Asachel asked Vali, the White Dragon Emperor, to make a move at a critical moment.

The best solution at present is to use other forces that do not belong to the three clans to take action. Otherwise, no matter who among the three parties takes action, it will become the fuse of the war. I have to say that Kabil is very smart, which is appropriate Conspiracy.

"Hmph! You better have a solution, otherwise..." Serafulu said coldly, ignoring the other party's ridicule.

Asachel smiled, "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have found you..."

Speaking of which, Asachel cast his eyes on Zhang Qing who was mixed in Rias's team, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes, which was so fast that it was impossible to catch it lightly.

Seeing Zhang Qing suddenly turned his head to look at him, he waved his hand and greeted with a nonchalant smile.

1.6 Serafulu curled her lips, "Xiao Qingqing can't do what you want. As a human being, his position is even more troublesome. Otherwise, you wouldn't have kept your hand just now. If your solution is to let him take action, I advise you to die of this heart!"

Of course, she also noticed where Asachel was looking.

In fact, before Seraphro was also afraid that Zhang Qing couldn't help but directly kill Fried, the depraved priest, or that he killed the other party when Cocabele appeared. But she is very clear that as long as Zhang Qing is still a human being for one day, then any of his actions will be restrained, unless Zhang Qing is the kind of person who doesn't care about other people's life or death.

Although there are not many fallen angels left, there are still a lot. Once the other fallen angels think about Kabile, perhaps Zhang Qing will not feel anything, but others may not feel the same.

However, seeing that Zhang Qing was not acting emotionally, Serafulu heaved a long sigh of relief in her heart.

After all, she said that she wanted to be with Zhang Qing. She was not joking. Naturally, she didn't want Zhang Qing to get into trouble.

【The author has something to say: It’s almost time to come to an end, what should I write in the next chapter, I have to think about it!】.

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