Perhaps it was really because of the purpose of walking casually and traveling to relax, a group of people did not travel too far in a day, but because everyone is an adventurer with at least Lv.1, it is not something that ordinary people can degree of mobility.

At least it is equivalent to the journey of ordinary people walking for 2-3 days without eating, drinking or sleeping.

(Note: In the original book, it can be seen that even if Hestia, who cannot use divine power, wants to escape, even the protagonist of the adventurer will not be able to catch up. The gods are not really weak to the same level as ordinary people.)

It was night, and a group of people found a flat place and started camping.

When the moon was shining brightly, only the arch fire in the middle was left buzzing and burning.

Several tents neatly surrounded the fire with the attitude of stars arching the moon, forming a semi-circle, leaving a gap for walking.

Listening to the small and steady breathing sound from the tents, Zhang Qing, who was watching the night outside, was stirring the fire with a branch, and a big sweet potato inside was exuding a rich and tempting fragrance.

Because of the wind direction, Zhang Qing was not afraid of waking everyone up.

Both the stars and the moon in the sky are unfamiliar and familiar. In his previous life, he didn't know much about astrology and astronomy, but he also discovered that the starry sky in the world of "580" is definitely not the starry sky in his previous life.

Can not go back.....…

In these hundreds of millions of years, the reality has already been recognized.

Although I didn't have much nostalgia for my previous life, but when I found out that I really couldn't go back, I was still a little disappointed.

Even if the former hometown was not beautiful or beautiful, the memories of him are more sad than happy, but he just wants to take another look, maybe people are so cheap!

Suddenly there was movement behind him, pulling Zhang Qing back from his thoughts.

He turned his head and saw that it was Artemis, he couldn't help being stunned, "What happened!?"

Artemis got out of the tent, and at this time, Hestia could be seen sleeping soundly through the firelight.

She didn't answer Zhang Qing's question right away, Artemis stared at Zhang Qing quietly.

Zhang Qing was not too annoyed by Artemis's lack of answer. He had seen this goddess before, how much she repulsed men, and she would never say a word to men unless necessary. If you speak, you don't have a good face.

But even so, Zhang Qing was still a little uncomfortable being stared at by the other party so silently at night.

After scolding "crazy" in his heart, Zhang Qing didn't intend to pay attention to the other party.

He continued to turn the sweet potato, trying to make it evenly heated, otherwise it would be a waste of food if it was cooked while it was raw, or if it was burnt at the same time.

Because this world is still in the great era when the kingdoms of the Middle Ages are juxtaposed, and there are still monsters rampant, so the people at the bottom here sometimes have a very difficult life. It is not strange to have enough food, and even slaves still exist. It is also the reason why Hestia never doubted Sylvie's life experience.

Because unfortunately there are too many similarities.

However, Zhang Qing didn't intend to talk to Artemis who didn't know what was going on, but Artemis didn't seem to intend to let him go so easily. Artemis sat next to Zhang Qing without saying a word, and the flickering fire light Next, her face showed confusion, perplexity, disbelief, resistance, etc., which were very complicated.

Zhang Qing didn't understand what the other party was planning to do. She thought she was simply waking up at night and would go back to sleep soon, but the other party didn't seem to have such a plan.

And even sitting next to me who I always hated, suddenly I don't understand this troublesome goddess!

When both of them remained silent, Artemis suddenly said, "Hestia seems to like you very much, can I ask you how you did it!?"

You must know that as the 404 goddesses of the three major divisions of the heaven, if they were so simple to be tempted, they would not be called so. They are all famous fortresses, and they are known as women who are absolutely impossible to like men.

If Hestia was so easy to conquer, she would have been coaxed away in the heavens long ago, and a goddess who can keep her heart from trembling for hundreds of millions of years is very rare, and it can even be said to be very rare.

Zhang Qing was stunned for a moment before realizing that Artemis was talking to him. He frowned, "Is there any problem with this!? I can't really be hated by others!?"

In these years, it's not true that everyone avoids him, there are always some warriors who want to get close to him, after all, Zhang's appearance as a god can definitely be called Xiangmei.

Artemis looked at Zhang Qing in surprise, and said after a long time, "What I'm talking about is that I want to be like a lover..."

This guy didn't realize what Hestia was thinking at all, did he!?

Artemis muttered in his heart with a strange expression: Could it be Hestia's wishful thinking, this is too pitiful...



Zhang Qing was really taken aback, "Are you sure!?"

Artemis' face became more and more strange, "You don't know!?"

3K: "......."


Artemis took a deep breath, and after a long while, asked again, "So do you like her now!?"

Zhang Qing shook his head, then nodded again, "I don't know, I always thought she saw me as an older brother, and suddenly said she likes me, I don't know what I think, but I definitely don't hate Hestie Yay, even having a great time together...."

Artemis didn't expect Zhang Qing's answer to be like this. If it were another man, he would be ecstatic at the moment. Although Hestia has been ridiculed like a child, Artemis is very clear, Hestia was very popular when she was in the heaven.

If she hadn't stayed out of the house all this time and kept those male gods out, she might have been harassed and became irritable.

After all, Hestia is not like her and Athena, who will put on a cold expression that rejects others, and even has powerful force that makes people unfavorable.

As for why no one joined her family until Bell in the original book, it may not be that there is no meaning behind some gods. After all, there are also gods who are poorer than Hestia, but they just come to her. No one wants to join anyway, which is very strange in itself.

It seems that someone deliberately arranged for her to meet Bell, because being a member of the family is special, and will be given special care and special affection by the main god.

There may be some conspiracy theories, but the possibility is very high..0

Some digressed, back to the main story.

For Zhang Qing's answer, Artemis didn't expect enough, she said after a long silence, "Really..."

I don't know why she was inexplicably happy, which made her very uneasy and even more difficult to accept.

Zhang Qing looked at the other party strangely, and felt that Artemis tonight was very strange, and he didn't even speak ill of him as soon as he saw him, or even make a move.

At this time, the scent of sweet potatoes wafted over, Zhang Qing picked it out, and picked it up without fear of being burned.

He divided it into two halves, and handed one of them to Artemis who bowed his head silently and seemed to be lost in thought, "Try it, it can warm your body, and it's still a bit cold at night."

After all, being sealed with divine power, even a god cannot completely resist the natural heat and cold.

Artemis, who had just come out of the tent, was wearing very thin clothes at the moment, and Zhang Qing was really afraid that the other party would really fall ill tomorrow.

Artemis smelled the tempting fragrance right in front of him, and couldn't help but come back from his thoughts, staring blankly at the yellow sweet potato, which was still emitting heat, and when he realized it, he had already taken it in his hand. up.

After being completely awakened by the scalding temperature in his hand, Artemis couldn't help but blushed.

What was I thinking about just now, why is this happening, is this guy poisonous!?

Why do I have that kind of thought!? It shouldn't be, it's impossible.

Zhang Qing looked at the half-cut sweet potato that was almost crushed by the opponent, "What are you doing!?"

Artemis woke up again, looking at the shapeless sweet potato in her hand, she said with some embarrassment, "I want to force the meat out, it will be more convenient and not dirty hands, haha

"But..." Eldest sister, your hands are already dirty, and you have covered all your hands, Zhang Qing stopped talking.

Finally sighed, and moved the bucket on the side, "Wash here, really, you are such a big person, and you are still like this..."

Sure enough, each of these gods looks mature on the outside, but the difference between them and children is 4.2 on the inside. Zhang Qing complained in his heart.

Seeing that Artemis hadn't moved, he added, "Don't worry, it's very clean, I just got up from the river before.

"Hmm..." Artemis responded in a low voice, and went to wash her hands obediently.

After seeing it washed and dried, Zhang Qing handed over the half sweet potato in his hand, "Don't mess around again this time.

Artemis was stunned, "What about you, won't you lose it if you give it to me!?"

"Let's share it!"

As he spoke, he handed over the sweet potato again.

Zhang Qing thought to himself, wouldn't I bake another one!?

However, seeing the other party's unexpected appearance, he was suddenly worried that if he said so clearly, the other party would not be able to get off the stage, and became angry from embarrassment. Zhang Qing swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and planned to reach out to take it again.

But Artemis avoided it, she said, "Just bite."

Zhang Qing: ""

Being stared at by Zhang Qing strangely, Artemis also reacted, and then blushed, and said confidently, "I'll eat the other end later, don't think too much" I just don't want to pick it up .”

Very good, very strong reason. .

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