Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

659 Bell: Grandpa, I Will Definitely Meet The Goddess As You Hoped!

"Go, go! This is not a place for a brat like you to come. If you want to play tricks, find someone else.

In the garrison of a certain family, a strong man threw out the rescue collar of a thin boy with white hair and red eyes, his face was a bit smelly.

Then, without looking at the little boy who got up and wanted to say something, he turned around and closed the door without looking back.

The little boy patted the dust sticking to his body, looked at the gate of the gate, and the mocking and cursing from inside, he couldn't help but sighed, "I was rejected again..."

He bowed his head and walked to the other side of the street.

These days, I came to the legendary Olalie. I thought I could become a character like an ancient hero. Of course, I started as a small adventurer, and gradually gathered many like-minded partners around me, preferably all women. Children, finally defeat the devil or evil dragon who wants to destroy the world together.

However, after arriving in Olalie, Bell Clowney realized that he had taken it for granted. For a person like him who was thin and small, had no training, and knew nothing before living in the countryside, no family members were willing to let him join.

It is not too difficult to meet a beautiful goddess.

Feeling for the little change left in his pocket, Bell was a little worried, "What should I do, if this continues, I'll be hungry tomorrow..."

To make matters worse, tomorrow's rent cannot be paid.

Concerned, Bell went to the Adventurer's Guild. He waited until the half-elf lady Aegina Zur finished her work with a certain adventurer before he stepped forward and asked, "Miss Aegina, Qing asked Is there any clue about what happened to me!?"

He looked at Aegina expectantly.

Aegina sighed and shook her head at 827, "Bell, why don't you lower your requirements, most of the goddess' families have their own core team, even if there are families who want to recruit from the guild's recommendation list Newcomers, they can only say that they are the most peripheral members..."

"Let me tell you this, as the most peripheral member, unless you perform outstandingly, you may not see the main god side of the family for a year or so, let alone update the [Status] of [God's Grace], then maybe you You have to endure at least twenty years before you can go further into the inner circle..."

Aegina understands very well that many people come to Olalie with the impure purpose of being able to meet a beautiful goddess, and then have a further love between man and God. He is the protagonist of a legendary story and a winner in life. Everyone has had this kind of daydreaming.

Just like her, she also dreamed of being admired by the royal family and envied by the people around her.

It's just that after a long time, I naturally understand that people need to be down-to-earth.

Of course, Aegina would not say such things to Bell. After all, Bell is only thirteen or fourteen years old. In Aegina's opinion, she is too young. Naturally, she will not show disgust because he only wants to meet the goddess. The look, in Aegina's opinion, is probably just a child who was misled by the words of some unscrupulous adults.

To be honest, it’s okay to hear about the love between man and god. If it is true, it will only be a tragedy. Human life is too short compared to almost infinite gods, and it is not much different from the moment The difference is that people will be satisfied at that time, but what about the gods!? In the long years to come, all that remains is suffering (cacc).

Of course, if the goddess is that kind of crumb goddess, the queen of the sea, then it's another matter.

As a matter of fact, most of the people who join the family of a certain goddess with crooked ideas are either rejected, or after being accepted, they find that the situation is very different from what they expected, so they can't accept the self-defeating, or accept the reality and live a stable life. .

In this case, as the popular goddesses, it is natural that no one is willing to become a member of their family, so Ghana is more picky about the personnel, not all kinds of people can join, unless there is enough to make the goddess tempted the flash point.

If there is a bright spot, Bell is young and thin, has not received combat training, and has a somewhat timid personality. I am afraid that apart from the older goddess who is full of motherhood, I am afraid that the younger ones will not accept it easily.

Originally, if Hestia hadn't established a family, Aegina might have recommended it. After all, becoming the first member of the family would definitely receive more care, at least to prevent Bell from ending his life too early.

But now, it is a bit impossible, not to mention that Hestia has established her own family, and what is even more terrible is that she has formed an alliance with another main god, even if the selection of future members will be very strict.

I don't know when a new goddess will come to the lower realm, so what Yi Na means is:

One is that Bell considers a male god.

The second is to live with peace of mind and wait for a goddess who does not know when she will come to the lower realm.

"Thank you for your kindness, but my dream is to meet the goddess..." Bell did not intend to give up.

Aegina sighed, "Even if you say that, it's useless, haven't you visited the family of the goddess Ola Lili these days!?"

"Actually, except for a few male gods, most of the male gods have a lot of cute girls in their family members. "Didn't Master Jian Yulei invite you!?"

Don't be so obsessed with Gao Muyuan thinking about the goddess.

"That... I really don't want to give up like this, I want to try again and work harder..." Bell put away the decadence on his face, and said full of fighting spirit.

Of course he understands that this is very unscrupulous, but if he compromises so quickly, his grandfather in Heaven will definitely be very sad. Bell, who has heard the stories of ancient heroes told by his grandfather since he was a child, naturally longs to be loved by the goddess like those ancient heroes. Love does not necessarily have to be in the favor of the goddess, but it is essential to be watched by the goddess, and then become stronger in battle, and finally complete the great cause.

"I can't tell you anymore. I will let you know when I have news. Before that, you should work hard..." Eina also had no choice but to deal with this stubborn little brother.

Bell suddenly smiled, "Thank you very much, Miss Aegina."

After Bell left, Aegina's good friend Misha Flott came over and looked at the helpless Aegina, she also felt tired, "I said you, why are you so enthusiastic!? You don't Maybe you like this kind of brat!?"

Aegina gave Mi Xia a white look, "How is it possible, I just can't bear the heart of him dying here at such a young age, I have persuaded every child of a similar age."

"Yes, yes, you are such a good person, but don't they all be ungrateful!?" Misha complained. He came here to become an adventurer, but in the end he persuaded him to go home. This friend of mine has no brains at all. There is a problem.

If it wasn't for the good work, the Adventurer's Guild here is not the kind of guild that really focuses on business. I'm afraid that Aegina would have been dismissed long ago.

"You can just tell the other party what it is unrealistic to meet the goddess. If you don't say it harshly, how can that kind of child retreat in spite of difficulties!?"


"Okay, okay, I know you can't say this kind of thing, really, you are very tired in some aspects." Seeing the reproachful look from her friend, Mi Xia didn't continue, she turned to ask Said, "By the way, Aegina, before the goddess Hestia, why did no one want to join her family? It would be fine if she stayed in the Hephaestus family at the beginning, but later she intends to establish Why is it so strange that you are still a member of your own family!?"

Aegina also frowned: "I was also curious. After all, it is best for the child to enter the goddess's family. Of course, it is best to be the first person, but Lord Hestia seems to be a special case. Other goddesses are almost the first person to enter the world." Immediately, I received a lot of people's door-to-door self-recommendations."

Regardless of whether those guys have some impure purpose, it also shows that the goddesses are very popular and very popular.

However, Hestia has become a special case, and almost no one cares about it.

This is very abnormal, if there are only a few adventurers in Ola Lili, it is fine, but outsiders come in every day, and there is no shortage of fresh blood, even a person who is willing to become a member of the other party's family No, that is very strange in itself.

No one is a fool. After every goddess comes to the lower realm, they are all poor and white. We are all on the same starting line in this regard, so there is no need to dislike Hestia's family, and even this is an advantage. Joining when the family is weak means that you have directly entered the core team. As long as you are not too rubbish, then under the frequent updates of [God's Grace], the growth in strength is definitely not comparable to that of the peripheral members of the big family, or even surpassed. Lots of mid-level members.

This is something anyone with a little brain can think of, but this rule was broken in Hestia.

"Maybe Lord Hestia is more picky!" Seeing that Aegina didn't know, Misha could only draw such a conclusion.

"Maybe, but the Lord Hestia and the others have been away from Olalie for a while, and they are not used to it." The main reason is that Zhang Qing, the "God of Misfortune", is not behind Olalie, and the place is too peaceful , made Aegina feel a little unaccustomed to it. In the past, every day because someone was unlucky, it became a joke [but now it seems to be back to the beginning.

Mi Xia covered her mouth and snickered, "It's true, I don't know how the people outside are doing now, they probably have a wonderful life."

Mi Xia is very happy when she thinks that people outside can see the horror of Zhang Qing, an adult.

Aegina couldn't help curling her lips when she heard the words. .

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