Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

676 Sakagi: How Many More! ? Make One And Go Bankrupt!

The hole is very deep, and ordinary ropes can't play a role at all, not to mention whether it can bear the weight, seeing that it can be stretched for hundreds of meters, this loop of rope is also very large.

Perhaps in the ordinary world, such things would be difficult for many people, but this is a world with magical Pokémon, and it doesn’t need to be too high-level. It’s still nothing to temporarily recruit flying Pokémon that can be used for a few days questionable.

"Be careful, the air here does contain toxic ingredients!" Ms. Junsha, who was wearing a protective suit, was holding an air detection device in her hand, and three red lights were lit on it. Her face was very solemn.

Fortunately, they made Pokémon wear a gas mask beforehand, otherwise this trip would be dangerous.

"Understood!" Everyone naturally knew how dangerous this trip was.

Do not deny, whether the other party will have other traps.

It descended to a depth of tens of meters, but everyone was surprised that there was a shining green light below, as if something was shining.

"Is it fluorescent moss, or radioactive ore!?" Touzi held the flashlight, but found that it was impossible to see what was inside.

Only the elderly Junsha came in this time. She looked at the detection device in her hand again and shook her head, "No radioactive element was detected." Nine eighty-seven". Hmm!? The value jumped, But this situation should be a normal situation, indicating that there are modern electronic instruments below..."

"Is it really artificial!?"

"These guys actually dug this big space right under the city, do they know that once it collapses, there will be fewer people!?

This Miss Junsha was obviously very angry.

Several people continued to descend, and soon reached the bottom. At this time, when they looked up, they could not see the lights on the temporary camp outside the pothole, and because it was already night, even They couldn't understand the entrance of the cave, they seemed to have entered a bottomless abyss, and there was darkness in all directions.

If you suffer from claustrophobia, you may already feel difficult to breathe at this moment.

Zhang Qing didn't pay attention to Miss Junsha's words, because if she said more, I'm afraid it would involve a lot of things. After all, if you dig out this place without being discovered, it will definitely be impossible to be invisible anyway, unless someone Cover for these people.

As an outsider, if he directly understands the corruption of the alliance in the Kanto area, he is afraid that it will make him a person inside and out.

Obviously other people think the same way, and they didn't make a sound. In fact, Miss Junsha was just complaining. In fact, she knows better than anyone else the corruption of the high-level alliance in the Kanto area, but she has nothing to do. Well said The Junsha clan and the Joy clan monopolize police and medical treatment respectively.

But in fact, these are all jobs for the people at the bottom. In the eyes of some self-proclaimed "noble people", they are lowly, but they don't want a large number of untouchables to break the class.

One day, he touched his hand to a higher position, so he allowed the monopoly of the two families of Joey and Junsha.

So no matter from the animation or the game, you can see the busy figures of Joey and Junsha, but you rarely see other people appearing. After all, the people of these two families are relatively advanced workers, which are very easy to use. tool people.

If you really talk about the right to speak, there are not many. Compared with the advanced technology, these two families have no control at all. As for the monopoly, it is just a joke. The above sentence can make everything in these two families come to naught. .

I have to say that the boss of the Rockets, Sakagi, is a talent. The alliance system has been established for so many years. He is the only leader of the dark organization that reaches in and erodes the "noble people" inside. The dark organizations in other regions are basically called out by everyone. The street mouse, no matter how he looks like him, he has become the owner of the alliance gymnasium, not to mention, now I don't know how many middle and high-level members of the alliance in the Kanto area also have his people.

Maybe given this guy enough time and luck, maybe he can really change the world.

"It came out from the gap." Mei observed and judged.

"Be careful, just dig here, it should not be completely buried below." Miss Jun Sha warned after thinking.

"Don't be so troublesome, I can take you in directly." Nazi finally spoke out at this time.

Only then did a few people remember that the existence of this super queen indeed teleports people instantly. Other super power users may find it very difficult, but for Nazi, it is very easy

"Then I'm counting on you, Miss Nazi!" Jun Sha didn't rely on the old man because the other party was younger than him, and he still gave him enough respect.

In fact, if Nazi hadn't been interested in the regional competition, she might have already been the champion of a certain session, or she might be the king of the super power department now.

Such a girl in her teens is definitely the most talented trainer that has appeared in the Kanto area for so many years. Although this strength is mostly due to the powerful superpower she was born with, it is also one of the opponent's capital. Just like some people are naturally smarter, so when competing with others, do we have to prohibit the other party from using their brains!?

So this world has never been fair or unfair. Some people were born in Rome from the moment they were born, and some people were destined to be cattle and horses.

There are differences in appearance, IQ, wealth and family background, height and health, etc. It is impossible to insist on fairness.

Mei and Touko looked at Zhang Qing, as if asking with their eyes, "Aren't you going to die!?"

Zhang Qing spread out his hands, "I just don't want to rely too much on superpowers, well, I'll take you straight in, Miss Nazi, take Miss Junsha!"

When Nazi saw Zhang Qing's hands on Mei and Touzi's shoulders, she disappeared immediately and was taken aback for a moment, and then teleported down below with Miss Junsha who was also a little surprised.

After Junsha saw that he had transformed into an underground base with complete facilities, he looked around and found that some equipment was damaged by the boulders falling from it, but there were still many things left, "It's strange, from According to the situation here, the people here should have been prepared to leave long ago, which means that the previous explosion is what they want to bury and destroy the evidence here, but why can they keep so many things? Don't they know how to calculate the power of the explosion? !?"

The light from the gap outside is obviously from the lights of the research base, indicating that even the power supply has not been damaged.

Nazi didn't care about this, she looked around, and after seeing Zhang Qing and the others in a corner, she felt a little relieved.

Then he stared blankly at Zhang Qing's back.

I murmured in my heart: You also have super powers, that's great...

Miss Junsha, who didn't get a response, looked back at Nazi suspiciously. Seeing her staring blankly in a certain direction, she followed her gaze and found that Zhang Qing, who had disappeared before, was standing in front of a certain instrument. During operation, a series of characters on the big screen are constantly changing..0

"Did you find anything!?" She pulled Nazi over and asked.

Touzi stretched out her index finger and put it on her lips and gave a "hush" sound, then lowered her voice and said, "This should be the main control system. Ah Qing is trying to decipher it to see if he can get some important information."

Jun Sha was very surprised, "He can even do this!?"

How can this be a talent, is it simply a monster!? Can a person's energy learn so many things and be proficient in so many things!?

Is this also brought about by superpowers!?

Thinking of this, Jun Sha couldn't help but look at the taciturn, autistic Nazi beside her.

Nazi felt Junsha's eyes blinking, a little unclear, so, seeing that Junsha didn't have something to tell her, she ignored it, and her eyes fell on Zhang Qing, who was doing things seriously, as if her eyes were glued to it .

"Okay." Zhang Qing ignored the sight behind him. After some operations, he pressed the last button, and then looked at the big screen. After a flash, some deleted file records were restored.

To be honest, Zhang Qing also doesn't understand why these people didn't physically destroy this super computer when they left. How stupid would it be to keep it for the convenience of the investigators!?

Could it be that there are also undercover agents from the alliance on the other side!? Mission: Impossible!?

Zhang Qing, who couldn't figure it out, didn't continue to think about it. Anyway, he could understand everything after he caught that group of people.

Although Junsha doesn't know much about experimental research, the words and some video records above kept her from wrinkling, "That is to say, this group of people stole the Pokémon to extract the treasures from these Pokémon. The genes of the best piece!? Wait, I don’t understand what is the point of their doing this!? Do you want all Pokémon in this world to have equal aptitude!?”

Cut out the brains of top students for research, and see where their IQs are higher than ordinary people. After the research is understood, it will benefit all mankind and make everyone a top student!?

Isn't this ridiculous!?

Zhang Qing shook his head, 2.2 looked at the women who were doubting their lives and said, "What are you thinking? If you really have this kind of thinking, they won't be hiding in the ground and sneaking around. Doing so will prove their starting point It's bad in itself."

"I think it's more like they want to combine the powerful parts of various Pokémon to create a super monster with no shortcomings. Maybe in other words, they are making gods.

As soon as these words came out, even Na Zi was taken aback, she turned her eyes away from Zhang Qing, and looked at the content on the big screen.

Jun Sha also stuttered in fright, "No, it's impossible!? This is too absurd! People can really create gods!?"

Mei and Toko didn't make a sound at this time, they were communicating with their own beasts Reshiram and Zekrom in their hearts.

The two-headed dragon told them that only one can be called a god, and the others, even if they are of the same family, are just Pokémon stronger than ordinary Pokémon, so humans cannot create gods at all.

However, this answer did not reassure the two women, because the meaning behind the words is the same: man-made people do not have authority and power, but they may also have the power to destroy the world

The two women are not afraid of divine beasts, after all, they also have them, and they can still fight, but the only worry is how many "sacred beasts" the other party has created. .

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