Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

678 Calamus: Do You Mind Having Three More Girlfriends? ?

Just when the situation in Hualan City was changing.

The familiar figures of two men and a woman were ushered in Jinhuang City again, but this time they were accompanied by a ghost-type Pokémon Ghoststone.

Just when they were about to challenge the Golden Gym in high spirits, they found that the owner of the Golden Gym had changed, and became the strange uncle who rescued them before.

After seeing Xiaozhi and the others come back, the other party was also a little surprised, "How is it!? Have you subdued the ghost-type Pokémon!? Don't think that I will be merciful to you if I am the owner of the pavilion, it is impossible!"

The three of Xiaozhi were undoubtedly surprised, pointing at each other and asking, "Uncle, why is it you!?"

Xiao Gang was even more disappointed, "The beautiful girl is gone, replaced by an uncle, where is my beautiful Miss Nazi!?"

The uncle had a black line, "Is it my fault!? I am also......"

"I know, you are Uncle Wang from the house next door to Nazi." Xiaozhi interrupted what the other party was saying, and said first.

The uncle gritted his teeth, "I've said it many times, I'm not anymore, why on earth do you have to think that I will be Uncle Wang next door to Nazi's house!? Do you have some serious illness!?"

"I'm Nazi's father, isn't it normal for me to be here!? Brat, it's not cute at all! Sure enough, my Nazi is the cutest!"

"Huh, eh, eh!?" Xiaozhi and the others were stunned when they heard the words, and looked at the uncle who claimed to be Nazi's father in front of him in shock.

Xiaoxia even said, "But you don't look alike at all!?"

The uncle vomited blood, "Is there a problem with Nazi looking like her mother!? If she looks like me, is she still a girl!?"

"Okay, do you want to challenge the gymnasium? If you don't challenge, leave! I'm also very busy, damn it, that brat seduced my Nazi, and now Nazi hasn't contacted us, damn wild boar!"

Uncle naturally wouldn't blame his little padded jacket, it must be the fault of the pig who stole their cabbage, how could Nazi have forgotten her biological parents! It must be the pig who refused to let it go.

Xiaozhi suddenly saw the burning anger behind the uncle, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, what's wrong with him!? He looks very angry..."

"Of course I want to challenge, but after defeating you, uncle, I will definitely challenge Nazi again in the future. I will never lose again next time! I want to become a master trainer

"Heh, it's good for young people to be motivated, but you don't think I'm easy to deal with, right? My Pokémon is also of the super power type. Do you think the ghost type that I just conquered can defeat me!?"

The uncle didn't care about Xiaozhi's sudden Wang Lufei-style declaration. In fact, he was the gym owner here before Nazi. What a troublesome procedure.

As gym owners, not everyone is as unreal as the three Hualan sisters. In the final analysis, the three Hualan sisters only realized the importance of money because their parents left too early. To become a powerful trainer, they pay more attention to money.

Having no father or mother and having to support the younger sister, the three sisters are actually very difficult.

Speaking of which, the uncle summoned his own Pokémon, which turned out to be a magic wall doll.

"The magic wall puppet looks a bit like a human being, with big hands and a suction cup on each of its five fingers. In addition to fighting, it is also a good helper in housework. Its behavior is like mime performances, and its appearance is It is no different from a clown. Many scholars believe that its big palm was developed because of mime performances." 々.

"The magic wall puppet is good at performing pantomime and has been practicing it all the time. It is a mime master. It can send out incredible waves from its fingertips, and slightly wave its fingertips to stop the molecules in the air and make invisible walls. Made The wall bounces off even a strong attack, protecting itself from most attacks. It can make people believe that there is something there that cannot be seen by the eyes through body movements, and that things that are believed to be true will actually appear. Then As it grows more and more skilled, it seems to be able to create even invisible things. It is said that if it hinders its pantomime, it will suddenly make a series of slaps with its huge palm. If it is not praised, the series of slaps will come to You hit.

Xiaozhi immediately took out the Pokédex and looked it up, "It's a Pokémon I've never seen before."

After getting to know the opponent, Xiaozhi put away the illustrated book and said loudly, "Then the decision is up to you, Ghost Stone, go! Defeat the magic wall puppet!"

However, nothing happened.

The uncle crossed his arms, waiting for Ghost Stone to appear, but seeing nothing appeared, he urged, "What's the matter, hurry up, didn't you subdue Ghost Stone, didn't you!? It's against the rules of the game to stay invisible. , You have to show up at least once, as a trainer, you don't know this!?"

"I, of course I know...Damn it, Ghost Stone, Ghost Stone, where did you go!?" Xiaozhi immediately looked around with a bitter face and shouted, begging Stop playing hide-and-seek, that Ghoststone guy.

At this time, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also found that Ghost Stone had indeed disappeared suddenly, and immediately helped to find him.


Wall Doll:

Can you say that it's a good thing Naz is gone!? Otherwise, these three little bastards might not end well.

"Didn't you subdue the other party!?" The uncle raised his forehead.

Xiaozhi knelt on the ground and nodded helplessly, "No, but it promised to help me defeat Nazi."

"Ghost-type Pokémon like to play tricks very much, why do you just... Forget it, it's useless to say this now, boy, do you want to continue to challenge now!?" The uncle sighed helplessly, even more so for this kind of cute new Imp trainers shouldn't have too many expectations.

To be honest, he also felt that it was very inappropriate to travel at such a young age.

"Of course, Pikachu depends on you." Xiaozhi got up and said to Pikachu beside him.

Pikachu looked at the magic wall puppet on the opposite side, then at the calm uncle, and finally at Xiaozhi who was praying, and nodded helplessly, "Pika~"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looked at each other, "I feel like I have to lose again..."

Xiaoxia hopes that Xiaozhi can learn a lesson this time, how can he let the Pokémon that has not been subdued help him to compete!?

After complaining, her attention fell to other places. Simply put, she started to wander.

"Speaking of which, when we contacted last night, Sister Sakura and the others were weird, and the dark circles on their faces were also very serious. Really, they are so old, don't they know how to take care of themselves!?"

Although Xiaoxia actually quarreled with Sister Mudan, Xiaoxia is very aware of how much her three sisters have paid for this family. If it wasn't for the three sisters of this family, especially Sister Sakura, she would not be nearly twenty years old, and there is no boy. friends.

Not to mention that he never even left Hualan City for travel.

Although Xiaoxia is dissatisfied with them turning the gymnasium left by her parents into a performance aquarium, it does not mean that Xiaoxia resents and hates her three sisters, in fact she likes her own very much three sisters.

Feeling that Sister Sakura and the others seemed to have a problem, Xiaoxia wanted to go back to Hualan City.

However, their next itinerary was in conflict, which made Xiaoxia hesitate for a while.

"Let's wait until we get to the Elf Center, and then contact Sakura-san and the others. If there is no problem, forget it..." She thought so.

On the other side, the three Hualan sisters learned from Zhang Qing that an underground base had been dug out under their gymnasium, and their anger couldn't help Cisheng.

Hualan City is so big, the other party chose not to do well, but they chose the bottom of their gymnasium. Is this bullying their three sisters without parents and brothers!?

And when they thought that there might be people watching them living above their home all the time, the three sisters felt horrified and ashamed.

For the first time in so many years, they wished that they were not so weak.

But after so many years, it was hard to convince myself not to think about being a powerful trainer, and now a gap suddenly appeared, and the three of them were a little at a loss.

The road to being a trainer is too difficult, and it definitely requires sacrifices.

It's okay for Xiaoxia to go out on a trip. No matter which one of the three of them leaves, it will be unfair to the other two, and if it is not the three of them, Hualan Water Ballet will lose its characteristics. Will it be able to support it by then? If you go on, how long you can support it will be a problem.

Not to mention that it's too late now, the youngest of the three, Mudan, is almost seventeen years old today. At this time, let her turn around to become a trainer, and she lacks a lot of knowledge. , not much has changed at all.

There is no way, the parents have not had time to teach them about trainers, and in this world, knowledge is very precious, especially about Pokémon, and it is impossible for others to teach you for free.

To be honest, it was precisely because they realized this that they deliberately drove Xiaoxia away, so that she would not stay here and end up becoming a useless person like them.

Xiaoxia is pinning the hope of the whole family on going out (Li Dehao) to travel.

And they are responsible for providing money.

It's just that they didn't expect that now that the Hualan gymnasium is gone, the three of them are a little worried.

That's right, the three Hualan sisters didn't go to a hotel in the end. As gym trainers, although they couldn't enjoy free services in the elf center, they were at least 30% off, which was much cheaper than staying in a hotel.

There is no way if everyone is free, the alliance will go bankrupt.

And maybe the Elf Center is full every day, and no one wants to buy a house.

"... Don't worry, this time the alliance will definitely pay the bill. The only thing you need to consider is how to deal with the prosecutors sent by the superiors." Zhang Qing reminded.

This time there is such a big incident in Hualan City, the higher-ups will definitely send someone here, and Hualan Gymnasium will have to advance the re-examination of the gymnasium qualifications at that time, considering the strength of the three of Sakura, I am afraid that they will not be able to pass the level at all.

As for whether Miss Joy will still be the prosecutor, this point is even more unknown.

Calamus sighed, "Yes, and this..."

Then the three sisters looked at Zhang Qing and suddenly their eyes lit up, as if they thought of something, they couldn’t do it, but Zhang Qing could, the tyrannosaurus was so strong before, and it was more than capable of facing such a sudden disaster, saying he Even the owner of the Hualan gymnasium would not think it was a fake, but the three sisters seemed more fake.

"Ahem, brother Zhang Qing, do you mind having a girlfriend, three are fine.".

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