Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

680 Junsha: Meow Meow, Am I So Good! ?

"It's you who came!?"

The mayor of Hualan City never expected that the alliance would actually send a heavenly king over. No mercy.

Mayor Hualan's face was very ugly. This old lady was the oldest among the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto. What's worse was that her specialty attribute was ghost attribute.

Ordinary Pokémon have nothing to do with the opponent, even if restraint is useless, the opponent is one of the four heavenly kings, and the element of attribute restraint has long been less important.

The fact that his subordinates were instantly defeated is the best proof.

"Hehe..." Juzi didn't intend to say anything more to the other party. She is not Junsha, and she doesn't need evidence. She knows who has problems and just arrests them.

"But it's not that easy to catch me."

The mayor of Hualan City is not weak either. Although he has not reached the level of a heavenly king, his strength is stronger than that of ordinary gym masters. Otherwise, he would not have persisted until now, and he has not been knocked down like everyone else.

"Come out! Ten Thousand Needle Fish, use the wave of evil!"

"Huh!?" Grandma Orange looked at the Pokémon released by the other party in front of her, and couldn't help frowning. She had never seen it before. This pufferfish-like shape was the same as the Pokémon she knew. superior.

But what is certain is that this Pokémon has evil attributes.

"What a pleasant surprise..." After she was surprised, she sneered.

No matter how strong a Heavenly King-level trainer is, I'm afraid that the other party hasn't recognized the facts clearly. Unless she lets the divine beast deal with her, she will only be a more troublesome opponent.

Don't think that the battle on TV is the full strength of the Tianwang class. In fact, if the Tianwang class fights with all its strength, it is impossible for anyone to have the opportunity to stay nearby to shoot. If they do that, they may be killed by the aftermath.

The mayor of Hualan City didn't speak any more, he was also sneering in his heart, surprise!? But the surprise came later, he knew better than anyone else how powerful a king-level trainer was, precisely because Sakagi was also a king-level trainer.

He didn't expect this Pokémon, which is said to have disappeared with the legendary Xi Cui, to be able to deal with Chrysanthemum, the king of ghosts, all he needed was to delay time.

To be honest, how Xicui disappeared and how it became the current Sinnoh is still a mystery, but according to the research of the Rockets, it may be related to the mythical beast, the terrain directly modified by some kind of power, and the memory of human beings. That's why people lack such a memory about Xicui.

However, there are still records of Xicui in some ruins.

It is precisely because the more you learn about it, the more you will be shocked and fascinated by the power of the mythical beast, so the Rockets will plan to create a mythical beast, and Dream is currently the easiest beast for them to clone or even surpass in theory.

"Okay, goodbye, no, I hope I will never see you again, old woman Chrysanthemum, hahaha..."

Soon the mayor of Hualan City came to the wall and pressed a button. Suddenly, some mechanism was triggered, and he jumped in immediately.

After Juzi asked Geng Gui to defeat Wanzhenyu, she hurriedly chased after it, and found that there was no secret passage at all, but a huge tile flashing blue light, which was a dead end.

"Subspace tiles!? It's really cunning, but this kind of thing has a very short teleportation distance, do you think you can escape like this!? Hmph!"

Although Chrysanthemum was a little surprised that the other party had prepared such an escape method, she didn't care too much. As she said, as long as the other party did not leave Hualan City completely, she could find the other party again.

However, just after Juzi snorted coldly, she suddenly heard some faint noises, and after listening quietly for a while, her complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

"These guys are addicted to playing explosive games!? They even planted bombs in their own residences!?"

In Hualan City, which was sunny and sunny, suddenly there was another shocking explosion.

Many citizens squatted down with their heads in their hands, looking at the mayor's mansion that was bombed into the sky with fear on their faces. If it wasn't for the previous battle of Juzi that made the nearby people stay away early, Hualan City would have suffered heavy casualties due to the sudden explosion. up.

You know, this is the city center!

"The real Hualan Gymnasium is now the mayor's mansion, what happened to Hualan City!?"

Citizens are panicked and anxious. This is the second big explosion in the past few days. No one knows if there will be a third or fourth time. This is even worse than the theft of high-level Pokémon. Be bad.

Nazi shook her head at Junsha, who was about to check it out, "No one was injured over there, you can let other people appease the people, that's because the king of ghosts attacked the mayor here, but the other party has run away now , Well, I probably found the group of people we need to look for, so here it is..."

The older Miss Jun Sha was stunned, "Ghost is the king of heaven, so she is here, no wonder I haven't received the news, it's not surprising that it's her, but the commotion is too loud.

Wait! You said you found it!?"

Na Zi nodded, she was also a little confused, she didn't know why the other party ran away, she had to go to the place where the group who evacuated from the ground was!?

Are the current evil organizations cheating their teammates like this!?

At first, Nazi thought it would take some time for her to find this group of people, but the result was that the other party blew himself up, exposing the underground base below Hualan City, and now he is an undercover agent guiding the way. Nazi even wondered if this was part of the conspiracy Otherwise, how could it be so stupid!?

He nodded to Miss Junsha who was looking at her, "Yes! They are on the other side of Yuejian Mountain, where it has almost been hollowed out."

"Moon See Mountain!?" Miss Jun Sha frowned, she didn't expect it to be there.

Yuejian Mountain, as a high mountain in the northern part of the Kanto region between Dark Gray City and Hualan City, is naturally within their blockade range, and even because it is a deep forest, Junsha and the others pay more attention to it. If people want to escape, they are more likely to go there.

But Yuejian Mountain is too big and there are many trees and jungles. It would take too much manpower and material resources to search inside, not to mention that Yuejian Mountain is relatively dangerous. After all, Yuejian Mountain is famous for its wild skins and frequent falling meteors.

Maybe when you go in, you will be killed by a meteor.

Naturally, the mayor of Hualan City didn't really clear his IQ to cheat his teammates. In fact, he was very rational. When he saw Granny Juzi appearing, he immediately understood that Junsha might have treated him a long time ago. He didn't trust him, and even got in touch with the above through other channels early on, otherwise a heavenly king wouldn't suddenly appear here and attack him.

0 for flowers...

What's more frightening is that it's okay to hide the news of their fight in the city center from other people, but I'm afraid it's too much to want to hide the super queen Nazi, even the mayor of Hualan City guessed that the old woman Juzi After entering Hualan City, Nazi discovered it immediately.

This is also the reason why those guys were so scared, they evacuated Hualan City without even thinking about it. The Super Queen really wanted to find someone, as long as she was still within her search range, she would definitely not be able to escape.

Now that the old lady Juzi and Nazi are joining forces, I'm afraid none of them can escape.

So the mayor of Hualan City can only hope that those idiots can achieve something during this period of time, otherwise they will all go to jail.

After entering the mountain base of Yuejian Mountain, the mayor of Hualan City directly shouted, "Quick! Send out the Pokémon you cloned. It's best to create enough chaos."

"Don't ask, the ghost king and the super queen will bring people to kill them soon. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison, just listen to my idiots!"


Captain Earth frowned when he heard the words, but he still asked his subordinates to send out the clones, and then looked at the panting Mayor of Hualan City, "I'm afraid I can't stop them with these tools alone." They are too long."

"Of course, of course I know, it depends on whether you have any results. Don't tell me that it has been so long, you have nothing to gain."

There must be no Chaomeng, and the mayor of Hualan City also knows that there is only one chance, and it is impossible to waste it here, let alone Hualan City can't make too many types of Pokémon.

However, it doesn't mean that no powerful Pokémon will be created in the early stage.

Captain Earth frowned more and more. Just when the mayor of Hualan City thought that they really couldn't produce any results, Captain Earth spoke again, "But that work is very unstable, similar to a big mushroom egg. We also It can't be controlled, and it survives outside for less than half an hour..."

"It's good if there is, I can't control so much now, now bring all the research records and materials, we are going to really evacuate, and this time, let me directly physically destroy the facilities here, understand, don't make any explosions [I] Now I wonder if there is something found in Jinsha? The mayor of Hualan City feels his teeth itch when he thinks of the elderly Miss Junsha in Hualan City.

That stinky girl is so good at acting that even he, an old Jiang Hu, was deceived.

And he doesn't blink or blush when he lies, I really don't know why the Junsha family is short of such an old fritter.

He actually doubted his immediate boss without any trust, it was so inhuman.

Mr. Mayor, I wonder if Nazi called her to help through some relationship, maybe the old woman Juzi is too. Sure enough, people from the Junsha and Joey families should not be underestimated. I suffered a great loss, thinking that they would only be useful and obedient tool people, haha..

Mr. Mayor wants to see how the alliance is backlashed soon, it must be very interesting.

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