Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

695 Zhang Qing: Thank You For Your Hospitality!

In fact, Zhang Qing's appearance happened just when Ying urgently needed someone who knew Liyue well. Originally, they wanted to get some news through Xiangling's mouth, but just like what they saw before, because they invited Xian Dianyi to be close Because of this, many people gathered in Liyue Port, and not only Liyue locals were there.

If you say that these outsiders are interested in the rock king and want to meet this ancient rock god, you are actually right. After all, not all gods in any country are like Daozuma. Maybe you will see it on the street sometime , the gods in most countries are relatively mysterious and rarely appear in front of the people, so it is not strange to be curious about the mysterious.

Of course, more outsiders are actually traders who travel between different countries. The main reason they come here is of course to see if they can get in touch with the Liyue Seven Stars. Get to know the Liyue Seven Stars.

Only in the annual ceremony of invitation to immortals can one have the opportunity to meet one of the seven stars.

Ying's words, of course, did not have the same purpose as those people. After pondering for a while, she looked at Zhang Qing again and asked, "Can you take me to the Liyue Seven Stars!?"

The main purpose of her coming to Liyue is to have a relationship with the rock god who is said to be the oldest god among the seven rulers of the world, and only this god can tell her some answers she wants to know. Of course, Ying also wants to know. Take a close look at the Rock King Dijun[ to determine if he is the strange god who prevented her and her brother from leaving this world.

Needless to say, at that time the Tianli maintainer's attack was a block, and it was not wrong to insist that it was a rock element.

Of course, all the way to Liyue Port, Ying also came into contact with the statue of the Seven Heavens here. The statue of Emperor Yanwang looks like a male, but the possibility that the gender can be changed at will for the gods is not ruled out.

"Alas, friend, do you have such great energy!?" Compared to Ying's eagerness, Paimeng was quite shocked by Zhang Qing's ability.

Facing the gazes of the two, Zhang Qing shook his head, "What are you thinking, how could I possibly know such a big man!? You have to figure out that being able to go to many places doesn't mean you can meet everyone. "

Hearing this, Jia couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Paimeng comforted, "It doesn't matter, we can definitely see the Emperor of the Rock, isn't there such a thing as a hundred and nothing!? Maybe we can find it from the treasure chest in the wild! Keep your spirits up, you!"

"It's a talisman of no taboos!" Ying corrected, this little guy seems to have a very poor memory in other aspects except that he can remember what he eats.

"Yes, yes, this is it! When we get this, we will be able to meet the Liyue Seven Stars."

"Okay, I will try my best to look for it, but let's wait until tomorrow after I invite Xian Dianyi. I heard that it will be hosted by one of the Seven Stars at that time. I want to try it out."

Seeing that the two of them seem to have regained their energy, Zhang Qing coughed to bring the two of them back to their attention, and then said, "Although I'm glad to see you all cheered up again, I have to correct you a little bit, Liyue Seven Stars are human beings. It's not a god, and it's not a fairy, so even if you find the Bai Wu Taboo, it's useless, maybe they may not recognize it, after all, it was distributed by the emperor and the fairy in the early years, and it is very old, except for scholars who have to study history deeply. There are also some people from ancient families, I am afraid that few people know about it."

After hearing Zhang Qing's explanation, Ying and Paimeng were quite shocked, "But there are immortals, why did you hand Liyue over to humans for governance!?"

Compared with humans, immortals are undoubtedly more trustworthy, and they have a long lifespan. Their knowledge and vision are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Rock gods should not be as free as Fengshen!? Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain this point. There is no reason for myself It’s too incredible that the country that was built with great effort turned out to belong to someone who has nothing to do with it in the end!?

Zhang Qing shook his head, "You are not from Liyue. You may know that immortals can live a long time and have great strength. But in fact, immortals are cultivated, not immortals from the beginning, so their pursuit , from the very beginning, it was not the so-called power and wealth. Of course, since the immortal also has the word "person" in it, the immortal must also have something to ask for. But it’s different from what ordinary people pursue!”

"Of course, the reason why Liyue was handed over to some outstanding human beings to govern is also because only human beings can understand what they need better!"

"Although Liyue exists because of the Emperor Yan and the immortals, Liyue is made up of thousands of Liyue people, and they are all ordinary people!

Seeing that they seem to understand, Zhang Qing pointed to Paimeng and said, "Let's take that little Paimeng as an example, if she is an immortal and you are the most ordinary person in Liyue, then if Paimeng is the one who governs Liyue’s leader, then she likes to eat dishes made of slime liquid, and if she thinks you will like it too, can you imagine what the life of ordinary people like yourself will be like!?”

"Hey! Fake ones, don't use me as an example! Paimon wouldn't do such a thing!"

Ying rolled her eyes, and said in her heart that if you didn't look away at this time, maybe you would believe your words.

But with Zhang Qing’s example, Ying understands why Liyue is what she is now, leaving the country to human beings to govern!? That rock god is more admirable than imagined, no matter it is wisdom or mind Much better than irresponsible Barbatos.

To be honest, Ying just sighed when thinking about her previous experience in Mond. Although she had a lot of tasks and earned a lot of money, she really left everything to others. These giant babies gave Ying a headache. Fortunately, I'm just an honorary knight, and those people didn't dare to treat the members of the West Wind Knights like that, just come here and ask me to help for nothing, "Otherwise Ying guessed that she would have to run away overnight.

In fact, Captain Qin will get sick. Ying thinks that it is largely because of those giant baby people. Even looking for cats and dogs, she asks people from the Knights to help. Dragons have created a mess that needs to be cleaned up.

"So the two methods are actually the same. In the end, you need to ask the immortal, and the immortal will lead you to see the Emperor of the Rock!?"

Ying understood that it was useless to find Qixing, because if Qixing wanted to meet the rock god, he had to go through a fairy, and the same was true for obtaining the talisman of no taboos, both methods were the same.

"Smart." Zhang Qing directly admitted the conjecture.

0 looking for flowers......

"It seems that it is very important to invite Xian Dianyi tomorrow." Ying said seriously.

Perhaps through Mond's honorary knight status, he can establish diplomatic relations with one of the seven stars who support the ceremony.

While Ying was thinking about tomorrow's actions, Zhang Qing was also silently looking at her. After a whole day of observation, if this girl's current appearance was not a disguise, even if most of the speculations on the Internet in her previous life were just nonsense. Made it up.

For example, Ying is the founder of Kanria, because Kanria's technology is too advanced.

Obviously, although Ying is not a muscular idiot, she is actually not a talent in that area, and it is impossible to master so many advanced technologies. With this ability, she is not traveling now, but directly hiding somewhere The place developed secretly.

As twins, Ying is like this, and the twin brother who is inseparable from him is naturally impossible to be a scientist. If he really has this ability, there is no reason why Ying, who is closest to him, really doesn't understand at all. understand.

As for why her elder brother is called "Prince", Zhang Qing guessed that it was probably because he saved Kanria, or did some great feats, such as bringing Kanria out of the ground, after all, in Kanria Before the country was destroyed, Kanria people had actually been active in various countries on the mainland for a long time, and they were not much different from the current Zhidong Kingdom.

Of course, Zhang Qing is not interested in Kanria. She just wants to know why Tianli has paid so much attention to it. After all, there have been ancient countries destroyed by Tianli before on the mainland, but Kanria actually needs seven God fights together.

It is necessary to find out the real reason. This is also the key to Li Yue Ri's ability to move forward. If you don't know where the lightning point is, you may accidentally step on it.

Then it was blown up to the sky.

Zhang Qing is not sure that Tianli himself can fight against it. After all, Tianli exists like a god of creation. Although it is recorded that it is an outsider, everything in Tewat was created by him, not to mention that there is still the will of the abyss in this world. Not necessarily the law of heaven is bad, but to fight against the law of heaven in the end, only to find that the whole world was cheated instead, that would be too bad.

Of course, you can also ask Zhongli, but that guy is also taboo about these things, and he may not know more than himself. At that time, Zhongli will get some information from him, and then he will be killed by heaven for no reason. Oh, that's too unfair, for the old boss who protected him from the Demon God War, Zhang Qing still doesn't want the other party to really die.

When Ying and Paimeng finished discussing what they were going to do tomorrow, when they came back to their senses, they realized that Zhang Qing had left at some point.

Paimon looked at the empty plates left by the other party just now, and couldn't help but be taken aback, "Did we talk for a long time just now!? By the way, we forgot to ask her name

Ying thought of other questions, "Pimon, do you think she paid!?"

Paimon froze for a moment, "I feel like I've met someone similar before, wait a minute, isn't this the same guy who sings!?"

"Ahhh, I thought the other party was a good person, I'm so mad at you!".

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