Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

700 Immortals: Let The Guys Beat That Dog Together! Yay~!

In the eyes of the immortal with a long life span, the mortals he has seen do not know how many are good and bad. Even if they are good at first, they may turn bad later.

Therefore, in their minds, mortals are changeable and unreliable at the same time.

Although Zhang Qing said that immortals don't have too much desire for power to rule Liyue, and even think it is a very troublesome thing, especially the three demon gods who jointly established Liyue

Now that there is only the rock king and emperor Morax, and the immortals are all dead, they don't have that kind of thought.

But this does not mean that the immortal has no objection to the Liyue Seven Stars.

In the final analysis, I would feel a little uncomfortable in my heart when I gave away the country I had conquered.

Not to mention that in the minds of most immortals, the impression of mortals is still in the age when they were ignorant and only relied on their protection. Suddenly letting a child who has just learned to crawl be the master of the house, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit crazy.

However, the Immortal would not consider the choices made by those rock kings to be wrong, after all, Morax had proved him many times to be right.

But prejudice does not disappear so easily, so it is easy to understand that Gan Yu became the general secretary of Seven Stars. On the one hand, it is to assist Liyue Seven Stars, and on the other hand, it is not surveillance!

The immortal's distrust of the Liyue Seven Stars has already begun to appear.

In fact, the Liyue Seven Stars are also very aware of this point, which is why every Liyue Seven Stars is dedicated to their careers. After all, there is a knife and invisible eyes in the dark.

One must know that Liyue is a country where gods exist, not some feudal superstition, there really are gods. If the law is the bottom line of morality, then the gods are the supervisors who can raise the bottom line infinitely.

Why do you say that Daozuma's Sanfeng has fallen instead!? One is because the mystery of Thor has weakened. The second is that Lei Yingying is a pure warrior, and that scumbag Yae Shenzi is also a fun person, so he doesn't care about those things.

When mortals feel that the gods are no longer mysterious and can be concealed or bought, even if the natural fear is much less, it is very easy to understand that the capitalization of the rice wife family is gradually taking shape

Inazuma is already out of control.

With the eyes of immortals, they can naturally see the consequences of capital out of control, so immortals never believe in Liyue Seven Stars, because they think that without their existence, Liyue Seven Stars might degenerate into something!

Now that I know from Ying and Paimeng how the emperor was killed and how the Seven Stars deal with it, the True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun, the True Lord Lishui Dieshan and the True Lord Liuyun Borrowing the Wind, I don’t know whether I should be angry or because I was happy to prove that my idea was correct.

Maybe both!

In fact, Zhongli has already seen these things, and he was the one who told [Young Master] Dadalia, otherwise Dadalia would not let Ying and the others go to the immortal, naturally because it would detonate the immortal and Liyue Seven stars are contradictory.

A crisis of trust already exists, and it is naturally very simple to detonate it.

Zhongli really wanted to test whether the Liyue Seven Stars could let Liyue continue to walk in this dangerous world without the Emperor Yanwang, even in the face of the demon god. But why didn't he take this opportunity to let Zhenjun Liuyun borrow the wind and the others to change their thinking about mortals and agree with them.

In the era of rule by man, it does not mean that immortals must leave the stage, because immortals are also human beings.

Only by working together, the group accountant Zhong Li can retire with peace of mind.

It is necessary to resolve internal conflicts.

In fact, if you ask the immortals whether the Liyue Seven Stars are trustworthy, maybe the others can't be sure, but Yuheng Xing who disrespects the immortal gods is definitely rarely trusted, because the other party has proved it with actions.

Even if the immortal lives in seclusion in the mountains, he still sees the busy figure of the other party from time to time, and the other party will come to give gifts on behalf of Seven Stars during the festivals. Even if he has not met the other party face to face, he has a very good impression of Ke Qing. It hasn't changed.

If it is said that the seven stars have rebelled, even the immortals will not believe it. It is easier to kill the other party and replace it with someone who wants to make that dead-headed Yuheng star rebel.

Moreover, it is very difficult to kill Ke Qing who possesses the God Eye of Thunder and Lightning. Maybe the moment he sees the opponent, his head will fall to the ground. The speed of the thunder light is too fast, and it is not a game. , You have to hit more than a dozen times.

But the immortals don't think about these things for the time being, they just want to be angry and ask questions, and they even forget to check whether the contract between themselves and the emperor still exists.

And they have reason to believe it!

Who let Ying and Paimeng have that dog's breath, if that dog, maybe they would really do something to assassinate the emperor, you ask why!? The answer may be just because they think it's interesting.

Yes, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind and the others first suspected Zhang Qing.

As for the Liyue Seven Stars, they were either accomplices or scapegoats who were framed.

You must know that Zhang Qing had a very good relationship with the Demon God of Dust back then, and the death of the Demon God of Dust had a certain relationship with Zhongli. The immortals had reason to suspect that it was not impossible for Zhang Qing to take the opportunity to take revenge.

Seeing the angry faces of the immortals, Ying and Paimeng always felt that they seemed to have done something wrong, obviously they just wanted to get the guarantee of the immortals.

How did it become an infighting between the Immortal and the Liyue Seven Stars!?

Seeing that the three immortals had all flown away, Paimon looked at the short Great Sage Conquering Demon, who was leaning against the tree with his arms folded, his expression as cold as ever, seeing that he did not leave

He asked, "By the way, you have been talking about that woman and that woman all the time, don't you all know that guy Zhang Qing!?"

Paimon really wanted to ask, did the other party lie even to the immortals!? Could this be the legendary fairy dance!?

Mandrill glanced at them coldly, then looked away, just when Paimeng and the others thought he didn't want to talk to them, the other party's cold and deep voice sounded faintly.

"No matter what you want to do, I suggest you stay away from that guy. She may not mean to harm you, but you may not be able to accept it."

After leaving such an inexplicable sentence, he disappeared without looking up and looking down at Zhenjun, as if he stayed here on purpose to warn them with such a sentence.

Ying and Pymon looked at each other immediately.

Finally Paimeng spread his hands and said, "That guy Zhang Qing offended so many people, even the immortals, and he is still alive till now, that's amazing!"

Ying nodded, "It's really powerful, in every sense."

Paimon: "However, she cheated us so much, and now let the immortals teach her a lesson, I think it's very okay."

"It's all because of her that we became the paupers we are today!"

Ying very much agrees with Paimeng's statement. When she thinks that the other party has taken her money and turned around and betrayed her, Ying feels that the other party's beating up by the immortal is not worthy of sympathy.

That was all her hard-earned hard-earned money!

"Let's go back and find [Young Master] first!" Paimon suggested.

0 looking for flowers‥

Ying nodded. Although the identities of the other party's idiots and consuls are hard to believe, but now I can only look for the other party. I can't go back to Zhang Qing, who has been deceived three times. Ying feels that she Even if you don't care anymore, you won't be stupid anymore.

Then the two of them used the anchor point to teleport back to Liyue. If they hadn't lighted up other anchor points in Liyue before, they could only choose to teleport back to Mond. The two of them didn't need the help of that bastard Zhang Qing at all.

After this lesson, every time Ying goes to a new country, she will immediately light up the teleportation anchor, and she will not trust any kind passers-by casually.

Northland Bank entrance.

Dadalia breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ying and Paimon sneaking over the wall, "You two are finally back, it's great to see you all safe and sound!"

"By the way, what's the result of the trip between the clouds!?"

Sure enough, Mr. Zhongli is trustworthy and keeps his promise, otherwise we probably won't see the travelers now.

That friend of Zhongli was really a fool. Fortunately, when I came to Liyue, I found someone who was proficient in Liyue's various cultures but not a big role. Otherwise, the traveler's today would be his yesterday.

Ying and Paimeng couldn't express their faces, obviously thinking of their hardships along the way.

However, he still told about the fact that he successfully met the immortal, and of course Mandrill's warning was concealed from them, after all, it didn't matter.

.........I see. "

"The True Monarch Who Cuts the Moon and Builds the Sun, the True Monarch Lishui and Stacks the Mountains, the True Monarch Liuyun Borrows the Wind, the Great Sage Conquering Demons... Well, some of these names have never appeared in the information held by [fools] Woolen cloth!"

An imperceptible light flashed in Dadalia's eyes, obviously he did not expect such a fairy to exist. After all, the fairy has already become a legend, and most people doubt whether there are really any left in the world.

As expected of the strongest seven gods, Morax, the rock god, has more family members than the wind god.

This information can be written down, maybe it will be used in the future.

Of course, this kind of thought was only fleeting, Dadalia smiled and said to them, "As a reward, I also have information for you.

"Regarding the death of the god, Liyue Qixing's reaction is very intriguing. They declared to the outside world that no one is allowed to pay their respects to [Immortal Ancestor Fahui] because they have not yet found the real culprit."

"He even tried to block the news...but after all, Xian Dianyi invited people to come and go, even the Seven Stars can't stop the rumors."

Of course, as for the other messy rumors in Liyue Port, Dadalia just didn't mention it.

Paimeng and Ying looked at each other, and then asked, "Fahui the Immortal Ancestor!?"

Dadalia smiled and explained, "Based on Liyue's common sense, Emperor Yanwang is also a fairy. The God of Rock is the god of contract, and is also called the ancestor of all immortals. Now all [three-eyed, five-eyed] Immortal Xian], they all made a contract to watch Liyue back then."

"I see, no wonder they are so concerned about Liyue's affairs."

"That's right, they have both responsibilities and qualifications. If the Seven Stars in charge of Liyue don't have any problems, they have the qualifications to ask questions. The soul of the Rock God ascended to the sky, and why the body left behind was hidden by the Seven Stars is really suspicious. Maybe there is something on the body that cannot be known to outsiders..."

At the end Dadalia's voice was almost a whisper, but Ying and Paimon still listened, and they also became suspicious of Qixing for a while. .

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