After Liuyun borrowed Feng Zhenjun and the others to confront Ningguang, he asked Ningguang to cancel the arrest of Ying and the others, and left temporarily, but there was no fight.

But it is enough for Ningguang and Keqing to see that the immortals don't trust them. If there is no convincing answer, Liyue will have to fall into internal strife when the immortals come again next time. of the vortex.

Do you believe in the seven stars of Liyue, who are self-employed, or believe in the immortals who have established and protected Liyue for thousands of years!? I am afraid that this will become a civil strife that has to be faced.

After the immortals left, Keqing frowned and looked at Ningguang, "This doesn't look like you!?"

Ke Qing, who forcibly prevented herself from falling into a confused mood because of the sudden death of the emperor, was a little puzzled why Ning Guang made such an irrational decision. It was a very wrong decision.

This is equivalent to saying that the prisoner is among those people, but you must know that there are many Liyue citizens there, and everyone loves the emperor very much. This undoubtedly hurts the hearts of these people, and it also aggravates their panic.

The most correct way is to appease everyone and say to the outside world, "The emperor may be too tired, but just fell asleep."

Instead of directly clarifying the fact that the emperor is dead.

You must know that there are people from other countries present at the ceremony, which is tantamount to telling other countries that the head of state of your own country is gone. Ke Qing almost suspects that Ningguang is an undercover agent from another country.

But it's really unnecessary to become the leader, so Ke Qing doesn't doubt it anymore.

But it is still hard to believe that the person who made such a wrong decision was the one who focused on [Tianquan].

Ningguang supported his forehead and sighed, "I'm also a human being, and I couldn't maintain my composure in that situation, plus that traveler..."

Ningguang also had a toothache when she thought of Ying and the others' acceptable behavior at that time.

What are you doing with your hands up!? And why did you turn around and run away without saying a word!?

If it weren't for the sudden actions of the two of them, Ning Guang might have regained his sanity and calmness soon, but after being teased by Ying and the others, he subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with the two of them. At that time, it was like the police came to the scene after receiving a report , I just saw a person running away from the crime scene in a panic, and I will definitely catch up immediately, and even pull out the wooden warehouse.

Afterwards, Ningguang of course realized that she was no longer a prisoner, but as Liyue Qixing, she couldn't change the order overnight, which would damage her prestige, especially at such a critical moment, it was not allowed. And she also needs a suspect to divert the public's attention so that she has enough time to investigate.

For this reason, she also specially found a painter from Mond, the kind of painter who can only paint abstract paintings, isn't it just to let them go, there is a step on both sides!?

It turned out that the portrait on the arrest warrant looked like that, and someone even reported that they had seen the same person above, and Ningguang wanted to vomit blood. Are you sure there are such ugly "people" in reality!?

Well, now even the immortals have come to Xingshi to inquire about the crimes, and Ningguang's overall plan has fallen into an extreme dilemma. Under the watchful eyes of the immortals, some methods cannot be implemented at all, so they can only be done openly. investigation!?

If someone really murdered the emperor, he would have been hidden by now.

Seeing that Keqing was a little anxious, after Ningguang sat back on her seat, she turned over the table with a smile and wrote an application form, saying, "You don't need to panic, we just need to find the murderer, or a murderer That's it."

"Murderer!? Is there really a murderer!? And the murderer who can assassinate the emperor without anyone noticing, can we take down!?" Ke Qing looked directly at the calm gaze that had returned to the past, and asked a little uneasy.

Ning Guang will, "If someone still wants to do something, the emperor's immortal body will definitely not let it go."

It is meaningless to simply kill the emperor. With that kind of strength, he would not look at a mere mortal country. It may only be the idea of ​​​​hitting that thing. As the star of Tianquan, although Ningguang does not know what treasures the Seven Gods have, But the reason why the fools on Mond's side suddenly evacuated seems to be because they got something from Fengshen, and naturally Rockshen will also have something that the other side needs.

Yes, the object of Ningguang's suspicion is the fools. During this time, except for the Qianyan Army who was sent away from the mountain by some hateful Chaoyang people to arrest the criminals in the cloud, most of the manpower was used to monitor the North Country Bank.

Ke Qing walked in and took a look at the application form, frowned, "The Hall of Rebirth!? Sending away the fairy ceremony!?...."

"So that's the case, has anyone used the Hall of Rebirth!?"

Keqing is also a smart person, so she quickly figured out the twists and turns inside. After all, under normal circumstances, Xiangshengtang would have to follow Qixing's arrangement. If Qixing didn't make it clear, I will just wait, unless the time is really too long, otherwise I will never ask for a gift ceremony at this time.

After all, in order to show respect for the deceased immortal, it is necessary to prepare for a period of time, not to mention that the emperor was killed and the inside story has not been figured out, the Xiangshengtang will not be so ignorant.

Ningguang nodded, "The Xiangsheng Hall intends to tell us to suspect someone. I would like to get to know this guest named Zhongli."

Ning Guang's fingertips swiped to the last signer, on which was Zhong Li's name and his status in the Hall of Death.

"It was also he who asked us to temporarily put the Emperor's Immortal Physique in the Golden House. It's really a good plan. By then, everyone will get all the stolen goods. Not everyone can enter there casually. Even Zhidong Country has no excuses up.

"The gentleman in [The Hall of Rebirth] is indeed knowledgeable and admirable, but his way of thinking is still too similar to that of the emperor. If he is more assertive, I will recruit him to work by my side. It will definitely be of great help......" Ke Qing has a little impression of Zhongli, after all, she is not like Ning Guang who sits high on the Qunyu Pavilion all day long, and even rarely walks outside, let alone eating Huyan That kind of market place.

"As expected of you..." Ning Guang helplessly looked at Ke Qing who said such words.

On the other side, the immortals who suppressed their anger and left the Jade Pavilion were looking for the trace of a certain white-haired witch.

"Where did you go, that guy!? Except for such a big thing, I didn't see anyone." Liuyun borrowed the wind and muttered with some dissatisfaction.

The three little animals turned around in Liyue Harbor in hiding and couldn't find any nasty dog. They were all a little annoyed, and finally they couldn't run to find Grandma Ping, who was also the true king of Gechenlang City.

Grandma Ping shook her head, "Since she came to me that day and invited me to attend the funeral of a 'friend', I haven't seen her again."

Having said that, Grandma Ping couldn't help but fell silent, the "friend" that dog said could not be the emperor!?

Apparently, the True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing the Wind, "Principal Lord Zhuyang and True Lord Lishui Yishan also have this idea at the moment.

"I just said why did that guy come to invite us suddenly? It turned out to be premeditated, Zhenjun Gechenlang City, you think that guy can't be the murderer!?"

If there is anyone who can be unaware, and even make the emperor not resist, only that guy, after all, the other party is the "sister" of the demon god, and the relationship is very deep, and the emperor has been guilty and remorseful because of the death of the demon god, saying Maybe if the other party wants to kill Dijun, Dijun will just smile and let the other party kill him.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and now it has been two thousand years in the blink of an eye.

The four of them immediately recalled the past, and they were all in a bad mood. In the end, Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind shook his head, and denied it himself, "Probably not, if that guy really hates the emperor, she will definitely not bear it." After so long, she is not the kind of person who can bear it."

080 Because that bratty fellow came to "borrow" things, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind is the person who is the closest to Zhang Qing, so he is also the person who knows the most.

As far as the other party’s mobility is concerned, as soon as she has an idea, she will immediately implement the action, just like when she suddenly has an idea of ​​wanting to dissect you, she will immediately find you and ask if you can donate the body.

Grandma Ping nodded, agreeing with True Monarch Liuyun and Borrowing Wind, "Indeed, of course I also asked who the host of the funeral was, and she promised that it wasn't any of us, so it shouldn't be fake."

"By the way, isn't the Great Sage Conquering Demons with you!?"

Grandma Ping glanced around, but couldn't find the taciturn figure, so she couldn't help asking.

Zhenjun Shayue Zhuyang shook his head, "It's not like you don't know him, he will never appear where Zhenjun Baixiaorumeng is.

I remembered that every time Zhang Qing saw Mandrill, he would call him [Look up and see the true king], especially Mandrill has never grown taller, and is half a head shorter than that dog. Everyone also deeply sympathized with this, of course Secretly it was a joke.

Also because of this reason, Mandrill has developed a bad habit of standing at a certain high place when outsiders are present.

True Monarch Lishui Dieshan: "Then where did that guy go!?"

At such a lively moment, there is no reason that guy will not be there, this is not like the character of the other party.

Master Liuyun borrowed the wind to think for a while, and said, "Those two little guys have that guy's smell on them, why don't we catch those two little guys and ask them!?"

True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun hesitated a bit, "This is not very good, those two little fellows seem to have been badly harmed by that fellow, isn't it a little too much for us to ask them to help find him!?"

True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind said disapprovingly, "It's not good, I found that guy to settle new and old accounts together, I believe they would be happy to see it.

(Ying and Paimeng: Ah Choo~~~~~~~~!).

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