Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

710 Ying: I Am No Longer A Human Being!

Soon the next day came.

After taking Ying and the others to find the wild glass lily last night, Gan Yu didn't take it outside all night. Although she didn't rest, at least it wasn't as panicky as it was at the beginning.

However, after a little better mood, not long after going to work, it took a sharp turn for the worse.

Gan Yu never thought that the big news Ningguang said yesterday would be so big. Liyue Qixing greeted the immortal who came again outside the city gate.

The two sides are at a standoff.

Gan Yu, who was caught between the two camps, was very helpless. Although she was also a fairy, she didn't hate Ning Guang and the others. Seven stars of Kangshi's generation were the ones she had the deepest impression of in these years.

To be honest, she didn't want any conflicts between the two parties.

While Liuyun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to fight with Ningguang, verbal confrontation, while secretly paying attention to his stupid disciple, like those outsiders, he didn't see the key point.

If they really wanted to make trouble for Liyue Seven Stars, they could directly attack Liyue Port now, why would they waste their tongues here, and help attract attention~!

On the contrary, the Tianquan star of this generation is not simple, it is called Ningguang, and sure enough-very capable.

Of course Liuyun Borrowing Wind and the others are helping Ningguang and the others, but they have no intention of making things difficult for Liyue Seven Stars. They are also testing whether this generation of Liyong Seven Stars is really trustworthy.

To be honest, they were saddened to know that Dijun passed away, but in these years, there were countless acquaintances who left them, and Dijun was only one of them.

What Zhenjun Liuyun borrows the wind and the others to decide now is whether they should still stay in Liyue!? Can the Liyue Seven Stars afford to lose the banner of Emperor Liyue.

If they can't even handle their difficulties and satisfy them, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind and the others don't mind making Liyue change.

After despising Gan Yu in his heart, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind frowned. How could this woman named Ningguang smell like that dog on her body!? Is it because of my own demonic barrier!?

"Little girl, we have given you time, can you give us a satisfactory answer now!?"


And when the immortals confronted the Liyue Seven Stars, they attracted most people's attention.

A fierce battle is taking place in the golden house that hides the body of the emperor and immortal ancestor Fashui dragon. The Qianyan army guarding the place at the door fell to the ground.

However, the three people below did not find that above the dome, a piece of purple crystal appeared at some point, big enough to accommodate one person.

After a fierce battle, the [Young Master] who had entered the second stage broke away first, came into contact with the Demon King's armed forces, knelt down on one knee, panting heavily, the cynical expression on his face

At the moment, it is full of preserved egg and pale color.

Obviously, after entering the armed state of the devil, while gaining more powerful power, it is not completely free.

"Hoo hoo..."

Paimon lay on Ying's back, carefully staring at Duofa, and exclaimed, "Look! He's changed back to his original form now."

Ying is still holding the Qingfeng sword tightly, not daring to be careless, who knows if this guy can transform into three stages!?

Dadalia scratched his hair, still panting heavily, but barely recovered, and had the strength to speak,'s calm down.

"The [Devil King's Armament] just now really put a heavy burden on my body, so I didn't have a chance to stop and think... But when I think about it carefully, you really have no possibility of getting the [God's Heart] before I do. No matter where God's Heart should have nothing to do with you."

As he spoke, Dadalia looked at Ying and the others, although he was asking, but his tone was very certain.

Speaking of this, Paimon became angry, "Yeah! Obviously we said that we didn't take it! It was you who suddenly went berserk and didn't listen to the explanation!"

Ying looked at Dadalia and said: "We are here simply to stop you, and our purpose from the beginning is to meet with Dijun and get some information.

Dadalia smiled bitterly, but he didn't explain too much on this point. It can't be said that the heart of God, the treasure that triggers the war of demon gods, would not be moved by someone!?

"Traveler, the strength you showed today is stronger than [Madam]'s evaluation of you in Mond. Why is that!?"

In fact, what Dadalia wants to ask more at this moment is, where did you learn the swordsmanship from, it is so vicious and shameless, looking for the three ways to attack, is there some deep hatred!?

How do you feel that there is such a big discrepancy between the golden retriever and the information!?

Ying looked at the Qingfeng Sword in her hand, and said: "Human beings have a limit to their abilities. The more scheming they are, the more they will be disturbed by unexpected trifles.

Thinking about his experience in Liyue, being framed by that dog and suffering so much, Yuan suddenly understood a truth.

Dadalia was taken aback, "What are you trying to say!?"

Ying laughed, "So, I am no longer a human being!"

Isn't the sword so inconvenient? As long as it can defeat the opponent, it doesn't matter even if it becomes the kind of dog that you hate the most.


What is she talking about!? Why do you feel that this guy looks very strange, as if he has been assimilated by something, and there is a phantom of some terrible guy behind him.

"Forget it, I'm already very satisfied with this battle. People who are also pursuing becoming stronger are all friends, although the form of this friendship can only be fighting with each other." The restored Dadalia station Standing up, he smiled and straightened his clothes.

Ying frowned, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

Suddenly realized that this guy was delaying time. Ying, who realized this, was a little regretful. She didn't take advantage of the opportunity to subdue the opponent just now, and now it is very likely that she will really usher in the third transformation

He couldn't help but secretly clenched the Qingfeng sword in his hand and stood on guard.

Seeing this, Dadalia smiled, "Now, I have to temporarily put aside the communication between my confidants and go back to my task. Since the heart of God was not taken away by someone, then could it be. ...wasn't he in the fairy ancestor Fashui from the very beginning?"

"Thinking further, is the immortal ancestor Fashui itself just a kind of blindfold!?"

Ying and Paimeng glanced at each other, and realized what Dadalia said, "You mean to say that Emperor Yan is not dead!?"

Dadalia's eyes were cold, and he said with a sneer, "That's exactly what the horror is about. That Lord Dijun might be watching our show somewhere! He is worthy of being the patron saint of the commercial capital. The method] is also very proficient!"

"However, alas... In this way, I can only activate the [backup plan]."

"What do you want to do!?" Ying asked, the guy's expression was wrong at the moment, his murderous aura was more restrained than when he ran away before, but it was also more dangerous.

Dadalia stared at Ying, "It's nothing, I didn't use this plan at first, just because it would affect the weak and violate my principles. After all, the world belongs to those of us who pursue becoming stronger. For the weak who are boring and boring, I usually I don’t even want to care about it.”

0 looking for flowers......

"It's a pity that as an executive officer of fools, you can't be picky about [methods]. It's like children sometimes have to learn to eat carrots that they don't like."

Ying curled her lips and retorted: "I have liked carrots since I was a child."

Paimon: "I'm not picky eaters."

Dadalia choked: "..."

Is there something wrong with these two guys, is he talking to you about picky eaters now!?

Damn it, the high-end aura that was finally brewing is gone.

Taking a deep breath, Dadalia tried his best to keep his stern handsome face, gritted his teeth and said, "Those are not important, the important thing is that now I am going to wake up the sleeping demon god under [Gu Yun Pavilion]."

"You don't know yet, [Demon God of Vortex] Oser was defeated by [Demon God of Rock] Moraxel during the Demon God War, and was suppressed by the Rock Spear in the sea. If such a former Demon God is awakened, What do you think will happen!?"


"Yes, when the time comes, that Lord Yan Wang Dijun, who played a trick on us all, will definitely not be able to hide safely and watch the show. This is called the wrath of mortals, but it can also be magical."

Paimon thought this guy was crazy, "Let's not talk about it, the War of Demon Gods has been over for two thousand years, and now there are only seven gods in the world, how are you going to wake up the ancient Demon Gods!? Even if you have a way to do it , how can you guarantee that the Demon God will obediently obey your orders!?"

Paimon felt that [Young Master] this guy might not be very clear-headed yet.

Not to mention that if the rock king Dijun is really not dead, if the opponent can suppress Oser once, he can suppress the second time, especially the rock god who is one of the seven gods today, not more than two thousand years ago, the current emperor is With the heart of God, this thing can't be just a decoration!?

Ying reacted and looked at Dadalia, and said word by word, "No Taboo!?"

"That's right. The one given to you is just a by-product. So many no-taboo talismans gathered together, plus the power bestowed by the empress on the executive... Well, it's not a good idea to temporarily unblock the suppressing power of the rock gun." Nothing can be done."

With a wave of Dadalia's hand, there are hundreds of non-taboo talismans around his body glowing while turning around his body, the number of which is no less than ten, and there may even be as many as a hundred.

"Originally, for me, going this far and using the power of the ancient demon god is already very boring, and it doesn't conform to my creed. However, when I think that not only the rock god, but also you have to deal with this, it's not too much. Quite interesting."

"By the way, I will teach you one last thing. When the enemy starts to attack, it is likely to be recovering secretly! Goodbye, maybe I will never see you again, both of you, I hope you will like my gift later! "

"Hahaha, witness the destruction of Liyue!"

Seeing Dadalia, who was wrapped in water elements and disappeared towards the dome, Ying and Paimon's expressions were very bad. At this moment, the sea outside was already completely dark, and the storm was gradually rising.

After Ying and Paimeng ran out, the huge purple crystal that everyone had been ignoring, thinking it was just a decoration, suddenly bloomed like a flower bud, and a familiar fairy with white hair and green clothes slowly floated down from above and came to the rock king In front of the emperor's dragon body.

"Compared to the heart of God, this is the real treasure, what a blind idiot...".

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