Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

713 Ying: The Outside World Is Too Dangerous, I Hope My Brother Is Okay!

"To the stars and the abyss. Welcome to the Adventurers' Association!

Ying and Paimeng returned to the Adventurer's Association in Liyue Port in disgrace. At this time, some Liyue adventurers who had been here earlier seemed to be familiar with this, and even kindly gave way to let the The two were able to come directly to Catherine.

Paimon wiped his dark face with his sleeve, "Catherine, let's come back! These are the high-quality night mooring stones required for the mission, take a look!"

Catherine didn't check it right away, but said to the two with a smile: "You two, the fireworks are very beautiful! I saw them all just now!"

The adventurers around also showed kind smiles.

The corner of Ying's mouth twitched, and she asked, "Why are the treasure chests in Liyue's field filled with such dangerous things!? And some treasure chests can even bite people, "A new type of monster!?"

Before, she had been busy inviting and sending off Xian Dianyi, but Ying hadn’t seriously started her adventurer’s life in Liyue. She originally wanted to earn some money before going to Dao’s wife. After being cheated by Zhang Qing, if I don't work hard now, I will hardly be able to afford food.

However, Ying never expected that the wilderness here in Liyue would be so dangerous!

Before opening the treasure chest that will release big fireworks, Ying and Paimon even saw a few Qiuqiu people dancing around the arch fire. As a result, two other Qiuqiu people who went out came back with a treasure box, and they just approached At the source of the fire, the treasure chest exploded, and a small mushroom appeared, making Ying and Paimeng break out in cold sweat and have cold hands and feet.

Fortunately, they were still far away, only being hit by the air waves a few times.

Catherine smiled: "Occasionally, these prank chests will appear, right! Here is a "Guide to Responding to Treasure Chests in the Wild", which was compiled by some veteran adventurers in Liyue after retirement. Do you need it!?"

Ying and Paimeng looked at each other, and complained: "Since there is this, when we came to accept the task before, it should be given to us!"

Annoyed! Liyue, this Catherine, is too scornful!

Catherine shook her head, "It's not that I didn't give it to you on purpose, but this "Guide to Coping with Treasure Chests in the Wild" is provided for free, but the creators have a requirement that they must have experienced a vivid adventure before they can have it. "

Paimon asked with his arms crossed: "Can I ask, what is meant by the so-called 'vivid'!?"

Catherine smiled and nodded, "Of course! It means: I met a treasure chest in the wild and came back alive.

Paimon spat: "UGYY.......("

Holding his forehead, "Can I ask, what will happen if you don't come back alive!?"

Catherine looked at Ying strangely, tilted her head and said, "People will die if they are killed, why do you have such a strange problem, adventurer, by the way! Our Adventurer's Association has already started cooperation with the Hall of Rebirth, If you're worried about what's next...々"

"Stop it! We don't need it!" Ying and Paimon said in unison.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much." An adventurer uncle beside him was a bit struggling, but he still stepped forward to comfort the irritable two people.

"Why don't you worry, isn't this going to be bombed to the sky at some point!? It's dangerous for Bimond to meet Keli!"

"Um.... Although I don't know who Keli you are talking about!? But in fact, you just need to follow the instructions in the "Treasure Chest Guide", and you will rarely encounter that kind of very dangerous box. Hidden in some deep place."

"That's right! The reason why they are called 'treasure chests' is because most of them are just for embarrassment. In fact, the number of people who die on these treasure chests is so rare that it is rare in a hundred years.

"Another young adventurer girl chimed in, she felt that if she didn't explain clearly, Liyue's reputation as an adventurer would be misunderstood.

"Most of them are opened, and the slime liquid pops out of it to make a little prank on your face, or some fruits and vegetables that can bite people. Don't worry, the teeth are not very sharp, but it hurts a little bit when biting, but bear with it." The psychological reaction is to eat it, the taste and taste are very good, I suggest you have a chance to try it.

Some adventurers came forward and told about the strange treasure chests they had encountered. Ying and Paimon heard black lines in their foreheads, and the strange and useless knowledge seemed to increase.

"Ah~~~~~ Ah Choo——!"

Mr. Zhang, who was checking the growth of his precious crops in an underground farm and recording what needed improvement, suddenly felt his nose itchy and sneezed loudly.

"Strange, is there any bacteria growing here because of the lack of air circulation? Or is it pollen!?"

The beautiful girl with white hair and Tsing Yi couldn't help checking some of the vents, and found that there was no damage or malfunction, and she couldn't help being even more surprised.

The underground farm is not dark, but because of some luminous crystals above, it is as bright as daytime, with sufficient light sources. Of course, not all the light emitted by crystals is white.

Zhang Qing came to a watermelon field, squatted down, and poked a big round watermelon, "There are no facial features, very good! This time it seems that we are one step closer to success."

Then Zhang Qing picked one carefully, and before coming to a certain hole, there was a slide inside, and the end was somewhere in the sea. Zhang Qing put the big watermelon in, and soon the big watermelon disappeared.

Zhang Qing turned around and walked in front of a black crystal like an LCD TV screen. At this time, there was an image on it, which happened to be in a certain sea area. At this time, a watermelon suddenly emerged from the sea, floating on the sea surface, and then Follow the ocean currents to a sea full of reefs.

Zhang Qing covered his ears with his hands, stared at the screen with both eyes, and then saw a huge mushroom cloud rising up.

After the explosion, Zhang Qing was a little distressed, "Why did it still explode!? I obviously cultivated it normally......"

What's worse is that the power of the explosion seems to have increased again, last time it was just a small mushroom cloud.

"What the hell is going wrong!?"

Fortunately, there are no more demon gods in the sea now, otherwise God knows if there will be another guy like Oser, the demon god of the vortex, running over with a grumpy face, and then he will be beaten up by Zhongli, oh! Now Zhongli has retired, but fortunately There is no demon god anymore, otherwise Ning Guang and the others might not be able to stand up.

At this moment, the immortals who had returned to the Endless Cloud and the Wangshu Inn all looked towards a certain sea area, and the corners of their mouths twitched when they saw the huge mushroom cloud.

True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind even scolded: "Can't that bastard stop for a while!? I finally understand why Dijun retired.

True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun: "Sure enough, I shouldn't have had such a bad attitude towards the Liyue Seven Stars before. It's not easy for them. I hope they can hold on."

After all, many demon gods did not die, but were suppressed or sealed. Demon gods who cannot die pollute and destroy the environment too seriously. Even a gentle demon god like the Salt Demon God will sometimes have an impact on the surroundings. , not to mention those demon gods with deep grievances.

True Monarch of Lishui Mountains:

Mandrill, who was holding his hands on his chest somewhere in the Wangshu Inn with a cold face, watched the huge mushroom cloud rising and the huge roaring sound, the corners of his eyes twitched.

In the Yuehai Pavilion of Yujing Terrace, they were discussing the construction of the new Qunyu Pavilion and preparing to deal with the coming of the followers of Auxerre. When they heard the explosion, they couldn't help but stood up abruptly, went to the window, and looked out. go.

At this time, Ke Qing had already stepped outside and looked towards the sea in a certain direction.

"What happened!? Could it be fools playing tricks again!? What kind of devil is this time!?"

The people in Liyue Port were even more flustered, and the movement was no less than when the demon god of the whirlpool appeared a few days ago.

Zhongli, who was drinking three bowls of wine and listening to Tian Tiezui's storytelling, could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He seems to have heard Oser's roar in the seal, but you can shout as you please, why do you keep scolding Morax!? It's none of his business!?

Can't you sleep well!?

Zhong Li looked helplessly at Guyun Pavilion, as if seeing a certain demon god talking in his sleep through the seal.

"Damn Morax..."

Ying and Paimeng, who had just received their reward and were preparing to meet at the hotel, summoned their weapons nervously and vigilantly (Wang Qianhao), and then looked around.

"What's going on!?" Paimon asked with some panic.

Ying didn't answer, but held the Qingfeng sword and looked towards the direction of the sea, there seemed to be something there!

"Pimon! Fly up and have a look!"

"Ah!? Well....ok.'

After a long time, Paimon flew down with a dazed expression, and said to Ying, "Ying, you must have never imagined that there is a huge mushroom cloud in the distance, much bigger than what we saw before.

Paimon looked terrified.

Ying also swallowed her saliva, "Paimon, if we go out to sea in the future, we must not open the treasure chest when we encounter it at sea, you know!?"

Ying found that since leaving Mengde Novice Village, the outside world has become very dangerous.

Ying felt that it would be better to quit the treasure box opening session, which was her favorite before.

Paimon took out the "Guide to Dealing with Treasure Chests in the Wild" that he had just received from Catherine, and said, "Is the method introduced in this book really useful when facing this kind of treasure chest!?"

Paimon was deeply skeptical about this, and felt that at least he had to throw stones several kilometers away to test it out, but even Ying didn't have such wrist strength!? At least there was no neighbor yet.

Ying agrees very much, "I think I should change my job to be an archer, and a mage is also fine!".

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