A silver-white spaceship is parked on the lunar surface, and there are six-legged spider robots crawling outside from time to time, and they seem to be working in an orderly manner.

But inside the spaceship, a group of aliens were not observing the blue star through instruments as Zhang imagined. On the contrary, except for the spider robot that wandered from time to time, there was no living thing moving.

From time to time, electronic error messages sounded inside, and dangerous red lights flashed, as if the entire spaceship was currently in a state of failure.

But even so, no one paid attention to it, because the living people inside were all in a deep sleep, one by one, they were packed in an opaque container like pickled products, and turned into canned people one by one.

The "alien" inside is full of strange things, some have elf-like pointed ears, three eyes or one big eye, and all kinds of animal characteristics, anyway, only the races in Western Fantasy stories , seems to be able to find the corresponding here.

At this moment, these "people" seem to be dead, not even breathing.

The movement outside did not wake up these Sleeping Beauties, they seemed to be intoxicated in their dreams, waiting for Prince Charming to come and kiss them awake one day.

"A habitable planet has been detected, and we are trying to go there, DOU! The power system is faulty, and the damage to the spaceship exceeds 70%, and it is under repair and cannot be repaired.

The same words were repeated in a strange language inside the spaceship.

I don't know how long it took, and finally there is a new voice report.

"Environmental constants are wrong, wrong... speculation, speculation... currently not in the original universe, the reason is unknown, unknown...

"Trying to wake up *(*%, error UIUTR.......*"

Just when there was some noise, the blue star facing the moon suddenly turned into two, and a powerful pulling force suddenly descended on the spaceship, but the instruments inside did not notice it at all.

Zhang Qing, who was far away in Dalan on the blue star, suddenly looked in the direction of the moon.

"Huh!? The spaceship suddenly disappeared!?"

After leaving, have you already entered Blue Star!? Zhang Qing frowned and thought about it. Although she is not afraid of alien visitors, she still has to be vigilant.

Now the other party suddenly disappeared under his nose, which attracted Zhang Qing's attention even more.

"It seems that these aliens have been underestimated, maybe there are some two-way foils..."

However, Zhang Qing failed to find the other party's trace on the blue star, which made Zhang Qing helpless, thinking whether the other party had any means to avoid her observation.

But in the face of a planet whose overall civilization is relatively backward, isn’t it a bit of a serious disease to be so cautious!?

Or has it left the solar system!?

In short, for the next period of time, Zhang Qing will continue to search for traces of the alien spaceship.

But when Zhang Qing was suspicious, the spaceship was pulled into another blue star and was floating on the sea.

Perhaps because the intelligent system on the spacecraft is not a real living body, after reporting errors and warnings for a period of time, instead of getting a response, it simply turns to collecting resources to repair the facilities on the spacecraft. Compared with the barren moon, Blue Star's resources can be said to be much richer.

The intelligence of the spacecraft does not think about why it suddenly landed on the blue star. The most important thing at present is to restore the various instruments in the spacecraft to the point of normal operation. This is the top priority, and everything else has to be left behind.

But when the spaceship began to collect various resources from the sea, the canned people inside the spaceship began to recover their breathing and heartbeat one by one, they opened their eyes, "Stand up from the cans in a daze.

"Intelligent brain.....Are we in R now!?"

One of the women, covering her forehead, wobbled for a few steps, then suddenly stopped and asked aloud.


However, there seemed to be no response, which made the woman a little uneasy, especially at the moment when the interior of the spaceship was flashing red light, which meant that the current situation of the spaceship was very bad.

Other women who gradually recovered from the hazy state were also infected by this anxiety, because they all tried their best to find clues and a sense of security.

"I can't feel the magic power..." a female elf shouted in panic.

"Impossible! Why is this happening!? Isn't this the Terra universe!?" It seems that because they can't perceive the magic power, the people here have a bad guess about the current situation

Losing the magic power means that the knowledge they have mastered is basically useless. What's worse is that the power source of this spaceship is actually the magic power source.

Anxiety gradually turned into fear.

Originally escaping from the home planet that was about to be destroyed was to reach the planet R that scholars speculated could survive, but it seemed that something went wrong. Not only did they lose contact with other troops, they even went to a non-magic planet. Is there anything more frightening than becoming a mortal and losing your weapons!?

"No, wait! My ability seems to be still usable." A woman suddenly turned into water and kept transforming in front of everyone. Her legs turned into fish tails and then turned into wheels, and finally turned back again. Originally slender legs.

"The magic power seems to be replaced by other things." She finally came to such a conclusion.

Others also tried one after another, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although they lost their magic power, they didn't seem to have changed much, which relieved the crowd who thought they had lost their ability to protect themselves.

But soon everyone realized that this world might not be simple, and it could even be said to be quite dangerous.

To make matters worse, they are all women here, which means that they have lost the possibility of breeding the next generation of pure blood, and there are no experts in alchemy, so it is impossible to convert the power system of the spacecraft into new energy sources. After the energy is exhausted, it will become a decoration.

At this moment, the people in the spaceship don't even know that the very brains are consuming this little energy, and they don't even realize that the energy has lost its continuous supply, blindly trying to repair the spaceship as much as possible.

This is impossible, because we don’t know how long the voyage will take, and everyone in the spaceship is in a dormant state of suspended animation. Naturally, the navigation of the spaceship has to be handed over to the brain, but I am worried that there will be a highly intelligent brain backstab, Therefore, these spaceships are filled with some brains that can only assist in simple work, and their intelligence is very low, which means that it is impossible to betray.

Unfortunately, just because the level of intelligence is too low, it is a bit tricky to face unexpected accidents.

If it weren't for accidental factors to wake up the people inside, I am afraid that as long as the so-called planet R is less than a day away, the brain will not plan to wake up the people here.


Now they even plan to send spider robots to let the little masters in the spaceship go back to sleep.

"Smart Brain!!!"

Soon the ladies surrounded by the spider robots shouted angrily, wishing to smash that damn brain.

"Is this what those experts said you can't backstab!?" A certain succubus lady vomited.

Miss Elf said fortunately, "Fortunately, no powerful weapons were installed on these spider alchemy puppets.

A certain cat-eared girl gritted her teeth and jumped back from a spider puppet that she dismantled, "Now quickly think of a way, who has the highest authority, stop that mentally retarded brain! Go on, how do we Deal with this strange environment!?"

Losing the safe point of the spaceship and being exposed to an unfamiliar environment, the cat-eared girl felt uneasy just thinking about it.

I can only hope that there will be no weird and scary things in this world.

"Even if you say that, it's useless. In order to prevent someone from causing trouble, no one has been given the highest authority." The beauty of the sea clan expressed her helplessness.


Sure enough, those self-righteous idiots should have been told not to do this at the beginning, but it is too late to say anything now.

Seeing more and more spider golems approaching, everyone felt powerless, not because they couldn't beat them, but because their hearts were bleeding, and that damn brain was dead.

And when a group of beauties from other worlds were fighting wits and wits with their spaceships, the outside world was in the Zhenguan period, and the entire Blue Star was in an extremely backward farming and feudal era. There was no Dalan here, and even Daqing North Korea does not exist.

Of course, there is no such thing as Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, it is just an ordinary world.

But soon the world will be different because of some extraterrestrial visitors.

Zhang Qing has no idea about the future of a certain parallel world. She is currently looking for aliens everywhere, and seems to be displeased and ashamed that the alien has slipped away from her nose.

They don't even know that it's the world consciousness that's messing things up.

But soon Zhang Qing didn't have the energy to continue looking for those alien visitors, because the Steam God Cult actually made a big thing, which shocked Zhang and others who thought they were used to the big world.

Of course, this also means that something big has happened.

When Zhang Qing thought it would be a steam boat and a steam car, the other party gave her a steam Gundam, making Zhang Qing wonder who is the time traveler, isn't this magical!?

How did you do it, what is the principle!?

And what is the power source, relying solely on steam!?

Is this world really an ordinary world!? Zhang Qing doubted for a moment, whether it is the sudden appearance of aliens or the appearance of works full of steampunk style, it seems that it cannot be said that this is an ordinary world. the world!?

Zhang Qing was a little skeptical about life, but the others didn't think so much at all. Instead, they became more and more convinced that Da Lan's future was glorious, and their future was a sea of ​​stars.

Seeing that the guy from the Steam God Cult is so arrogant, the Power God Cult over there also started to exert their strength, intending to make something more awesome than the opponent's machine and people. .

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