Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

742 Qing·Zhang: This Is A White Lie!

The next day, the school resumed classes.

On this cold and wet January morning, the last thing anyone wanted was to spend two hours on the grounds, but Hagrid, to keep them happy, made a bonfire full of salamanders. This class was very interesting. The students collected firewood and leaves to keep the fire burning. Those fire-loving salamanders jumped around in the crackling firewood, which made the little wizards watch with gusto.

The first divination class of the new semester is much boring. Professor Trelawney is now teaching the students to read palms. She would tell Harry at every opportunity that his lifeline was the shortest she had ever seen.

However, Hermione no longer took divination classes, so I learned this from other people after the fact. Everyone thought that something bad happened to Harry. Think about it, last semester, Professor Trelawney Divination, and then Harry almost fell to his death in the Quidditch match, if Dumbledore hadn't reacted in time.

So this time probably means that Harry will encounter misfortune in the short term, and everyone suggests that he should not leave the castle easily.

Even Professor McGonagall rushed to ask Wood, who asked her to get back Harry's Firebolt, to ask Harry not to participate in the next game, although she still didn't like the crazy Professor Trelawney who was always talking, But Professor McGonagall is also a bit lost now.

But Harry told Wood and them that he had been receiving Professor Lupine's training courses against dementors, and he would master as much as possible before the game, so Professor McGonagall reluctantly agreed to let him continue to compete. However, if Harry couldn't meet the requirements before the competition, he would also lose his qualifications for the competition.

However, the training process did not seem to be ideal, and everyone found that Harry seemed to be in a low mood.

A week into school, Ravenclaw played a match against Slytherin. Slytherin wins, and it's a risk. According to Wood, this is good news for Gryffindor. If they also beat Ravenclaw, they will be able to rank second.

As a result, Wood increased the number of team training to five times a week. This meant that, counting Lupine's dementor-fighting sessions - more grueling than six Quidditch sessions - Harry only had one night a week to do all his homework.

Of course, Hermione has no spare energy to pay attention to Harry's affairs. Her heavy homework seemed to finally overwhelm her. Every night, everyone was sure to see Hermione sitting in a corner of the common room, the tables in front of them covered with textbooks, arithmetic and divination charts, rune dictionaries, diagrams of Muggle lifting heavy objects, and There are dense notes one after another.

Hermione didn't even have time to chat with Qing Zhang and the others, and she hardly talked to anyone, and she would always speak harsh words when disturbed.

Ron couldn't bother her anymore. I even started to think about a question, how did Hermione manage to take so many classes, because Ron found that the time of many classes was in conflict, such as arithmetic and divination class. At that time, Hermione was obviously attending the protection of magical animals class with them of.

But Hermione obviously wouldn't answer Ron's question.

Qing Zhang had already discovered that Hermione's mental state was not right, but Hermione was too stubborn, and she was not so easy to listen to persuasion. Now she even looked absent-minded when eating, which made people worry.

In desperation, Qing Zhang stayed behind after a certain transformation class and called out to Professor McGonagall.

For good students, even students from other colleges, Professor McGonagall is relatively gentle. She raised her glasses and asked with a smile, "What's the matter, Zhang! 々[?"

Qing Zhang told her about Hermione, and then expressed her worries, "If this continues, Professor, I'm worried that Hermione will fall ill, and she will become even crazier if she misses a lot of classes."

Others may wake up after falling down, but Qing Zhang suspects that the other party will get worse with Hermione's words.

Professor McGonagall didn't expect this to happen. She rubbed the space between her brows, looked around, then took Qing Zhang to the staff lounge, sat down and said, "I've talked to her many times, But as a professor, I can't forcibly interfere with the students' decisions. I thought that after a while, Granger would give up like other students, but she persisted for a semester..."

Speaking of which, Professor McGonagall doesn't know what to say!? In the past, the students who need to use the time-turner are usually Ravenclaw students. When will it be Gryffindor's turn!? Regarding this, she Also inexperienced.

Well now, after hearing Qing Zhang's conjecture, Professor McGonagall also suddenly realized that maybe such a thing would really happen, especially now that Hermione is different from her in the original book, she has no shortage of friends, not just Harry and Ron Two, it's still the kind of "friend" who only blames her for being troublesome, ignores her after a conflict, and then the two of them live as usual.

It may be really difficult for Hermione to wake up.

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall finally believed that Hermione was indeed a Gryffindor. After all, if it was Ravenclaw, people would make smart choices, and only Gryffindor would be so irrational and not hit the south wall Do not look back.

Seeing that Professor McGonagall also looked helpless, Qing Zhang suggested: "Professor McGonagall, can you see if this works, let's play a play with Madam Pomfrey!?"

"Huh!?" Professor McGonagall suddenly became interested, "Zhang, tell me what you think."

Then Qing Zhang talked about the plan he had thought up. The only difficulty here is that he needs the cooperation of the professors. This is why he came to find Professor McGonagall. Otherwise, he would do it alone, and then suddenly the professors jumped out to disrupt , especially if Madam Pomfrey, the school doctor, said that there is no such thing, it may be more difficult to persuade Hermione in the future.

"Very well, just do as you said, I believe Madam Pomfrey will not refuse to help a little wizard regain health." After listening to Qing Zhang's plan seriously, Professor McGonagall felt that it was perfect, She couldn't help but look in admiration at Qing Zhang, who was only thirteen years old, and felt a little pity that he was not a student of her own college, otherwise she would have to wake up laughing every night.

In terms of talent, mind, and sense of proportion, even many senior students and even adult wizards may not be better than him. Professor McGonagall has to envy Professor Sprout, and that Cedric Diggory , Hufflepuff has two outstanding students.

Although the Gryffindor students are not bad, and Percy has even become the president of the Boys' Union, but the Gryffindor students are excellent, which always makes people feel uneasy.

But when Qing Zhang left to attend other classes, Professor McGonagall found Professor Pomfrey and others to explain Hermione's matter and Qing Zhang's plan.

To this, Snape sneered, "You are a stupid and greedy lion, don't worry, I won't tell Miss Granger, I never talk to stupid guys about things other than in class. "

Lupine was helpless, but still nodded, saying that he would not expose it. He seemed to pay too much attention to Harry, and he didn't even notice what was wrong with other students.

Madam Pomfrey, of course agreed, and she even suggested that Hermione should stay with her to rest for a while, complaining that Hermione didn't know how to take care of herself.

In this way, without the knowledge of other students and Hermione, a "..." conspiracy is unfolding.

That night, Hermione was still immersed in revising and revising her homework in front of the book desk, and when she was looking up relevant information, she suddenly felt tired for no reason, and her vision became blurred. She wiped her eyes and found that it was still not working, and The head also becomes very heavy.

With a final "snap", her head landed on top of the open tome, which startled the students in the common room, as well as Ron, who was whispering Hermione's secret with the others. In one jump, Scabbers disappeared for a long time, and Parvati also said that Crookshanks was locked in a cage and room every night, so after a long time, Ron didn't catch his suspicions about Crookshanks. Shan insisted on eating Banban.

But Ron still didn't give Hermione a good face, because he felt that Scabbers would run away from home must be because he was afraid of Hermione's cat.

Ron would look for Scabbers everywhere every day, but unfortunately he couldn't even find Hagrid. As for Filch, who also had a cat (Nozhao), Ron didn't dare to push him too much, otherwise he would definitely not end up well.

"Hermione——!" r

After discovering that something was wrong, Ginny and the others went over to check, and kept calling Hermione's name, but Hermione didn't respond at all. When they pushed with their hands and found that Hermione still hadn't woken up, everyone realized that there was something wrong. problem.

Percy was not alarmed anymore, he asked the senior girls to take Hermione to the school hospital, and then turned to Professor McGonagall.

The classmates were all terrified, but Parvati seemed to be thinking about telling Qing Zhang and them.

Ron and Harry looked at each other in blank dismay, "I've noticed something is wrong with her a long time ago... Huge"

"It's too late to say that now." Harry sighed.

In fact, Harry and Hermione didn't have much conflict, so as a classmate, he didn't want to see something happen to Hermione, although it was because of Ron's relationship [his relationship with Hermione was just like that.

"Okay, okay, everyone go back!" Percy came back and saw that even the students who were originally in the dormitory had also gone down to the common room, so he couldn't help saying loudly, telling everyone not to gather around here.

Then he packed up the textbooks and notebooks that Hermione left on the table before, and asked the other girls in the same bed to bring them back to Hermione's room. .

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