The day Hermione was discharged from the hospital was Saturday, which was the day when middle and senior students went to Hogsmeade village, but she didn't go this time because she had more important things to do.

——That is to discuss with Professor McGonagall about reducing the curriculum.

But before that, Qing Zhang accompanied her back to the Gryffindor Tower. Hermione needed to change into new clothes. After two or three days without bathing or changing clothes, the little witch still felt that she must be stinking now.

When the two came to the entrance of the Gryffindor portrait cave, the group of troll guards kept staring at them, as if if there was anything wrong with them, they would come up with a big stick and take them away.

Hermione froze for a moment when she saw Neville standing in front of the cave, but Neville's eyes lit up when she saw Hermione coming over.

He lost the note last time, so that Sirius Black actually got the password to enter the tower. Now Professor McGonagall punished him and locked him up, and forbade others to tell him the content of the password. Of course, Neville was also cancelled. Another chance to go on holiday to Hogsmeade.

But this is not what scares Neville the most. These punishments are nothing. Without a password, he can enter with other students. Neville was stunned, and his ears were still buzzing now.

"Wait! You don't talk first." Hermione stopped Neville, who was about to lean over to say something, and then turned to look at Qing Zhang with a panicked expression, "What should I do!? I don't seem to know what the password is What, no one ever told me that."

When she was in the school hospital before, she also heard about the incident of Sirius Black breaking into the tower. The general process was that Sirius Black picked up the note that Neville had lost, and knew the password to enter the cave. Ser Dorgan let him in, too.

So now the password must have been changed. But the problem also lies here, because Hermione has been in the school hospital before, and no one came to tell her what the current password is.

Hermione looked at the nervous fat lady in the portrait, she probably couldn't help her, she was afraid that if she asked herself, she would scream and suspect that she was changed by Sirius Black, the current fat lady looked Acting like it would.

"Why don't you go to Professor McGonagall first!?" The little witch was a little unwilling. She went back to the dormitory first because she wanted to face the beloved professor with a better attitude, but in the end she still had to go there dirty. I wish, but there is no other way now. Except for the first and second graders, most of the other students have gone to Hogsmeade Village, and she doesn't know many of the lower graders, and they may still be sleeping in there. Woolen cloth.

Qing Zhang made an appointment with her and came to the portrait of the Fat Lady. When the Fat Lady was alert and her eyes drifted to the trolls over there, ready to scream at any time, he said, "Ode to Courage

The fat lady stopped the scream that was about to blurt out, and opened the hole with a dazed expression.


She was looking at Qing Zhang with unbelievable eyes, as if asking why did you know!?" Generally.

Neville also didn't think so much. After thanking the two, he quickly climbed in, fearing that the hole would close again suddenly and leave him outside. It's not that this kind of situation had never happened before, and his memory was not good enough. Very bad, it is difficult for him to remember this short password completely, otherwise there is no need to make a cheat sheet.

"Quick! Go in! Don't be stunned." After Qing Zhang nodded to Neville, he urged Hermione.

Hermione: "!"

"Aren't you coming in!?" Hermione asked as she drilled in and turned to look at Qing Zhang who was still outside.

"No, I have to leave later anyway." Qing Zhang didn't really want to go in, because every year Gryffindor had an eventful year because of Harry Potter. The common room became the biggest suspect in the next moment.

Not to mention, it's really possible. For example, someone lost something in the Gryffindor tower, and just happened to be someone from another school, Qing Zhang, who came in, and he might not be able to clean it up by jumping into the Yellow River. There is no surveillance in Hogwarts. There were no portraits hanging in the corridor, so it would be very difficult to prove his innocence.

This is why everyone in Ravenclaw knows that anyone can enter as long as they answer the questions, but few people from other colleges will go, not just because the questions are difficult.

As for Slytherin, the other three houses won’t make fun of themselves, and only Hufflepuff really welcomes everyone. As the house with the largest number of people, anyone who dares to make trouble there will be able to spit If I drown you, I will ask you if you are afraid.

In fact, since Ron lost a mouse, he could suspect the classmate who kept the cat, and most of the others were on his side, and the rest were just silent and did not participate. One can imagine what really happened. Even if it is a trivial matter, it will not have a good result. Most of the time, these little lions will be emotional and will not use their brains, and they also believe in their own wisdom.

In fact, a Hufflepuff student like Qing Zhang is pretty good. If another Slytherin came, it would be a crime just to appear near the tower. The little lions would use the greatest malice to speculate about what bad things the other party has done , or about to do something bad.

Just as the fat lady and the trolls were nervous and staring at each other, after about half an hour, Hermione came out again, wearing some kind of shampoo or shower gel after bathing. fragrance.

Professor McGonagall waited in her exclusive office for a long time. She seemed to expect that Hermione would come to her today, because there were already two teacups on the table, but they were not full now.

However, Professor McGonagall was shocked when he saw that Qing Zhang would accompany Hermione, and then turned into the third teacup, "Zhang, didn't you go to Hogsmeade Village today! ?”

But after asking, Professor McGonagall suddenly thought of something and glanced at Hermione, then showed an understanding expression, with an auntie smile on his face.

"That's right, it wouldn't be fun without people.

Hermione blushed, and Professor McGonagall's expression was so obvious that Hermione didn't even need to think about what the other party had realized. She hurriedly said, "Well...we are here this time... ..I intend to revise, uh, shorten my courses a bit, a Madam Pomfrey said that my body can't support it..."

Qing opened his face, as if he didn't see Mag's joke, with a smile on his face as always.

Professor McGonagall also put away the smile on her face, and nodded after listening to Hermione's faltering words, "Actually, I've wanted to call you over to talk about this a long time ago, Granger."

"You don't have to feel embarrassed. In fact, this situation has happened many times. Every student who applies for that thing has done the same stupid thing, but you are the worst one. There are the most courses, so I expected that you would be overwhelmed, but your persistence is beyond my expectation, I thought you would come to me sooner..0″

Don't look at many adult wizards, such as Dumbledore, who seem to be involved in all aspects and seem very knowledgeable, and feel that they must have taken all the courses when they were students. In fact, this type of knowledgeable wizards first specialize in one or two aspects, and then extend their hands to other subjects. The reason why they appear to be knowledgeable is because they have lived long enough.

Hermione obviously misunderstood something, or she just wanted to prove something, so she did something stupid for a while.

Human energy is limited, even wizards are limited, and time is even more fair. There is a limit to how many things you should do at any time, and you must clearly recognize this point.

"If you feel that after graduation, you will no longer be able to learn knowledge from Hogwarts like you are now, Granger, you can consider coming here as a professor. Hogwarts will welcome you."

Seeing that Hermione was listening carefully, Professor McGonagall finally spoke out what was in her heart to comfort this excellent little witch from a Muggle family. In fact, after Qing Zhang asked her to support that scene, Professor McGonagall also went back and thought about it. Why Min would act so irrationally, this obviously differs from the impression Hermione had always thought she had given her.

Professor McGonagall has always thought that Hermione is a very good little wizard, no worse than anyone else, and Hermione is very similar to her in some aspects, and McGonagall can also see that Hermione is secretly observing her, learning from her, and getting closer to her.

But Hermione did such a demented thing, forcibly squeezing her body to the limit. You must know that no one behind Hermione forced her to do this, and there was no danger urging her to become stronger, so Hermione's behavior was actually very abnormal.

Later, Professor McGonagall thought about it for a long time before he remembered that Hermione came from a Muggle family. Because Hermione was so good, she was almost the best student in the third grade alongside Qing Zhang. Her parentage is ignored.

Yes, after the little wizards from Muggle families leave school, 1.7 is afraid that they will also lose the way to acquire more magical knowledge, unless they are willing to be "dogs" for a certain wizard family. Witches like Hermione are Basically, the only way left is to marry a certain male member of the wizard family, because she is beautiful enough, and if she wants to be someone's big hand or some subordinate, she may not be acceptable to her.

In the eyes of most wizarding families, continuation of the bloodline is more important than obtaining a subordinate, and as long as Hermione becomes a member of their family, then the loyalty is not comparable to that of subordinates.

Maybe Hermione hasn't thought about it so much, so deep, and she doesn't have a clear understanding of the darkness of the magic world, but she is precocious and has read too many books to enrich her understanding of the magic world. At the time, I already felt vaguely uneasy, and subconsciously forced myself to work hard.

It can be seen from the fact that she is buying fewer and fewer books in Diagon Alley, and she also understands that it is difficult to obtain more advanced knowledge in the market.

Maybe Hermione didn't think about staying in the wizarding world, but she didn't want to have no choice in her future.

That's why Professor McGonagall said that now, and it wasn't consolation. She was indeed optimistic about Hermione. If Hermione was to be her successor, she wouldn't have to worry about retiring in the future. .

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