Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

754 Master Ren: The Ren Family Must Not Fall On Me!

In the end, the next morning, Uncle Nine took the shabby-looking Wen Cai, put on his best clothes, and went to the bustling street in the town. The place where he made an appointment to meet and talk with Mr. A foreign tea house, that is, a coffee shop.

Wencai seemed hesitant to speak many times along the way.

Uncle Jiu put his left hand behind his back, dragged a pipe in his right hand, strided forward, staggered, looked at the appointed place, and left without any burden in his heart, let alone the plot. After spending time with the group of friends, I know more than Ren Tingting, the daughter of Mr. Ren who has stayed abroad. What is he afraid of!?

Moreover, he can speak a few words of birdsong, which will definitely make the father and daughter on the opposite side drop their jaws in shock.

Just when Uncle Jiu was thinking about this, Wen Cai finally couldn't hold back and said, "That master... Can I...can I not go to see Master Ren!?-"

"What!? You have a feud with Mr. Ren!?" Uncle Jiu pretended to be confused while holding his mouth.

"How could it be!? I haven't even seen what Master Ren looks like. How can there be a holiday!? It's's just that I have never drank foreign tea, isn't I afraid that I will embarrass you when the time comes!?" Wen Cai said with a bitter face.

He was afraid of making a joke, and the whole process would be embarrassing.

"It's rare for you to think about the face of the master, good, very good! But this time I took you there for the sake of increasing your knowledge. Don't worry, your master and I used to come to drink often. When the time comes, see how I do it. It's gone." Uncle Jiu patted the silly boy on the shoulder to comfort him.

Joke, if I don’t take you there, how can I pretend to be aggressive!? It’s because you don’t understand anything, so you can pretend to be aggressive, otherwise the two father and daughter opposite will not be able to achieve the maximum effect.

At that time, Wencai will make a joke, and if he teaches himself again, he will appear to be more knowledgeable and capable, and even these foreign things are clear, what a face!?

"Ah!? Master, you used to go often, why didn't I know!?" Wen Cai was really surprised this time, and then looked at Uncle Jiu with a resentful look.

The meaning in those eyes is "Master, you actually eat alone food!?"

Uncle Jiu hit Wencai's head with a bong, and said, "What are you thinking, Master, I'm going to discuss with clients, how can I bring you two brats with me every time!? If I didn't see you recently, you're so cute, I don't want to take you there yet!"

Only then did Wencai smile, rubbing his hands together and said, "That's right, I'm much more filial than that boy Qiusheng, and I listen to my master the most."

If you can go to this kind of place to negotiate, I'm afraid it will be a big deal, hiss—! Thinking about it, the old master has hidden a lot of money in his private house!

"Humph! Let's see how you perform in the future. If you do well, the master will take you to continue to increase your knowledge. I'm afraid there are many things you haven't seen before!" Uncle Jiu nodded in satisfaction. This is what he wanted.

Soon, the two came to the cafe, and after being welcomed in by the doorman in white clothes, a male waiter in a black suit came over and asked politely

"Do you have a reservation for the two of you!?"

Uncle Jiu nodded, "We have an appointment with Master Ren.

The smile on the male waiter's face suddenly became wider, "You two, please follow me."

Uncle Jiu touched Wen Cai, who was still looking around, and followed the male waiter indifferently, and walked upstairs, keeping his eyes on the whole way. His appearance as a regular customer convinced Uncle Jiu's bragging before Wen Cai's disaster.

And at this time, a beautiful woman in pink clothes outside was smiling and inviting a young man to go in together, but was rejected by the young man.

"Miss Ren, this is not very good. Your father is negotiating with a guest this time. It is inappropriate for me to rush over."

"Hmph! Is there anything suitable or not? Really, what age is it? My father still believes in that. I'm afraid he will meet a liar." Ren Tingting has stayed abroad. Not so convinced, but his father believed this, and even asked her to come back and move the grave together.

When I was in the provincial capital, I also met bad people, but fortunately I also met kind people, otherwise this trip would be a bad thing.

This made her complain more and more, and she also blamed the uncle she had never met.

The young man in western clothes shook his head, "Some things are better believed than not believed, and this is also a custom. If your father doesn't do this, I'm afraid there will be a lot of gossip.

"Okay, you go in quickly, I plan to stay in Renjia Town for a while, buy me another drink when you have a chance."

Seeing the other party's appearance, Ren Tingting also knew that today was impossible, so she could only nod her head, "Okay, I'll take you to the town for a walk later, although it's been a while since I left home, I'm still very familiar with this place .”

"Understood, let's go, uncle should be waiting." The young man urged with a smile.

After Ren Tingting entered, the young man sighed, looked at Ren Jiazhen, and murmured, "I didn't expect it to be this world, so the plan has to be changed, otherwise there will be ghosts and ghosts jumping out suddenly, I'm afraid something bad will happen."

Then he turned around and walked to a grain store in the town, and went directly to the shopkeeper inside, saying, "I want three catties of rice, the best rice, and I want to feed the chickens!"

"Oh!? If you want to feed chickens, you can't use ordinary rice. I have natural snow rice here, but the price is a bit high." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"I'm not short of money. If the goods are really good, I'll ask for another six catties to make up nine catties." The young man showed a rich and arrogant smile.

"Inside, please." The shopkeeper smiled even more, and directly greeted the young man to go inside.

The employees in the store were watching, as if they didn't see it, and continued to focus on it.

After entering the inside, after walking for a while, the shopkeeper checked the surroundings to make sure that no one would listen to the wall, and then said, "Sir, you are here!? Could it be that here,

"No, I just passed by by chance, don't worry, I just came here this time to ask you something, do you know the Yizhuang in this town!?" The young man interrupted the shopkeeper and asked instead.

The shopkeeper first breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and said, "That Yizhuang is managed by a Taoist surnamed Lin and his two apprentices. They also handle the affairs of the town. I don't know much about it."

The shopkeeper doesn't understand why the husband is suddenly interested in this, does it have anything to do with their great cause of revolution!?

The young man nodded, "I will stay in this town for a while, you can just tell me that I am your relative. By the way, my surname is Zhang, and I misremembered the single name."

Although the shopkeeper was a little strange, he still nodded, "I remember, do you need me to prepare a place for you!?"

"That's troublesome." The young man was not polite.

On the other end, Ren Tingting was stunned. She didn't expect that the guy on the other side who she had identified as a liar knew so much, even more than her, an advanced person who had stayed abroad.

It made Ren Tingting forget to tell her father what happened on the road, but the bad thing was that Uncle Nine's disciple's eyes were very rude, which made Ren Tingting feel very uncomfortable, and also made Ren Tingting regret not changing her clothes when she came here.


This foreign devil's dress is good-looking, but it is a bit too revealing. Although she has been abroad for a while, Ren Tingting still doesn't quite adapt to it, especially when she returns to her hometown, the eyes of those people along the way make her feel very embarrassed.

"Uncle Jiu, regarding the relocation of my father's coffin, I don't know if you have chosen a date!?"

Master Ren is indeed a person who has seen big wind and waves, and he quickly regained his senses, but he did look up to Uncle Jiu, and his tone was much more polite than in the original plot.

Uncle Jiu also became serious when he heard the words, "Master Ren, I think you have to think about this matter carefully. It is better to be quiet than to be quiet about this kind of thing."

Although Uncle Jiu already knew that Mrs. Ren had turned into a dead body and that there was something wrong with the tomb, he still said that. I have already made up my mind on this matter, and I will not listen to persuasion.

Uncle Jiu simply followed the original plot and took over in the end, so as to solve the problem completely, otherwise the old man Ren was allowed to continue to be raised like this, and the Ren family town would be in trouble.

"I've already thought about it clearly. The Feng Shui experts said that the coffin must be raised and buried in twenty years. This will be good for us." Master Ren said with a red face and said indifferently.

In fact, the Ren family has been going downhill since his father handed it over to him. Although the family is still rich, it is already showing signs of ruin. In addition, he only has one daughter in this generation. Brain, I am afraid that it is impossible to carry forward the family business and create greater glories, so Master Ren also went to the doctor in a hurry.

Where did he not know that it is wrong to disturb the sleep of the ancestors!?

"You can't believe what Feng Shui says." Wen Cai curled his lips and said.

"Wen Cai!" Uncle Jiu glanced at Wen Cai warningly, this guy... Uncle Jiu shook his head in his heart, and then said to the father and daughter of the Ren family who had a bad face, "I need to go and see the original tomb in person. I also know a thing or two about Feng Shui."

"That's it, that's the best." Master Ren was not too angry, because he didn't believe it at first, so there is no way!?

Ren Tingting pouted her mouth, but she didn't say anything.

Uncle Jiu took a sip of coffee, put it down again because he didn't like it, and then continued, "In that case, we'll break the ground and raise the coffin in three days, what do you think!?"

Master Ren also put down his teacup, he also felt that the coffee was not good, but if he didn't invite people to this kind of place these days, he would lose face and feel very helpless.

"So, what do we need to prepare here!?"

"Of course it's money." Wen Cai said again.

Uncle Jiu glared at him this time as well, but there was no sign of blame in his eyes. He brought Wencai here, in fact, he wanted the other party to say these bad things in person.

He is also poor.

Master Ren smiled, "It's trivial, trivial.

He was rather happy, since the money was discussed, it meant that the matter was settled.

At this time, the male waiter came over again, leaned close to Master Ren and whispered something in Master Ren's ear, Master Ren couldn't help but apologetically followed and left.

Ren Tingting also wanted to leave, but was ordered by Master Ren to stay and continue to entertain Uncle Jiu and the others, so she sat down sullenly.

Wen Cai was very happy, but Uncle Jiu smiled, and he would know whether he was a liar when he was probably Master Ren's daughter. It wasn't once or twice that he was suspected of being a liar these days, but Uncle Jiu didn't care.

But this coffee is really bad, alas, next time let Master Ren not meet in this kind of place. .

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