Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

756 Ah Wei: Cousin, You Must Not Be Fooled By The Little Boy!

"Brother Zhang, my father believes in this, don't joke.

After Ren Tingting returned to the side of the handsome young man in the Chinese tunic suit, she felt a little shy and embarrassed watching the lively scene, feeling extremely embarrassed.

As a woman of the new generation who took over the new ideas, stayed abroad, and stayed in the provincial capital to teach people how to make up after returning, Ren Tingting couldn't bear these feudal superstitions, and felt that her father was a bit magical, which was obviously not the case before. Believe it.

The young man touched the pistol hidden in his bosom, and shook his head, "I'm not joking, and it's very interesting, isn't it!? Such a solemnity is also a respect for the ancestors, and future generations can also show their hearts of nostalgia."

"There are three deaths in the world. One is normal birth, old age, sickness and death. The second is being forgotten. The third is social death."

"What is social death!?" Ren Tingting suddenly asked with interest.

The young man smiled and said nothing, Ren Tingting pouted her mouth after questioning to no avail, "Okay, let's not talk about it, just don't leave later, my father said he would throw a banquet for you."

"Then...well." The young man nodded, he actually planned to find an excuse to stay, not because he was fascinated by the beauty, but because he wanted to see if the hot weapons would have any effect on these demons and goblins. If not, he would have to have a good chat with Uncle Jiu to see if the other party could do anything.

Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help but cast his eyes on the middle-aged man in the yellow Taoist robe who was talking to Mr. Ren. At this moment, Mr. Ren's face was a little scary.

The young man couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Although it's been so many years, he can't remember the content of many film and television works he watched in his previous life, but is this the beginning of Mr. Zombie!? Is Ren Fa so scared!?

The young man couldn't help looking away, and glanced at everyone present. Those workers should be fine. Could it be Ren Tingting's cousin, Awei, or Jiushu's two disciples, Qiusheng and Wencai, otherwise there would be no reason for such a big change.

It can't be because of his own butterfly effect!? He didn't do anything, at most, after he came here, he asked the shopkeeper of the grain shop to secretly inquire about Yizhuang and Uncle Jiu from the neighbors in the town. It shouldn't affect to this matter.


Ren Tingting didn't know what the young man was thinking, she thought the young man was really interested in these things, and said, "Brother Zhang, if you're interested, I'll ask Dad to call Uncle Jiu to chat with you later."

The young man came back to his senses, smiled and nodded, "Then please, I'm really interested in this."

Ren Tingting was very happy, she finally had something to help, thinking that maybe she could take this opportunity to go further, Ren Tingting was a little happy, but also a little shy.

Over there, Awei gritted his teeth, wishing he could immediately take out his gun and kill that kid, his cousin is so nice, so the wild boars are also thinking about it, damn it.

Wencai, who fell in love with Ren Tingting at first sight over there, didn't look too good, Qiusheng was a little upset, he was considered a good-looking talent, but Ren Tingting's eyes stayed on the young man from the beginning to the end, didn't he just read the book and put on a Chinese tunic suit? Did you grow taller!?

At this moment, Qiu Sheng completely forgot what he did when Ren Tingting came to his aunt's shop to buy rouge!?

While chatting with Ren Tingting, the young man paid close attention to the performance of these three people, and found that these three people were definitely not taken away, because it is really impossible to learn to imitate with another person, so it must be the original product. up.

Is that person not here!? Or like in some fan fictions, he became Uncle Jiu’s senior brother, or patriarch!?

The reason why I don't doubt Uncle Jiu is because I have inquired about it before. Uncle Jiu is indeed living a tight life and is so poor. To prepare for the revolutionary cause, I want to drive the great powers out of the land of China one day earlier, and the Han people will be the masters again, and then ascend to the position of overlord again, instead of being bullied by everyone now.

Of course, if he knew from the beginning that this was the world where Uncle Nine existed, the young man couldn't guarantee whether he would choose to learn from a teacher or continue his current career.

It's just that now, it's impossible to learn from a teacher, even if Uncle Jiu is willing, those skills can't be learned in a short time, let alone teach more people, they can't afford to wait, the longer the delay, the longer the people will suffer.

So the plan for now is to find out a method that can harm these weird things, preferably it can be popularized, otherwise if it is really a mistake, the whole army will be wiped out, and the young people will feel a little wronged.

This time I stayed in Renjia Town just to study this, otherwise, could I still be seduced by the beauty? If the country is gone, how can there be a home!?

But if it can get the support of the Ren family, it is not a bad thing. Now that the warlords have divided the land of China, what they want to do, there should be people who have money and land. These landlords and rich businessmen are inseparable.

But if he wanted to win over the other party, the young man couldn't help but look at the blushing little girl next to him, she was only eighteen years old, she was the only daughter of the family, and she was also pretty and pretty, but did she still have to sell her looks!?

This is a bit different from the revolution I imagined!

Isn't it the line of iron and blood pride!?

"Why do I think that kid looks at us weirdly!?" Qiu Sheng whispered into Wen Cai's ear.

Wen Cai's eyes kept falling on Ren Tingting's body, feeling the heat in his ears itching, he couldn't help but come back to his senses and stared at Qiu Sheng, and took a half step back, "Is it any wonder, we have been following Master for so many years, those fake foreign devils see that we are not good Are they all like this!?"

These days, not only those who wear suits will be called fake foreign devils, but those who have studied abroad, especially those who have studied abroad, are also counted. So the person surnamed Zhang put on a Chinese tunic suit at this time, but he will be called a fake foreign devil when he listens to his conversation. It's a fake foreign devil.

Especially when the other party still understands the language of foreign birds, they are even more fake foreign devils.

"Is it similar!? I looked at the way he looked at us. It didn't look like those people. Instead... I can't tell, it just feels weird." Qiu Sheng scratched his head and said.

At this time, the workers had already built a simple frame, and used pulleys and ropes to hoist the coffin out and lay it flat on the ground.

Uncle Nine and Master Ren also walked over, "Loosen the rope, and remove the nails!"

"Master Ren, when you take a look inside, you will know whether what I said is true or not, and then you should think about it carefully!" Uncle Jiu whispered to Ren Fa after explaining the workers.

At this time, Ren Tingting and others also came over.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu said to everyone: "Everyone, today is the rebirth of Mr. Ren. Anyone who is thirty-six, twenty-two, thirty-five, and forty-eight, and belongs to the rooster or ox, should turn around and avoid it."

"After evading, everyone tidy up their clothes, and then we can open the coffin."

At this moment, Master Ren's face was full of nervousness. When the word "open the coffin" fell, and saw countless crows flying out of the forest, Master Ren's expression became even more ugly. He had completely believed in Jiu Shu's words.

The others are much better, and Ren Tingting can't help but grab the sleeve of the young man surnamed Zhang. Such a weird scene, even if she keeps saying that she doesn't believe it, she is a little scared

When the lid of the coffin was opened and everyone came forward to watch, their expressions were even more shocking.

When the coffin lid was opened, a gust of black air visible to the naked eye floated out of it, and everyone backed away in fright. After the black air had dissipated, they followed Uncle Jiu and came forward again, but they saw the inside of the coffin. The old man Ren Weiyong, who was lying down, still kept the same appearance as when he was buried.

It has been twenty years, and the normal corpse has turned into bones at this time. Where have people seen such a weird thing that the corpse does not melt? In addition, just now the crows were flying all over the sky and croaking. layer shadows.

Ren Tingting's face turned pale, and she was about to fall. Fortunately, the young man surnamed Zhang supported her immediately, but it made the three people over there who just wanted to reach out their hands look very unhappy.

"How could this happen!?" Ren Tingting couldn't care less about being shy anymore. She had stayed abroad and studied. If it does not melt for ten years, even if it is placed in a coffin, it is a strange thing.

This is a technology that even the West does not have, and her Ren family has not mastered it, otherwise she would not know it. She is the only child of this generation.

"Maybe it's cement antiseptic." The young man surnamed Zhang comforted. Before everyone saw that there was a lot of cement in the soil on the upper layer of the coffin, so not only Ren Tingting was appeased, but the others were also relieved when they heard it. there is a problem.

After all, it is not auspicious for him to be buried suddenly, and if something happens, it will be a big problem.

Master Ren took a look at Uncle Jiu, then pulled Ren Tingting over, and immediately knelt down. No matter what he did next, he had to hold on to the scene and be polite. Otherwise, there would be other problems even if there were no zombie scourges. .

"It alarmed you old man, it is the child who is not filial, father! The child kowtows to you now.


Ren Fa and Ren Tingting immediately knelt down and kowtowed, apologizing that the people behind them were not as suspicious as before.

Uncle Jiu looked at the young man surnamed Zhang more, and was a little surprised by the other party's behavior. The other party didn't seem surprised, nor was he too scared, but he was a little worried. "I just don't know what the other party is worried about.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, Uncle Jiu always felt that this young man was a little different. Others might not have noticed anything just now, but he clearly saw the black air like a mouse seeing a cat, and consciously avoided this young man.

Just look at Ren Tingting. She didn't believe in this before, but because of the atmosphere of the scene and the evil invisible aura, she was already frightened, but this young man seemed to be a normal person, and he was worse than Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. Unflappable and unflappable.

Could it be the legendary body of pure yang!? All evils retreat!?

Thinking of Uncle Jiu, he looked at this handsome young man with some pity. At his age, it is too difficult to cultivate again. Even if he uses the treasures in the chat group to cultivate, it may not be successful. After all, the world is suppressing immortal cultivation now. It's too much, but the demons and ghosts have caught up with the good times, alas...

Check it out and talk about it later. .

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