On the other hand, after finally persuading her cousin Awei to take his men to support Zhang Qing's Ren Tingting, she didn't expect her cousin to take the people there not long before, and fled back in embarrassment. He was still the only one left, and his shoes were also lost. Only.

"Ah Wei, what is this!?" Ren Fa stepped forward in shock and asked.

"Cousin, what's going on over there!? Brother Zhang, is he okay!?" Ren Tingting also hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"I, I... I don't know, and I didn't see anyone. As soon as I arrived, there was a flaming thing rushing towards me. I managed to escape back. Cousin, you should also run away quickly. , that thing will come after you soon." Awei was still in shock, but when he saw his slim cousin, he still didn't fully inform him of the matter, but even beautified his image.

"How is it possible!?" Ren Tingting couldn't believe it, her small face turned pale immediately, and she almost fainted.

Ren Fa obviously doesn't fully believe in Awei's nonsense like Ren Tingting. Although he is not good at business, it is definitely not because of his own ability, but because of luck. I knew Awei was dishonest.

"Then what about your subordinates, can't none of them come back with you!? If that's the case, how did you come back!?"

He could hear it clearly. Awei said that he saw a whole body flaming at that time, not two or three. Unless the other party killed more than a dozen people in the blink of an eye, Awei would never escape alone. But if he had this kind of speed and ability, it would be impossible for Awei to escape.

Ren Fa couldn't help but doubt himself as his cousin.

"He, they.... They desperately resisted that thing in order to let me escape." Awei suddenly felt guilty.

"Really!?" Ren Fa took a serious look at Ah Wei, then turned his head and asked a servant on the other side, has the person sent to look for Uncle Jiu come back!?"

The servant shook his head, "Not yet, but it should be soon. After all, he needs to take a detour, and it will take longer."

After pondering for a while, Ren Fa said to everyone, "Everyone go back to the house first and close all the doors and windows."

"Understood, sir."


"Tingting, be obedient, what's the matter, let's talk about it when Uncle Jiu comes. Ren Fa is obviously a little annoyed. He finally found a good son-in-law candidate. If something happens to him, he will also feel heartbroken. He can't hand over Tingting to Ah A person like Wei!?

Ren Fa has seen through the behavior of his cousin. When he was alive, Tingting was fine, but once he is gone, Tingting will be in trouble.

As for Uncle Jiu's two apprentices, it's purely a toad who wants to eat swan meat and can't do anything with it. If my daughter really follows one of them, she will suffer in the future, let alone in that line of work. If she has dealt with those ghosts for a long time, her daughter probably won't live long.

About 20 minutes after everyone from the Ren family returned to the house, the remaining government servants, Uncle Jiu and others all came to the Ren family mansion.

When Ren Tingting saw Zhang Qing came back alive, she flew over like a baby swallow throwing herself into the forest, and buried her head on Zhang Qing's chest, with tears in her eyes, looking weak and pitiful.

Wen Cai and A Wei's silver teeth were almost gnawed, and this scene made their eyes widen.

Ren Fa was also relieved to see Zhang Qing came back alive, and then looked at Uncle Jiu, "What happened to Uncle Jiu!々"?"

After Ninth Uncle looked away from Zhang Qing and Ren Tingting, he looked at Ren Fa and sighed, "That zombie has become a thing, we have already wounded it, or even killed it, but..."

Speaking of which, Uncle Jiu glanced at Ah Wei, twitched the corner of his mouth, and continued, "Now the other party has fled to the mountains, alas..."

Ren Fa's face was a little ugly. Although Uncle Jiu didn't explain it clearly, he knew who the zombie he was talking about was!? His dead ghost father turned into a zombie.

Seeing Mr. Ren looking over and planning to let him think of a way, Uncle Jiu smiled wryly, what can he do!? Now, it is impossible to keep Mrs. Ren's body, or if there is another accident, he is afraid that there is nothing he can do. After all, Mrs. Ren is already froze now, and ordinary strength can't deal with him at all.

After the other party sucks the blood of more people, it will become stronger and stronger. This is the key point, so don't say that Ren Fa has not paid the money now, even if it is doubled ten times, it is impossible for him to agree to keep the old man Ren. Corpse, because the price to pay for that is too great.

Seeing Uncle Jiu shaking his head slightly, Ren Fa also knew that he was in a difficult situation, but what could he do!? If other people can't see him being buried intact by his father in this day and age, I'm afraid he won't have to live anymore. Everyone in Jiazhen could drown him with a single mouthful of saliva.

At that time, he and Tingting will have to leave Renjia Town to live in other places, but now they are separated by warlords, how can they leave their homeland if they want to!? I didn’t see that Tingting was going to go home from the provincial capital by car. Did you almost meet someone bad!? It shows how dangerous it is to go out in this day and age.

After Zhang Qing comforted Ren Tingting who had become clingy, he came to Ren Fa's side and whispered in his ear, "Uncle's worries are actually unnecessary. In fact, not many people have met Mrs. Ren. It’s fine to put a corpse, anyway, the place where the last burial is not the uncle’s ancestral grave, isn’t it!?”

Ren Fa was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at Zhang Qing who stopped talking and smiled at him. After thinking for a while, his eyes lit up and he also smiled. Imagine being able to do that!

Although I am a little sorry for my father, but the other party has become a zombie now, and he wants to kill his son and granddaughter Tingting, he can't just wait for the other party to kill him, if he can, he certainly wants to avoid future troubles, doesn't he Do you know what Uncle Jiu said is right!?

It's just that he had some concerns before, now that he has figured it out, Ren Fa naturally doesn't intend to continue to embarrass Uncle Jiu.

Immediately, he smiled and said to Uncle Jiu, "Uncle Jiu, then do it according to your method. After the matter is completed, I will give you double the reward I promised you before."

Uncle Jiu was taken aback, although he didn't know why Ren Fa suddenly changed his attitude, but since the other party didn't plan to hold on to Mrs Ren's body, Uncle Jiu also breathed a sigh of relief, "No problem, but it's too late now, We have to wait until dawn before going to search the mountains, don't worry, I will stay here tonight, so don't worry about the other party's carbine.

"That's good, that's good!" Of course Ren Fa would not disagree. To be honest, even if Uncle Jiu didn't say anything, he didn't intend to let him go, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

"By the way, three yamen servants were bitten to death before, and now they must be burned quickly, or they will become zombies. Master Ren, can you ask someone to prepare some firewood!?" Uncle Jiu thought again at this time Three of the subordinates brought by Awei before were killed. If it is not resolved now, they may have to face four zombies in the future.

Ren Fa's face twitched, and he glanced at Ah Wei who dared not look at him, wanting to get angry, but in the end he didn't say anything, and nodded to Uncle Jiu.

Ren Tingting is not stupid, she also realized it at this time, and couldn't help but glared at her cousin.

Awei suddenly became anxious, `cousin, things are not what you think, I..."

Ren Tingting didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and directly dragged Zhang Qing upstairs, "Brother Zhang, I had someone take care of the room you lived in before, so you can stay tonight, I'm a little scared.


Awei burst into tears and stretched out Erkang's hand, but he could only watch the figures of the two disappear completely on the stairs.

Wen Cai was a little disappointed, the goddess already had a sweetheart, and she never looked at her from the beginning to the end, it was too painful.

Uncle Jiu hated iron for being weak and went forward to pat Wencai on the head, "Don't be dumbfounded, hurry up and help, hum, what's so good about women, if you don't have a woman in your heart, God will know if you draw your sword!?"

As soon as Uncle Jiu said this, other people didn't know what Wencai was thinking in his heart at the moment, but everyone in the chat group was quite speechless.

[Sakura is the cutest: Michelle. 】

[White Tyrant: Michelle. 】

[Master Mori: Michelle. 】

Almost all female group members repeated a certain woman's name, and they seemed to be reminding Uncle Jiu to look here first when he was talking big.

The corners of Uncle Jiu's eyes twitched and he had a toothache, can you stop mentioning this!?

On the other hand, the slime of Shamat kept looking at the place where Zhang Qing was before, and murmured: "Is this me from another world!? (Wang Zhao)"

If it is true, why hasn't he entered the misty space now! Desperate?

But seeing other group members condemning Uncle Nine, Shamate also posted a "+1".

At the same time that the time at Ren's mansion came to an end, on the other side of the town, Qiu Sheng, another apprentice of Uncle Jiu at this moment, was lingering on the bed with a female ghost because of avoiding the rain. With the fragrance of pomegranate.

I don't know if Uncle Jiu has a relative with the surname Yuanban. In short, he also has the incident of losing the chain at a critical moment. Uncle Jiu seems to have forgotten about the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu, so he didn't remind Qiusheng. Don't talk nonsense or anything like that.

In fact, it is also because Dong Xiaoyu, the female ghost, does not intend to harm Qiusheng, but because she is always a ghost, even if she does not take the initiative, she will suck away the yang energy of strangers, but because she is not the main one, so Uncle Jiu didn't see anything either.

In addition, Qiu Sheng is always a fool, as long as the influence is not too serious, Uncle Jiu will only think that the other party goes to bed too late at night, how can he think of that kind of thing, or the thing with the female ghost!?

In fact, let’s not talk about Uncle Jiu, the members of the chat group didn’t even think that Qiu Sheng might have an accident, because they probably thought that Uncle Jiu should have taken care of it long ago, how could they have thought that Uncle Jiu would be unreliable sometimes!? .

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