"Why is the asking price for this knowledge so high!?"

Gwen checked the knight value required for all the knowledge in elementary school, puffed up her cheeks and asked, knowing that there are junior high school, high school and university behind, so she is completely in the middle of nowhere.

Zhang Qing folded his hands on his chest, "Gwen, have you heard a word!?"

"What!?" Gwen also crossed her arms and asked with a small face.

"Ahem, knowledge is priceless. You can buy it for a little chivalrous value, no matter how you look at it, you earned it." Zhang Qing said seriously.

He won't tell Gwen that he earned the middle price. In fact, the items in the exchange list don't need so much knight value at all. He just increased the value by ten times. Well, he earned 90%, really That's all.

There is no way, as a system, he also needs energy to maintain his existence, and he also wants to have a body again, isn't it, is he just grabbing the little girl's wool!?

Of course, no matter what, Gwen must not let Gwen know about this, otherwise the little girl might eat him to death. For Gwen, who is more and more inclined towards little devils, she can really do it.

Gwen pursed her lips, "But this is too much. If so, when will I be able to get enough knight value!? Then I might as well study hard!"

Isn’t it just for the dance of the sky? It turned out that the flying skills were sold together with the cultivation of qi, and the required knight value was still astronomical. I was looking forward to it, but now I’m told that I’d better buy it first The same expensive elementary school knowledge encyclopedia.

Not to mention that this month has been for nothing, and I even owed 20 to the system. Judging from the current progress, I can only pay off the debt when I graduate from elementary school. Gwen wants to cry [Why did she work so hard all this time! ?

"No, I have mastered all the previous knowledge! Brother Zhang Qing, can I just buy the rest!?" Gwen rolled her eyes and asked sweetly.

Zhang Qing sneered, and replied ruthlessly, "No, this is also sold in bundles, not to mention you call me brother, you can't even call me dad."

Gwen is only ten years old, if she really becomes too strong, with this brat's lawless temperament, the earth will probably explode, and the water in the Marvel world is a bit deep, even if Zhang Qing doesn't want to blacken the knight Give yourself value, and don't intend to let Gwen grow too fast.

Let's talk about it when Gwen's temperament is qualified. Now that she is a superhero, she actually treats it as a fun game, and she might get tired of it at any time.

"Cut, you have called me so many times for nothing." Gwen curled her lips, and finally exchanged the Encyclopedia of Elementary School Knowledge. The next moment, she felt that she had completely mastered the knowledge about elementary school, even if the teacher hadn't taught it yet. The same goes for parts.

Moreover, what she thought she had mastered before was actually not the case. This finally made the depressed little Gwen feel more comfortable, and felt that it was not such a loss.

There is no way, if the grades really drop too badly, the teacher might contact the parents to talk, then George might suspect that some bad boy hit his precious daughter's attention, and then squatted around the school all day to peep, let alone This kind of thing George can definitely do.

Gwen didn't want to be looked at strangely by her classmates because of George.

"As I said before, knowledge is priceless, and knowledge is also a kind of power. Right now, it's only in elementary school. After you gain more knowledge, you'll find that it's worth spending it now. " Zhang Qing was secretly happy that he had obtained a considerable amount of chivalrous value, while pretending to be profound.

Gwen was thinking about whether he should expand the scope of chivalry. Perhaps Hell's Kitchen would be a good choice. I heard that there are many bad guys there.

If she doesn't expand her business scope, she is really worried that she will continue to work for Brother Zhang Qing in the future. Think about it, after elementary school, there will be junior high school, high school, and university, and the knights needed are more expensive than each other. If you continue to do small good deeds, you may not be able to touch the edge of Wukong when you are thirty years old.

Damn it, why does the novice gift pack give out the spider ability!? Isn’t it really a secret operation!?

Gwen doubted this very much, but there was no proof.

Fortunately, Zhang Qing said that he would never turn into a spider or something, which made Gwen feel better, but compared to using spider silk to swing between tall buildings, flying freely is more attractive.

Gwen likes Superman in comics very much, and she also fantasizes about becoming a superwoman, but unfortunately it is still just a comic, and brother Zhang Qing and father both said that if Superman really exists, then he must not be easy , it seems that Dad and the others feel that being a Superman is not a good thing.

However, Gwen still wants to become a Superman, but unfortunately, the knight value required to redeem the Superman template in the system is also astronomical, which is beyond what little Gwen can imagine. This feeling of being invisible is even worse.

Just when little Gwen was worried about his future working life, Tony began to doubt his life. There is no Spider-Woman in the plot!?

[Strike while the iron is hot: Everyone, please be quiet for a moment, I found a very scary thing here! 】

[Reincarnated as a spider: What's wrong!? Is the captain of the ugly country actually a blonde beauty, or is the director of the black stewed egg actually a black-skinned beauty!?]

【Master Mori: Puhaha, no, how did you think of this, Spiderman!?】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: Smile.jpg】

【Strike while the iron is hot: Don't make trouble! I really discovered a terrible thing here!】

[Reincarnated as a spider: Did you suddenly become a spider too!? Squint eyes.jpg]

【Strike while the iron is hot: (gritting teeth) Are you going to die if you don't say a few words to me? By the way, why are you so idle today!?】

Tony almost squeezed the remote control in his hand, he was so angry with this stinky spider, did he have a confrontation with the spider today!?

"Sir, the remote is for pressing, please don't squeeze too hard!" Jarvis reminded.

"I know." Tony threw down the remote control, and the screen was still reporting the glorious deeds of the good citizen of New York "Spider-Woman". Why are you fighting for justice all day long!?

And after getting to know him, he found that the other party's abilities were really similar to Peter's. No, they were exactly the same except for their gender. This was the most puzzling thing for Tony.

【Reincarnation Spider: You are right, I am really free right now. 】

[Reincarnated as a slime: Alright, alright, let Tony talk about it, poor thing. 】

[Ben Zina: Indeed, they are all broken in love, let's not provoke him. 】

【Sakura is the cutest: Mmmm. 】

[White Tyrant: +1]

【Strike while the iron is hot: Wait, who told you I was broken in love!?】

Tony was taken aback, quickly looked around, and asked Jarvis to scan the surroundings, he was relieved to find that there was indeed no one, and there was no intrusion into the network. :

【Strike while the iron is hot: It is impossible for me to fall in love at all, who am I!? I am the famous Tony Stark, how could I fall in love!?】

【Master Mori: What should we do!? Tony doesn't know that we've seen through him long ago, should we pretend we don't know anything!?】

【Ganwumei: Yes, let’s pretend we don’t know!】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: Tony, we didn't even know you were broken in love, we were all joking just now. 】

【Strike while the iron is hot: ..……】

【Strike while the iron is hot: So how on earth do you know that you can come to my world!?】

[Reincarnated Spider: Guess what, with Tony's character, if you got on good terms with Pepper, you would have come here to show off a long time ago, and even let us bless you. Only if you fail, you will be like this now. 】

Tony covered his face immediately after hearing Spiderman's explanation. In vain, he always thought that he had concealed it well, but he didn't expect that everyone else would have guessed it. How could he forget this!?

It's a shame, it's a big loss now!

[Jiu Shu: Well, listen to my advice, it’s actually good to have no women. 】

[Strike while the iron is hot: No, you all don't talk, I want to be quiet. 】

【Uncle Jiu: Who is Jingjing!? Isn’t Pepper your favorite!?】

【Strike while the iron is hot:…………】

After the other group members made enough jokes, Tony finally told about the appearance of Spider-Woman on his side. At first they thought it was the female version of Peter, but after Tony explained that there is Peter Parker in this world, Xiao Only then did they think of another female version of Spider-Man --- Gwen Stacy.

"Gwen Stacy!?" Tony frowned after asking Jarvis to display the information of the owner of the name.

"No, Spider-Woman is definitely over 17 years old, and Gwen Stacy is only ten years old now, so it can't be hers."

However, when Tony told them about this situation, they were also at a loss, because the only Spider-Man they knew was Peter and Gwen, and Spider-Man could only be one person. He will die when he becomes an adult. If Gwen is Spider-Man, then Peter will become the villain and become a lizard man.

There is no Spider-Man and Spider-Woman at the same time.

But now, not only Peter Parker, but also Gwen Stacy are just kids, and it is impossible to be Spider-Man. This situation is indeed very strange.

Tony found that he still couldn't find the real body of Spider-Woman through body type matching. What's even more strange is that he didn't find any suspicious targets through the ubiquitous surveillance cameras. Every time Spider-Woman appeared, it seemed to be out of thin air Appears in general, and disappears as well.

"Who is this Spider Girl!?"

[The author has something to say: Speechless, why do I always write the wrong chapter serial number, I feel dizzy. 】.

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