Gwen looked at the bank over there again, and began to search the exchange list in the system, and soon she saw the props she needed.

[Drowsy black tea spray version: colorless and tasteless, effective in a second, the elephant will be stunned in an instant, after waking up, you will find that your lips and teeth are fragrant like drinking a cup of black tea

It is definitely the love of adults and children, you deserve it, the original price is 99, and the current sale price is 9.9.1

Gwen directly placed an order and bought a bottle, and when she got it, she found it. It was the size of a human thumb, and there was a button on it, but she didn't press it right away, but turned her head and walked towards the side of the bank.

The front door and the back are guarded by the police, only the side is empty, and there are no doors or windows in that place, but there is a sewer, but even if this is her second avatar, as a clean girl, Gwen will Just don't plan to go down the drain.

She touched the wall and found that it was indeed very solid. Then she fired spider silk at the surrounding cameras, and after covering all the cameras, she took out a pink circle from the system backpack, which was only the size of a fist. She put it Stick it on the wall, press the start button of the sleeping black tea spray, and throw it into the center of the circle.

A miraculous thing happened. The spray bottle passed through the wall and entered the inside of the bank, and then fell into a drawer of a desk next to the wall. There was very little movement, and with the noise outside, no one in the bank noticed. This small sound.

However, a colorless and odorless gas began to spread in the interior very aggressively, it drilled out from the gap in the drawer, and then mixed into the normal air little by little

With the normal breathing being inhaled into the body, the people in the bank fell asleep one by one, and there was no time to react at all.

When Spider-Woman returned to the gate of Bank 370, only the robber in front of the gate was still awake at this time, oh, and the female hostage, and his brothers had already fallen asleep comfortably.

Spider-Woman stretched out her hands, and two strands of spider webs were shot instantly, one shot at Mr. Robber, the other shot at the hostage, and then pulled hard, one was pulled to her, the other was thrown to the police, The weapons in it were shot down to the ground long ago.

However, George and the other policemen were not happy when they saw this scene. Instead, they looked at Spider-Woman angrily, "Damn, there are other hostages in the bank, that idiot Spider-Man—!!

But after the anger passed, everyone also found that there was no movement as they imagined in the bank, it was quiet, not even the hostages' desperate cries for help.

Spider-Woman spread her hands at the policemen, and then quickly left with her spider webs. Apart from being innocent, her actions were extremely arrogant.

Tony, who was wearing steel armor and finally arrived at this time, frowned and ordered Jarvis to investigate. He didn't understand how Spider-Woman did it. The other party disappeared from his sight for no more than thirty seconds. In such a short time, the other party was How did you make everyone in the bank fall asleep!?

That's more than Peter Parker Spider-Man can do.

This little spider really has a lot of secrets, but now the other party is likely to get into trouble, not to mention the black marinated egg, those guys from Hydra are definitely eyeing the other party

If it's only at the level of Spider-Man, those guys won't pay too much attention to it. After all, Spider-Man is not too buggy among superpowers, and they don't want Iron Man to be mass-produced.

Super soldier serum plus some interesting props may not be able to reach the level of Spiderman, but it is almost (caae) less, but if this little spider has some unknown strange abilities, then it is not so It's the same thing, at least the level of attention will not be the same as before.

Just as Tony guessed, the black corned egg has deepened the importance of Spider-Woman at this moment, and even plans to pull her into the team he is about to build, but before that, he must know the true identity of Spider-Woman, otherwise Black Braised Egg will never let the other party join rashly.

"You can cover your face, but I must know who you are."

After solving the bank robbers, the first class was over. Gwen noticed that the new classmate seemed to be staring at her all the time. She couldn't help touching her face, and even took out a small mirror to check, and found that it was not dirty. Things stick to it, which is even more strange.

Julie, on the other hand, walked back to her seat with a face of frustration, because she failed to complete the task her aunt gave her again.

"Gwen, am I a failure......" Julie said with a sad face, why is it so difficult to make friends!?

Gwen rolled her eyes, "I don't think it will be too difficult to accept your wolf grandma's smile.

I don't know who Julie learned from, but she still seems to imitate Mrs. Hollis, but the imitation is not in place. In short, Julie's so-called friendly smile gives people a feeling of malice. I'm afraid that in the eyes of outsiders, Julie seems to be planning to bully the new classmates instead of making friends.

Instead, the new transfer student Mindy walked over at this time, smiled and extended his hand to Gwen, "Hi, I think we will become friends."

Seeing this scene, Julie cried even more sadly, it was too much, murderous.

Gwen was stunned for a moment, but still reached out and shook her hand, "I'm also looking forward to it, by the way, my name is Gwen Stacy, just call me Gwen."

After Mingdy withdrew her hand, there was a trace of doubt on her face, but it was quickly covered up, and she said with a smile, "Then you can call me Mingdy too, it's nice to meet you.

Gwen pointed to Julie, who was crying, and said, "She is Julie Eucalyptus, Mrs. Hollis' niece. She has no bad intentions, although she is a bit strange."

Julie's whispered retort "I'm not surprised" was ignored. Gwen explained why Julie went to her.

At this time, Gwen felt a little weird, because during the short handshake process just now, she found that Mindy's hands were calloused, not as tender and smooth as a girl of this age, and there was something wrong with the calloused place, which was definitely not done. Only housework or something.

After listening to Gwen's explanation, Mindy looked at Julie with less vigilance, but Julie didn't notice it, and she was glad that Gwen helped her a lot! Otherwise, there would be no way to explain to her aunt later Now, she doesn't want to be seen by her aunt as a problem child who can't make friends.

Mrs. Hollis, who took the time to watch secretly, nodded with satisfaction when she saw the outside, thinking that she would go back tonight to reward Julie. After seeing that Mindy made new friends and was not isolated or bullied, Hollis The wife went back happily.

She didn't want to disturb the children getting along.

Corey Sutter, who spread out a programming book, glanced at Gwen and curled her lips, "boring."

She was not at all interested in this children's game of friendship.

And she doesn't like Gwen very much, and the rich lady in the class, Caroline Channing, thinks they are all spoiled guys who don't know the dangers of the world at all.

Cory, who was born with a high IQ, already knew at this time that she was not the biological daughter of her parents, but an adopted child. Although the adoptive parents concealed it well, she still found out, but Corrie did not reveal it. At the same time, she also discovered that her life experience may not be simple, which made her want to know who her biological parents were.

She intends to find her own life experience, but based on the current factors, it is not easy for her who is only ten years old. But she also found other ways, that is, to search through the Internet, maybe there is what she wants to know in the government database.

Therefore, she recently began to delve into this technology. Only by becoming a top hacker can we find out more truths.

The disliked Caroline doesn't know this at all, she doesn't lack friends, how many people flatter her and flatter her! In Ugly Country, having money is actually equivalent to having power, so it's not surprising that Caroline is being courted by others Things, even if children don't have thoughts about it, their parents and elders do.

Therefore, Caroline basically has no shortage of "friends", and of course these friends are only around her because of their interests.

"By the way, Gwen, why do you always look like you haven't woken up recently!?" After solving her troubles, Julie also cared about her good friend.

She had discovered early on that Gwen always yawned and was always distracted during class. This was not at all like the previous Gwen. The former Gwen was the best student and was pointed out by the teacher every time. Praise, let everyone learn.

Gwen blinked, "Ah, recently my father always goes to the police in the middle of the night, and I wake up when I hear the sound, and then it's hard to fall asleep again."

After Gwen thought about it, she decided to blame George. After all, George was really busy with work during this time, and sometimes he would go on duty in the middle of the night.

Of course, this is all thanks to Spider-Woman, the police in New York do not want to be compared, so they work extra hard, in Zhang Qing's words, "roll up"

Julie knew that Gwen's father was the chief of police, and had met several times before, "Oh, is it so hard!? Do we have so many problems here now!?"

Gwen nodded, "Just Spider-Woman catches a lot of villains every day. Dad doesn't want to lose to the opponent, so he works extra hard."

Zhang Qing sneered in the sea of ​​consciousness: Then you are really a caring little padded jacket.

Mindy looked at Gwen unexpectedly, "Gwen, your father is a policeman!?"

After getting a clear answer, Mindy became more and more confused. Could it be that her feeling was wrong, but she clearly felt that Gwen was not simple, and she felt dangerous, definitely not an ordinary little girl. The general sense of danger of a large dangerous carnivore is absolutely unmistakable.

But the daughter of the policeman, there is no reason for this, and she has tried it just now, and Gwen's hands are not callous at all, they are definitely pampered flowers, and they have not received any training.

But this is not right!?

Mindy, who was not satisfied with Big Daddy's sudden madness and sent him to school, suddenly became interested in school, or became interested in Gwen. This classmate definitely has a secret

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