Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

771 Ding Dong——! Group Member Ultimate Madoka-Senpai Has Been Removed From The Chat Group!

[Ultimate Madoka-senpai: Oh, there are really people, I thought this was imagined, I was thinking about trying to create a trumpet in it later. 】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat:?????】

Wugeng Liuli always felt that what the other party said just now was outrageous and weird. But I think it's a hallucination, which also proves that this newcomer is more or less normal, after all, they have been suspicious for a long time at the beginning.

In the end, I found that I couldn't shake it off or uninstall it, and it didn't seem to be harmful, so I tried to use it.

[Fallen Saint Black Cat: Newcomer, if you have any questions, you can ask, we can answer. But if you are worried, you can also pretend that nothing happened. Anyway, if you don't care, this chat group will not affect your daily life. 】

【Ganwumei: Welcome, welcome! If you want to drink Kuole, you can @小仲我哦!】

[Ben Zina: Nice to meet you all. If you are hungry, you can find me. I have as many supplies as you want. 】

【Master Mori: If you are simply looking for someone to chat with to pass the time, you can also find us. 】

[Sakura is the cutest: Well, I may not be able to help you, but if you need anything, you can also find me. 】

[White Tyrant: I believe that everyone can become good friends. 】

[Strike while the iron is hot: @九贵爱, you can’t be Bruce Wayne, huh, huh, little hot chick!]

Tony didn't hide his malice at all, even if he hadn't met the other party, but Tony just felt that the other party was very annoying. Of course, part of Tony’s dislike for the other party is because there are Batman works in the world he lives in. Tony was joked a long time ago that he was Bruce Wayne’s, and it was suspected that he was just a playboy. Super hero.

At the beginning, Tony dismissed this, until now he feels offended when he becomes Iron Man, isn't this the same as becoming a Batman imitator!?

【Clown Love: Are you a child!】

【Strike while the iron is hot: You!】

【Ultimate Madoka-senpai: Hey, it's so lively, how about me alone!?】

【Clown Love: Get Out!】

【Strike while the iron is hot: Climb!】

【Ultimate Madoka-senpai: Tsk tsk, what a match! Funny laugh.jpg】

Just when these guys were mingling together, Shamate checked the chat group first as usual to see if there were any new changes, and suddenly she showed a surprised expression.

[Reincarnation into Slime: Stop chatting, everyone, our long-awaited time travel function is finally open. 】

[Reincarnated Spider: Where!? Where!? Can I finally return to modern society!? Huh, I've been waiting for this day for too long. 】

【Ben Zina: That.........does someone know, if I travel to other worlds, will I wear a flesh body, or just travel through a game character!?】

Yuuki Asuna is also looking forward to the time-traveling function. She also wants to go offline with her friends. Because of her family, she has no friends. Thanks to the chat group that suddenly appeared, she will not suddenly enter the death game completely. When I collapsed, there are still people chatting with me, making me full of hope, but after talking for a long time, Asuna will also want to get together with other people in reality.

It's just that she is also worried that this time-travel function will allow her body to time-travel, and when her body lying in the hospital suddenly disappears, she is afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble. And if the game character travels through time, it is even more impossible to guarantee whether his body can still survive, after all, it is equal to losing his soul.

Of course, even if her body is fine, but her game character suddenly disappears, Kayaba Akihiko will probably find out immediately and do something, or the game system will simply kill her as a game character, and then blow up her head in reality .

So Asuna's worry was not unreasonable.

【Strike while the iron is hot: You are indeed in trouble. I suggest you better not try it. Let’s talk about it when you come out of that game. 】

Hearing Asuna's worry, Tony didn't care to get angry with Bruce. After thinking about Asuna's situation, he couldn't decide what would happen. After all, the world he lives in, although there are many black technologies, But there is no technology to completely sneak into the game, and it is impossible to judge whether Asuna has problems because of this.

As for them traveling to Asuna's world and rescuing her. It was even more difficult than going head-to-head with Thanos. Akihiko Kayaba was equal to the Creator God in the game. Maybe a delete command could directly kill these outsiders who suddenly appeared. Tony and the others dared not gamble either.

If you travel through Asuna's world, half the chance is to enter the game, and half the chance is to enter the real world. In this situation, no one dares to gamble with their own and Asuna's lives

[Youkai idler: That's true, Asuna, if you are now, don't try it. But even if you want to time travel, it doesn't seem to work. This time travel is not without cost. 】

Yakumo Zi in Gensokyo couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression when she saw the price, "Ala, this is really very interesting..."

Others have also noticed the price that needs to be paid for the traversal function - the power of fate, the power obtained by changing fate.

This change of fate can be one's own or someone else's. The greater the fluctuation of the fate line, the greater the power of fate will be obtained. As for each crossing, a standard ten units of power of fate are required.

And this is a one-way ticket, if you want to return to your own world, you have to prepare another unit of destiny.

And if you change the fate of ordinary people, the general gain is around 1, and it may even be possible to only get 0.1 or 0.001. , Ordinary people can still only go around in the society of ordinary people, in fact, little has changed.

Of course, if you don't know the plot, it will be very difficult to obtain the power of destiny, because even as an aborigine in the native world, you may not know too many things in the world you live in. No matter how many good or bad things you do, what you get in the end Only very little.

But after knowing the plot, it is different, because most of the characters in the plot are involved in the whole world, and their proportion is much more important than that of ordinary people. Obtained a lot of power of destiny.

But these are useless for Asuna who is trapped in the game, because she can't change too much, doing so will only make her very likely to be trapped in the game forever until she dies. Players just survive, don't let them die in meaningless places.

It is also not an easy task for other people, because many times they make changes and want to have a good ending, even if they have to ensure that they have enough strength. To make changes, unless Tony has enough power not to be afraid of Thanos, it may be best to go through the plot of the original book again

Of course, Tony is now on the hook, and he has predicted the future in advance, and he didn't waste time on the palladium poisoning incident. He is confident that he will be stronger than himself in the original book.

【Ultimate Madoka-senpai: Ah, this is a bit difficult!】

Shamate ignored the other party, she also remembered who this guy is, isn't it the funny character!? Indeed, for this kind of character, she is too buggy, and it is not easy to obtain the power of destiny, she knows it herself Plot, even the world she lives in does not have plot, everything can be absurd and illogical.

But that's good too, Shamat doesn't want such a dangerous guy to travel through other worlds, otherwise those worlds might not be so friendly after being tormented by her.

However, Shamat took a look at the fate value she now possessed, and found that it was only 1. She felt a little helpless. It seemed that she could no longer survive, and it was time to meet the plateau witch.

Just get in touch.

(The plateau witch who was brushing the slime suddenly shuddered: What's wrong, I suddenly had a bad feeling.)

But Shamate's good mood soon disappeared, because...

[Extreme Madoka Madoka ex-040: Dendenden, I spent a minute knocking on a fate value printing machine, do you want it!? Just shout Madoka-senpai here, I am your dog, and I will give you one Oh one!】

【Dry girl:????】


【Chat group:????????】

In an instant, the heads of almost all the group members were covered with question marks. Did they hear something terrible just now!? And did something terrible get mixed in just now!?

[Ultimate Madoka-senpai: Huh!? It turns out that it’s not enough to have fate points, do you still need the consent of the group members!? Let’s see if I can pry this open... 】

【Ultimate Madoka-senpai: Oh oh, first do this, then do this, and then tap here......】

【Ultimate Madoka-senpai: Huh!? It's still changing!? I'll...】

【Master Mori: I always feel that this newcomer seems to be doing something incredible...】

[Reincarnated as a slime: I'm worried that the chat group will suddenly explode later. 】


[Uncle Nine:!!!!]

【Ding dong——! Group member Ultimate Madoka-senpai has been removed from the chat group!】

[Ding dong——!!! Welcome to the ultimate Madoka senior to join the chat group!!!]


【Reincarnation into a spider:......】

Spider suddenly had a feeling that this newcomer called "Ultimate Madoka-senpai" suddenly gave her a feeling similar to that guy who called himself "Cthulhu D". Could it be that she can't even keep her only pure land now!?


Seeing the constant ding-dong sound and the news that the other party joined again and again after being kicked out of the group, the spider felt that the whole spider was numb.

Come on! Chat group, come on!

Spider silently cheered up the chat group, hoping that the chat group could be better, and don't give up easily. .

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