Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Episode 774: Magical Girl Vs. Yellow Hulk!

In a certain elementary school, little Gwen, who suddenly received a call from her father, put down the phone in a daze, not understanding why George was so nervous.

They also told her to stay in the school, never leave if there is nothing to do, and said to listen to the school's arrangements, so did the Pearl Harbor incident happen again!?

But after Gwen controlled Spider-Woman and got rid of Jin Bin's men, Gwen finally knew what happened!?

Now many reporters are running to Harlem, wanting to get first-hand information as soon as possible. Naturally, this reporter is not afraid of General Ross, and they are even more excited because of General Ross's blockade. They feel that this matter is profitable~ Able to dig up big stuff.

When Spider-Woman came near Harlem, Gwen finally saw the rumored two-headed monsters. With a strong sense of crisis, Gwen didn't go up to stop it immediately, because she discovered the maliciousness of those soldiers. , Anyone who dares to defy will be included in the attack range.

Iron Man in the sky is the best example.

Gwen also saw his father, who was blushing and shouting something to the soldiers, but the soldiers ignored him at all.

You don’t need to think about why these soldiers are so stubborn. Because of the historical problems in Harlem, there are mostly chocolate people here, so for some white supremacists

There is no psychological burden not to save the people here, even if there are white people in Harlem.

Gwen frowned, and asked about Zhang Qing, the mentor, in her heart.

"Brother Zhang Qing, what should I do!? If I deal with one of the monsters, I can barely handle it, but if the two monsters plus those army soldiers... Huh!? Why is there a girl there, what is she doing? !?"

Gwen stopped in the middle of her words, her eyes widened in disbelief as she watched a petite girl with long pink hair and strange clothes walking towards the direction of their fight as if she hadn't seen the horror of the two big monsters go.

The arrogant pace that the six relatives didn't recognize caused those soldiers to have their brains shut down for a moment, and they raised their guns, not knowing whether to attack or not.

General Ross was also taken aback, "Where did the oriental girl come from!?"

Betty Ross, who was still concerned about the safety of her lover before, heard her father's surprised murmur, turned her head and looked over, and she saw a cute girl of oriental race

The strange thing was that the other party's hair was pink, and it was very natural, it was definitely dyed.

"What is she doing!?" Betty wanted to grab the little girl, but she was still on the helicopter, and she couldn't do anything at all. Even if she shouted loudly, she might not be able to hear her.

"Bruce, don't hurt her" Betty prayed in her heart that Mairen could not hurt anyone.

Tony's eyelids twitched, looked at the extremely arrogant pink-haired little girl below, and asked Jarvis, "How did that girl Jarvis appear!?"

"Sir, she appeared suddenly, and there was no sign before that."

Is there no such thing as a space gate!? This is beyond Tony's imagination. He always thought that the chat group's crossing was through a gate, or like those mages on Kama Taj.

But obviously if that little girl is the ultimate Madoka-senpai, even if it means that the world traversal in the chat group will be carried out in a more special way.

The pink-haired girl who suddenly broke into the battlefield below seemed to sense Tony's gaze, and posed a scissors hand at Iron Man above, smiling very "innocently",

Zhang Qing, who was seeing this guy through Gwen's vision sharing, was also taken aback, "This outfit looks familiar..."

"Wait, isn't this Magical Girl Madoka!?"

Looking at the familiar costume of the magical girl, Zhang Qing almost dropped his jaw, "Isn't this the Marvel world!? Why does it even have a magical girl's round face!? What about Chubby!? Can't there be one too!?"

Just when Zhang Qing was doubting his life, General Ross on the helicopter over there finally came to his senses, and hurriedly shouted, "No matter who that guy is, even a person with superpowers must die, attack! Never let She approached Hulk and them, they are the property of our military and no one can touch them!"

General Ross's face was dark. He first suspected that the target was the black braised egg, because recently the other party seems to have been trying to form some special talent team and recruit some superpowers and the like. General Ross naturally also received the news.

The reason why he asked people to block this place was because he was afraid that the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would sneak in to fish in troubled waters. As he said, General Ross regarded the Hulk as the property of the military, and he definitely didn't want to take advantage of others.

Everyone can see that as long as the research continues, the transformation of the Hulk is definitely much stronger than the super soldier serum. Hulk still had uncontrollable flaws before, but the appearance of the abomination makes people understand that Hulk's situation is not guaranteed. There will be.

However, the abomination doesn't seem to be able to change back into a normal person's appearance. This is also a defect, but after taking it back, a solution can always be found, so General Ross does not allow anyone to take his experimental sample away, not even a little girl. .


The soldier who received the order pointed his gun at the cute little pink-haired girl without much hesitation.

George was very angry when he saw this, and reached out to take the guns from these guys' hands, but was pointed at by the soldiers.

Gwen controlled Spider-Woman to send out spider silk to subdue all the soldiers who wanted to attack George, and asked George to leave.

George looked at Spider-Woman who saved him responsibly, and after a long silence, "I won't thank you, but now I want to ask you to save the people inside, I hope you can agree."

Speaking of which, George did not forget to look at Iron Man in the sky. He hoped that Iron Man could help attract these crazy soldiers so that Spiderwoman could save them, but he didn't know if Iron Man could see his wink,

Spider-Woman nodded, yes. "

Although Gwen has been cheating on her father, she still felt very angry when she saw those soldiers trying to hurt George. She wanted to beat up all the soldiers here, but obviously she couldn't do this, otherwise the spider In the future, the female hero will really become a wanted criminal in Ugly Country, and she may also implicate George, who made him appear here!?

But since these guys don't want the people in Harlem to be rescued, then she just went to rescue these people. Gwen thought angrily.

Tony in the steel suit has also been paying attention to the surrounding situation, especially when Spider-Woman appeared, of course he also allocated part of his energy to pay attention to this side, so when George looked at him, Tony also instantly realized that George mean.

Indeed, compared to Spider-Woman, people in the military undoubtedly value or fear Tony Stark more, so if he is used to attract firepower, it will undoubtedly be more effective, and it is true that Spider-Woman is better at saving people .

0 for flowers...

So Tony immediately lowered the flight altitude, and sure enough, the soldiers turned their guns and aimed at him in an instant, "Oh, it's not good to be too popular.'

Tony began to fly fancy, circling in mid-air, attracting the attention of these soldiers.

"Damn Iron Man!" General Ross was furious, but he couldn't let Tony ignore him, so he had to allocate part of his troops to deal with Tony, the big red fly.

Although Tony attracted some soldiers, the rest of the soldiers still made Spiderwoman who broke into the inside have to cheer up. The firepower coverage is definitely not comparable to that of the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, and the weapons are also very powerful. more advanced.

However, after Gwen controlled Spider-Woman to go deeper into Harlem, she was not attacked again. After all, those soldiers did not dare to rush into the battle between the two big monsters. Behind Spider-Woman basically just need to avoid the military helicopter above the head.

But the bad news is that it is very difficult for her to take people out. Those guns may not be able to hurt Spider-Woman, but the people may not be able to. In addition, those soldiers don't mind killing civilians at all, so they rashly take people out. Instead, these survivors were harmed.


But it's obviously not a good idea to stay here, because no one can guarantee whether the Hulk and the abomination will move in the direction of the survivors.

Zhang Qing saw Gwen's distress, and hurriedly said, "Take him to the sewer, the soldiers below will never have time to block it.

Gwen's blue face, sewers... well. "

As a girl who loves cleanliness, Gwen is very resistant to that smelly and dirty place, but as Zhang Qing said, only that place is safe now, otherwise it is useless even if she can fly.

While Gwen was looking for survivors and persuading people to go into the sewer, both Hulk and Abomination looked at the hateful pink-haired little guy who suddenly approached them and patted their thighs, with that grinning look, what do you think? How to make people uncomfortable.

He stared at the other side with hatred, if it wasn't for his hands competing with Hulk's hands at this moment, as long as he had one free hand, he would have smashed the little girl.

"This melon looks unripe!" Senior Xiaoyuan patted the Hulk's thick thigh, and after hearing the voice, he shook his head and said disappointedly, then turned to look at the shit-yellow abomination, and saw that it was covered with Pimple, with a bit of disgust on his face.

However, he still walked over, unknowingly pulled out a wooden hammer from there, and lightly tapped on the knee of Abomination.

"I'm going to kill you!" Abomination couldn't help but let out a gasping sound, it was so painful, the little one didn't know how to do it, but with a light tap, Abomination felt a severe pain in his leg.

Senior Xiaoyuan took a few steps back, and waved his hand in front of his nose in disgust, "Wow, you have bad breath, I don't want this melon anymore."

"Who is a melon! Fuck me!" Hate also ignored Hulk, the great enemy, and directly left him behind, turned his head and rushed towards Senior Madoka. It's hard to get rid of the hatred in his heart if he doesn't tear him apart.

On the other side, General Ross yelled at his soldiers angrily, "What are you doing, I want you to shoot, why don't you do it, let that oriental girl pass by!?

"Well, I don't know why our gun didn't respond..." The soldiers were also very wronged, they obviously pulled the trigger, but no bullets were fired!

[The author has something to say: It’s not enough, it’s a bit troublesome to get caught without rest! Thousands].

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