Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

78 The So-Called "Parents"!

It was actually afternoon when Luo Tianyi and the others transferred to Rongcheng No. 3 Middle School.

So after the last class, you can leave school. As the school bell rang, the students in the class began to pack their things, and some of them walked out of the teacher and went to the cafeteria

Luo Tianyi looked out of the window, because she found a new situation there.

The school gate was opened, and there were a few men and women standing outside the gate. They couldn't see their faces clearly, and they were full of blackness. It was no different than a mosaic. These unknown creatures stood outside the gate, did not come in, and seemed to be waiting What does it look like.

Soon Luo Tianyi knew what "they" were waiting for.

The five big black men who were taken away were led out by the bald teacher Wang, and headed towards the school gate. Luo Tianyi found that these five people had lost their previous arrogance, and instead were rather dull, as if Dolls are average.

"This is……………………"

Le Zhengling, who originally wanted to ask Luo Tianyi to leave together, also came to the window, followed Luo Tianyi's line of sight to see the scene below, and couldn't help asking a question.

"This is the 'Parent'!?" Seeing Le Zhengling and Luo Tianyi looking out the window intently, Huang Yuan and the others also came over, but after seeing the situation outside, they were a little unbelievable.

"Sure enough, I know it's not that simple..."

At first, Huang Yuan thought that the other party would really arrest his parents in Blue Star, but he didn't expect to make a fake 'parent' for himself "and the fake doesn't look like a person.

I'm afraid they are the children of the old Wang's family next door!? These five people.

Well, the bald teacher's surname is indeed Wang.

Huang Yuan felt a little speechless.

"Why didn't they resist!?" Le Zhengling was a little puzzled. They could all see such a strange situation. Could it be that the five big black guys below were blind!?

Seeing that it really fell into the hands of those "parents", I'm afraid it will not end well.

Le Zhengling found out that she still saw those five big black guys smiling. It was a hell of a thing. Could it be that these five people thought it was really their parents!?

Oh! Those things are indeed dark, maybe that's the case.

Dark chocolate and ink, not much difference, right!?

There is boundless darkness outside the school gate. Seeing those so-called "parents" lead their children to disappear into the darkness one by one, Huang Yuan and the others feel that it is definitely not a simple matter of letting them leave this ghost place. It is the five people who are more ill-fortune than good.

As the school gate was closed again, Huang Yuan and the others also turned their eyes away.

"Where are you going next, the cafeteria or the dormitory!?"

To be honest, Huang Yuan doesn't want to go to any cafeteria at all, who knows what the so-called food is!?

It shouldn’t be a problem if the students don’t go to the cafeteria!? You can’t force people to eat!?

"Let's just settle down and forget about the cafeteria. Over there in the dormitory... who knows what's there!? Let's take a good look at this school first"!" Le Zhengling also didn't want to go to the cafeteria, but the school She also doesn't want to go to the arranged dormitory, but there is no other way. If you don't go to the cafeteria, you can still say that the food in the cafeteria is not to your liking. The school can't control this, but in the dormitory, not coming home at night is a serious problem, unless you are a day student , but does day reading really exist in this situation!?

Looking at the boundless darkness outside, even the light of the red moon couldn't illuminate it, Le Zhengling didn't think there was any day school, especially those "transfer students" like them.

To be honest, Le Zhengling never thought that the place she chose was so weird, it might as well find a cemetery or something!

Le Zhengling (looks at the wallet) sighs.jpg.

"There is evening self-study in high school." Luo Tianyi reminded after seeing that everyone else had made a decision.

Le Zhengling didn't go to high school, maybe she didn't know, but when Huang Yuan heard this, she couldn't help but slapped her forehead, "Really, I almost forgot about this..."

"It seems that we don't have much free time..." Looking at the puzzled Le Zhengling, Huang Yuan explained what evening self-study is, and then sighed.

The charter woman and Feng Baobao also wanted to sigh, it was really endless, this student is really hard work, why not find a factory to work.

Didn't it mean that students are very free and relaxed!?

It’s not all a lie, is it!?

"But Xiao Tianyi, why are you so clear, haven't you been in high school yet!?" Huang Yuan asked curiously.

Luo Tianyi rolled her eyes, "I haven't been to it, but it's not like I haven't met high school students. It's no secret. Besides, junior high schools also have evening self-study! Although not all schools have them."

The junior high school that Le Zhengling and Luo Tianyi studied did not have evening self-study, otherwise Le Zhengling would not be ignorant of this, and there is no way around it, after all, it can be regarded as a private noble school, and it is basically possible to go to school there My family is rich or expensive, and of course there are ordinary students, but they are all special recruits recruited by the school, and all of them are top students.

Luo Tianyi was the one who was specially recruited. After all, a school needs her to support the appearance no matter what. As for those rich children, like Le Zhengling, they are a minority after all, and most of them don't care about their studies. After all, The family has the power and money, how can I go abroad to be gilded in the future, I don’t even need the college entrance examination, how can I be a good student diligently!?

In this case, let alone extravagantly creating any late self-study.

Of course, there is no need to think about F4 like a certain garden. This kind of situation will never happen in the mainland of Xia, and the more established the family in Xia Kingdom, the less likely there will be such children. Only those one or two Only when the generation gets rich, the nouveau riche will be arrogant and domineering and ignore the laws and regulations.

No matter what kind of school, unless you are really completely closed and do not even communicate with the outside world, otherwise you will have to be supervised by the relevant department !? Or doing some shady business behind the scenes!?

As for the power of the family overriding the country!? It is possible in a capitalist country, but it is impossible in the Xia Kingdom. Believe it or not, once someone knows what kind of family a certain official is, and then it is discovered by the public that many officials are This family has people from all walks of life, which will immediately arouse public outrage.

Don't be misled by novels and TV dramas, there will be that kind of family, but they also know how to keep a low profile, otherwise they won't be able to survive forever. Even in the feudal era, they would not dare to dance like this, and the more the family has the background, the more it understands The importance of the education of future generations, there will be dandies, which can only show that the family has gone downhill, or that the family itself is not very good.

Luo Tianyi doesn't know if the Lezheng family is a big family, but she can be sure that Le Zhengling's father is a person who understands the truth and sees the essence clearly, as can be seen from Le Zhengling and her brother, they are definitely excellent .

"Yes! Junior high school also has to study late." Huang Yuan scratched his head. He really didn't think about it. After all, he had been away from the campus for too long. It is not easy to remember some things in high school. It is not easy for him to recall At the beginning, the bits and pieces of middle school were a bit embarrassing.

Even looking back now, I can't tell whether the classmates in my memory are from junior high school or high school.

By the way, don’t ordinary high schools still have liberal arts and sciences, and are there any special students!? What kind of people are we!?”

Luo Tianyi rolled his eyes again, "You ask me who I ask!? No one told me this, I'm a new student just like you!"

Luo Tianyi didn't even know about Uncle Huang Yuan, why did he think she could!?

"Let's not talk about this for now, let's eat something quickly, and then hurry up and explore here! Otherwise, after the evening self-study, I'm afraid we can only stay in the dormitory and cannot leave." Le Zhengling pulled Luo Tianyi back , Suggested to everyone.

Although with Huang Yuan and the others' strength, they could easily leave the dormitory and go outside, but Le Zhengling, who didn't know if there would be any prohibition against jumping from buildings or windows, was still planning for the worst.

When Le Zhengling spoke, of course Luo Tianyi had no objection, and so did the others. Unless there was something wrong with Le Zhengling's words, she wouldn't purposely go the other way.

Moreover, a well-trained child of a big family like Le Zhengling, no matter in character, etiquette, or bachelor, is difficult to find fault with, even if there is really a bad-minded person in this kind of family. Yes, it is impossible to become a bad person.

Otherwise, it would be abandoned by the family.

Enjoyment and giving are relative, and high demands are also relative.

The few people didn't say much, so they simply ate the dry food they brought in the teacher. Although it was much worse than cooked food, it wasn't really spoiled and spoiled. Received!?

While eating this simple and rough dinner, several people thought about the situation of this campus instance.

Their identity as "transfer students" must be the key, otherwise, if they are really some passer-by characters in the background, there is no need to create a "transfer student"!? And passers-by think it has nothing to do with the plot, so targeting them It's not that easy anymore.

After all, the game has rules, unless it is the game producer, they must abide by it, and even the GM can only proceed within this framework.

If you still don’t understand, let’s use chess as an example. Players and these ghosts are like chess players, but the players don’t know the specific rules. Fly to eat the general.

Now the most important task for the players is to figure out the rules, and the ghost side is trying to win this round as much as possible before that, taking advantage of their own prophetic advantages, coupled with the particularity of being a ghost.

Compared with the almost unsolvable situation in the horror playground, it is actually pretty good now, so Huang Yuan and the others are not too anxious. .

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