Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

784 Athena: I Decided To Put It Badly, Whatever!

[Ganwumei: By the way, what does the goddess usually do!?]

Athena looked at the question of a girl in the chat group, looked at the phone in her hand that was opening a novel app, and fell into deep thought.

How should she answer this question, so that she will not be underestimated, and let these mortals gain enough awe!?

Because of a certain special godslayer, Yaya, who had started to die, was getting closer and closer to a certain Gabriel, but at this moment she still struggled occasionally, for example, from time to time, she would chat with each other in the chat group. All other members of this world pretend to be aggressive.

Of course, each time I basically only post a few words that are a bit arrogant.

"I'm absorbing the wisdom of the new generation. I want to deal with cunning humans. It's only cool if I know everything they think and think."

She quibbled, but she looked very guilty.

【God of Welfare: I'm about to take back the Gorgon Stone!】

【Dry thing girl: Alas!?】

【Fallen Saint Black Cat: Athena-sama, is it really okay!? It won’t be given away like in the plot again!?】

【God of Welfare: Hmph!】

Athena stared at the ID of a certain black cat with bad eyesight, it is really a pot that can't be opened and which pot can be lifted!

Is that idiot in the plot her!? Impossible, definitely not her, is she so stupid!?

And she obviously came many years earlier than the fake in the plot, which is the proof. So Athena would never admit that it was her.

Not to mention that Kusanagi Godou is not a godslayer at all now, even if it is useless, the Gorgon Stone is in the hands of that incompetent king, and she does not intend to take it, how can it be given away!? Now this kind of game Read the novel, isn't it good to eat junk food!?

When she has accumulated enough destiny points, she will be able to escape the shackles of myths when she travels to any world at will, so the Gorgon Stone is not important at all!?

As for the time, anyway, as a god, she can afford to wait as much as she wants.

But thinking of fate points, Athena couldn't help but think about whether she should do something to the East Japan Kingdom next door. As the center of the whole work, it should be the easiest place to get fate points, but it is said to have eight million In the godly East Japan Kingdom, even if those were low-ranking little monsters, but with the old and cunning Yu Laogong, she was afraid that if she made a move, she would be targeted by the other party in turn, which made Athena hesitate.

It's not that Athena is afraid of the other party, it's just that Athena has to consider whether she will attract the pursuit of godslayers if she reveals her tracks, especially the martial arts king and the incompetent king, but Athena in her heyday did not have the confidence to resist .

Moreover, the East Japan Kingdom is really restless recently. Athena plans to wait and see before making a decision. Well, this is definitely not an excuse for not wanting to move, absolutely not! How could she become a house goddess? Impossible, absolutely not possible!

Just when a certain Goddess was deceiving her daily self-deception, Mariya Yuri finally healed the last wounded person. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, smiled at the wounded person who expressed her gratitude, and waved her hand Said, "That's all I can do..."

Mariya Yuri is not very proud of her ability. After all, compared to Erica and Liliana who are capable, she has poor athletic talent, can't help in battle, and doesn't even know how to use a mobile phone. It is an ancient person who is complained about by his sister.

So Mariya Yuri has been studying healing techniques, hoping that she can not be abandoned as a nanny, and she is indeed very talented in this aspect, and she has become more and more good at it after these years

Just when Mariya Yuri was about to go back to find Erica and the others, a figure suddenly stood in front of her, and the other party said to Mariya Yuri nervously, and asked in neon language, "You should also be from the East Japan Well, I saw you wearing a maiden costume..."

Mariya Yuri raised his head, frowned after seeing who was coming, and took two steps back, "TE

The smile on her face had disappeared, and she replied extremely coldly.

She has never forgotten that she was given up by the East Japan Kingdom to the Marquis of Vauban twice. If it wasn't for her own life, she would have died a long time ago, and the second time, the high-level officials of the East Japan Kingdom even took her sister Wanli Guguang threatened to force herself to be obedient, and she still remembered clearly the ugly faces of those people.

People from the East Japan!? Hehe, I am no longer a long time ago! They don’t think of me too, do they!?

And the young man in front of him, if Mariya Yuri did not admit his mistake, it must be the young man that Erica pointed out earlier who wanted to kill God with a grimoire.

Rejecting the godslayer, Mariya Yuri didn't intend to talk at all, and just wanted to bypass the other party and leave.

But that boy, Kusanagi Godou, stretched out his hand to stop him, "Well... I really don't mean anything malicious, I just saw you wearing a shrine maiden costume and thought you were from the Eastern Japan, I came to ask for directions. ...."

Kusanagi Godou thought that he was being regarded as a bad guy who picked up a conversation, so he quickly explained, fearing that the other party would not believe him, he also took out the note that his grandfather gave him as a testimony.

Of course, he also has a lot of things he wants to ask Mariya Yuri. He just saw that the other party was treating those knights, using magic that was a bit like the legend, and he had seen those knights fighting with the huge wild boar before. For Kusanagi Godou, who is full of curiosity in everything, he is very eager for someone to explain his doubts.

It's okay to tell him it's just a movie, but it's better to point out where the camera is hidden.

Mariya Yuri frowned and looked angrily at Kusanagi Godou who blocked him from leaving again, he didn't look at the note in his hand at all, wanted to get angry but finally held back, and said coldly, "If you ask for directions, find someone else , I am not familiar with this place either.”

Mariya Yuri did not lie either, she had been in the East Japan Kingdom before, and after leaving the East Japan Kingdom, she went to school in Shenzhou, that is, Xia Kingdom, except that she was summoned by the Marquis of Vauban to the other side's castle when she was a child. Surprisingly, he has never been active in Europe.

During the holidays, I spend most of my time in Shenzhou with my younger sister who is still in elementary school. This year, my younger sister just dislikes her as an older sister and always clings to herself. She doesn’t hang out with friends of the same age, so she followed Erica and the others back to Italy. Yiziqing lives in seclusion on an unnamed island.

So Mariya Yuri is really very unfamiliar with Italy, so I asked her for directions, but I didn't go directly to Chido.

"This...that disturbs you." Kusanagi Godou felt a little helpless when he saw Mariya Yuri's cold and unwelcoming attitude, and did not continue to pester and get out of the way.

After Mariya Yuri walked past him and left, he rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "I've been treated as a bad person, that's absolutely right, alas...

Looking at the ruins being cleared over there, Kusanagi Godou sighed, "So what's going on here!?"

Kusanagi Godou began to complain in his heart why his grandfather Ichiro Kusanagi didn't simply leave a phone number for him. If he knew the other party's phone number, it would not be such a trouble.

He has already asked quite a few people along the way, either because they didn't understand the language or they didn't know where the above address was. This made Kusanagi Godou wonder if Grandpa made a mistake. Before he left, he told himself that the person named Ms. Lukulazia Zola is a very famous person, I can know it just by asking, but after asking so many people, no one has heard of it.

0 looking for flowers......

Just when Kusanagi Godou was in a depressed mood, his cell phone rang again, and it turned out that it was his younger sister Shizuka Kusanagi calling again.

After connecting, there was a continuous bombardment of sister Jinghua.

"Brother! Is Grandpa's affairs really all right!? You haven't reported your safety for so long. Fortunately, you answered the phone now, otherwise I would have to consider calling the police."

"Really, brother, you are only 16 years old this year. What did grandpa think, let you travel across the ocean alone to find someone you have never met before, or a female friend you met many years ago, who knows that people are still alive now? Not here!? I didn't say, brother, you shouldn't have agreed..."

Shizuka Kusanagi murmured in her small mouth, Barabara, and the strong resentment could be heard from the phone.

"Haha.....I've already found that one, really..." Kusanagi Godou wiped off his cold sweat and said nonsense, in order to maintain the unstable relationship between his sister and his own grandfather, he has worked very hard.


"Really!? But brother, your tone is very guilty!?"

"Of course it's true. Well, the tram is here. You can't make phone calls after getting on the train. I'll call you when you get off the train to report your safety. Anyway, let's do this first."

After lying again and hanging up the phone, Kusanagi Godou heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at the note in his hand in distress, "The bull has blown, but what should I do!?"

Just when Kusanagi Godou looked sad, Erica's uncle, Paul Brantley, led a lustful mature woman to find Erica who was racking her brains on how to warm up her relationship with Yiziqing, oh No, it should be said that he came to find Yiziwei, the "king" of Italy.

After he led the people to perform a knight salute on Yiziqing, he took a look at his niece Erika, who was already slim and no longer the little girl back then. With a deep breath, he looked away, and said to Yiziqing:

"My lord! This is Luculazia Zola, the great witch of Sardinia. She has something very important to tell you about the disobedient god who appeared on the island before. I think you may need to Knowing that, I took it upon myself to bring it.”

Erica secretly winked at Paul, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, but was ignored by him, then pouted and looked at the somewhat reserved Sardinia Witch Your Excellency standing behind her, seeing her After wearing it, she curled her lips and cursed "Bichi" in her heart.

Yi Ziqing looked at Lukurazia Zola with some surprises. In the original novel, there is a high probability that he also participated in Kusanagi Godou's achievement of God-killing Demon King. I don't know why the other party is looking for him because of what!?

To tell you the truth, there are quite a few small Italian padded jackets in Godslayer. Take Erica as an example, she almost gave Kusanagi Godou her family property and the red copper black cross for nothing. In the original book, Liliana is similar. Since the great witch from Sardinia was the ex-girlfriend of Grandpa Kusanagi Godou, in terms of the weird heterosexual relationship of the Kusanagi family, it is probably the same.

So at this time, instead of helping Kusanagi Godou in secret, instead of looking for him in the open, Yi Ziqing is a little confused as to what this witch is thinking!?

"Oh!? Interesting, let's hear it."

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