Sardinia is an island located in the west of Italy, located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, is a large and isolated island. Sardinia has a unique Italian culture and is one of the oldest regions in Europe.

Cagliari is the capital of Sardinia and an important port city, located at the northern end of Cagliari Bay in the south of Sardinia, between two salt lakes. Built by the Carthaginians BC. Machinery, chemistry, aluminum smelting, shipbuilding, food, cement, ceramics and salt are the main industrial sectors.

At the same time, there are ancient relics such as medieval church architecture and Carthaginian cemetery.

Therefore, if the god of war, Veleslana, is to engage in a divine battle with any god, then judging from the fact that the opponent will appear in Sardinia, there is a high probability that it will be a certain god from the old Phoenician mythology, and it is very likely Most likely it will be God King Mercator.

In order to prove his reputation as the strongest, Welleslana will never challenge the weak, only the strongest person or god.

Only the sky god worshiped by the ancient sea nation has the ability to smash the ten incarnations of the general god Veleslana to pieces.

The reason why I am sure it will not be a god of other gods is precisely because this is Sardinia, otherwise the huge wild boar wreaking havoc in the city during the day is enough to provoke the gods who value face. Peeing at the door, do you think the gods of Phoenician mythology can not be angry, and they will definitely come to a duel with Veleslana.

Since it didn't show up before, it can only be said that the opponent has already arrived, and has fought against 20 Welleslana, but both sides have suffered.

With the information of Lukurazia Zola and Mariya Yuri, Liliana herself came back, because there is no need to continue the investigation, and the matter has basically been clarified

The chances of something going wrong are less than five percent.

And only Mercator, who is the king of gods, has this kind of arrogance that is not afraid of the name of "Incompetent King". But the shadow of a man's famous tree, a person who has no merit under his fame, will definitely not choose to avoid the edge temporarily and fight in another place.

As for the reason, just don't want to be disturbed by the son of the regiment.

Only the god who bears the name of "King" will not hide or hide, and is fighting near Sardinia dignifiedly.

After solving the identity problem of another disobedient god, Erica became more and more confused. She still couldn't figure out how that young man took the [White Horse]. If you want to do this, the odds are zero from the start.

Yes, it is not possible to be zero, there is still a small probability of miracles happening.

"But how is this possible!?" Erica didn't believe that [White Horse] would be captured voluntarily. She couldn't admit that the white horse was the wrong owner, and regarded a mere human boy as the incarnation of [Youth] Welleslaner. !?

"Maybe it's really the reason!" Liliana didn't think too much about it. After listening to the story of Lukurazia Zola, the great witch, and Ichiro Kusanagi, she wondered whether the other party's grandson had There is no doubt about the charm beyond common sense.

If not, how to explain the fact that a witch is fascinated by an ordinary man!?

Maybe his grandson is better than blue because he is better than blue, his charm can cross races, and maybe he also captured the white horse who is the incarnation of the god.

Erika put down the bowl and chopsticks, rolled her eyes, "Do you think reality is a novel!? Can you stop thinking about things with the head of those romance novels!? Love that crosses races, Liliana, you should be called [Sword] The Fairy], how about changing the name to [Fantasy Swordsman]!?"

"Erica!" Liliana was also angry, "Can you stop talking about me writing novels!"

This hateful big mouth clearly promised not to tell anyone, but now basically anyone who is familiar with it knows it. Today, when I met Dianna Milito, a magic teacher whom I hadn't seen for a long time, I was even joked about by the other party, saying that Liliana had grown up, which made Liliana ashamed endlessly.

Wan Liya Yuri ate in silence, and he was not surprised by the fight between the two, and basically didn't take it seriously.

Yiziqing didn't respond to this, it would be abnormal if these two girls didn't quarrel someday!

At the moment, they are waiting in a certain manor in Dorgali. It is speculated that if Veleslana and Mercator go to war again, they will most likely choose to be near here. This is the benefit of studying theology. The more the gods who are bound by myths know, the easier it is to know their actions and thinking. Even if these gods become [Gods of Disobedience] when they descend, the gods still cannot completely break free from the shackles of myths.

In other words, when the myths praised their great achievements, they also completely shaped them and made them successful.

After arguing with Erica for a while, Liliana asked Yiziqing curiously, "My lord! Can the witch Zola be trusted!? Given her close relationship with Ichiro Kusanagi

She will really kill her relatives righteously and switch to us!?"

Liliana suspected that the other party's surrender was part of the conspiracy, after all, witches are the best at deceiving people.

Erica also became serious, "Indeed, we are right to be cautious, that witch can't be completely trusted.

In this regard, I am noncommittal. As an egoist witch, betrayal is certainly not a strange thing, not to mention that Kusanagi Ichiro is not the husband of the other party. At most, he is a lover. If so, it is absolutely impossible, maybe she also has several lovers herself.

Of course, the grandpa who is the protagonist of the original work, of course, can’t be missed. Although Lukurazia Zola said that Ichiro Kusanagi is an ordinary person, is he really an ordinary person!? You must know that many Zhang Qing also claim to be a "" "Ordinary people", if you hear this kind of talk too much, you will know that ordinary people can't be trusted.

Of course, witches are also synonymous with lies, and one word of green may not really believe the words of Lukurazia Zola, a witch from Sardinia. Maybe, the other party really came here on purpose to disrupt his deployment and open the door of convenience for the old lover's grandson. Everyone knows that if you want to kill gods in Italy, you can't get around the incompetent master, the powerful demon king.

Unless the God of Disobedience runs in front of you and commits suicide, the God of Disobedience may be killed by the Incompetent King before you play tricks. This is the record of hunting the God of Disobedience time and time again. Doubt the strength of the incompetent king can do it.

When the number of godslayers who hunted and killed disobedient gods was still in single digits, the incompetent king was already in triple digits. Do you think he can kill the army gods Veleslana and Mercator? !? Do you still need to think about it!? It's just a matter of whether the other party wants or doesn't want to.

As for whether the suicide of the disobedient god counts as defeating the opponent, and whether he can become a godslayer through this, it is really hard to say, there has not been such an example so far. And even if it is really possible, would the gods be willing to cooperate!? Not to mention the fact that the godslayer is the sworn enemy of the disobedient god, just doing this by yourself would be a shame to the gods, even if it is the greatest benefit, there is no god willing to do so.

"After eating, go to bed early. As for the question of whether that witch can be trusted, time will tell, there is no need to think so much."

Yiziqing didn't think that Kusanagi Godou could become a godslayer in Italy, unless the military god Veleslana or the god king Mercator really ran to Kusanagi Godou and killed himself, and killed himself, otherwise Crossqing Absolutely confident that the opponent will kill the two Gods of Congregation before they make a move.

The reason why Kusanagi Godou is not expelled from the situation now is not because he is arrogant and wants to find an opponent or has a good impression of Kusanagi Godou. I just wanted to go fishing to see how many people got involved, or was it just a coincidence.

As an outsider, Yiziqing never thought that everyone in Italy liked him as the "king".

If Luculazia hadn't been found today, her name would definitely appear on the list during the liquidation afterwards. Of course, it is only a temporary doubt now. As for whether liquidation will be considered in the future, it depends on her performance.

But judging from what happened to Lukurazia Zola, everyone underestimated the small island country of East Japan. The secrets of Prometheus were cheated from Luculazia alone, and there is probably more than one thing. In addition, there are so many women who are willing to be prostituted for nothing. .


On the other side, Luculazia Zola, who returned to his residence, also saw Godou Kusanagi who was wandering in front of his house, trying to find the doorbell. His appearance really resembled the shadow of Ichiro Kusanagi when he was young, and it was hard to admit his mistake .

Lukurazia felt a headache when she saw the other party's figure. As an adult and an old witch in her dozens of years, how could she not understand that she has absolutely not gained the complete trust of the incompetent king!?

To be honest, she wanted to turn around and leave now.

In her eyes, Kusanagi Godou was a huge trouble, even if he didn't know it.

"It's a good thing you were able to find it!?"

"Are you!?" Kusanagi Godou looked over upon hearing the sound, and seeing a very beautiful and sexy big sister, he couldn't help asking in a daze.

"You are Ichiro's grandson, right? You came here to find me and asked who I am!?" Witch Zola finally walked over without turning away.

"Boy, I suggest you leave Sardinia as soon as possible, no, you should leave Italy, this is the advice of the elders, no matter what your grandpa thinks, for the sake of your own safety, you should leave, the best is Now."

Kusanagi Godou blushed a little from the other party's sizing-up eyes, and after hearing the other party's warning, his face was full of doubts, "But I returned the stone slab according to Grandpa's order, uh, that's it..."

As he spoke, he took out the slate from the back behind him.

In fact, I was a little surprised that my grandfather clearly said that the other party was one of my girlfriends when I was young, but I didn't expect it to be a beautiful big sister in her twenties.

Luculazia Zola didn't reach out to pick it up, feeling the breath of [White Horse] on the slate, her face became more serious, "Okay, this slate is for you, hurry up and leave with it, obedient!"

"In the future, don't listen to your grandfather's words, it will kill you!".

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