Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Chapter 795 There Is A Kind Of Trouble Called \"Having Money\"!

"So, what kind of lover do you want to find!?"

"If I knew, I would come to you, Miss Fortune Teller~"

Gray hair, extending to the waist, swaying softly in the smoked wind blowing over the cafe's open-air seats.

The glazed eyes, as blue as the winter sea, stared at the boiled eggs, toast and black coffee in the breakfast set in front of them.

She is a traveler wearing a black three-cornered hat and a black robe. The star brooch on her chest is the proof that she is a witch. In short, she is a witch and a traveler. She was in her late teens, and her face still had a hint of childishness, and she looked like a cute girl who was helping her mother by peeling eggshells vigorously.

The cute girl (witch) finally finished peeling the eggshell and took a sip of coffee. She likes coffee very much. Black coffee, a little milk, or sugar, she looks like she likes anything as long as it's coffee. Even to taste the same cup of coffee from various angles, she drank a few sips of black coffee, and then slowly added a little bit of milk and sugar.

She sighed ~~~~ as if admiring the coffee, and put down the coffee cup.

By the way, she insisted even on boiled eggs.

She believes that the egg yolk will spread out at the moment of biting, and the "two-two-seven" ripeness is just right. Because it is easier to sprinkle salt, it is as hard as a boiled egg.

"Well, this morning is really good, if there is no troublesome woman opposite..."


Just like that, who is this witch who is enjoying her travel break!?

That's right, it's me.

Even the dead fish and the wild goose, and the closed moon and the shameful flower can't fully describe one percent of the beautiful girl. It is her, the gray witch Irena.

And the person sitting opposite her, let's call her Miss Catherine for now, Miss Catherine was the first and only customer of Irena's divination booth last night, the beautiful and kind Miss Irena, because she couldn't see her With the sadness hanging between her brows, she decided to help the other party, definitely not because the fat sheep gave her 2 gold coins.

Once again, she, the Witch of Ashes, is a noble person who treats money like a king and escapes from low-level evil tastes.

After the other party sobered up, they made an appointment to meet here.

Looking around from the outside seating in the cafe gives a glimpse of the country. The towns are lined with buildings whose walls are uniformly painted white. The floor is paved with red bricks arranged in a fan-shaped pattern. Some people on the street are shopping, some are chatting and laughing, eating and enjoying the street view are staggered on the road like me.

The law and order here is not particularly bad, but there is no particularly beautiful scenery.

There is only the daily life of the residents of this country in front of them.

"Okay, okay, I'll try."

In the end, Irena, who was terrified by the scorching gaze of the woman opposite, decided to hurry up and finish fooling her, and then ran away.

So, I should have made up last night while the other party was drunk, instead of worrying about the other party's drunken madness or something, I just dragged it all night.

Sure enough, he was still too kind.

After boasting in her heart, Irena took out the crystal ball used for divination last night, put it on the table, and then pretended to start chanting strange spells, as if she was casting a spell.

"I see, I see, um, it's a man with two eyes, two nostrils, and two ears. His face is ordinary and has no special features. He is neither tall nor short."

Hearing Irena's serious description, facing the always smiling Miss Catherine, she couldn't stop laughing, " can I find him!?"

"I can't say it, I can't say it, fate, if it's too intentional, it will lose its surprise, just like this cup of coffee, if I add milk and sugar from the beginning, then it won't have the initial bitterness Yes." Irene smiled.

"It's true..." Catherine seemed to reluctantly accept this statement.

"Hey, this beautiful lady, is she alone!? Can I soothe the sorrow on your brow for you, please give me a chance!?"

Just when Irena praised her wit secretly, a certain handsome man opened the seat next to him and sat down in an operatic tone [and winked at Miss Catherine.

Irena, who was completely ignored, has a black line. Doesn't she, a lovely witch, not exist!?

But Irena didn't plan to say anything to prove her existence, because the same thing had happened many times before.


Sure enough, after Catherine refused, the inexplicably estrous man left in frustration, Catherine sighed, "You can see that, in fact, I am very popular, but the way these people look at me, I can I clearly feel that they are not looking at me...."

And it just so happens that Miss Catherine not only has beauty, but also amazing wealth, which is more famous than all her wealth, so Catherine has always suspected that these suitors value her wealth, not her person, even if it is true What's more, it's okay to like her beauty, but two

Obviously not.

"I wanted to ask before, since when did this kind of thing start to happen, that someone suddenly came over to confess like this..." Irena put down her coffee cup, and looked seriously at the beautiful woman opposite who was always full of melancholy , it seems that as long as the other party appears, it will become the focus of attention.

"Ah, when, I don't know, probably after I suddenly inherited my grandfather's inheritance, to be honest, if someone told you one day that you have a very rich grandfather, you would be shocked , obviously there was no trace of the other party in my previous life..."

Catherine began to tell her own story. At the beginning, her life was very ordinary. Even as a beautiful girl, she was far from being as popular as she is now. But one day, someone came to her door and told her that she Her grandfather is dying, leaving a huge legacy waiting for her to inherit.

Then everything changed.

She has become rich, a lot of money, no longer has to think about the price of new clothes, no longer has to calculate the expenses to live, everything seems to be changing for the better, except that she still hasn't seen the grandfather.

"Don't look at me now, I was a poor girl before, and I did a lot of rough work."

Seeing Irena staring at her, Catherine smiled, and didn't mind talking about the past experience. It could be seen that she did not reject it from her heart, and did not regard it as a black history.

"Didn't you ask your parents!?"

"They died when I was very young. Even if I said something, I probably can't remember it. And the neighbors don't know their past. They came here suddenly. Everyone knows nothing about them. .0"

When talking about her biological parents, the smile on Catherine's face seemed to be like the original black coffee, with bitterness. It could be seen that she missed her parents, or that there are very few people in this world who don't want to .

"So you're living with your grandfather now!? There's no clue or anything suspicious left there!?" Irena changed the subject.

"I've looked for it, and I may have disappointed you. There is really nothing there, except for the inexhaustible wealth."

"Do you think I'm showing off too!? Versailles or something!?"

"Many people think that I am looking for trouble for nothing, and think that I am saying, 'I have nothing but money. Such troubles are too enviable.'"

Irena shrugged, "Indeed, I also want this kind of trouble, but do you mind if I go to your current home!? Sometimes looking for things requires a professional person. It just so happens that I am very good at this kind of work."

In order to prove her credibility, Irena added, "I used to look for a nasty guy all over the world. No matter where he fled and hid, I would find him in a short time, so don't worry, I will find him in this regard." Definitely professional."

Seeing luck as a part of strength, the witch is such an unreasonable creature.

"Really!?" Catherine stared at Irena suddenly, and then showed a subtle smile of "I see".

"What are you looking at!?" Irena suddenly looked at Catherine, who was smiling very strangely, feeling a little uneasy, always feeling that the other party was imagining something strange.

"It's nothing, come with me." Catherine didn't explain, stood up and called the waiter to pay the bill, while letting Irena follow.

"My grandfather's residence is on the edge of the country, a little far from the town, and he seems to be a person who likes quiet or hates crowded places."

"It's getting weirder and weirder..." Listening to Catherine's explanation, Irena muttered 1.1, there is no problem with this description, only ghosts!

Hope it doesn't end in tragedy.

"I usually ride in a carriage. The driver is Uncle Jack, who I hired from the town. He is very nice, but he doesn't like to talk.

Soon Irena saw that Uncle Jack at the edge of the town. He looked a little bad, his face was not a healthy color, a little pale, and his beard hadn't been shaved for a long time. Most importantly, one of his legs was Prosthetics, or wood.

This is a man who has been destroyed by life, he doesn't like to talk, probably he has nothing to say.

Just looking at each other, I can't laugh.


Sure enough, I don't like to talk, and I don't even bother to say "You are also good".

"Uncle Jack can't pick any thorns except that he doesn't like to talk." Catherine seemed to see Irena's depression and said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, you are still the first guest to come to my place. Others don't want to go at all. It may be that the grandfather gave everyone the feeling that they are not easy to get along with, even if everyone is unwilling to step into the grandfather's territory now.. ...."

"I hope that's the case...".

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