Zhang Qing is not gambling, but wants to simply and roughly confirm the position of the lady who calls herself "Catherine", and also wants to verify whether the other party has completely disappeared, which is very important for them to break the game.

Similarly, I also want to see how much authority the other party has over this space, and how far they can go!?

Although the broom said that Miss Catherine would disappear every night, but it is not ruled out that she disappeared on purpose, because if she existed, then in the whole world, she and Irena would be too special , I am afraid that even if Irena has memory problems, she will be able to realize that something is wrong with her.

So Zhang Qing felt that the other party might have hidden it on purpose. Of course, it is not ruled out that Catherine is also bound by the same mechanism, and there will be changes at night.

In short, it's just a test by opening your mouth, there is no loss anyway, why not do it!?

The room was quiet, only the sound of three people breathing together with a broom. Just when everyone thought they still couldn't get a response this time, a sudden sigh rang in everyone's ears.

It was difficult to determine the exact source of the sound, it seemed to be coming from all directions.

"You shouldn't have come here..." Catherine's figure suddenly appeared in the room, as if there was an extra person in the room in the blink of an eye.

Her long violet hair was tied up, and her violet eyes were full of unresolved sadness, as if she was looking at everyone, but she didn't seem to be.

"So, you've been here!?" Irena asked.

Catherine nodded, "Yes."

At this moment, she lacks the kind of comfortable and kind smile in the daytime, and also lacks the slyness of teasing her, which is serious.

"Those people, no, what happened to those puppets!?" Zhang Qing403 pushed the non-existent glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked.

Catherine smiled wryly and said, "Didn't you already guess it!? These are the souls of the dead people in the land outside. The land formation of the great alchemist Marco Nissel has been operating, if it weren't for this space The connection with the outside world is not deep, and the people outside can't even leave their flesh and blood, but after death, the soul has no support, so it is pulled over and becomes a part of this place..."

"They play a variety of roles here, because the soul is not protected by the body, communication no longer requires language, and even if there is no need to do anything, the fragments of memory will fly around, and then another soul Accept, many people have forgotten who they were originally!?"

"Daytime belongs to illusory dreams, and night belongs to the peaceful sleep of the soul! Alternating white nights will eventually point to Nissel.

Saya was dumbfounded, "No wonder, no one outside has established a kingdom for so many years, because the Kingdom of Niser has not perished, and it is still affecting that land."

"But why didn't anyone destroy that country to form an array!? That thing is dangerous!?"

Irena also has this question, but she is more concerned about one thing, that is.

"Then why did you keep me!? According to what you said, you shouldn't mind me leaving here."

Catherine looked at Irena, shook her head, and said, "I didn't keep you, and in fact I couldn't keep you either."

She didn't explain too much, but turned her head to look at Saya and answered Saya's question, "Marco Nissel's life's hard work is not so easy to be destroyed. No one could do it back then. After so many years, it is not easy to destroy it." Someone could have done it, and now it's fully grown."

Saya frowned, wanting to tell the other party that witches are not as simple as she thought, and there are great witches in the Magic Coordinating Association.

But before she could speak, Zhang Qing stretched out his hand to stop her, and said instead, "Then who are you!? Or what kind of existence are you!?"

"Finally, how much do you know about the truth back then!?"

"You're very smart, and you've always been calm." Catherine glanced at Zhang Qing unexpectedly, "I do have limitations. I can't answer many of your questions, and you should have guessed it."

"My grandfather is Marco Nissel, yes, although she is a woman, she is indeed my grandfather. Of course, although I say so, I am a failure to her, not because she wants to I wanted Catherine Nissel, so I didn't get the national surname Houssel."

"As for what I am, I think you have already guessed it!?"

"The country is formed into an array!" Zhang Qing spat out these five words, but it surprised Irena and Sha Ye, even Miss Broom.

"How is this possible!?" Irena looked in disbelief. Although she could turn a broom into a human, forming a formation is actually invisible, which is equivalent to turning air or concepts into people. can't do it.

If you don't understand it, even if you imagine the circuit becoming a human, you will understand.

Saya was also a little stunned, "How did you do that!?"

She thought that the existence of Miss Broom was already very special, but she didn't expect that the one in front of her was beyond imagination.

Miss Broom even had an exaggerated expression when she saw her compatriots, she covered her mouth and didn't know what to say!?

Catherine took a deep look at Zhang Qing, and didn't agree or deny the other party's words. She skipped the topic and said, "Back then..."

"Marco Nissel's [Philosopher's Stone] attracted many people to the kingdom she established, because she needs a large number of people, and preferably high-quality creatures, so she specially released news that some of the sages The effect of the philosopher's stone was announced, and some residue powder of the philosopher's stone was used to create the heaven on earth Nissel at that time, but no one thought that all the people living here were just materials."

"The instant the formation of the land was completed, everyone in the country, including the great alchemist Marco Nissel, became nourishment, and finally resurrected Catherine (cabi) Nissel, this Marco Nessel Er is the granddaughter who misses and feels guilty the most, and it may be because the laws of heaven are not allowed, or there is a huge calculation error in itself. And I didn't come back to life as expected."

"The formation of the country's land gave birth to wisdom, and it became a new life that can think and have joy, anger, sorrow, and joy."

"However, due to Marco Nisser's design on the formation of the country, she will not be able to leave here for the rest of her life. The end of her mission is to collapse naturally when Catherine Nissell is resurrected. As long as Catherine Nissell If she has not been revived, then she will continue to function forever, until the end of the world."

3K: "........."




Zhang Qing is a little speechless, it is really called "Sage's Stone", so why not change it to another name!?

But as expected, a guy like a lunatic is very scary when he goes crazy, even himself.

Irena also understood a little bit, "So, your only role is to refine everything in this country into the Philosopher's Stone, and then use the Philosopher's Stone as a consumable for resurrecting Catherine Nissel!?"

Catherine smiled when she heard the words, "Yes, so I don't have the ability to let you leave here. In fact, you will forget everything about Nissel, which is also a kind of protection, but this kind of protection, and I did it."

If she hadn't forgotten everything about Nissel, then Irena probably wouldn't be able to last so long, and would have been refined into a Philosopher's Stone long ago. This is also one of the mechanisms.

Sha Ye scratched her head, "Well..... After talking so much, can I leave after defeating Miss Catherine!?"

Catherine nodded, then shook her head again, "No, theoretically your guess is correct, but in fact you can't defeat me, as long as you are still in this refining space, you can't do this, and defeat me I or kill me, and you die too."

"Most importantly, I don't want to die!"

Here, Catherine is equivalent to the Dao of Heaven or the consciousness of the world. She is in an absolutely invincible state, and even if she is willing to cooperate and be killed, it is useless. She is not completely free. She was born based on the formation of the country, and she is naturally subject to the country. The shackles of formations, Marco Nisser's restrictions and backhands on the formation of formations in the country still have an effect on her.

Of course, the most important thing is that she also said that she doesn't want to die, so she doesn't allow anyone to destroy the country and form an array.

"It's difficult to deal with now." Irena felt even more desperate when she found out the truth, because the more she understood, the more she understood how powerful Catherine is in this world. In this independent space, she is the only god, even if the great witch enters here There is no way to pick it up.

"I'm sorry, sister Irena." Catherine looked at the distressed Irena with a little apology. Although she really wanted to let her go, she really couldn't. The ingredients that fell into the pot couldn't make her leave. , Marco Nissel's will does not allow her to do so.

"Is there really no way to discuss it!?" Irena asked.

Catherine still shook her head, "Sorry, I won't die."

"Actually, as long as you don't think about these things, you can live happily here.

The corner of Irena's mouth twitched, "Are you happy like a fool, then I don't want it!"

"What should we do now!?" Shaye took advantage of Irena and Catherine's conversation, and asked Zhang Qing in a low voice. People are called out by the other party, and they will never simply ask the truth

Then act like a ghost!?

If so, she will have to bite! Her teeth are very sharp.

Zhang Qing rolled his eyes at Saya, who was grinding his teeth, and whispered, "Don't worry, we can go back.

"Then you said it!"

"Didn't the answer exist from the very beginning!?" Zhang Qing looked at Saya in confusion, not understanding why the other party didn't find out, the way to clear the level, he told him clearly, okay?


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