Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

815 The Essence Of Resurrection Is Deceit!

"I always feel that you have done a lot of research on resurrection..."

In the blink of an eye, another six days passed. During this time, Zhang Qing had been discussing the details with Catherine. In order to ensure nothing went wrong, the reason why it was scheduled to start on the seventh day was because at a certain point on the seventh day, the Escaping into the void space will have a brief handover with the real world, and everyone needs to seize this opportunity to return to reality.

And this is the bargaining chip that Catherine holds in her hand. If Zhang Qing deceives her, they will stay here forever.

Conversely, because of Catherine's comprehensive assistance, Irena and the others were spared the pain of the memory blockade. Although Catherine said that the tampering of the memory was not done by her, it was a layer of protection imposed by others, but as this piece of space The only true god, whoever Catherine really wants to protect, is also very simple.

I didn't do that before because it wasn't necessary, but Irena, who didn't have amnesia, would definitely be very noisy, and it would be easier to just ignore it if it caused her trouble.

After all, one is to go out, and the other is a jailer who is not allowed to let anyone go, which are opposites in themselves.

And now the jailer also wants to go out, and also wants to give up his identity as a jailer and become a free man, so naturally there will be no more confrontation, and the "May 43" can cooperate and win-win, so it is no problem to protect the memory of Irena and the others .

Seeing the time passing by, everyone also came outside and looked up at the sky, waiting for Catherine to escape successfully.

Irena suddenly whispered the opening sentence to Zhang Qing who was at the side.

Zhang Qing froze for a moment, but did not answer.

He was born in Catherine who looked at the glowing sky, and only when all the people who knew the real Catherine Nissell died would it be a perfect resurrection, otherwise it would be a fake after all, but this perfect resurrection is just a loophole. If you kill all those who are qualified to question your own legitimacy, then you are naturally true." There is a problem in itself.

Just like the true and false Monkey King, kill all the Tathagata Buddhas, gods and Buddhas in the sky, as well as those who know Sun Wukong, then naturally there is no need to debate the truth or falsehood. But neither the real Wukong nor the fake Wukong has this strength, and in the end, the truth of oneself can only depend on other people's mouths, how sad!?

But there are very few things in this world that can leave such a mouth.

Marco Nisser probably understood this a long time ago, so he was willing to die, otherwise, with the ability of a great alchemist, it would not be difficult for her to leave.

To some extent, Marco Nissel's resurrection is similar to what Zhang Qing did before, but it's a pity that Marco Nissel is too famous, even more than a thousand years ago. She couldn't shut up all the insiders like Zhang Qing did.

After all, the granddaughter of a big man is also of great concern. When the fact that a large number of people know that their granddaughter is dead is achieved, then all the resurrection methods of Marco Nissel will fail, because there is no need for her to question her resurrection. Catherine Nissel will be questioned by people all over the world, thinking that she just made a fake substitute with the memory of her granddaughter.

This is also a question that has been debated in the magic world. How to truly resurrect a person!? How to determine that the resurrected person is really the resurrected person!?

I am afraid that as long as people can still think, then this question will never be answered.

It's the same even if Estelle travels back in time. Is the her in the memory she found really her!? Even Irena has so many different selves, let alone that "her"! ?

Some things are lost and missed, will be forever....

Seeing that Zhang Qing didn't answer her question, Irena couldn't help but look sideways. Seeing that the other party seemed to be distracted, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, then closed her mouth.

She suddenly realized something.

Saya put her fists on her chest, looked nervously at the violet woman floating in the sky, "It must be successful, it must..."

If Catherine fails, they will really have to stay here forever, and of course it is impossible not to be nervous.

To be honest, during these six days, although Saya was very happy to be by Irena's side, whenever he thought of himself disappearing inexplicably and the chaos outside

Saya was very guilty, and she had vaguely seen the anger of her master Sheila.


And Catherine, who was flying high in the sky at the moment, was also very nervous. Even though she had prepared a lot in the past six days, Zhang Qing also answered her doubts one by one, dispelling her many doubts, but it was still difficult to feel at ease when things came to an end. Worry about gains and losses.

"Will I succeed...!?"

She really wants to give herself confidence, but she can't do it. She has been alone since she was born, even now, she has nothing behind her and can only rely on herself, so it is difficult to have the so-called "confidence".

At the same time, she was also afraid of Marco Nissell. After all, the other party was her creator, and she believed in her heart that she could not resist the other party's will, so Catherine felt uneasy and uneasy because she wanted to deceive the other party now. Not too strange a thing.


"I'm leaving here."

She kept cheering herself up, she had already had enough of this cage.

Taking a deep breath, Catherine calculated the interlacing time between this space and reality, and prepared to start the plan. She also needs to seize the opportunity to lead to the real world at the moment when the space collapses due to the formation of the country, otherwise she will also be involved in the space Life and death are unpredictable in the turbulent flow.

Of course, the premise is that she has successfully become a free person.

The so-called resurrection is essentially a deception!"

Recalling what Zhang Qing said, Catherine lowered her head to look at the location where the core of the land refining formation was located. It was a place that only she could see. There was a red light emitting from there, which was a bit evil and a bit sacred, which was very contradictory.

[The first is to deceive oneself. 】

"I am Catherine Nissel."

When Catherine uttered these words loudly, the whole space instantly turned into a scarlet and strange world, with red lights everywhere, and countless foggy ghosts emerged, and all "people" looked up at Catherine in the sky, as if they were in the sky. General identification of authenticity.

This scene made Saya a little scared, and couldn't help but clutched Irena's sleeves, shivering.

Irena also swallowed her saliva, suddenly a dense crowd of "people" appeared, it was really weird.

Zhang Qing came back to his senses, and nodded to Catherine who was looking at him from above, indicating that the other party can proceed to the next step. It is just a normal phenomenon now, so there is no need to worry.

Catherine, who received Zhang Qing's reply, tried her best to suppress the "fear" of the dense sight below, opened her arms, and read loudly again..0

"My father was... my mother was... my grandfather was..."

[Then is to deceive the world. 】

As Catherine retells everything about Catherine Nissell and perfects this person's personality, the white misty ghost below also begins to sing and whisper.

Irena, Shaye and Zhang Qing also repeated what Catherine said.

As the content of the retelling becomes more and more complete and detailed, the image of Catherine Nissel becomes more and more vivid.

【The last is to deceive the world!】

Catherine felt the changes in her body. The invisible shackles on her body were broken one by one, but there was the last one, which was also the thickest one. One end is outside the sky, where it extends infinitely.


Irena and the others below frowned, because they found that they didn't hear what Catherine was saying loudly, as if they had been silenced.

Seeing this, Zhang Qing shook his head, "It's not normal for you to hear it, so don't try to listen."

It is impossible to deceive the world.

What Catherine really needs to do is to let the world accept that she recognizes that her existence is legal and reasonable, so in the end it is actually a transaction, and this transaction is naturally not something that other people can hear. If you try to hear it rashly, you will definitely be punished by God.

As for how to complete the transaction, it depends on whether Catherine is willing to pay enough.

For ordinary people, they don't even have the chance to propose a deal, they can only passively accept life, old age, sickness and death, but Catherine is different, she doesn't really have nothing, and she herself is special enough.

Of course, there is no need to go to the last step, but in the future Catherine will have difficulty moving forward in the real world, because she is not recognized by the world, she is equal to a black household, so she is destined to be very unlucky, and maybe she will be regarded as some kind of "devil king" "Being killed.

That's why Zhang Qing suggested that the other party complete the last step after 5.0 [deception to the world]. The so-called deception is not to really deceive, but to play with fire. What it really means is to let the world cooperate with oneself to complete the deception, which is tantamount to forging an ID card.

After all, is Catherine the real Catherine Nissel? She can deceive everyone, but she cannot deceive the world. But if the world cooperates, even if she is real, this is equivalent to surpassing Marco Nissel's doubts In this link, the conclusion was stamped by the official, even if Mar Nihal had some backup or would "resurrect" one day in the future, Catherine couldn't help it.

This is the safest. After all, Marco Nissel, as a great alchemist, would definitely suffer a big loss if he thought about it too simply. Since the other party has done so much to resurrect his granddaughter, there is no reason to give up so easily.

Maybe even the birth of "Catherine" is also in his calculations. If he wants to take advantage of the particularity of "Catherine" to further resurrect Catherine Nissel, it may be that a person who can sacrifice so many people without psychological pressure The "demon" of the Philosopher's Stone, it would not be an exaggeration to speculate on him with the greatest goodwill.

"Did it succeed!?" Everyone looked up at the sky, feeling a little nervous. .

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