"It's not that if you're here for a competition, why haven't you seen any regulations!?"

Sun Qing, who was wiping her hair with a towel, had no heavy makeup of various colors on her face at this moment, nor did she deliberately wear earthy glasses.

"If we continue to delay like this, do we have enough funds!? The hotels here are not cheap!?"

Zhang Qing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room with his hands behind his back, looking at the night view of Tokyo outside, "Don't worry, I think I'll find you soon. After all, you have to come from Ugly Country, so it's normal that it takes time."

"Just be ready."

Wang Qiang, who was lying on the couch with his hands on his pillow, frowned, "Tian Country!? This is a global kiln organized by the Five Kingdoms!?"

Zhang Qing said with a lollipop in his mouth, "No!"

"It's just because the Indian Pache tribe is in charge of the Great Spirit, or this tribe has served the Elf King since ancient times, so they are qualified to choose the Shaman King. 17

Sun Qing and Wang Qiang have no interest in becoming the so-called "Shaman King", and they always feel that this psychic competition is a bit weird. If Zhang Qing didn't force them to come, the two would~really not want to come.

Especially the 500-year round of world-destruction crisis, to be honest, it is nonsense in the eyes of the two! Their saviors can't be saints who love and selfless every time, if they really have the powerful power to do whatever they want the- will do nothing!?

But have they ever heard of someone becoming a god or a demon to enslave the whole world!?


If the candidate for the Shaman King must be a saint, then there is no need to hold a competition, and there is no need to consider fighting anyway.

The two of them are not children, nor are they idiots who believe everything others say, so naturally they think more, and if the Shaman King is really important, it stands to reason that it has nothing to do with young people like them. Be patient.

But the fact is that there is no age limit, and it turns out that the contestants who are going to Tokyo to compete are all young. Could it be that children save the world!? Isn’t this ridiculous!?

Sun Qing sighed, as expected the reality was different from what she had imagined, the excitement she was looking forward to was not at all.

"By the way, I saw many psychics who also came from Xia Kingdom, why don't you go say hello!?"

"No, you'll be the opponent after the game starts, so it's useless for you to say hello." Zhang Qing didn't care much about those people.

Wang Qiang:

Wang Qiang didn't care much anymore, he was just simply confused and didn't know what to do, and suddenly became a psychic, which gave him other possibilities for his original plan, and made him even more confused about his future and future.

He promised to come together, maybe he also meant it.



The crisp sound of crushing the sugar ball and Zhang Qing's reminder put Wang Qiang and Sun Qing on alert instantly.

Outside the window, a man in Indian national costume was flying in the air, with a pair of falcon wings on his back, which could not be stirred up, but still floated up.

"Good evening!"

"Since you are all prepared, let me briefly introduce myself. I am Sheba of the Pache tribe, and I am the operation committee member of the Psychic War. They are [Elves] that have evolved through 500 years of soul cultivation."

"They are my excellent spirit holders, and at the same time they will assess whether you are qualified to participate in the war of psychics."

The man named Xiba landed slowly and stood on the balcony outside. Five animals appeared beside him, namely: an eagle, a turtle, a snake, a rhinoceros and a wolf.

"The assessment is very simple. You only need to hit me with one blow. This is the simplest test method. If you can't even do this, then naturally it means that you are not eligible for the competition. How about it! ? Which one of you will come first!? You can go together!"

Oh, is this the protagonist's treatment!?

Was it the Xiba who tested Ma Cangye in the original plot!? Zhang Qing looked at the other party with some surprise.

Seeing Zhang Qing suddenly look over, Shiba realized that the young man's appearance was earth-shattering, and he was startled. The five-headed spirit directly transformed into a spiritual body, and the man even stepped back.

Hiss———! What kind of character is this, is this kind of person coming to participate in the competition!?

If it wasn't for his mission, he would have directly refused to give the other party the qualification to participate in the competition. The Shaman King must not be such a person with evil thoughts, otherwise the world will suffer from the other party's disaster before the catastrophe comes.

However, he is so reluctant, but Shiba can't lose his fairness, this will shame the Pache clan! He has to give all the psychics who come to Tokyo who intend to participate in the competition a fair assessment to qualify for the competition, instead of directly relying on personal preference Judge the opponent as disqualified.

Seeing that the other party was ready, Sun Qing was very excited. The clothes on her back turned into nine big and thick fox tails, "He said he could beat him up in groups, what are you waiting for!?"

Hearing this, Wang Qiang cast a questioning look at Zhang Qing, meaning: Is this young lady’s father really a people’s policeman!?

Zhang Qing nodded and shook her head again, meaning: This is what she said, who knows if it’s true or not!? Or, after returning to China, you go home with her to find out!?

Wang Qiang rolled his eyes, is this telling him to die!?

Sighing, Wang Qiang also took out his long spear. At this moment, the lost tip of the spear has recovered, and the whole spear body is unparalleled in domineering. At first glance, it is not ordinary. This is the change brought about by the super spirit body.

If there is a gun point, I am afraid that I will not be able to pass the security check.

Zhang Qing shrugged his shoulders, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. The fingerless glove on his right hand turned into dragon claws, and the blue scales were covered with flashes of electric arcs, which felt very dangerous.

"Are you sure you can go together!?"

Zhang Qing thinks it's better to ask the other party to think twice, after all, they are not half-baked people like Ma Cangye who didn't even know what a super-spiritual body was before. As a result, I don't know as much as a layman.

Zhang Qing suspected that it might be the existence of Ma Cangye King, which made the Ma Cang family overly cautious in treating Ma Cangye, and even suspected of raising and discarding Ma Cangye intentionally.

But Zhang Qing is different here, not to mention that he is familiar with the plot, he can be regarded as a psychic with inheritance, even though his grandfather and father seem to be focused on letting him study hard and integrate into society, they didn't really let him. With no knowledge related to psychics, and because of his really good talent, Zhang Qing would not be considered a weakling even if he hadn't cheated.

Although Wang Qiang and Sun Qing have only become psychics for a short time, after Zhang Qing's special training, at least there is no problem in completing the super spirit body, let alone the two people who possess the spirit, one is the famous Zhao Zilong , one is the sky fox.

ask for flowers...

Xiba is a guy who can break the defense of a warrior from a small island country with a single blow. If he fights alone, he may be able to please him. After all, Wang Qiang and Sun Qing must have insufficient combat experience and immature, but once they really gang fight, tsk tsk...

.The picture should not be too beautiful.

The corner of Xiba's mouth twitched: "..."

No, how come you can already become a super spirit body!? This is unreasonable!?

You must know that the level of the super-spiritual body has blocked many psychics. Many psychics can't do it even in their seventies and eighties. It's not that they are not strong enough, but it is not easy to complete the super-spiritual body.

It is very simple to let the spirit body possess, because as long as the psychic relaxes his mind a little and let the other person enter the body, or the spirit body simply enters by force.

It's just that the former can be manipulated by oneself, while the latter hurts the body and others.

As for the super-spiritual body, it is a link between the psychic and the holding spirit with spiritual power or witchcraft, and the manifestation of the holding spirit in the medium. There are only two ways to achieve this step. One is Let the holding spirit lose the self, naturally there is no need to worry about not being able to fully trust, but if you do this, the super spirit body will be very weak, because it is equivalent to reducing the ability to hold the spirit.

The second way is to slowly develop feelings and trust. This is a very time-consuming process. Unless there is some kind of relationship between the holding spirit itself and the psychic, and the relationship itself is very good, otherwise, at the age of more than ten years, Absolutely very few psychics reach the superspiritual stage.

It is precisely because he understands how difficult it is to cultivate and complete the super-spiritual body, so Xiba is so surprised when he sees that all three of them can already super-spiritual body.


"Originally, you have proved that you can become a super spirit body, so I should have passed the examination for you, but I want to test your quality, so come on, don't worry about hurting me, I am not as weak as you think , rest assured that what I said before is still valid, as long as you can hurt me once..."

However, before Xiba could finish pretending, a thick and big white fox tail swept over directly, forcing Xiba to shut up and fly away to avoid it.

Sun Qing: "You don't intend to fly on it all the time, do you!?"

If the other party flies to an altitude of 10,000 meters later, she really can't do anything about him, she can't fly. To be honest, she was a little envious that the other party could fly.

"It's better not." Seeing Sun Qing looking over, Zhang Qing immediately understood the other party's meaning. This girl was afraid that she also wanted to find the holding spirit who could only fly again, so she immediately dismissed her plan

Just kidding, and I’m not a Western Fantasy summoner, so the more spirits you have, the better!? Not to mention that the psychic himself needs to provide the spirit power to keep the spirit’s compatibility with him, too much Possessing a spirit will be unbearable, and the spirit and the psychic are complementary, and to some extent they will affect each other. Too many and complicated thoughts, not to mention whether it will become neurotic and schizophrenic, even if No, it will also make yourself impure and your spiritual power complicated.

So don't look at Xiba's handsome appearance, but in fact he is completely self-defeating. If he wants to go further, it will be even more difficult, and this will probably be the case in this life.

If the Pache clan is like this, then it's no wonder that they can't become the Shaman King. .

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