The incense burner in the sunshine produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in front of the river in the distance.

The flying stream went straight down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days.

While the weapons were entangled in a haze, everyone came to the world of mountains and rivers full of poetic and picturesque flavors.

In the blink of an eye, Mao Bu and the others were already standing on the waterfall in the distance, and only a small black dot could be seen.

Wang Qiang tightened his grip on the spear in his hand and looked up. It was obvious that the distance between him and Mao Buer had been opened again at this moment, and Wang Qiang was not sure if there would be any problems if he walked around here.

If it was said that the venue on the rooftop was a shackle to Mao Buer before, it has become a shackle of pressure at this moment.

He couldn't tell if he would accidentally come to the edge of the rooftop and fall straight down if he walked around casually. The current beautiful scenery captivated his eyes and disturbed his mind

"As expected of that Mao family." Shiba was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

But soon he shook his head and said: "Although this looks very powerful, it is indeed very powerful, but you don't need to think about it. It must be huge to maintain this false world. As long as player Wang Qiang doesn't act rashly, he will not be ashamed of Mao. It is definitely very unfavorable for the second player."

The rules of the game are like this, as long as one party runs out of witch power first and cannot continue to maintain the super spirit state, it will be considered a loss, and you will not be given a chance to fight hand-to-hand.

The facts are the same as what Shiba said, and Wang Qiang, who was also aware of these things, was simply alert to his surroundings and did not walk rashly. Those who can't support themselves at that time will definitely not be able to hold their hands.

To be honest, Wang Qiang was taken aback by Mao Buer's generosity at first, but after calming down, he wondered why Mao Buer did this. Wang Qiang didn't believe that Mao Buer, a member of the Mao family, would not Understand that it is irrational to do so.

It's not that you can win by avoiding the battle, you can just hang on, but it's very stupid to fight in this way.


When Wang Qiang was still thinking about what Mao Buer wanted to do, he suddenly noticed a crack appeared under his feet, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

"This is forcing me to move!?" Wang Qiang frowned and knew Mao Buer's plan.

Sure enough, it was impossible for him to allow himself to stand obediently, after all, it was definitely Mao Buer who would consume all his witch power first.

Seeing Wang Qiang constantly jumping left and right, Xi Ba praised, "Mao Buer has discovered Wang Qiang's weakness."

Zhang Qing nodded, "I can't say we are weak, just like Mao Buer is not good at fighting head-on, Wang Qiang, who is a general with a spirit, is of course good at killing enemies. If he has no opponent, he will become at a loss. This is a common problem of all fighters."

It is okay to fight them, but it is too difficult for them to fight wits and courage with the air.

In addition, it is still unclear whether this is directly pulled into a real world, or this is a map scene, Wang Qiang did not dare to move unscrupulously, and the psychological pressure also skyrocketed in vain, which can be said to be very unfavorable.

Without an opponent, there is no direction.

Sun Qing was also thinking, what would she do if she encountered such a situation where she couldn't see her opponent!?

To be honest, Sun Qing never thought that fighting could be like this before, and Mao Buer's squinting eyes gave her too many surprises.

Wang Qiang was really at a loss. His weapon was a gun, but it wasn't the kind of modern hot weapon. He didn't have a good way to deal with this situation. If it was a gun that could shoot bullets, he might still be able to shoot at the gun. A few shots around, maybe Mao Buer can be forced to show up.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for him to project the gun, in which case he will lose.

Now this can be dealt with carefully, anyway, it depends on who can't stand it first.

After jumping again to avoid a bottom crack, Wang Qiang was ready for a protracted battle.

Zhang Qing really wanted to know why a player like Mao Buer failed to qualify in the original plot, and if Wang Qiang was helpless for a while, then both Dao Lian and Ma Cang Ye would definitely find it very difficult to deal with .

It is even more confusing that Dao Lian and Ma Cang Yeyou are the finalists.

It's impossible for the dignified heir of the Mao family to be harmed by Xiaoxiao and not be able to continue to participate in the exhibition without anyone to protect him!?

As I said before, because the rules of the game are simple, in fact, it also shows that outside the game is allowed. In the time outside the game, assassination or using some dirty means to prevent the opponent from playing is all okay.

So if Mao Buer failed to qualify, it could only be because of this reason. It is impossible for him to suddenly not want to compete and return to China!? This is unreasonable.

However, as the descendant of the famous exorcist Mao family, Zhang Qing didn't feel that there was really no one around him to protect him, and Mao Buer didn't look like the kind of careless person.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it now. If you have any doubts, you should be able to solve them after you become the Shaman Queen." Zhang Qing quickly calmed down and stopped thinking about these things.

Maybe it's not that Mao Buer didn't appear, it's just that whether it's animation or comics, the camera has been falling on the protagonist Ma Cangye, and the games of some passers-by are ignored

(Mao Buer tilts his head: I, a passer-by!?)

Zhang Qing, who turned his attention back to Wang Qiang, was looking forward to a way for Wang Qiang to get along and break the situation. He believed that Wang Qiang was not the kind of person who would sit and wait for death. Wang Qiang would never do such things as gambling on luck.

He was a person who lost in luck from the very beginning, his family was ruined, and he could still say that he was a lucky person, but he usually had a serious mental illness.

Wang Qiang absolutely doesn't believe in luck, he won't bet that if he goes on like this, he will be able to beat Mao Buer to death first, and he doesn't want to use this way to win.


After shouting loudly, and jumping again to avoid a crack, Wang Qiang pointed the tip of the spear at the ground and stabbed down. There was a cyclone flowing at the stabbing tip, and it became faster and faster, becoming a fluid drill.


The dust was flying, and the spear pierced through the ground, no, it should be said that a large part of it sank into the ground.

"What... what is he doing!?" Sheba's silver shield holding one of the spirits, the little turtle, was stunned.

Xiba laughed, "Wang Qiang is really destroying the environment. No matter whether it is fake or not, Mao Buer will be in a lot of trouble if he does so. If it is fake, it's okay, just be careful that the floor collapses. Second, if the virtualized world is maintained by witch power, then it is not easy to have to pay for the changed environment.

To put it simply, Wang Qiang was accelerating the consumption of Mao Buer's witch power, forcing him to release the maintenance of the world in the painting, or let him come out to fight.

"Did he really become a psychic halfway through!?" Silver Wing was a little surprised at Wang Qiang's quick wit. This calmness is definitely not something that Mengxin can possess, it is too calm.

0 looking for flowers......

"It's nothing to be surprised at. If you have to be careful in your daily life, and if you make a mistake, you will be doomed, and you will be like this." Zhang Qing didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Wang Qiang's life experience made him in such a situation , people in the world look at him with colored glasses and will not put tolerance on him. As long as he has a bad sign or does something wrong, he will be hit by a violent storm. .

No one would think that he was innocent, that he was a child.

It's useless to live in another city, because as long as Wang Qiang still plans to go to school, his files will be made public for all school leaders to check. There is a murderer's father, and there is no way to cover up the fact.

After so many years, even if the advanced law has the latest interpretation power, no one will overturn the case for a dead person. If Wang Qiang's father is still alive, he may still be able to appeal, re-judgment, and revoke the charges. Unfortunately, there is no such thing.


Xiba didn't ask too many questions, he just looked at Wang Qiang with pity, and with his knowledge, he could of course hear the information that Zhang Qing hadn't revealed in his words—Wang Qiang definitely had a tragic way.

It was also rare for Sun Qing to stop talking. She also wanted to help Wang Qiang, the senior, but even if her father was the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, she couldn't help, because Wang Qiang's father's case was an anachronism, and there was indeed no injustice at the time Yes, even if new additions and amendments have been made to the law, there are still saints who feel that it is not possible to severely punish kidnappers, and even say that if the punishment is too heavy, the kidnappers will directly tear up their tickets. It is precisely because the cost is too low that the kidnapper has been so rampant and has not disappeared.

It is ridiculous to say that the reason why the law was later amended was because the child of the expert was abducted and the expert became a victim. What's even more ridiculous is that the previous expert was still a firm believer in taking it lightly, a representative who felt that he should not be too strict on kidnappers.

It's really that the board doesn't know the pain unless it hits me.

Persuade people to be kind, but in the end you don’t need to be kind when you are in pain.

"Ah....isn't it that simple!?" Mao Buer had no choice but to show up. At this moment, he was sweating profusely and exhausted. Obviously, Wang Qiang's actions really made him feel very uncomfortable.

Wang Qiang also stopped and looked at the opponent, "So, do you want to admit defeat!?"

If it continues, Mao Buer may not be able to participate in the second game with a complete posture. It is not terrible to exhaust the witch power, but if you forcefully squeeze the body, it will definitely hurt the root, and it will not be able to recover after rest. Come on, if it is serious, people will die.

This preliminaries is a three-match two-win system, there is no need to really work hard, it is indeed the first game.

Mao Buer smiled wryly, "Okay, I admit defeat."

He is a smart man, he knows very well that if he spends it, he will only make himself lose more and lose more, and he still has one chance, so there is no need to die here.

Counting it, he was really unlucky, he encountered such a strong opponent from the very beginning, and he was from the same country, but he would have to fight hard in any other country, "especially the opponents from Xiaori.

As Mao Buer took the initiative to admit defeat and lifted the super spirit state, the game also had a result. .

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