Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

837 The Grievances And Trends Of Taoism!

Time passed day by day. It has been almost half a year since the first round of the psychic war. The lucky ones have already won two games, waiting for the official next step of the game to disappear. During this period of time, try to improve yourself, and fight with other players who have no way out to present opportunities.

When Ma Cangye lost to Fast VIII, realized his unwillingness and arrogance, and returned to his hometown to practice and obtain results to further complete the super spirit body.

Tokyo, Ta Zhang (Fen Fen) Hill, Dazhong Hotel Building.

In this building that has been bought by Dao Lian, Dao Lian is taking a shower in the bathroom.

"'s really comfortable to take a shower after working out."

Dao Lian sighed while turning off the shower, then turned around and opened the door to go outside, commonly known as walking the bird.

"Sister, I'm done washing! As always, give me that milk and towel!"

Seeing his young master walking the bird again, the spirit body Ma Sun who was waiting outside was a little speechless, but he still knelt on one knee and said, "Master Run, Lord Run is on his way back to Xia Guo at this moment.

Dao Lian frowned upon hearing this, "Go back!? Why did my sister suddenly keep silent and go back at this time!?"

After Ma Sun stood up and fetched a towel and three bottles of milk for Dao Lian, he explained, "Master Run was called back by the Taoists to report on your situation, Young Master. Since it is an order from the Taoists, it is naturally impossible to refuse."

"Taoists..." Daolian took out the towel, clenched her hands tightly, and her face was very ugly.

"To this day, we still can't let go of the 1800 years of grievances and resentments, and we are always living for revenge. What an ugly and hateful family."

Ma Sun was silent for a long time after hearing the words, and said: "...This is also a helpless thing. The history of Taoism is a history of tragedy that the mainland should take as a warning. and revival] as a matter of course.”

"It's all just an excuse,'s really boring." Dao Lian's face was still stinky, and while wiping her hair and body with a towel, she found a chair and sat down.

Ma Sun carried the three bottles of milk, sighed and followed, "No matter what the young master says, I, Ma Sun, was loyal to the Taoist school, and it was the same when I was alive. For the revival of the Taoist school, the power of the Shaman King is needed no matter what. The Taoist school has finally waited for this This is a once-in-five-hundred-year opportunity, so please be considerate, young master. Focus on the overall situation!"

Ma Sun could see that Dao Lian's calmness at the moment was just an illusion, and he was already on the verge of breaking out.

Daolian snorted coldly, and looked at Ma Sun coldly, "You are really a lackey of the Taoist school. Speaking of which, didn't you lose to that warrior last time!?"

"With all due respect, master~"!"

Hearing Dao Lian bring up the old story again, Ma Sun's face is also very ugly at the moment, he can't even care about maintaining the humility he always thought of, he looked at Dao Lian and said, "I, Ma Sun, 1800 years ago, was a powerful [terrorist] Broadsword], my beloved horse [Spades] and I have galloped on the battlefield for decades, and we are invincible in the world! And that warrior is just a warrior from a small overseas island country, and the people he kills are basically thieves or thieves who can’t survive. It's just a hooligan!"

Ma Sun thinks that there is no need to compare a general who has been killed by thousands of powerful soldiers, and a warrior who only fights and kills bad people who bully the weak!

To put it bluntly, Ma Sun felt that if Dao Lian hadn't been careless at the time and was so stupid to give Ma Cang Ye the time to explain and deal with it, they would not have lost at all, they just lost by underestimating the enemy.

"Hmph! Are you trying to say that the last time you lost was because you didn't have a horse!?" Dao Lian curled her lips and said while drinking milk.

No, what I want to say is because you are stupid.

Although Ma Sun complained in his heart, he replied on the surface, "Hehe, the young master is really good at making fun of people. You should have known about this a long time ago, otherwise you wouldn't use this horse as my favorite horse [Black] The witch horse [Baifeng], who is the medium of the spiritual seat of Tao, gave it to me, didn't it!?"

Ma Sun glanced at the handsome white horse, wiped off his sweat, and gave him a wink, telling him not to look at his brain-dead young master with such eyes.

To be honest, Dao Lian didn't even know where he lost. He thought it was because he didn't have a horse. cautious attitude.

It's a pity that Master Daolian can't get it at all.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha! Sorry, sorry, I just like to find fault with others, I like it very much! But, let me state in advance, don't get me wrong, Mason. I give you the horse purely for myself, absolutely It's not for Taoism, you know!?"

Dao Lian was overjoyed by Ma Sun's compliment, but at the end she still reminded her arrogantly that he did not do these things for the sake of Taoism.

......Of course I understand! But it is also my Mason’s greatest wish for the young master to become the Shaman King! So feel free to use my Mason’s soul!” Mason smiled and turned into a will-o’-the-wisp to Daolian’s hand Rush up.

"Humph, of course I would do that. I hate Taoism, I was born in that bloody Taoism that has accumulated grievances for many years, and they raised me just for revenge.

"However, even if Taoism's [revenge and revival] is realized, there will still be new hatreds... This blood-stained chain relationship will continue forever."

"I've had enough, Masun!" Dao Lian caught Masun in the will-o'-the-wisp mode, stood up in front of the window with slightly cold eyes, looked at the night outside and said, "I want to personally eliminate this chain of hatred. Cut off, even if I want to destroy Taoism, I will not hesitate."

"So, I want to become the Shaman King! Then remove all obstacles in the world! Hahaha... Before that, Ma Cangye wait, I will defeat you and prove my strength!"

One day later, Jiaoshan, Daocheng, on the border of Guizhou, Xiaguo.

A man whose stature can be described as huge is putting the panda on his lap and gently stroking it with his hands. The adult giant panda looks as petite and cute as a kitten on his body. Below him stands a beautiful woman with green hair who looks nervous , is Dao Lian's sister Dao Run.

She was reporting what Dao Lian had done during this time in Tokyo—reporting, but the man sitting above had a calm expression after listening.

"Oh! So, Lian's thoughts are still the same as before."

"Then what's the point of sending you to discipline him!?" The man suddenly stopped his hands, and cast his eyes on Dao Run below without emotion.

After Dao Run was silent for a long time, he lowered his head and said, "You are right, father."

"Okay, you don't have to be so nervous, Run. After all, he is Lian, and it is impossible for him to be obedient." The man didn't seem to be angry, but the legs of Dao Run standing below started to tremble. She agreed, yes What my father said. "

Dao Run felt that he was about to suffocate with that kind of guaranteed anger, and he tried his best just to stand, and sure enough, his father was angry.

"Hehehehe... Isn't he very reliable like this!? The successor of our Taoism should be a little more rebellious!" The man smiled, and suddenly squeezed the giant panda on his thigh with both hands, and the blood immediately Shoot in all directions.

"In the past, we used [Witch] and [Tao] to govern this continent peacefully, but those fools betrayed us, fooled us, and drove us to this bitter and cold frontier. The descendants of the ancestors paid the price for the stupidity of their ancestors! At the same time, it is also for the revival of Taoism!!!”

After yelling these words, the man seemed to realize that his hands were sticky, and he simply threw the ugly panda corpse down, and blood splashed on Dao Run's face and body below, "Oh, bad, bad, Accidentally force the country, let someone send another panda later!"

Dao Run didn't dare to dodge, and when he heard the words, he said obediently, "Wish!"

The man seemed very satisfied, "However, this also proves that our Taoists are determined to win the war of psychics. No matter what, we need the power of the psychic king! This is a chance that only happens once every five (kings) every hundred years. No matter what method we use, we must grasp it!"

"Run, I will give you another chance now. I heard that the Zhang family also has descendants participating in this competition. You should know how to do it!? I don't want to hear the news of your failure again

"As for the tools, as many as you want, you can pick whatever you want. After all, in our underground formalin pool, there are countless zombies prepared for the final battle like terracotta warriors...Compared with them, White dragons are as weak as rotting garbage."

When the man said this, he put on a nasty smile on his face, but Dao Run below bit his lower lip, not daring to argue for Li Bailong, because she knew that the more she interceded for Bailong at this time, the more her father would The more he will toss the white dragon.

The first time she and Bailong returned to Taoism, Bailong was taken away. It can be seen that her father did not need her to come back to report on Lian's situation. His father was just planning to deal with the self-aware Li Bailong, a zombie. , let her not forget her identity by the way!

In the face of revenge and revival of Taoism, her eldest daughter is just a tool, if it is not useful, it will be thrown away like garbage.

The Zhang family... why did it appear at this time!?.

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