Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

842 Louise: Brother-In-Law Is A Liar!

"Who are you!?"

The clear blue sky is reflected behind her, her pink hair blocks most of the sun, the girl's beautiful face is slightly frowning, she seems to be surprised, she seems to be a bit collapsed, under the black cloak, the white blouse obviously doesn't fluctuate, but At this moment, it trembled violently like her eyelashes.

Suddenly this cute cutie knelt down with her head in her hands, and she let out a "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" voice, and she cried, "It doesn't work at all, except for the civilians who popped up out of nowhere, there's nothing here. None, and it exploded!"

Louise no longer cared about the black-haired girl sitting on the ground with a dazed face. She felt that her feelings had been cheated. It was obvious that her second brother-in-law had promised that as long as she wore the lucky bracelet he gave, the summoning ceremony would be completed. Absolutely no problem.

But is this okay!?"

Liar, big liar! When I go back, I will definitely sue Kateria, and ask my second sister to send it to me!

Joshua, who was being cursed by Louise in his heart, touched his nose, and was a little dazed, because he had indeed taken over Louise's body control for a moment with the help of the bracelet just now, for a very short time, and Louise It was impossible for Silk to find out.

It's just that when he opened the door of summoning, Joshua saw that this time he opened the door on the other side to a world similar to the modern world in his previous life. Of course, this was within Joshua's expectation, after all, the void magician The familiars are basically human beings.

It doesn't matter what world is on the other side of the door, what is important is that it is positioned as a human being who is compatible with Louise in some aspects. Originally, according to Joshua's intention, he wanted to surpass Hiraga Saito and pull other people over, of course the condition was not male.

But what surprised Joshua was that there was a girl on the other side of the door (PS: others couldn't see it, but Joshua could see it). After confirming that the other party was a girl with breasts and butt, Joshua is stupid, do you still need to intervene!?

Of course not!

Even Joshua felt relieved at his sister-in-law's understanding.

On the other side, feeling dizzy, the girl who had just come out of the rolling washing machine retched a few times, then looked at Louise who was squatting in front of her in a daze. She looks cute, like a porcelain doll, and at this moment, she hugs her head and screams like a little animal, which makes people feel very cute.

It’s just that this is a foreigner!? It’s a cute foreign girl who looks like a doll, no, maybe she’s of mixed race!?

But, which school uniform is she wearing!? I've never seen it before.

Hiraga Satoko found herself lying on the ground with her body upside down at the moment, she took her eyes away from the girl and raised her head to look around.

There are many people in cloaks, and they look at themselves curiously. The fertile grasslands extend around, and in the distance you can see castles like those seen in European travel photos.

It's all like being in a fantasy world.

But did the surrounding area just experience some kind of explosion!? Noticing the scorched earth flying up around him, and smelling the scorched smell, Satoshi Hiraga came back to his senses, shook his painful head, and said,

"Ask who I am...!? My name is Satoshi Hiraga. By the way, are you filming a movie!`w?"

"Where did you come from as a commoner!?" Louise finally stopped crying after hearing Hiraga's words, and stood up angrily and asked.

In his heart, he begged Hiraga to say that he was not a commoner, but a high-level monster that could transform into a human, or that he was just here to play a prank, and was thrown over when the explosion happened just now.

But Satoshi Hiraga looked at Louise with an expression of "I don't understand what you are talking about".

"I said, Louise! What can you do with a commoner summoned by [Familiar Summon]!?"

I don't know who spoke at this time, but this also made everyone except the girl who was staring at the talented man burst into laughter.

Louise bit her lower lip and said stubbornly, "I just made a little mistake!"

"What's wrong!? Louise, are you always like this!?"

"As expected of Louise Zero!"

After hearing this sentence, the crowd suddenly burst into bursts of laughter again.

Louise glared angrily at Chuluk, the stinky guy, then turned around and shouted at the man with a strange Mediterranean hairstyle, "Mr. Gruberu!"

"What's the matter!?" A man called Gruber came out from behind the crowd. He was holding a wooden staff as tall as a person, and he was also wearing a black cloak. He looked equally strange.

Kind of like a religious wand.

"Please let me try again, please!" Louise begged desperately, waving her hands vigorously as she spoke.

Gruber shook his head, "No, Miss Valier."

He rejected Louise's request, but his eyes kept falling on Hiraga who was half lying on the ground.

"This is the rule. When you reach the second grade, you will be asked to perform the [Familiar] summoning, which is the ongoing ceremony.

"According to the 【Familiar】 summoned by the ceremony, to fix the attributes of each of you in the future, and learn their own special courses accordingly. The 【Familiar】 summoned this time cannot be changed. Speaking of the reason, because The summoning of the familiar in spring is a very sacred ceremony, so whether you like it or not, you can only accept him as a familiar.

"But! I have never heard of an example of treating civilians as familiars!" Louise did not give up. She pointed at Hiraga and tried her best to argue, hoping that the other party would make an exception for her because of her special situation.

However, when Louise said that, the surroundings burst into laughter again. Louise turned and stared at the crowd, even so the laughter couldn't stop.

Feeling helpless, Gruber pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "Miss Louise, this is a consistent tradition and cannot be an exception. As for her..."

"Maybe they are just ordinary civilians, but since they have been summoned by you, they must become your [familiars]. Since ancient times, although there is no example of using humans as familiars

After all, the rules of the Spring Familiar Summoning Ceremony are more noble than any rules, so you can only treat her as your own familiar.

"How could this be..." Louise drooped her shoulders in frustration.

"It's good that you understand, then please continue to complete the ceremony!" Professor Gruberu ordered.

"Huh!? Is it really going to be like this!? This is very strange!?" Louise felt like crying. For the first time, she felt that there was something wrong with the way the familiar made the contract.

"Yes, finish it quickly, the next class has already started. Think about it yourself, how long did it take you to summon successfully!? After countless failures, it was finally summoned, let alone so much , Hurry up and keep an eye on the contract." Teacher Grubero urged.

"Yes, that's right." The surrounding students also booed at this time, but these guys looked like they didn't think it was a big deal, which made Louise very angry.

"Okay, I got it." Louise turned around angrily and walked towards Hiraga, who was in the same place, "Hey! You have to thank me very much, being treated like this by the nobles, generally speaking, it's not like this in a lifetime kind of chance."

Louise, who was talking to herself, didn't give Hiraga a chance to react at all, so she bent down and kissed Hiraga's lips, her pink hair fell down, completely blocking the light and the surrounding figures live.

Seeing this, Gruber turned around and asked the others, "Now, everyone has already summoned them!?"

Suddenly a hand was raised in the crowd, "That teacher, I failed to summon and nothing came out, what should I do!?"

Gruber was stunned for a moment, and when he looked over, it turned out to be Joshua's illegitimate younger brother Di En, "This...this......"

He didn't know how to answer for a while, because this was the first time he encountered it, "Are you sure nothing was summoned!?"

"Yes!" Dean said weakly.

Gruber rubbed the space between his eyebrows, "How about this, you can come along with us in the Spring Summoning Ceremony for the first grade next semester.

At this time, Louise, who had already concluded the contract with Hiraga, was dumbfounded, "Mr. Gruber, how could you do this!?"

What kind of discrimination is this!?

Gruber said with a headache, "Miss Vallier, this is different, Dean didn't summon his own familiar, the rule is that he must summon a familiar, do you understand!?"

"Actually, if it wasn't for time, I would have wanted Di En to summon him again, because if there is no familiar, it will cause trouble for his next course (Zhao Liaohao). I will wait for this matter. I have to explain it to the principal, maybe Di En, you don't have to wait until next year."

"Uh...thank you, Mr. Gruberu." Dean said with some embarrassment.

She felt that the reason why she failed to summon must be because her mind was too disturbed at the time. It was all because of what her elder brother said last night, which made her not sleep well all night, and she is still struggling now.

But in fact, nothing was summoned, and she was relieved. To be honest, she was not ready to make a choice, and she was afraid that she would disappoint her elder brother's expectations.

Dean's side is relaxed, but Louise is extremely wronged. Although she said that as long as she lives, she treats people as familiars, which is too strange. What's the use of such familiars!? If she wants civilians, she can have as much love as she can recruit based on her family background.

"Wait, Louise, where are you going!?" Montmorency and Chulluk noticed that Louise was pulling Hiraga to leave, and hurriedly shouted.

Louise glared at the two guys and said, "Hmph! Don't worry about it!"

In fact, she was going to settle accounts with Joshua. Louise felt that if it wasn't for Joshua's "Lucky Bracelet", she would have a second chance to be summoned like Di En.

Damn it, even if it is a useless lizard, why is it a commoner!.

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