In fact, Joshua is not satisfied with the system of this world, but it does not mean that he will support the reform of "Raikon Guista".

In the final analysis, it is just the replacement of the lords on the heads of the common people. In fact, there is not much change. In the end, it is still these common people who are oppressed. They will not become better because of this, but will become worse.

More importantly, "Lei Kong Guista" is now talking about co-governance by nobles, but who knows whether they will still be willing to share power after the final unification of the mainland? Once you have tasted the taste of the king, you will not be willing to let go, and It is impossible for others to share the power in their own hands.

In the end, in order to have more power in their hands, those nobles will only start a new round of fighting until the final winner appears. Perhaps in the end the alliance will fall apart again and become kingdoms, so nothing has changed at all. only the rulers.

Of course, although Joshua doesn't like these things, but if the Torristine Kingdom is finally invaded as in the original plot, he will take up the sword and wand to guard here. After all, he grew up here, even though Torris The Kingdom of Ting is not beautiful, but it is also Joshua's second hometown.

Joshua will not allow outsiders to destroy it.

As for changing the country and turning it into what he wants, Joshua has been doing it all the time, or he "900" and his parents are working hard again, in the Earl of Huguroz , In fact, it is very different from other noble territories of the Torristine Kingdom.

Although the Hugloz Territory is not the richest place, it is definitely the place with the least oppression.

With this kind of environment, it may not take many years for technology to sprout. As for when the old system of this world can really be reformed, it depends on the people of this world. It is impossible for Joshua to intervene too much Yes, if he came, then only a country similar to the Xia Kingdom could emerge, and if they followed the same path, then there would be no other possibilities in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Of course it’s not for the diversity of the heavens and worlds. Joshua is not so great, but he is not keen on these things. For him, kingship is not what he thinks or what he wants, and there is no eternal dynasty. Binding himself to the country and watching him decline and perish is definitely not something anyone can afford.

Maybe this kind of life is not wonderful, but who stipulates that a wonderful life is good!?

Without thinking about it for too long, Joshua stood up again, sorted out the items on the desk, and planned to go to the principal's office on the top of the tower.

It was the principal Othman's secretary, Ms. Lungbeer, who notified Joshua. This intellectual beauty with beautiful green hair was actually the magician and thief Hook nicknamed "Clod".

It is said that as long as Hook hears that there is a jewel-encrusted headdress in the mansion of the northern nobles, Hook will immediately go to take it away. If he heard that there was a stick of family treasure bestowed by the late emperor in the villa of the nobles in the south, Hook would destroy the villa and take it away. Then, I heard that in the mansion of the nobleman in the East, there was a master carver in Albion who tried his best to make pearl rings, and Hook would take them all.

Finally, I heard that in the wine cellars of western aristocrats, there is a hundred-year-old wine worth thousands of dollars, and Hooker will happily take it away without leaving a drop.

That's why the nobles of Torristine fell into panic for a time, and they couldn't sleep well, for fear that they would be poor when they woke up.

Of course, compared to the identity of the mysterious great thief, the real identity of the other party is the noble daughter of the Albion Kingdom next door. Few people know that she did not give up her original identity, but was forced to give up her noble status. name.

Unlike the current Queen Anrietta in the Kingdom of Torristine, the royal family of the Kingdom of Albion is not weak at all. In the process of choosing who will inherit the throne, it is often a round of struggle, especially in the previous generation. The struggle among the princes was particularly fierce.

Hook, that is, Matilda Ofer Sascota's family is one of the princes who stand in line. Unfortunately, this prince is not the final victor. With the new king ascending the throne, naturally their opponents followers will be punished.

Although Matilda survived, she had to give up her original name, and changed from a high-ranking nobleman to a street mouse. In order to survive and protect those nobles at the same time, she became the thief Hook, a disgraced magician ( Nobility) dirty thieves.

Whenever she saw those nobles desperate because of losing their treasures, she would feel a rush of pleasure.

In her opinion, no matter whether the nobles of Albion or the nobles of Torristine are the same, the nobles of these two countries are related to each other, and revenge on anyone is the same.

However, as she became famous, it also brought troubles. When there were more people chasing after her, she had to rack her brains.

Finally, she set her sights on the "Wand of Destruction" sealed in the treasure house of Torristine Academy of Magic. She believed that as long as she had it, she would not be afraid of chasing soldiers. The royal family brings ruin.

So she passed the beauty trap, became the principal's secretary and was able to enter the Torristine Academy of Magic, and because of her previous aristocratic upbringing, she was easily qualified for the post of secretary, so that no one could fault her, because she His performance is really far from those rat thieves hiding in the ditch, and it may be difficult to connect the two.

As for the identity of the outside world, it is a down-and-out noble from other countries. This continent is not small, and there are many nobles, large and small. In addition, not all countries are brothers like Torristine and Albion. It is very difficult to investigate whether it is true or not.

This is also the reason why Hook dared to do this. It doesn't even matter if he actually checks it out, because relying on the wealth he has stolen over the years, it is really very easy for her to buy the identity of a small nobleman.

And she did.

Joshua did not expose the other party's identity. After all, the Rod of Destruction was stolen as soon as it was stolen. It was of no use at all except for its collection value.

To be honest, compared to the real identity of the other party, when she was the secretary Lengbier, the lady thief did a very good job. If it weren't for the existence of the other party, I am afraid that this magic academy would not be able to be as organized as it is now. Woolen cloth!

She is much more reliable than Othman's old and unrefined.

However, Joshua guessed that Othman might know something. Although he looked awkward and lecherous, but the other party could become a great magician, he was definitely not a fool who had no intention of trying to win him over for so many years. There are hundreds of people instead of ten thousand, how could they bring people back to the academy casually.

Maybe some of them really want a seductive female secretary, but more of them may be cherishing talents.

Soon Joshua came to the principal's office, but to his surprise, there were not only the principal Othman and his secretary Lungbeer, but also Eleonore Albertine, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Lou du la Vallière.

After their eyes met, the two quickly separated, trying not to show any strangeness.

"Principal, what's the matter with calling me over here!?" Joshua asked after walking close to him and stopping.

Othman did not answer this question right away, but looked at Eleonore who was standing beside Joshua and stroked his beard with a smile, "Let Miss La Vallière explain this matter!"

"I believe you would also like to hear her explanation..0" Othman blinked deliberately, as if he meant something.

However, Joshua had grown thick-skinned over the years, so he was completely indifferent. He turned to look at Eleonore, wanting to know why the other party came.

Since the farewell four years ago, this sister-in-law who has a skin-to-skin relationship with him has been avoiding meeting him in private, and this is the first time seeing him again in these years.

Compared with four years ago, the 27-year-old Eleonore is more mature and attractive. Apart from that poor tablet, she is definitely considered a great beauty. Speaking of a flat figure, Joshua thought of his sister-in-law Louise. Poor Louise might not grow up again in this life, just look at her eldest sister.

Eleonore felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Joshua, she coughed to hide her panic, and then explained, "I am here this time on the orders of Her Majesty the Queen, and I invite you to sneak into Albion together Kingdom, as for the specific task, I will explain it to you on the way."

Joshua raised his eyebrows, no wonder he was accompanied by Eleonore. Eleonore, as the eldest lady of La Vallière's family, is naturally also the prince's party, and is on the side of the Queen of the Absolute Team, even Joshua The reason why the marriage contract with Kateria went so smoothly is precisely because Her Majesty the Queen intended it.

After all, the Huguloz family is in charge of a large army. Of course, it is impossible to completely let go of this power. Naturally, it is the safest to let his only son be tied to the La Vallière family. In fact, if it were not for Joshua and Ann Rietta's age difference is a bit big, and as the only princess of this generation, Anrietta must fulfill an ancient agreement and marry a member of the royal family in Albion. Her Majesty the Queen even wants to accept this son-in-law herself.

As a queen, after sitting in a high position for a long time, she naturally understands the difference between a king with monarchy in hand and a king without military power in hand.

It's a pity that she only has one daughter, Anrietta. As the lord of a country, it is impossible for her to continue to have children, otherwise she will die if she is not careful, and it will be useless to have more children.

Originally, Joshua was enough for the Albion mission of infiltrating the war, but it is obvious that Her Majesty the Queen is not at ease with the Huguloz family in 1.8, for fear that Joshua and the others will also join that " Racon Guista" alliance, so I sent Eleonore as supervisor

And because he had a marriage contract with Kateria, this arrangement also made Joshua not feel completely resisted, and felt that he was not trusted. I have to say that Her Majesty's wrist is a bit powerful, if not for the limitations of the times , Maybe he will really become a generation of Mingjun.

"I see." Joshua did not refuse.

Hearing this, Eleonore heaved a sigh of relief, but his face suddenly became ashamed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In this regard, Ou Siman, an old bastard, smiled, while the secretary Lengbier, who was standing silently beside her, was secretly happy. To be honest, according to her observation, the biggest obstacle in this academy was not Ou Siman. Siman is the principal, but Joshua. This guy is already very good at a young age. To be honest, Lengbier really doesn't know how to carry out the theft with Othman and Joshua.

Joshua is not as full of yellow waste as Othman. It is not that she has not used the beauty trick on Joshua, but it is useless at all.

Now hearing that the other party is leaving, Lengbier almost wants to dance and laugh on the spot.

Let's go, let's go, don't come back in the end. .

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