"Hmph, thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

"The order to the palace cannot be disobeyed."

The headmaster's office of Torristine School of Magic welcomed a new guest today. He was a little arrogant, dressed like a medieval European nobleman, with a bloated, gorgeous and exaggerated upper body clothing, while the lower body was wrapped in pure white silk cloth starting from the calf. These fabrics are connected to the trouser legs, and a pair of delicate leather shoes are attached to the bottom. The stockings made of silk also have a "self-cultivation" texture, which is attached to the male's legs obediently, and sometimes can even outline a part of the muscle contour.

This man with two exquisite mustaches is not a pervert who is a womanizer, but an official of King Torristine's palace. He is specially connected with the academy, and he is also an earl-level nobleman himself.

As for the headmaster, Ald Othman, he seemed to have been familiar with it for a long time. He didn't care about the superior attitude of the other party. After confirming that there was no problem with the palace's documents and stamping them, he smiled Returned it to the other party.

After the other party left, Miss Lengbier, who was waiting outside, was finally allowed in.

After closing the door, Lengbier pretended not to care and asked, "This time, did the palace make any unreasonable demands again!?"

In fact, the Torristine Academy of Magic was established within the territory of the Torristine Kingdom and is under the control of the Torristine Kingdom, but it is special as a magic academy. As long as you are not an idiot, you will understand how important the academy that trains talents is.

However, if it is really under the official management of Torristine, then the children of nobles from other countries will never come to study here. In the end, the Torristine Academy of Magic can only be reduced to self-entertainment and closed for domestic noble children to do whatever they want in the academy. Acting presumptuously, it really became a paradise in the end.

If things go on like this, Torristine's future will be gone, so the kings before 640 excluded Torristine Magic Academy from politics early on. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same long-term vision as the previous kings, and not everyone They are all really for the sake of the kingdom. Short-sightedness and greed are the normal state of human beings.

So it's not just once or twice that the palace is looking for "trouble". It's not that Her Majesty the Queen doesn't know, but she is also tempted, so she has a laissez-faire attitude. Maybe she is a qualified king in politics, but unfortunately she has always been Restricted by the short-lived human body, he would occasionally be stupid and do some speechless things.

Of course, there are also various "suggestions" from other ministers here, just like experts who don't give advice in modern times are good experts, these ministers are playing for the good of the kingdom

Interfering with the queen's decision is not once or twice. Even Mingjun, after hearing too many people say that this is the "right", will doubt his own decision, and then favor the opponent's 0

The backwardness of the system has not been swept away for so many years, not because it has advanced with the times, but because it cannot be shaken, because the "truth (force)" of this world is in the hands of a small number of people, and then this Some became aristocrats and became Tianlong people. There are still pirates in the world of One Piece, that is because ordinary people can master power, but not in this world.

To be oppressed and to endure and pray is the norm, resistance is non-existent.

Othman shrugged: "It's nothing, just to warn us to be careful of thieves."

"Thief!?" Miss Lengbier asked without turning her head while fetching the documents and files that need to be sorted out today.

At the same time, I was a little nervous, did I find anything in the palace!?

"Yes, there seems to be a thief named [Hooker] recently, who used magic to obtain nobles' treasures and made the whole society panic. And our academy happens to have a secret treasure [Stand of Destruction] entrusted by the royal family." Othman said a little Said indifferently.

"The Rod of Destruction...that's a really dangerous name." Miss Lungbeer paused for a moment, but she quickly returned to normal, and the time was short enough that no one would doubt it.

Othman stared lewdly at his graceful back and said, "Don't worry, although I don't know how powerful a magician Hook is, but the treasure house of our academy is composed of several rectangular-level magicians." It is specially made by masters to jointly cast spells, and it can't be touched even if it comes."

"That's really reassuring." Secretary Lengbier pretended to be relieved, but in fact she was overjoyed, not only knowing the whereabouts of the wand of destruction, but also knowing the special protection.

But Othman showed a smirk, picked up the tall magic wand beside him and waved it, and the palm seal with the index finger on the table flew out, deliberately touching Miss Lungbeer's back and sensitive parts.

Of course, in the end, a beating is unavoidable.

On the other side, Louise showed a sad expression and kept sighing.

"Can't you simply not participate!?" Hiraga said unbearably.

Louise scratched her hair, "If it's possible, of course I don't want to participate directly. Damn it, I forgot such a crucial thing. Now that the familiarization evaluation meeting is about to start, we haven't prepared anything. This time There must be another level."

Then Louise looked at Hiraga and asked, "Can't you really swing the sword like before!? Obviously I bought the sword back for you."

Hiraga spread his hands, "How do I know this, I didn't feel that way when I held Drew Flinger (Sword of Wisdom), and I don't know what's going on!? Do you want to change the sword? try!?"

"Hey! Partner, are you saying that I can't do it!? How could it be my fault!?" Drew Flinger was very dissatisfied with this. If he can't do it, blame the sword for it. Is this what people say!?

"Where can I find you another sword!? This is the Academy of Magic, not the Academy of Swordsmen." Louise complained.

"So, you two little girls think it's my uncle's fault!? It's too bad, I'm going to sing, I'm going to sing loudly [to keep you from sleeping!" Drew Flinger seemed very angry look.

"Shut up! Your rusty sword is useless except for talking!" Louise was not used to the other party at all, and immediately cursed.

Satoshi Hiraga rubbed his ears, his ears hurt from the quarrel over there, "By the way, Louise, is there no way for you to contact your brother-in-law!? I think he should know how to do it !"

Louise was also tired from quarreling, and after hearing Hiraga's question, she sat back on the bed with her arms folded and said helplessly, "Of course I thought about it too, but you're not the kind who can fly and is fast. Familiar, now he can't even swing a sword..."

"Okay, okay, I know I'm useless, but what does this have to do with that!?" Satoshi Hiraga was speechless and stopped Louise from continuing.

Louise said angrily, "The problem is, my home is very far away from here. Even if I write letters now, it's useless. Once I come back and forth, the familiarization meeting is over."

Obviously, my sister is going to get married, so it is a very happy thing that my familiar is a bit useful, but why is it like this now!!!!!????

Ancestor Brimir, is this your punishment for me!? Just because I am not pious enough!?

After finding no reason on herself, Louise took her anger out on Hiraga, "You useless familiar, don't you have other talents!? You always order something!?"

Hiraga was also a little angry, and said sarcastically, "Then how about I go on stage and perform how to wash the underwear of a noble lady!? I believe it will be very good! I learned this recently!"

This snobbish master treats her better when she is useful, but once she is useless, the treatment drops drastically, which makes Pingjia talent a lot of resentment.

This damn world doesn't even have a washing machine. It's obviously very backward, but there are a group of people who still look down on her as a modern person. It's enough.

"Ahhh! You've gone against the sky!" Louise became furious immediately when she heard this, and took out the small whip that she had prepared long ago.

"Come here! Who is afraid of whom!?" Hiraga was not to be outdone.

Fighting all the way, the two unknowingly came to the teacher's tower with a sword, and then both of them were stunned, because they both saw an unexpected person, a guy with two mustaches, who seemed to be He pestered the little maid whom he had met before.

"Earl Mott!?" Louise showed a disgusted expression as if she saw something annoying.

"Who!?" Satoshi Hiraga asked.

"The special envoy of the royal palace, a very annoying guy. Louise didn't say too much, after glancing at the people over there, she turned around and left, "Let's go, or if that guy sees it, it will be very difficult troublesome. "

"No, what seems to be happening over there!? Don't you plan to take care of it!?" Hiraga looked at Louise in shock. The words were engraved on her face, but Louise didn't expect that she would choose to turn a blind eye.

Louise looked at Satoshi Hiraga strangely, "Why bother!?"

Satoshi Hiraga looked at Louise in disbelief, "Why not, that person is harassing women in O, shouldn't this need to be stopped in broad daylight!?"

"The other party is an aristocrat, and it is a good thing for the common people to be seen by the aristocrats. Why stop it!?" Louise seemed not to understand the brain circuit of Hiraga. For civilians, it was an honor rather than a punishment, and Louise didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Hiraga suddenly felt cold all over, what happened to this world!?

Are commoners really not considered human beings!? Why is Louise so indifferent!? Hiraga originally thought that Louise was just a bit of a lady with a temper and willful, but she didn’t expect that she would not treat people other than nobles as people people.

Then what is he!? Just a familiar!?.

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