The Torristine Palace is located at the end of Brutonne Street, and it is no longer as lively as it used to be. The magic guards in charge of duty rode phantom beasts and strode in front of the gate of the palace.

Two or three days ago, rumors of an approaching war began to circulate in the streets—the content was that the aristocratic faction [Raycon Guista], which suppressed the neighboring country Albion, would launch an invasion against Torristine.

Therefore, the guards guarding the surrounding palace have also become tense. Promulgated a flight ban that prohibits sailing over the palace, whether it is a phantom beast or a ship; people who want to pass through the gate are also very strictly checked.

Even tailors who are usually easily released, or pastry shop owners who frequently go in and out, will be stopped for a full-body inspection. For example, using scouting magic to confirm whether it was made by a magician in disguise, or whether someone manipulated the mind with magic such as "charm", etc., have been subjected to very strict inspections.

This has also increased the doubts and anxiety of the people, and the rumors have been confirmed sideways.

Because it was during this period, when a wind dragon and a gorgeous ice crystal phoenix appeared above the palace, the guarded magic guards had a commotion

As if thinking that the attack had finally arrived, all the people on duty picked up their weapons and aimed at the sky, while the magicians riding manticores flew to the sky in order to block the path of the two legendary phantom beasts.

There were a total of six figures riding on the two phantom beasts, one of them was obviously two-headed, his face was bloodless, and there was a small hole through the heart, the size of a fist, absolutely impossible to be alive.

As for the remaining five people, there is a petite girl with peach-colored hair, a tall woman with red hair like a burning flame; there is also a boy with blond hair, a small blue-haired girl wearing glasses, and a rusty man with almost the same height on his back. A black-haired girl in a strange dress with a long sword.

The team members riding this manticore surrounded them. They pulled out their wands that looked like fencing swords from their waists, raised them up together, and pulled out a posture that could chant 300 spells at any time. Then one of the captains, a burly, bearded and commanding-looking captain, shouted orders with the suspicious intruders in mind.

"Drop the wand! Then come down!"

Unhappy expressions appeared on the faces of the intruders, and one of the petite blue-haired girls shook her head and said to the others, "Listen to their orders!"

The pink-haired girl also whispered to the dissatisfied Ice Crystal Phoenix, "Lily, don't mess around!"

After the two terrifying phantom beasts obediently landed, five people jumped down from above and raised their hands high to show that they had no malice.

Among them, the girl with peach-colored hair said loudly, "I am the third daughter of the Duke of La Vallière, Louise Louise Frances Lou Brown du La Vallière , is definitely not a suspicious person. I have the handwriting of Her Highness the Princess here, you can check it."

The captain twirled his mustache [Slaps Louise. It was found that the characteristics of the other party were indeed exactly the same as the rumored Miss Wang of the Duke of La Vallaner.

The captain put down the raised wand, but did not let the others relax their vigilance. He stepped forward to take the handwritten pass in Louise's hand and checked it.

"It is indeed the handwriting and seal of Her Highness the Princess... However, for the sake of safety, you still need to wait here for a while. I need to ask the meaning of Her Highness, I hope you can understand.

As he spoke, the captain signaled the others to put down their wands, and he only needed to give Louise and the others a small amount of attention. He himself turned around and ran into the palace, probably to ask the meaning of the higher-ups.

Louise frowned, "What happened, why is this place so strictly guarded, did something happen to Her Royal Highness!?"

Louise (caea) felt a little uneasy, there was no way that the sudden betrayal of Viscount Huadu, the fiancé, made Louise suspicious of everyone she saw now, and since Huadu, the captain of the guard, had problems, it was hard not to Makes one wonder if there are no other problematic people in the palace.

"Go in, Her Royal Highness is waiting for you inside." Just as Louise and the others were thinking wildly, the captain of the manticore team who had left trotted back.

Louise breathed a sigh of relief, at least for now it seems that Princess Anrietta is fine.

Seeing that Louise and the others were about to come in, Ice Crystal Phoenix immediately said, "Little Louise, since you are safe, I will go back first, by the way, you should take this prince away too, or you will scare Kateri." Ya's."

After hearing this, Louise and the others realized that the corpse of the Prince of Wales was indeed lying on it, and looked at the captain with some embarrassment, the corner of the other party's mouth twitched, "You don't want to bring a corpse to Her Royal Highness, do you? "

"..."'Louis and others nodded.

"Impossible, this is absolutely not allowed, letting you in is already the limit." The captain said dissatisfiedly.

"But this is..." Louise hesitated whether to reveal the identity of the Prince of Wales. The reason why she brought the other's body back was because she didn't want the body of Her Royal Highness's "lover" to be killed by Lei Kong Guise. Ta and those mercenaries blasphemed Russia and Japan, but they didn't expect to face such trouble now.

As for Lily's ice crystal phoenix going back to her second sister instead of its owner, Joshua, Louise chose to ignore this issue. It belonged to my sister. Anyway, she spent more time in the mansion of Duke La Vallière than Joshua's all year round.

Not to mention, they are usually responsible for feeding them, and Joshua, the master, is not responsible at all.


When the scene was in trouble, the figure of Princess Anrietta appeared, and she walked out of the palace.

"His Royal Highness!" Seeing the princess appear, everyone present saluted immediately.

"Your Highness, why did you come out!?" The captain asked very nervously, with a hint of reproach in it.

Princess Anrietta waved her hand, "I understand your worries, but Louise and the others are not only my friends, they also shoulder a very important task, and the queen mother also knows, so please let me go Well, even if..."

When she said this, Anrietta's eyes fell on the Prince of Wales lying on the back of Ice Crystal Phoenix Lily, with a sad face, "Even if it's just a corpse, it's very important, he will be buried in the King's Tomb .”

"This..." The captain of the manticore team looked at the corpse in shock, and suddenly found that the appearance of the corpse was somewhat familiar. When he recalled where he had seen it before, he took a breath, Then quickly lowered his head, as if he didn't find anything.

The former crown prince of Albion actually appeared here, and turned into a corpse. What does this news represent? It's too appalling. Those rumors are actually true.

He knew very well what that meant.

"Princess..." Louise whispered.

Princess Anrietta looked away from the Prince of Wales and landed on Louise, reaching out her hand to wipe away the tears from Louise's eyes, "Don't be like this Louise, it's not your fault, I actually expected that he would That's it, he, this person is really stubborn sometimes, but he is obviously a very gentle person..."

After seeing that Wales really died, the sadness on Anrietta's face was not fake this time. Perhaps the "love" between them was an illusion created by both parties, but the relationship between Anrietta and Wales was indeed true. There is such a feeling, but this feeling is not love.

"Is there anything he wants to say to me!? Louise."

"He...he said he didn't hate you, because he didn't hate you either." Louise repeated Welsh's dying words with some sobs, "Your Highness, I'm sorry, I not only killed him, but I was also robbed of that A letter...."

Princess Anrietta scratched her face in embarrassment, "That... Louise, don't you doubt me!?"

Louise's sudden self-blame made Anrietta embarrassed to continue her grief. She thought that what she was facing would be Louise's accusation, but she didn't expect that the other party didn't seem to have any doubts at all. Isn't it obvious enough!?

"What do you suspect!?" Louise looked up at Anrietta in confusion, not understanding why the other party's expression was so weird.

Satoshi Hiraga and Kisho, who helped carry the corpse over there, also looked at Louise speechlessly.

Chu Luke whispered, "That's why I said Louise is an idiot. If you don't believe me, even I can see something is wrong."

Tabasa also nodded, expressing her agreement. Although they followed up out of curiosity, even based on the results, they found that this incident seemed to be full of weirdness, even without the weird last words of the Prince of Wales.

Don't you think it's strange that Hua Du, the guard who was arranged, happened to be a traitor? And there was also the rescue of the ice crystal phoenix, which was obviously not an accident. It is definitely not as simple as the means of transportation used to ride out of Albion.

Not to mention that the princess was not surprised to see the dead body of the Prince of Wales.

Hiraga was a little helpless, "Stop talking about it now, hurry up and catch up, or they will go far away."

Anrietta, who was leading Louise into the palace, took Louise's hand, "I'm sorry Louise, I actually kept it from you, this time I just want you to go for Wales on my behalf. It's just seeing the prince off, and don't be sad, the Prince of Wales will commit suicide, I knew it a long time ago, he is already tired..."

Louise seemed a little puzzled, "But why did he commit suicide, and didn't your letter tell him to leave, Your Highness the Princess!?"

Anrietta looked at Louise, "So you don't know!? You guessed it right, I wanted him to leave Albion, but unfortunately, as you have seen, he would rather die than , this may be the persistence of being a prince."

Louise is not an idiot, of course she also discovered the problem in the whole incident, but she just trusts Anrietta, even if Anrietta conceals something, she will definitely not harm her, since she can't figure it out , she no longer guessed randomly.

Anrietta also understood Louise's thoughts, she hugged Louise with a smile, with tears of emotion in her eyes, "Really, Louise, if you are like this, I will feel ashamed

"We're best friends," Louise said.

Anrietta replied softly, "I will, I promise."

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