Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

87 Zhang Qing: Was Your Head Caught By The Door While Crossing? ?

Hugging two little lolitas, sitting beside a big beauty, Zhang Qing also saw a lot of beauties sitting in the gazebo, this is ancient times, all kinds of bad, but there is no shortage of beauties

There are very few young ladies who are not good-looking, and each of them is a bit more eye-catching than modern superstars.

Especially for these noble ladies, each of them has real materials, and there is no shortage of ink in their stomachs. Although they are not proficient in all of them, they are at least one or two in the same way, not to mention those who come from military generals. Being able to wield knives and guns, I am afraid that in modern times, most men of the same age cannot beat each other.

Of course, there are also those who are not as good as they like. Although there is an implicit requirement for being an official in ancient times, at least they have a decent appearance, otherwise they will be thrown far away if they are too bad. Those who can stay in the capital, no, even if these "good fathers" marry a beautiful wife, they can't produce a handsome daughter.

Take the daughter of the servant of the Ministry of War as an example. Zhang Qing roughly estimated that she weighed two hundred catties at a glance. I heard that she didn’t overeat, but she became fat even after drinking saliva. This girl seemed to like her fifth brother. Unfortunately, I’m afraid It's his fifth brother who doesn't like him at all. Of course, Zhang Qing thinks that it's better not to post those stupid people who can surround the time-traveling girl. Who knows if the family will be ruined!?

"Ninth Sister, didn't you come to help Fifth Brother!?" The twins wanted to remind each other to get down to business so that they could escape.

But they underestimated their sister's love for Lori this time.

"That....I said it!" Zhang Qing's brows and eyes were full of slyness, holding a piece of small pastry and feeding the two little lolis.

"Huh!?" Not to mention the two younger ones, even the eighth princess, who was one year older than Zhang Qing, was stunned.

Zhang Qing nodded and said, "I said 20, but it didn't work. I'm really sorry, brother five. I don't seem to be so eloquent..."

As he spoke, he repented and ate a small pastry.

Immediately, the three princesses understood that this guy just took advantage of it and did nothing. Don’t ask them how they knew it would be beneficial, because if there is no benefit, this guy is a complete loser.

Their poor fifth brother, I'm afraid they didn't expect that the helper I hired with a lot of money would come here to cook and eat, and then go back!?

Thinking of this, the three princesses couldn't help but shift their eyes to the other side of the small lake, where the nobles were sitting or standing near the pavilion, hoping to find the green-haired turtle who had been wronged.

That's right, who among these princesses doesn't know that their fifth elder brother has become a green-haired turtle, and how many men Ouyang Waner has hooked up with? .

Two days ago, the other party seemed to be dressing up as a man to visit brothels! These noble girls have seen enough jokes.

But even so, they would not go forward to remind the other party, or preach or something, but felt that the other party was picking out those who were not a good match for them.

In ancient times, but not in modern times, there were not many opportunities for women to meet men. How can there be any idea that a man must marry him!? Usually, it is because the lintel is low and wants to be Cinderella, like these Prince, isn’t there a few who say they love them so badly!? People don’t care if the prince is mentally disabled or not, after all, he is a prince and concubine if he marries

This is one step to the sky, a man is just a cucumber, how can money and power matter!?

So those who go back to trouble Ouyang Wan'er are basically this kind of woman.

Of course, there are also those who are really Yangou, who want to lick these "Heaven's favorite sons", like in modern times, there are many little girls who have lost their sanity and go after those oppas!?

The so-called Hundred Flowers Feast, of course, can't really be for people to come to enjoy the flowers.

In the final analysis, it is a blind date banquet, which is for these unmarried men and women to show off their talents. If they are attracted to them, they will naturally come to propose marriage soon. In ancient times, there were not many opportunities for men and women to have a fair contact, and they basically used this kind of banquet. Let's see one or two.

Of course, it depends on the discussion of the parents and elders.

So after everyone came together, it didn't take long for both sides to fight poetry.

The four of Zhang Qing did not participate because they are princesses, and this so-called blind date belongs to them at all. The princess's marriage is decided by the emperor and the queen. The most important thing is the emperor. If luck is not good, it may be a marriage. , even if the sons of these ministers are willing to be sons-in-law, I am afraid that they will not give them a chance

And if you become a son-in-law, it will be difficult to become an official. I am afraid that only the second son and concubine would think about it, and they may not have a crush on you.

Not to mention, the princess doesn't need to show off her talent, does anyone dare to say that there is something wrong with the royal family!?

"In front of the Huangshi Pagoda, the river is east, and the spring is lazy and leaning on the breeze."

"Peach blossoms bloom without an owner, love deep red and light red?"

Zhang Qing suddenly heard such a poem, and the smile in his eyes became even bigger, especially when he heard many people say "good", he almost couldn't help laughing, modern people don't understand it, you people who deal with poetry all day long , can't you hear that this is impossible to write by a woman!?

And how can there be any Huangshi Pagoda!?

Women and men look at things from different angles, and women have a more careful heart. When describing flowers, they mostly use flowers to express their love, and the description is more delicate and tender.

Not to mention that the state of mind is wrong. Poetry is good poetry, but it is a pity that the person is wrong.

Shaking her head in her heart, Zhang Qing didn't point it out. She didn't have much dislike for these plagiarists. It's their ability to have hypermemory. What kind of plagiarism!? You have to come to this world!?

It's just that you don't feel disgusted, and you just have a good impression if you don't like the watch.

Willing to do so can only show that he is an idiot without real talent and learning.

"This is another good poem!?" The tenth princess looked at Ouyang Wan'er who was surrounded by compliments in surprise. Doesn't this poem need to be pondered!?

The eighth princess laughed coldly, full of irony in it, but she didn't say anything.

After all, everyone understands, don't really treat everyone as an idiot, there are indeed geniuses in this world, but if the level of genius exceeds too much, it is not a genius.

And if you really have this kind of ability, why did you go more than ten years earlier!? Now it can make the house restless, Mrs. Shangshu can't do anything about it, can it be easily suppressed before!? Liar ghosts!

But looking at the princesses of the aristocratic families over there, as well as my own stupid brothers, the obsessive faces and glowing eyes of the stupid brothers, is also interesting. For princesses like them

It doesn't matter who is the emperor. Of course, if you have a brother, that's another story. Of course, it's better if your own brother is the emperor.

It's a pity that the mothers of the four princesses who are here are not up to snuff, and failed to give them a brother or brother, so now they can only watch jokes here.

The Eleventh Princess looked around and saw that even the maids were not close, so she couldn't help curling her lips and whispered, "Are they out of their minds!? They all seem to have never seen a woman before."

Xiaoshi felt that Ouyang Wan'er was the same thing, she was not as good-looking as the Jiuhuang sister she was afraid of, and what the hell was the black around her eyes, it was very awkward to look at.

The first prince died early, and the second prince, as the empress's son, was originally the eldest son and should belong to the crown prince, but unfortunately he was abolished. The adult princes now include the third prince Zhang Hao, the fourth prince Zhang Yu, the fifth prince Zhang Qian, and the sixth prince Zhang Rui. As for the seventh prince, Zhang Xian, who is only 8 years old, let alone the rest.

Among them, the sixth prince is 17 years old, which is considered to be the same age as the eighth prince's daughter.

The fifth prince is 19 years old, the fourth prince is 21 years old and the main prince is 24 years old.

As for the original prince and the second prince, he is 25 years old. Although my father is a fake pill, he may not have a long life, but I have to say that he succeeded in killing the prince. He is still the prince at the age of 25, which is enough Go too far.

In a few years, I am afraid that I will be on the third day. If the old emperor does not abdicate at that time, I am afraid that I will have to suffer.

Among them, the third and fourth princes already have concubines, so there are relatively few people staring at them. The fifth prince, Zhang Qian, is not married yet, thinking that his fiancée Ouyang Wan'er is younger and about the same age as Zhang Qing, so it's up to him. After all, the fifth prince has been clamoring to divorce before, doesn't this give hope to many people!?

I didn't expect that the most shameless Ouyang Wan'er even hooked up with the sixth prince. If the seventh prince wasn't too young, he might have fallen into the clutches of the devil.

The fifth prince is not a green fur turtle, he has become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Hearing Xiao Shiyi's words, Zhang Qing felt a little funny. Sure enough, children in ancient times were relatively precocious, especially those in the palace. Little lolis who were less than 11 years old could understand it, but his brothers turned out to be Shi Lezhi, Ridiculous enough.

"Well, let's just watch it for fun, Xiao Shi and Xiao Eleven don't get involved!"

Having said that, Zhang Qing suddenly noticed a servant girl in 720 acting strangely, and after scanning around, she found that the two concubines of the Shangshu Mansion were gone, and the maid beside Ouyang Wan'er was also flirting with that servant girl.

Can't help squinting his eyes, and then released a detection magic to check.

Sure enough, it was discovered that Ouyang Jing and Ouyang Yan had fallen into obsession. It's not that Zhang Qing hadn't read the women's TV series, and had almost guessed what happened next. He shook his head inwardly, snapped his fingers, and sent the two of them out to wake them up. Two people, just leave it alone.

But there was something wrong with the way she looked at Ouyang Wan'er. Zhang Qing thought she was an idiot before, but now she can only be said to be mentally retarded.

The ancient family is all prosperous and one is ruined. If the sisters have a bad reputation, what good can you do yourself!? Later, you plan to take other noble daughters and sons to catch rape!? Are you crazy!?

And what happened to the two of you!?

Although the current emperor is not very good, many ministers may not be good at personal morality, but they are capable. Zhang Qing does not intend to cause the court to be in turmoil, and the people will live in dire straits. The most important thing is that if something really goes wrong tonight, I'm afraid that visitors like them won't be able to escape, and they will be shot innocently.

Don’t you know that the more you know, the faster you die!? Melon is not so delicious, especially the first-line eater.

This time-traveling girl probably never thought that no matter what, others would doubt her!?

Zhang and the others couldn't understand it, how stupid would it be to do this!? She was a little curious about what the time-traveling girl did in her previous life!? Don't say she is really the number one killer!? Just this kind of IQ , died hundreds of years earlier.

"???" The three princesses looked at this eccentric little sister (sister) strangely, wondering why the other party snapped their fingers suddenly!?

But I didn't dare to ask, this old nine is not so kind-hearted on the surface, he is either bad or bad, and he eats people without spit out bones.

"I counted, the Hundred Flowers Feast is almost over tonight."

Seeing the three little sisters looking at him, Zhang Qing couldn't help but smiled mysteriously, and kissed the cheeks of the two little loli while speaking, it was so sweet, I really didn't want to let go.

"Why don't you go to my palace tonight!?".

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