Roses, the city where the Albion Air Force Factory is located, is located on the outskirts of the capital, Londinium. Before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, which is what Raycon Guista called the civil war that had just ended, this was the RAF factory.

Therefore, there are many kinds of buildings here. The building with many huge chimneys is an iron factory. Beside it is a clearing full of lumber used to make or repair ships.

That huge building made of red bricks is the command tower of the Air Force. Above that, the tricolor national flag of [Raikon Guista] is proudly fluttering in the wind.

What is particularly eye-catching is the huge ship that makes people have to look up. It has a kind of cold steel beauty that does not belong to this era.

The canvas used to keep out the rain is covered like a huge tent on the anchored Albion Air Force's home fleet flagship [Lexington]. This huge sailboat with a total length of 200 meters was placed on the same huge platform, and the renovation project is in full swing.

Oliver Cromwell, the emperor of Albion, is now leading a group of entourages to inspect this project, and the day when it is completed is the time to fight Torristine.

"This is indeed a huge and reliable battleship. If you were given a battleship like this, wouldn't you feel like you can manipulate the world freely!? Director of Modification!?"

"For me, this is an honor beyond what I can afford.

It was Sir Henry 20 Bowood who was appointed as the refitting director of the Lexington who answered in a tone that lacked interest. He served as the captain of the cruiser on Raycon Guista's side in the middle ranks of the Revolutionary War. He was recognized for his achievements in shooting down two enemy ships during the war, so he was appointed as the modification director of the "Lexington".

After the refitting director completes the refitting of the ship, he will directly serve as the captain. This is the tradition of the Albion Air Force that has continued from the era of the Royal Air Force.

"Look, Zuntian Cannon!"

Cromwell pointed to the cannon protruding from the side of the ship and said.

"That is a new weapon, a symbol of the trust I place in you. This is a long-bodied cannon cast by alchemists from all over Albion! According to the designer's calculations...

The long-haired woman standing beside Cromwell continued the words that His Majesty Cromwell had forgotten, "Its range is about one and one-half times the range of the cannons equipped on the battleships of Torristine or Garmania." .”

"Indeed it is, Miss Sheffield."

Bowood stared at the woman known as Sheffield. It was a woman around twenty-five years old with a wonderful indifference. She was slender and wearing a close-fitting black overcoat, which was a wonderful dress that she had never seen before. She was not wearing a cloak, which meant she was not a magician, which surprised Bowood a little.

Because Albion is as traditional as Torristine, and it is not a barbarian country like Garmania, which is despised by traditional nobles. It is impossible for civilians to buy territories with money to obtain surnames and noble status. The nobles here are all magicians.

And this lady secretary standing next to the emperor can't be a commoner, can she?

Although his heart was full of doubts, when the other party looked over, Sir Bowood still looked away. He always felt that this woman was a bit dangerous.

Cromwell nodded enthusiastically, patted Bowood on the shoulder, and seemed to explain intentionally, "She came from the east [Ropa al-Kariyeh]. According to the technique learned from the elves , and the design is in addition to this cannon. She is proficient in various unknown technologies...that is, those new technologies that do not follow our magic system. You'd better communicate with her, modification director."

Bowood nodded with little interest. In fact, he is more emotionally inclined to the royalist party [but he is a pure soldier who strongly adheres to the purpose of "soldiers should not be involved with politics".

Because the fleet commander who was his boss joined the rebels, he also had to participate in the Revolutionary War as the captain of Raycon Guista. He always strives to embody Albion's tradition [Great position comes with heavy responsibility], which is the duty of a noble person. For him, Albion is still a kingdom today, and Cromwell is just a dreaded usurper.

In fact, besides those fools and careerists who have been brainwashed to unify the continent and welcome back the Holy Land, there are also old nobles like Sir Bowood who are forced to become one of them. Their identities are very embarrassing, and it can be said that they are not pleasing to both ends.

The bigger problem is that the Tudor royal family of the old royal family has no existing bloodlines except Her Majesty the Queen of Torristine, and what is even more embarrassing is that Raycon Guista has already spoken out to attack Torristine on the same day, and they can only One road went dark.

It is no wonder Bowood is in a good mood due to the torment of his mental journey.

At the same time, the quality of the soldier also prevents him from betraying the current camp, so he just wants someone to destroy everything here, let Albion completely become history, and sweep him and the rebels here into the grave.

But looking at the new cannon and Lexington, Bowood couldn't help but wipe the sweat for the Torristine Kingdom.

On the other hand, in the palace of Torristine, in the bedroom of Princess Anrietta.

The ladies-in-waiting and the servants are busy trying on the wedding dress for the bride. Queen, Empress or Empress Dowager, the figure of Queen Marianna, who has many titles, also appears here. She squinted her eyes, waiting for her daughter in a pure white wedding dress. (PS: I don’t know if my memory is wrong. The author has the impression that when I watched it many years ago, she was assassinated or died at this time, and there was a funeral, but I can’t find it now.)

However, Anrietta's expression was as cold as ice. No, it should be said that she was indifferent and indifferent, not at all festive.

When the tailors who tried on her asked her about the tightness of the sleeves and whether the position of the waist was appropriate, she just nodded blankly as an answer. Seeing her daughter like this, Mariana couldn't help but let the tailors retreat first.

"My dear daughter, you seem to have no spirit."

"Mother." Anrietta buried her face in her mother's knees.

"I know you don't look forward to this marriage." Mariana said sadly as she gently smoothed the back of her daughter's hair with pity.

"There is no such thing. I am a happy man, I am alive and able to marry. Didn't your mother say that marriage is a woman's happiness!?"

Contrary to what she said, Anrietta's beautiful face was covered with a shadow, and she sobbed softly, her heart that could not be deceived, no matter what kind of righteousness it was for, as a human being, she would first of all do it for herself Thinking about it, it's a pity that she is a princess, she shoulders the survival of the entire kingdom, and her life is too light compared to the weight of the kingdom.

It is so light that no one will care about her feelings. From the unconcealable joy of those female officials and servants, everyone agrees and congratulates her for marrying the emperor of Garmania in exchange for asylum. Sergeants in the country, everyone trusts others more.

Marianna sighed, she asked Oh Rudi stroking the daughter's head, and said, "But I also said that we are destined to be ordinary women when we are born, love is too far away from us, and personal happiness is too far away. We are too far away, you must always remember that you are the princess of Torristine, if you keep showing this expression, the people will feel uneasy."

"So my woman, even if there is no joy in my heart, let me laugh!"

"Queen, why did I get married? It is clear that we have no absolute possibility of losing." This is what Anrietta has never understood. Albion has only experienced the civil war, and Torres is currently The kingdom of Ting is dominant, even if there are many kingdoms eyeing it, it is not impossible for Torres Tin to win over other allies. There is no need to put the bargaining chip on Garmania. If the largest country is not good, it will swallow the juice of Torres Exhausted.

Mariana hesitated for a while before saying, "Cromwell, who has mastered Albion's Raycon Guista, is a man full of ambition, and according to rumors, that person can use [Void] magic. You know this Does it mean something!?"

Anrietta was a little confused at first, but soon her face turned pale, "No wonder Wales..."

Marianne sighed, "The child in Wales is also forced to do so. We have one of the four major systems in Room 577 of King Torristine to prove the gem of water, and Albion is the gem of wind. There is also "Prayer of the Ancestors." Book" So, logically speaking, we are the descendants of the ancestors, but... now only Garmania, which is a military power, can keep you."

"Is that so..." Anrietta said with a wry smile, being a princess is really helpless.

Mariana kept Anrietta and whispered in her ear, "Just listen to what I say next, and don't show it..."

"Mother!?" Anrietta was puzzled.

"Don't talk, listen. At present, we, Torristine, have two void magicians. This is known to only a few people except me, but we can't reveal it, otherwise Torristine will be the enemy of the world. , but this is also the key to our next surprise victory. Your marriage is actually used to attract attention and delay, so it is still unknown whether you will pay the other party in the end.

Anrietta stared at her mother with wide eyes in disbelief, there were actually two void magicians on their side, how could that be possible!?

"One is your childhood playmate, and the other is your cousin. They are too young, so I have blocked the news. They will become your greatest reliance to preserve yourself in this war-torn era." Queen Mariana He patted Anrietta on the head with a smile, and said, "My daughter, you have the right to own your own happiness."

One is the daughter of La Vallière's family, and the other is a half-elf, neither of them has the possibility of threatening Anrietta. Even if Louise wants to be queen in the end, I believe that the friendship between the two families will not hurt Anrietta. Rietta's, Louise and Anrietta are also blood sisters, absolutely not to the point of being disabled.

It can be said that although Anrietta is not a void magician, she has owned two void magicians through her relationship, and this is the real winner in life.

Marriage is just a smoke bomb.

It's a pity that both Louise and Tiffany are women, otherwise Her Majesty the Queen wouldn't need to be so distressed. .

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