Half a month later, Ouyang Wan'er finally returned to school. Of course she was reluctant, but obviously she had no right to refuse.

Ouyang Wan'er returned to her original class. As for whether to take the college entrance examination this year, it depends on the situation. To be honest, Ouyang Wan'er has no confidence. After all, it didn't take a day or two for her to travel to the Daqing Dynasty , She has been there for several years, and she has almost forgotten a lot of knowledge.

However, although women can also go to school in modern times, to be honest, it does not mean that all women like to go to school. In fact, there are some boys who do not like to study, but not studying or going to school in modern society is equivalent to giving up one's own life.

Ouyang Wan'er ignored the scrutinizing eyes of her classmates. She looked at the unfamiliar classroom and thought for a long time before recalling where her seat was!? In the past, she had repeatedly confirmed that the things in the desk were indeed her own. I sat down with peace of mind.

Sitting on the right of Ouyang Wan'er is a little chubby girl. Everyone usually calls her "Elephant", but she doesn't care, but if you call her that in person, she will still get angry.

"Wan'er, are you okay? I heard people say that you haven't woken up..." the little chubby girl "Elephant" saw Ouyang Wan'er appear, put down her phone and said happily.

"Don't mention it! My brain is still buzzing now, and I feel that many things are strange." Ouyang Wan'er said after putting down her schoolbag, then glanced at the screen on the other party's mobile phone, and frowned, "Are you watching a live broadcast!? Are you not afraid Confiscated by the teacher!?"

The little chubby girl waved her hand nonchalantly, "Don't worry, it's okay to watch this, as long as you don't read it in class, the teacher won't care, after all, it's also considered history, Xiao Waner, is it true that you said time travel or something!? Can someone really travel to ancient times!?"

Ouyang Wan'er was startled, "You...why did you say this all of a sudden!?"

"It's not this guy named Tang Yan. Many people say that he has traveled through time, but many people also say that he is a rich second-generation showman. He specially invited someone to set up a film and television city to attract attention.

Just like that Truman..."

what with what!?

"Wait, Tang Yan!?" Ouyang Wan'er put her hands on the desk and stood up, looking at the little fat girl in disbelief.

"That's right, he appeared more than two months ago and said that he traveled through ancient times, and now he is in the Dalan Dynasty, which happened to be the time when you were hospitalized, Xiaowan'er..." the little fat girl shared What she thinks is very interesting, it can be seen that she is from the part of the people who don't believe in Tang Yanzhen's time travel.

Da... Da Lan!?

Ouyang Wan'er didn't expect that she could still hear the name of the country, "Is it Lan from the wind above the mountain!?"

"Of course, which one else can there be!? If it is true, it will definitely shock the world. You also know that our country has always said that there are 5,000 years of civilization, but there is a blank stage of 1,000 years. It is Da Lanchao. From the beginning of the period, it was not until the last Qing Dynasty that there were official historical records again [this is the top ten regrets in the archaeological world." The little fat girl sighed while resting her chin.

If Ouyang Wan'er remembered correctly, the little fat girl's father was an expert in archaeology, and was also a professor of history in a certain university. It is not surprising that she would be interested in history.


"Ren Qiqi, what are you talking about!? How can there be a blank millennium gap!?"

"From the beginning of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Yao, Shun and Yu passed on from generation to generation;

Xia Shang and Western Zhou, and Eastern Zhou are divided into two sections:

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period unified the Qin and Han Dynasties;

Three points of Wei, Shu and Wu, the front and back of the second Jin Dynasty;

The Northern and Southern Dynasties stood side by side, and the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties passed on;

After the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the dynasty ended here. "

"I remember it clearly." Ouyang Wan'er looked at the other party speechlessly, as if she was a fool.

The little chubby girl Ren Qiqi looked at Ouyang Wan'er strangely, "Are you really okay!? You have turned your back on the historical dynasties, but what the hell is the Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Yuan and Ming in the back!? You won't put a certain Are you confusing the content of this novel!?"

Ren Qiqi is very aware of her deskmate. Although she is beautiful, her academic performance is actually very average, and she has always been in the middle. However, she has a hobby, which is to read those heroine novels, especially novels that travel through the fictional ancient dynasty. For this , and specially applied for accommodation. You must know that she is a local, and her home is not too far from the school, so she can just go to school.

"The correct content in the back is: I don't know the dynasty after the Qing Dynasty, and the fragrance will last for thousands of years. It’s a feudal dynasty. You’d better read less novels like that, or you’ll fail the subject of history.

What is it!? Ouyang Wan'er was stunned.

I think you are the one who is poisoned by the novel, because Qing is not the fictional dynasty set in the novel!?


Ouyang Wan'er covered her head, remembering how she couldn't find that novel before, did she change history!? But the history I know didn't have the Daqing Dynasty in the first place, how did I change !?

"Are you really okay!? If you're not feeling well, it's better to go home and take a rest." The chubby girl Ren Qiqi looked at Ouyang Wan'er who was pale-faced worriedly, always feeling that she looked a little scary now.

Ouyang Wan'er shook her head, "It's nothing, I just fell asleep, a lot of memory and common sense don't match up..."

As she spoke, she showed a forced smile to perfunctory the past.

"That's it, but if you feel uncomfortable, remember to say, don't hold back." Ren Qiqi was not completely relieved, but seeing Ouyang Wan'er insisting that she was fine, there was nothing she could do.

"Hmm..." Ouyang Wan'er nodded to Ren Qiqi with a smile, and then fell into deep thought.

First of all, I have to figure out now, have I really traveled back to the original world!?

I hadn’t thought about this before. First, the sense of gap was too great. From being a noble girl in Daqing to becoming an ordinary female high school student, from mastering powerful energy to being a small citizen, Ouyang Wan’er needed to adapt to this change. It's been a long time, otherwise it wouldn't be delayed until now to return to the academy. During this period of time, naturally I will not think too much.

On the other hand, although the memory has passed a few years, except for the unfamiliar environment of the hospital after waking up, most of the other aspects are very familiar, and there is no difference from the memory, so Ouyang Wan'er did not find anything wrong at all. What's wrong, if I didn't hear the little chubby girl Ren Qiqi talk about history today, "I'm afraid I won't find out the weirdness here for a long time.

Of course, Ouyang Wan'er would not just trust Qiqi's one-sided words. She took out her mobile phone and started searching Daqing Dynasty, and found that there were indeed detailed records in the encyclopedia, which even listed many famous events in detail. Famous generals, even the emperors of all dynasties are recorded.

All of these things can’t be faked. Someone can’t be so bored as to make up a feudal dynasty, or even make up a lot of characters and events!? What’s the greed!?

In order to prevent her from actually finding fake content, she also went to some famous and reliable historical websites to browse, and found that it was indeed true.

"My lord..." Ouyang Wan'er looked at the words of Emperor Shunzhao, the last king of Daqing's subjugation, and many images flashed in her eyes, "So they are all real...

Just when Ouyang Wan'er wanted to continue searching for more content about the Daqing Dynasty, the class bell rang, and she had to put away her phone.

There are already tears in my eyes.

On the other hand, many historians of the Xia Kingdom began to communicate frequently, most of which revolved around Tang Yan's live broadcast room.

Because they are backed by Xia Guo’s officials, these history-related experts know one thing, Tang Yan’s live broadcast room is not supervised by any live broadcast platform, that is to say, no one on Blue Star can do anything about it at present. Can't even do a ban.

Because of this abnormality, it received official attention not long after it became popular on the Internet.

The officials even found a lot of Honker hackers, but they all found that Tang Yan's special live broadcast room couldn't help it, and the other party didn't seem to be on the Internet at all.

As for Tang Yan, the official has also searched. There are 700 Tang Yans who attacked the country, and one of them matches the face in the live broadcast room. However, the other party died more than two months ago. It was a sudden death. Yes, I heard that it was the smelly body that attracted the attention of the neighbors, and then called the police.

However, because the other party was an orphan, the body was not claimed by the family and was cremated.

So there is no such thing as a fraudulent corpse. Unless Tang Yan has a twin brother who has been separated for many years and has the same name and surname, the explanation will not make sense. There is only one situation left. Although it is absurd, it is very possible that the soul of the other party has traveled to ancient times after death, and like the protagonists in those novels, he has returned to the body of an ancient person with the same name and surname as himself.

However, when a group of experts were discussing whether this possibility existed, the experts saw a lot of unimaginable things through Tang Yan's line of sight in the live broadcast room, for example, Gao Laigao looked like a policeman in a martial arts TV series, and There are some ancient tech items that obviously don't exist.

So not only the public is controversial about (the good Zhao) Tang Yan's time travel, but the official experts are also controversial.

Especially when technological products are discovered, this kind of controversy is even greater, and it can even be said to be a gangster lens".

There is no way, Xia Guo experienced a hundred years of misery after the Qing Dynasty, and was beaten because of backwardness, but now someone tells you that there was a feudal dynasty in Xia Guo more than a thousand years ago, and the family is not much worse than modern times, do you believe it? !?

If Tang Yan's live broadcast room was not really weird, there would be no need for this kind of debate.

Not to mention that Da Lan was founded by a woman who was younger than the age of a weak crown. It is one thing to establish such a large dynasty.

Because of this, the international archaeological community has always refused to recognize the existence of the Dalan Dynasty, thinking that it was a false history fabricated by the Xia people and treated like the previous Xia Dynasty.

"What's the matter with this guy!? It doesn't look like he's cheating money and traffic!?"

"Is there a way to contact the other party and let him go outside!? If you want us to believe that it is time travel, at least you have to produce some evidence. What's the matter with staying in one place all day long!?"

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