On December 1, 2022, Modu International Airport.

"Sir! Please don't embarrass us, come with us!"

Several security personnel at the airport, as well as some on-duty personnel with guns who came to the police, instantly saw a white man with a vicissitudes of face who had just disembarked, wearing a worn-out cloak and looking like a homeless man.

The man's cloudy eyes were not disturbed by those who stopped him. He held an old suitcase in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. After tearing off the cork with his teeth, he poured it directly into his mouth. Ton drank it, and the beard was immediately wet from the wine, making him look more and more sloppy.

The guards were obviously irritated when they saw the other party's attitude of ignoring them. They drew their guns and pointed at each other, "Sir! Cooperate with us!"

The man rubbed his ears, as if he was a little displeased by the loud yelling of these people. He glanced at the guards, and then at the distance. He was frightened and deadly. He held up his mobile phone to look around and photograph the passers-by here, and murmured in a low voice. Say something.

Immediately there seemed to be a flash of white light in the eyes of everyone around, and then everyone turned into sculptures, motionless, and the mobile phones of passers-by holding mobile phones started to smoke, but they didn't seem to notice it. With an excited smile on his face.

After the man pressed the hat on his head, he directly passed the guards holding guns and walked outside the airport. During this process, no one stopped him. It was as if time had been frozen at this moment.

After the figure of the man disappeared completely, time finally resumed to flow. The guards were a little dazed looking at the weird posture of themselves and their companions raising their guns and preparing to shoot. They didn't understand why they appeared here!?

"My cell phone!"

"Ahhh, it's on fire!!!"

At the same time, many people screamed, and several mobile phones emitting heavy smoke were thrown on the ground, and then flames began to burst out, triggering the airport's fire alarm device 893, which instantly notified the nearby fire brigade, and at the same time the airport The internal fire extinguishing device was also activated, and the ceiling began to spray water from the ceiling, turning everyone below into a drowned chicken.

Immediately, the famous international airport was in constant chaos, and the riot did not end until half an hour later.

No one found out that the monitoring equipment at the airport also failed and destroyed itself.

The man who left the airport directly opened the door of a car waiting outside, and his tall body got in.

Sitting in the driver's seat was a young man in his early twenties. He was indifferent to the man sitting directly in the back seat. Instead, he was chewing gum while watching the commotion inside the airport, "Tsk tsk, what a bad luck!"

The strangely dressed man leaned on the back of the chair and continued to pour the remaining wine in the bottle into his mouth. With the rolling of his Adam's apple, a strong smell of wine overflowed from the car, and a lot of wine fell down his chin to the car.

The young man in the driver's seat also noticed this, and his heart ached immediately, "Be careful, Uncle Roman, I just picked up this car today, and I still have to count it as a pick-up."

The man called "Uncle Roman" let out a "hmm", and he didn't know whether he understood or not, but he still took the bottle away from his mouth, hiccupped, and said

"Women...women...will only affect, hiccup...affect the speed of the gun...if you don't want to die, exercise hard, hiccup..."

The young man rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "I heard this from you, an alcoholic uncle, and it's really not convincing at all. Don't worry, I won't lose the chain when I meet a different kind. It's you, who still has a brain." Sober!?"

The provocative man cracked open his most neat big white teeth, "Su, are you underestimating a veteran witcher!?"

The young man called Su curled his lips, "You smell like alcohol, you have a ghostly persuasive power, and you made such a big commotion when you came here, can't you keep a low profile!?"

"I can't help it. I need to bring my buddy with me, otherwise I won't be able to deal with those aliens." Roman seemed to wake up a lot and speak quickly. He patted the suitcase of the house next to him and his cloudy eyes became sharper. .

While starting the vehicle, Su Mu complained, "Really, I thought demon hunters were holding bows and crossbows, but you are even more outrageous than arms dealers. Xia Guo has very strict gun control, don't you guys?" Thinking about changing it!?"

Roman smiled sarcastically, "Boy, when you meet a different kind, you will know how outdated the old things you mentioned are, and what we call keeping pace with the times.

"And don't let your mind be limited, Su, aliens are not those mindless things in movie novels, they are not only good at hiding among ordinary people, they are also stronger and smarter than us, you think they will play with you Cold weapon!?"

Su Mu was a bit stunned by the question, and suddenly found that if the alien really took out his gun, and ended up holding a sword, it seemed really embarrassing, even if his sword had special attack damage against the alien, it couldn't hit anyone It didn't work either.

"But Xia Guo bans guns, I don't think the other side will be too outrageous." Su Mu still insisted.

Roman laughed loudly, "Su, I can easily bring my partner into the country. Do you think it is difficult for those aliens who are older, stronger and weirder than humans!? And compared to technology, maybe we humans are the one behind, You don't think that the current technology of human beings is better than those long-lived aliens!?"

He leaned forward and patted Su Mu's shoulder, and said softly, "My child, you are too young."


Su Mu was a little speechless. In fact, he knew that there were aliens in this world, such as demon hunters and other things that only appeared in novels and movies. It didn't take long. He didn't know much about these existences, so he acted Ignorance is not embarrassing, but from Roman's seemingly relaxed tone just now, he heard the fear and hatred hidden inside.

Roman must have his story, and it doesn't seem to be wonderful.

"By the way, I remember you said before that our country of Xia seems to be a forbidden zone for different types, right? Why does one type appear now!?" (cabb) After a long time, Su Mu spoke again. This time he didn't jokingly say anything else, just directly Asked the questions in my heart.

Roman took off the hat on his head and threw it aside, revealing his messy hair. He scratched his head and said angrily, "Who knows!? In fact, we don't know why the aliens have always regarded Xia Guo as a forbidden place before. The reason, the answer seems to be known among the heterogeneous and only a few high-level people, maybe if you catch a high-level person one day, you can ask."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the wine in the bottle and found that it had bottomed out. He felt helpless, "Hey, buy me a few bottles of wine later, Jiang Lie's."

"Be careful drinking to death." Su Mu complained, but he still agreed to buy it for him later, otherwise this old man might make some big news again, and there is no one on Xia Guo's side to give them a clue. , when the time comes to become a fugitive, I am afraid that Su Mu will cry to death.

"But don't you even know the inside of the demon hunter!? It made me even more curious..."

"Curiosity killed the cat. If you can't suppress your curiosity, you will never be a demon hunter." Roman warned after hearing Su Mu's whisper.

Su Mu didn't take it seriously, "Even if I learn to suppress my curiosity, I still can't join the Demon Hunter, right!?"

If he could, he would have become a demon hunter long ago. He is extremely xenophobic. The selection mechanism is basically that the older generation teaches the new generation of demon hunters. possible.

This is to prevent the interior from being eroded by aliens, even if this will limit its own development, it can only be accepted and strictly abided by.

Roman smiled at this, but he didn't seem to intend to linger on this issue too much, "But I have a guess here, which may satisfy a small part of your curiosity, do you want to hear it!? It's like paying for the bus fare and the drink alright."

Su Mu rolled his eyes, "So, you never thought about paying for the fare and the drink from the very beginning!? Well, tell me, I'm really curious, maybe our Xia people are really dragons. Heirs, the power of the dragon is hidden in each person's body, so maybe those aliens are so afraid."

Hearing Su Mu's words, it was Roman's turn to roll his eyes this time, "Su, if you are dreaming, the time is still early. Outside of Xia Kingdom, it is not uncommon for you Xia people to be attacked by aliens. Do you think it is really like what you said?" Did you get attacked before!?"

Su Mu smiled embarrassingly, "Why do you take it seriously, I was just joking, but if not, what is the reason!?"

"Da Lan!" Roman said seriously, seeing Su Mu turning his head abruptly, Roman nodded and said, "It's the Da Lan Dynasty!"

"No, what does this have to do with that!? I remember that the existence of the Dalan Dynasty is not the one you foreigners have the strongest attitude in the world, and you firmly believe that it doesn't exist!?" Su Mu was dumbfounded and almost had a car accident. Fortunately, He reacted promptly, parked the car on the side of the road, and then turned to look at Roman and asked.

"The gringo you're talking about certainly doesn't include me." Roman shrugged.

"Actually, I once met an old vampire. Do you know what happened!? I just mentioned Da Lan, and he almost went crazy. Otherwise, I wouldn't be alive now, and you wouldn't be able to meet Fuck me, but even then I couldn't kill him."

Su Mu frowned: "So this is the reason why you have this guess, but why! And why did you mention Kai Lan at that time!?"

Roman's eyes were deep, "The gringos you mentioned before were very wrong. While denying the existence of Da Lan, they secretly researched. Where do you think I met that old bat!?"

"So... those aliens are also interested in 'Da Lan'!?" Su Mu was a little surprised.

"Well... those aliens suddenly entered the territory of Xia Kingdom, and it didn't take long before they appeared in that live broadcast room." Roman nodded in affirmation.

"Ah, this..." Su Mu didn't expect the answer to be this, "Why!?"

"Boy, why are you a hundred thousand [that's all I know." Roman said angrily.

The vehicle moved again and merged into the traffic flow.

No one knows how many "people" there are in Xia Kingdom at this moment. .

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