In the evening, around 9:00, Su Mu and his group left the KTV. At this time, those who had a car found their own car, and those who did not have a car waited for Didi.

"Su Mu, you don't have a car!?" Seeing Su Mu coming to the side of the road to wait for the car, Wu Xiao was taken aback for a moment. Seeing Su Mu nodding, she beckoned him to sit beside her, "Come on, you're welcome, I'll take you back , just so we can talk."

"You won't be shy!?"

Su Mu was helpless, "I have a car, I just lent it to a friend, and my home is not too far from here, well, I'll just take it."

Seeing that Wu Xiao really wanted to chat with him, Su Mu canceled the order, went directly to Wu Xiao's car, opened the door of the passenger seat, got in, and put on his seat belt.

Wu Xiao looked through the glass of the car and looked at Sun Qing who was leaving the door of the KTV alone. The other party was wearing a fashionable black windbreaker, which looked mysterious and beautiful under the night, like an elf under the night, Su Mu leaned on the car window with one hand, and his eyes followed the beautiful figure of the former school belle.

"Su Mu, what do you think of what Sun Qing said before!?" The car drove away slowly, and Sun Qing's beautiful figure was behind her, Wu Xiao asked quietly.

The neon lights hit his face, and the reflection of the gold-rimmed glasses made it difficult to see the emotion in his eyes at the moment.

After hesitating for a while, Su Mu said: "If you are in a hurry, go to the doctor......"

Su Mu's voice was muffled, he was thinking about something, perhaps because of this, he didn't notice that Wu Xiao who was sitting beside him was observing his expression through the rearview mirror, with suspicion in his eyes.

"I thought you would say she was crazy! I think other people probably have this idea, but they can understand it. After so many years of searching, the result is that no one is alive or dead.

There is no clue at all, it is not strange to rely on those feudal superstitions, I hope she has not been cheated of too much money...."

Hearing Wu Xiao's laughter, Su Mu came back to his senses, and sighed, "I remember you had a crush on her back then, why don't you cherish such a good opportunity now, instead gloating#!?"

Wu Xiao waved his hand, "You said it was back then, and I didn't confess to her when I graduated. I knew that she and I were from two worlds, but you, Su Mu, don't you have any ideas? Miss Sun Qing Oh proper goddess.

Su Mu rolled his eyes, "Am I that kind of superficial person!? And it's too difficult to impress a woman like Sun Qing. With this time, I can even gather enough children for a football team."

"Old Wu, you said you want to talk to me, so you just talk about this!? Don't worry, I really have no interest in Fang Sun Qing. You don't have to doubt it. If you want to chase, just go!"

This time it was Wu Xiao's turn to roll her eyes, "I already have a girlfriend, don't make such jokes, if your sister-in-law hears it, then I will be in trouble."

Su Mu was taken aback, "No, so fast!? Do I know sister-in-law!?"

"I'm sure I don't know you. You went abroad to study not long after high school. My girlfriend doesn't have that ability, and she's not a local. It's strange that you know him! And haven't you heard a word? Rabbits don't eat the side of the nest." Grass." Wu Xiao smiled and blinked.

"Then let's introduce him next time, maybe I have to rely on my sister-in-law to find a girlfriend!" Su Mu also laughed.

Wu Xiao shrugged, "Okay, let's talk about this later, I really have something to talk to you about.

Su Mu put away the smile on his face when he heard the words, and said seriously, "You really have it!?"

"Do you still remember the photo Sun Qing took out before!?" Wu Xiao asked in a deep voice.

Su Mu nodded, "Of course, everyone watched it in turn, and was shocked that Sun Qing's mother and Sun Qing looked almost exactly the same!"

If it wasn't for the fact that the photo is an old photo and cannot be faked, Su Mu and the others would have to wonder if the person in the photo is Sun Qing herself. It is too similar, but the background inside is some old buildings. Today, it is probably demolished and rebuilt, and it is long gone. This is also one of the proofs that it is not fake.

Moreover, Sun Qing has indeed grown up. Everyone has seen her in high school, but she is much more immature than now. This cannot be faked, so there is no such thing as Sun Qing's appearance that has remained unchanged for more than ten years. possibility.

"Would you believe me when I said I've seen the man in the photo!? Su Mu, do you think Sun Qing really found something, or that witch really has such a powerful effect!?" Wu Xiao's breathing became a little rough, and he The mood does have some big ups and downs.

However, Su Mu almost jumped out, if it wasn't restrained by the seat belt!

"What!? Have you seen it!?"

"Don't be so loud! It doesn't look like you to be so restless, Su Mu!" Wu Xiao rubbed her ears and glared.

Su Mu didn't bother to answer his question about whether his ear hurts, "You really saw it, so why did you keep silent in the box just now!? Did you do something illegal when you were eight years old!?"

Wu Xiao heard Su Mu's machine gun-like question, and almost couldn't help hitting someone, "I said Su Mu, we are good buddies, can't you trust me a little bit!? And eight-year-old committed a crime!? That's two I’m an adult, I’m born a devil!? Use your brains, I can’t do it even if I want to, okay!?”

"Then why didn't you tell me!?" Su Mu smiled awkwardly, and then asked.

Wu Xiao smiled wryly, "Don't you think Miss Sun's mental state is a bit problematic!? Besides, I've only seen it before, so I don't know it clearly enough. Dare I say it!? With Sun Qing's current state, I'm afraid she will do something, Besides, if Sun Qing's parents are still alive and don't look for their daughter, it would be very suspicious, I have to be more careful..."

"I didn't expect you to become so mature and steady." Hearing this, Su Mu also admitted that Wu Xiao was right. Sun Qing's mental state is indeed a little problematic. Maybe after so many years, her obsession has become a demon. Wu Xiao should be more cautious. correct.

More importantly, they really can't just listen to each other's one-sided words just because Sun Qing is her high school classmate. What if Sun Qing just wants to find the so-called "parents" to kill people!? Who can be sure that they are Sun Qing's parents, who look alike, may not necessarily be mother and daughter.

"That's why I kept my mouth shut. I did have a crush on her in high school, but at that time I was more concerned about appearance, but I didn't know much about Sun Qing, so I didn't trust her." Wu Xiao also expressed her thoughts It turns out that the society is very tough on people, and young people admire love, but young love is not real love. Wu Xiao is now in her twenties. In ancient times, at this age, she would already be the father of a child, and people naturally grow up. A lot, will not be easily swayed by hormones.

Zhang Wuji's mother once said, "The more beautiful a woman is, the more she can deceive people."

This sentence comes from a novel, but it is not nonsense. It is not about how clever a beautiful woman is in lying. It is because human beings are creatures of perspective, and they tend to trust good-looking people. This is not a mistake that men make , women also have them, but the definition of handsome men is broader.

Sun Qing, a person who rarely talked to them in high school, suddenly took the initiative to hold a class reunion, and even talked about it, if it was Wu Xiao in high school, she would have agreed to it long ago, and would have gone through fire and water. But now Wu Xiao doubted his intentions.

There was no way around it. Although Wu Xiao's family opened a breeding farm, it didn't sound good, but his family was really rich, no worse than those rich second generations who started companies at home, so it was not surprising that he would suspect people close to him. If all rich second generations are fools, then there is a problem.

And the rich second generation itself has no shortage of women, and beautiful women are too.

Although Su Mu felt that Wu Xiao like this was a little strange, it is common for time to change people. Besides, didn't he change a little bit!? After being stunned, Su Mu didn't worry about this any more. He asked, "Are you sure? I met that man, when and where!? Can you tell me!?"

Wu Xiao nodded, "I called 653 to talk to you about this.

"Actually, I'm not sure if it's the man in the photo. I've only met him once, and my memory is not that deep, but I feel like a person." Wu Xiao didn't guarantee it, after all, he doesn't have a photographic memory Man, that's the second reason why he didn't say it before, because he wasn't sure if he was wrong.

"As for when it happened, it was probably more than three months ago, that is, the time is not long, otherwise I might not even have the impression of it." With a wry smile, Wu Xiao continued, "As for the location, I am following the I met him on the way to deliver the goods, and he should also be heading to Guangdong. Of course, this is my guess, but one thing is that the man is exactly the same as the photo, not referring to the clothes, I mean the appearance, Su Mu, you know this How terrible is it!?"

Su Mu was stunned, and then fell silent. No wonder Wu Xiao looked so weird before, this is the third reason why he has been reluctant to say it

......Yu, although the person he met was almost exactly the same as the person in the photo, he was still not sure, and it was exactly the same as the reason.

After more than ten years, everyone will change greatly and grow old.

But now there are things that violate the laws of nature, whether the other party will not grow old, or whether this man is the illegitimate child of the person in the photo, or other relatives, they are not able to say it before they figure it out.

However, compared to blood relatives, Su Mu felt that the person Wu Xiao met might really be Sun Qing's biological father. Especially when the other party appeared three months ago, Su Mu is very sensitive to this time point, because he knew from Roman that the aliens indeed entered Xia Kingdom at that time, and Tang Yan, the anchor who is said to have traveled to the ancient Dalan, also Appeared more than three months ago.

Everything seems to be connected by an invisible thread, so Su Mu has to pay attention to it. .

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