
The car of Bai Zhan and the others slowly stopped near the Sunset Hotel. Through the car window, the three of them could see the resplendent star-rated hotel not far away, and the second floor was used as a residence.

"Ding dong—!"

Zhu Nan took out her mobile phone to look at it, and said, "It just so happens that the Municipal Bureau has almost investigated Ouyang Wan'er's whereabouts during this period of time. Do you want to take a look first, or go directly to #!?"

"It's a bit efficient." Yan Qi curled his lips, he thought those guys would continue to delay for ten days and a half months!

This is not Yan Qi's slander, but it's really what people are doing now. The simple disappearance case is complicated to investigate, and it just happens that the monitoring is broken. , One place’s monitoring is broken, so is it broken in other places too!? Check the access, this method is faster than the so-called investigation.

Zhu Nan glared at this guy, "Don't say such nonsense, or it will bring trouble to the bureau."

Yan Qi also knew that he had said something wrong, but he still curled his lips and said, "Okay, I just don't say anything, we shouldn't care anyway."

Bai Zhan stretched out his hand to signal Zhu Nan to hand over the phone to him for a look.

After Bai Zhan read the investigation results from the Municipal Bureau, he frowned, "It's a bit strange."

"What's so strange!?" Yan Qi poked his head curiously, and Bai Zhan handed the phone to him in disgust, then he didn't say a word as if he was thinking about something.

Yan Qi is speechless, what do you dislike!? He also loves to be clean, okay? He is not sloppy at all, and is it necessary for him to be a man!? 20 But I still read the above content, it was quite inappropriate at first It's okay, after all, they have found the location of the person, and the next step is to start saving and killing people, but after Yan Qi looked down, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said with a little surprise, "This girl is a little bit surprised. something..."

Zhu Nan has already taken out her second mobile phone to look at it. She is in charge of technical support in the team, and sometimes acts as a driver, because the two elders in the team have already failed the driver's license test five times. , Very useless, she is not as good as a female driver, so now she has changed from an occasional job to a long-term part-time job.

"It's not like a simple obsession can be justified." Zhu Nan bit her finger and said, she also felt that there was something wrong with Ouyang Wan'er's behavior.

Of course, if you look at this as a normal ordinary policeman, you may not take it seriously at all. The little girl does not steal or rob, but she is interested in things of a certain dynasty. Did you buy any peripheral figures!? There is no difference!?

But in the eyes of Zhu Nan and the others, this matter is a bit of a problem, because ordinary people will never know how undercurrents are surging under the calm lake, and how many crises are lurking!?

After Xia Guo established the country, relying on the right time and place, he managed to keep all ancient things out of the country, label some things that should not surface as feudal superstitions, and vigorously block them, in order to give ordinary people a clear world and be able to Gain autonomy in life instead of being food for something.

It's a pity that there are some things that can't be killed, and it seems inevitable that those things will flood into the Xia Kingdom now.

However, it's not that Xia Guo has no solution at all, otherwise Bai Zhan and others would not exist, and the special handling bureau would not exist either.

The mysterious Xia Dynasty, as well as the disappearing Dalan Dynasty, have been researched and discovered by the Xia Kingdom, part of the reason is to slap some crooked people who don't see Xia Guo's goodness in the face, let these people know the background of Xia Kingdom, The inheritance of civilization for thousands of years cannot be slandered.

The rest is because these mysterious ancient dynasties seem to really hide mysterious big secrets, so a large amount of funds are allocated to them every year, which is no less than some advanced scientific research departments.

Compared with the more ancient and distant Xia Shang, it is reasonable to say that Dalan, which is only a thousand years away from now, is easier to dig deep, but in fact it is not the case. It seems to have been deliberately erased for a thousand years, and it seems to be completely blank. , There are very few things left on the earth that have proved their existence.

Therefore, the archeology of Dalan is far more difficult than that of Xia and Shang.

Fortunately, it is not true that there is nothing left. The Daqing Dynasty before the Dalan Dynasty gave everyone hope, because this ancient dynasty that existed just before the Dalan Dynasty needed to die in Dalan, but it was also because of this, so Later generations can also deduce the tip of the iceberg of Dalan, which perished in Daqing, by studying the Daqing Dynasty.

Of course, these are seen by ordinary people who don’t know that there are mysterious things. In the eyes of a small number of people who know that there are abnormal things in the world, Da Lan is even more mysterious, even rising to the level of gods, ghosts and monsters, so before Da Lan Daqing will also make these people look at it with special eyes.

Now a little girl in her teens suddenly became obsessed with Daqing Dynasty. That attitude can't be explained by a word of interest, and it will naturally make people think deeply.

Bai Zhan's expression turned ugly, "There are undercover agents from other forces among our people."

Zhu Nan was equally dignified, "Fortunately, we didn't tell anyone other than us this time after we came back from looking for blind aunt."

As long as they are not stupid, they will be able to find that the reason why Ouyang Wan'er was found abnormal is not because she is so public and high-profile, but because there are spies from other foreign forces hiding in certain parts of Xia Kingdom, especially Ouyang Wan'er often goes to The Magic City Museum.

You can know the whole leopard from a glimpse. If there is a problem in a place falling, then raise the height and focus on a larger scope. It is not difficult to find that there will be more and not less problematic places. It is really hard to say how many spies and dissidents there are.

What made Bai Zhan's face look ugly was that he was a little worried that there were problems within the Special Handling Bureau. Not everyone on their side needed to be accepted, but there were still loopholes that could be exploited.

After Yan Qi glanced at the two of them strangely, he complained, "I said, what are you worrying about here!? This matter will be dealt with naturally, and besides, it's the bureaucrats who should have a headache, so don't fuck us puppies and puppies. You shouldn't worry about it."

"But this time those guys were exposed, and they even gave us a big gift. Tsk tsk, if the little girl really has some secrets, then it's a great contribution, and the second child will be envied by the exchange of money."

Qian's second child, full name Qian Dao, was called the second child because he lost to Bai Zhan every time in internal competitions and ranked second, but it didn't mean that the other party was really second. Of course, because they belong to Taoism, Yan Qi, a fake Taoist priest, is a bit at odds with the other party, oh, no, Yan Qi, a bum, can't deal with anyone, because he has a mouth.

Qian Lao Er is currently in charge of guarding Tang Yan's special live broadcast room. Originally, this should be handed over to Zhu Nan, but unfortunately, the live broadcast room is not good at hacking skills. So it fell on Qian Laoer.

From Yan Qi's point of view, it's Qian'er Er who snatched their task, so he is naturally upset. Everyone knows that there are weirdness in the live broadcast room, and it's still a big weirdness. In the hands of the guy, it is strange that there is no imbalance in my heart.

Zhu Nan was too lazy to reason with this guy, she rolled her eyes, looked at Bai Zhan and said, "Brother Bai, how can I rescue you later, that little girl seems to be much more important than I imagined, and the other party might not let go easily, in the end The bad result is that it would rather be destroyed than returned to us."

Bai Zhan looked at the Sunset Hotel through his sunglasses, his tone was a little cold, but he also revealed incomparable confidence, "When night falls, you will stay outside and I will go in alone."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the cool blue light seems to radiate from the sunglasses, and it doesn't seem like the eyes of a normal person inside, after all, no normal person's eyes can shine

Yan Qi raised his eyebrows, "No problem, but is it really okay for you to be alone, Lao Bai!? There are quite a few people in that group!"

Judging from the remaining demonic aura, there were at least three people on the other side, or even more.

It's not that Yan Qi looks down on Bai Zhan's strength, but that this is a city, and it's a star-rated hotel, and there will definitely be many ordinary people in it. It's not enough for you to be strong, because the enemy will never take anything Light 737 is upright and fair.

This is a bad thing about joining the officialdom. You have to worry a lot. If you lose your hands, of course you will gain something. If you join the officialdom, you can also reap the cultivation of the whole country. Otherwise, they are so young and they can have such a great ability.

Facai couple land, but really one of them is indispensable.

Bai Zhan whispered, "They won't have that chance."

"Haha, as expected of Hundred Slash Shura, he is so domineering!" Yan Qi smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Bai Zhan didn't bother to talk to the other party, Zhu Nan also pouted, "Just don't hold back later, if you let one go, Brother Bai won't take care of you, I will take care of you too, auntie, don't take it seriously!"

Yan Qi gritted her teeth and replied, "Am I so unreliable in your mind!?"

"Hehe." Zhu Nan didn't answer this meaningless question, and asked while clutching his conscience!?

"Damn!" Yan Qi was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

As the sky gradually darkens, the lights are turned on one after another. In this era, there are very few cities that are not cities that never sleep. Even if the shops are closed and the lights are turned off, the street lights and street lights will be on until dawn.

Of course, the Sunset Hotel lit up the lights instantly.

The little girl at the front desk yawned for no reason, and said to the female colleague who was also on duty next to her, "I don't know what's going on, I'm a little sleepy!?"

"Me too." The female colleague rubbed her eyes, "Let's have some coffee, I guess I didn't get enough sleep."

"Well, then drink more, or the manager will see it later, I'm afraid I will be scolded, and I really shouldn't watch the short video too late, alas..."

The two girls at the front desk didn't notice that not only were they yawning, but the passing guests and the manager they were talking about also looked sleepy and about to fall asleep.

At this time, a man in a black windbreaker, black trousers, and sunglasses walked in, and the two girls at the front desk said slowly, "Welcome...Welcome to...".

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